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=The Rules=
=Main Rules=
<ol start="0">

==Read these please! Click the boxes for examples!==
;<li id="0">'''Admins can do what they want as long as it is in the best interest of the server. They are fully accountable for the consequences of invoking this rule.'''

::Grey McKilleveryone the traitor has murdered his way through most of a lowpop station and continues to recall the shuttle several times, just so he can kill everyone off despite only have a steal plasma objective. The admins see this and spawn ERTs to kill Grey, since admins may prioritize keeping players ingame over one persons desire to depopulate the server.

'''#Admins can do what they want as long as it is in the best interest of the server. They are fully accountable for the consequences of invoking this rule.'''
::A player uses a ghost role in a lavaland ruin to move to an alien ruin to try and introduce xenos to the round. Admins notice this and delete the xeno-infected ghost role mob. There are several factors at play here but the driving justification behind this is that admins have the discretion to shape a round like this (or avoid a round from being shaped by xenos spawned from a ghost role).

::''Consider factors like server pop, amount of shuttle recalls etc when spawning ERTs but also do not be overly swayed by salt from ghosts when clicking buttons. A gradual increase in response may be appropriate- a centcom inspector to act surprised that the station is nearly all dead, then a small ERT team to check things out, then a larger ERT team etc.''

{{#tag:tab|Grey McKilleveryone the traitor has murdered his way through most of a lowpop station and continues to recall the shuttle several times, just so he can kill everyone off despite only have a steal plasma objective. The admins see this and spawn ERTs to kill Grey, since admins may prioritize keeping players ingame over one persons desire to depopulate the server.|dropdown=true|collapsed=true|name=Example: Admins and Murderboners}}
;<li id="1">'''Don't be a dick. We are all here to have a good time. Going out of your way to dick over other players for little IC reason will get you removed.'''

::''Players do not have access to the information we have. They can only act on what they know and sometimes, it may be justified from what they know, even if we have information that changes the situation. Be aware, the lack of information a player has can be complicated further by a player’s personal bias. What may seem like dick behaviour may in fact be justified from one players point of view.''

'''#Don't be a dick. We are all here to have a good time. Going out of your way to dick over other players for little IC reason will get you removed.'''
;<li id="2">'''Shit happens. Let it go, move on, hop onto another server (we have two!), play another game, go outside for some fresh air.'''

'''#Shit happens. Let it go, move on, hop onto another server (we have two!), play another game, go outside for some fresh air.'''
;<li id="3">'''Start shit get hit. If you start dicking over players, accept the reaction you fish for with humility and grace.'''

{{#tag:tab|There really is a button to swap you between our two servers when you're a ghost.|dropdown=true|collapsed=true|name=Example: Try out the button on your ghost tab!}}
::An assistant breaks into medbay but gets arrested for it. The CMO follows the assistant to the brig and gives him 50cc of cyanide for his troubles. The CMO is warned because hostilities have ended and the assistant has already had his comeuppance by being arrested.

{{#tag:tab|It's just a game why do you have to be mad.|dropdown=true|collapsed=true|name=Example: What if I am really mad??}}
::Honk Mcwasteofoxygen starts slipping the mime in the hopline. The mime has had enough, breaks his bottle over the clowns head and nearly crits the clown, but the clown slips the mime and crits him. The clown started it but since the clown drags the mime to medbay to fix his silent buddy up ''and doesn't have a history of starting fights'', the clown is a-ok. Be careful, making a habit of starting fights to crit people and then heal them will get you banned.
'''#Start shit get hit. If you start dicking over players, accept the reaction you fish for with humility and grace.'''
{{#tag:tab|An assistant breaks into medbay but gets arrested for it. The CMO follows the assistant to the brig and gives him 50cc of cyanide for his troubles. Don't be that CMO!|dropdown=true|collapsed=true|name=Example: I started shit but got hit back too hard??}}
{{#tag:tab|Honk Mcwasteofoxygen starts shoving the mime in the hopline. The mime has had enough and tries to fight back but the clown slips the mime and crits him. The clown started it but since the clown drags the mime to medbay to fix his silent buddy up ''and doesn't have a history of starting fights'', the clown is a-ok. Be careful, making a habit of starting fights to crit people and then heal them will get you banned.|dropdown=true|collapsed=true|name=Example: Start shit.. get hit.. and hit back??}}
'''#IC and OOC do not mix. IC information does not go on OOC. OOC/ghost/(certain edge cases) do not go into IC matters. Netspeak is not for IC. Don't metacomms.'''
{{#tag:tab|When you share IC information over an OOC channel. It doesn't have to be the actual OOC channel, it can be over discord, steam chat, even talking to the person directly in real life. Don't do it.|dropdown=true|collapsed=true|name=Example: What is metacomms?}}
{{#tag:tab|That's fine! Feel free to reference OOC things in IC like buttons or tabs if it's to help or show around a new player.|dropdown=true|collapsed=true|name=Example: I have a friend I want to show the game/there's a new player I want to teach?}}
'''#Don't ERP. Don't emote creepy/sexual things.'''
'''#Don't exploit bugs or glitches.'''
'''#Lone antagonists don't have to follow Rule 1 or 3. Team antagonists can do as they like as well, as long as they don't deliberately impede their team. Non-antagonists don't have to follow Rule 1 or 3 when they do things to antags.'''
'''#If you are a head of staff, team antag, AI or cyborg, you are expected to let admins know you have to leave, if something comes up.'''
'''#Toeing the line will get your toe removed, then you. Baiting players into breaking the rules will get you removed.'''
'''#Don't argue with admins ingame. If there is an admin decision you think is wrong, contest it on our forums.'''
== Security Policy/Precedents ==
# Rule 1 of the main rules apply to security. The only exception is that security is generally considered to be armed with non-lethal methods to control a situation. Therefore, where reasonably possible, security is expected to use non-lethal methods first in a conflict before escalating to lethal methods.
# Rule 5 of the main rules also apply to security. Security are not exceptions to the rule where non-antagonists can do anything they want, as per rule 5, to antagonists.
# The 'act like an antag, get treated like one' part of Rule 5 of the main rules also apply to security. Stunning an officer repeatedly, using lethal or restricted weapons on them, disrupting the arrests or sentences of dangerous criminals, or damaging the brig, are examples of behaviour that may make you valid for security under Rule 5. Make sure players deserve it when you treat them as an antag, when in doubt, err on the side of caution as poor behaviour on the part of security will not be tolerated.
# For arrested players, timed sentences up to a total of 10 minutes, buckle-cuffing, and stripping, are considered IC issues and are not actionable by admins. Brig sentences totaling more than 10 minutes can be adminhelped, as can be gulag or perma sentences or a pattern of illegitimate punishment. However, security should refrain from confiscating items not related to any crimes, especially important department-specific items like hard suits. Obvious exceptions to this are things like radio headsets, if players use it to harass security over the radio while being arrested.
# Don’t kill asimov borgs for trying to stop harm, unless they are being excessively disruptive, for example, locking down all of security despite only one security staff member causing harm.
# While it is up to the discretion of the security player, lethal force may be used on a mob of players trying to force entry into the brig. Additionally, lethal force may be used immediately on anyone trying to enter the armoury, is in the armoury, or is leaving it
== Precedents/exceptions- Examples and exceptions to the main rules. ==
'''Read for detailed clarification on each main rule. Players are subject to precedents but depending on how much of a dick they were, they can be either advised of the precedent to being banned for it.'''
===== Rule 0 Precedents. =====
- Rule 0 should only be invoked by admins when it is in the best interests of the server.
- Admins have intervened before and will do so again in situations where a player regardless of antag status has repeatedly delayed round-end by recalling the shuttle when most other players are dead or want to leave.
===== Rule 1 Precedents. =====
- Random murders are not acceptable nor is the killing of other players for poor or little reasoning such as ‘My character is insane’. Each unjustified kill is normally met with one 24 ban.
- Acceptable escalation is defined as not using an excessive amount of force to control a situation. Proportionate retribution is defined as a relatively equal amount of force applied to someone in revenge for an earlier attack. Multiple factors are considered here, including but not limited to methods of force available to the involved players, who instigated the conflict and why, the state/general situation of the station, how the players involved end up. Excessive escalation or retribution, depending on the situation, may result in admin intervention, to warnings, to bans.
- Spamming any channel is not allowed, this goes for radio spam, AI vox announcement spam, paper at camera spam and other forms of spam. Non-antagonists doing so may not defend themselves and may suffer from IC or OOC consequences. Antagonists can to a certain extent, moreso with reading things like WGW over the radio, but may be told by admins to stop if it becomes excessive. Spamming can result from ingame admin intervention ending in you dying, to admin warnings, to bans for excessive or repeated spamming.
- Rules still apply until the emergency escape shuttle has reached Centcom and the round-end antagonist report has appeared. When the shuttle has reached Centcom, players are free to act as per lone antagonists, detailed in Rule 5. Non-antagonist grief upon the shuttle, from spamming flashbangs for no reason to spraying space lube, can be met with instant 5 (five) minute bans or more.
- Unprovoked grief (occasionally known as greytiding), repeated cases of minor unprovoked grief, and unprovoked grief targeted towards specific players or groups (i.e. metagrudging) fall under rule 1. Admins may follow up on grief with allowing the affected parties to ignore normal escalation policy or measures such as warnings or bans.
- Players who attempt to break into the captain's office, head of personnel's office, or the bridge at or near roundstart for no legitimate reason put themselves at risk for being legitimately killed by the captain, heads of staff, or security.
===== Rule 2 Precedents. =====
- Metacomms, the use of methods of communication outside of SS13 IC channels, is a very serious rule violation and may be met with permanent bans for all related accounts. If players are sharing the same IP or know each other in real life or the like, inform the admins first, otherwise it may look suspicious. Players are allowed to introduce new players that they know to the game but all communication and explanations should be done in game if possible. Admins can also help in these situations if requested.
- Similar to how characters are allowed to know everything about ingame mechanics or antagonists under rule 2, characters are allowed to have persistent knowledge/relationships/friendships with the caveat that knowledge of a character being an antagonist from a previous round is not used.
- Character friendships should not be exploitative in nature or be used to gain an unfair advantage. Having an IC friendship with another player does not, for example, justify giving them all-access each round.
- Atmos techs are not allowed to edit atmos at roundstart so that the AI cannot use it for malicious purposes. While this might not make sense IC, it's a necessary OOC precedent for some game mechanics to work. Atmos techs are allowed if they have any reasonable suspicion of the AI being rogue.
- Station crew are currently not allowed to board or search for the syndicate shuttle during nuke op rounds, unless they specifically follow an operative or a pinpointer onto the shuttle. It is better to adminhelp first in this situation, so admins can confirm that you found it legitimately.
===== Rule 4 Precedents. =====
- Excessively OOC names fall under rule 4. Make a minimum effort to have your name fit in a setting involving a wacky space station in the future. Admins may get involved if your name is dumb.
===== Rule 5 Precedents. =====
- Non-antagonists are allowed to assist antagonists given sufficient IC reasoning but assisting an antagonist doesn't mean you get to act like one . If in doubt, ask an admin if a particular action is okay. Depending on the level of assistance, sufficient IC reasoning could be simply treating everyone who goes into medbay regardless of them being a murderer or not, all the way to being threatened under pain of death by an antagonist to do something.
- Atmos techs are not allowed to edit atmos at roundstart so that the AI cannot use it for malicious purposes. While this might not make sense IC, it's a necessary OOC precedent for some game mechanics to work. Atmos techs are allowed if they have any reasonable suspicion of the AI being rogue.
===== Rule 6 Precedents. =====
- Minimum levels of effort for heads of staff and silicon roles generally include not logging out/going afk at or near round start as well as not being deliberately incompetent or malicious. Constant logging out/going afk may be given warnings by admins, and may progress to jobbans. Deliberate incompetence or malice will be treated the same way, depending on severity, for example, a chemist constantly abusing the position to make space lube and lube hallways, may be warned and then jobbanned if further abuse happens.
- If you are an antagonist, let an admin know if you cannot or do not want to play the role. Admins will transfer the role to someone else. Obviously, if an admin does so for a player, the player must not use knowledge of that antagonist position existing.
===== Rule 7 Precedents. =====
- Incidents of admin abuse or negligence should be reported along with a date and time, along with details to pinpoint the incident in the logs, to any full admin via IRC or forum PM or posted on the admin complaints subforum located at or taken to the #supportbus IRC channel on the Rizon network. Incidents of poorly conducted admin events may also be taken to in their respective feedback threads, for less serious complaints.
- Lying in adminhelps, misrepresenting facts deliberately, or logging off when an admin has asked a question may result in permabans. Admins will not automatically place bans for players logging off however, and will generally wait a while in case real life situations caused a player to disconnect or go afk.
== The Secret <span style="text-decoration: line-through;">Rules</span> Facts of Life ==
'''For experienced users only. Don't quote these at admins. If you're in a position where you need to defend yourself using this, you've done something wrong. This is about the personal freedom and responsibility an experienced player will have when they have the interests of others first.'''
This is a game that allows a lot of potential for great things to happen, and naturally the rules restrict a lot of that to ensure the minority don't ruin every round for everyone else. If you push the limits in the pursuit of something interesting for reasons other than your own personal entertainment, breaking the rules may be excused to allow for that freedom. This will always be at the admin's discretion of course, but if you want a large amount of freedom to make great things happen, you'll have to take on the responsibility for them. You won't be faulted if they go wrong in ways beyond your control, but this is a difficult line to tread so use it well. It's almost always better to consult an admin on this as they are more equipped to taking on that responsibility.
Everyone has a license to grief to a very limited extent. You can likely get away with borderline antagonistic behaviour (Never random murder, but stealing from the brig and triggering a manhunt, for example) occasionally, but it's when this becomes a frequent occurrence that people get frustrated and admins start to get involved.

Latest revision as of 13:52, 5 April 2017

Main Rules

  1. Admins can do what they want as long as it is in the best interest of the server. They are fully accountable for the consequences of invoking this rule.
  2. Grey McKilleveryone the traitor has murdered his way through most of a lowpop station and continues to recall the shuttle several times, just so he can kill everyone off despite only have a steal plasma objective. The admins see this and spawn ERTs to kill Grey, since admins may prioritize keeping players ingame over one persons desire to depopulate the server.
    A player uses a ghost role in a lavaland ruin to move to an alien ruin to try and introduce xenos to the round. Admins notice this and delete the xeno-infected ghost role mob. There are several factors at play here but the driving justification behind this is that admins have the discretion to shape a round like this (or avoid a round from being shaped by xenos spawned from a ghost role).
    Consider factors like server pop, amount of shuttle recalls etc when spawning ERTs but also do not be overly swayed by salt from ghosts when clicking buttons. A gradual increase in response may be appropriate- a centcom inspector to act surprised that the station is nearly all dead, then a small ERT team to check things out, then a larger ERT team etc.
  3. Don't be a dick. We are all here to have a good time. Going out of your way to dick over other players for little IC reason will get you removed.
  4. Players do not have access to the information we have. They can only act on what they know and sometimes, it may be justified from what they know, even if we have information that changes the situation. Be aware, the lack of information a player has can be complicated further by a player’s personal bias. What may seem like dick behaviour may in fact be justified from one players point of view.
  5. Shit happens. Let it go, move on, hop onto another server (we have two!), play another game, go outside for some fresh air.
  6. Start shit get hit. If you start dicking over players, accept the reaction you fish for with humility and grace.
  7. An assistant breaks into medbay but gets arrested for it. The CMO follows the assistant to the brig and gives him 50cc of cyanide for his troubles. The CMO is warned because hostilities have ended and the assistant has already had his comeuppance by being arrested.
    Honk Mcwasteofoxygen starts slipping the mime in the hopline. The mime has had enough, breaks his bottle over the clowns head and nearly crits the clown, but the clown slips the mime and crits him. The clown started it but since the clown drags the mime to medbay to fix his silent buddy up and doesn't have a history of starting fights, the clown is a-ok. Be careful, making a habit of starting fights to crit people and then heal them will get you banned.