Felinids: Difference between revisions

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m Adds joke page category, you can't deny this.
even though the lore is outdated, the article still details the gameplay aspects of the species and which is important
(27 intermediate revisions by 12 users not shown)
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|img_generic = Catpeople.png
|img_generic = Catpeople.png
|speciename = Felinid
|speciename = Felinid
|homeworld = Japanifornia and plastic surgery rooms
|homeworld = None, unless you count the cloning pods
|central authority = United Earth Government
|central authority = TerraGov
|restricted job roles = Command Roles
|restricted job roles = Command Roles
|guides = No external guides
|guides = No external guides
|languages = [[Languages#Galactic Common|Galactic Common]], [[Languages#Nekomimetic|Nekomimetic]]
|quote = Nya~!
|quote = Nya~!

Humans spread from arm to arm of the galaxy. But something happened along the way. Mutants, though closer to humanity than other species, are still barred from higher positions in the [[Chain of Command|chain of command]].
Humans spread from arm to arm of the galaxy. But something happened along the way. A story of technological advancement and controversy in the field of genetic bioengineering.
The "species" that started for many years as niche genetic body modding became the Felinids, now widespread after an recent bioterror attack involving Nanotrasen's once common cloning technology. Cloning has been kept away from the public intentionally for this reason, and is only kept internally (places like Central Command) and under exceptionally tight quality control to avoid future incidents.

Mutants like Felinids, though closer to humanity than other species, are still barred from higher positions in the [[Chain of Command|chain of command]].
Felinids are a strain of Abhumans that reside on a very pimpish name for a planet; Carlos McConnell. They go by the scientific name ''Homo sapiens cattus''. They are on the short list of 'tolerated abhuman strains' maintained by the Administratum, which means that at one point in the story of the Nanotrasen someone high up (probably an Admin with a furry fetish) decided they were a-okay and did not need to get purged (yet).

Felinids are humans who have had their genomes spliced with genetic sequences derived from various species of Terran felines, and they possess many physical felinoid traits like extended canine teeth.
= Gameplay =
Felinids (sometimes referred to as catpeople) are an optional playable race. You can make a felinid character in the character panel, and change aspects of its appearance such as the presence of tails or ears.

Felinids "meow" when speaking which betrays their identity even if their tail and cat ears are removed. They don't have any specific naming scheme and are usually named just the same as any human would. Felinids can also speak in their own language, Nekomimetic, an incomprehensible and annoying mess of broken Japanese and cat sounds. Speaking Nekomimetic in front of the the rest of the crew might cause problems (for you), especially over the radio.
<span style="color:#00FF00">''";Nya!"''</span>

Unlike most other playable races within Space Station 13, felinid are extremely similar to humans in terms of function. At best, their benefits and disadvantages can be seen as small quirks.

= A Legit Guide to Felinids =
'''Differences from Humans'''
*Felinids can lick wounds to reduce bleeding, though it's unsanitary and can transfer diseases between others.
*Likes having their tail pulled!
*Like being tabled (🤨)! Cats love playing on tables!

This legit guide is all about cat girls as a <s>5e D&D</s> racial option for everybody who’s not a fag and can
*Sensitive ears are hit harder by flashbangs.
appreciate real art. We’ll start off with an FAQ for the aesthetically impaired. Enjoy!
*Distracted by laser pointers.
*Being sprayed with water interrupts any action they were in the process of doing (think climbing a table) and gives them a negative moodlet.
*Losing their tail ruins their mood!
*[[Hulk|Hulks]] can spin them around by their tail and throw them for a lot of damage.
Note that as a felinid, the AI does not consider you human and is not obligated to listen to you and an Asimov AI will often respond lethally should they find you harming a human. Also, many crew members will show you depths of racism previously reserved for the clown and lizardmen. Centcom also maintains a strict "Human-Only" policy for Command Staff appointments, as mutants are considered non-human.

Q: Why would I want to play as a cat girl?

A: That’s a fucking stupid question, but that’s OK – it’s probably to be expected of autistic antiweeb
<span style="color:#00FF00">''";Nya!"''</span>
crusaders such as people who would even bother reading this FAQ instead of just skipping to
the racial stats. The answer is that cat girls are a truly essential PC race in any and all <s>D&D</s> games.

In fact, they’re so essential to the game that in Chainedmale (Gary Gaygax’s first whack at the
Being shunned from the public as a whole for being genetic freaks, felinids are often known for sticking together for protection and company. More adventurous individuals among them are known to attempt to make friends outside the catpeople communities, but are rarely successful outside a few instances from more welcoming crew members.
universe’s 8th tabletop role-playing game ever made) they were the *only* player race available!
Not only that but, given people were such unimaginative fucks, the cat girl PC race was
simultaneously its own class. Well, at least Gary Gaygax understood the importance of cat girls!

Q: How can I incorporate cat girls into my setting?
Some people might find the tail and ears "cute", though perhaps these are the kind of individuals one would best to be avoiding when possible.

A: Why aren’t cat girls already in your setting? What fucked up world do you have in which you
Being an extremely new "race" with no history or prior ties besides their time as a human most felinids aren't that different from humans in personality aside from the odd feline trait/instinct.
have dragons/wizards/nalfeshnees/emus/trees/xylophones/tiny people and yet you lack girls with
cat ears and tails? Dude just use magic or some shit. You don’t need this spoonfed to you.
'''The following information was copied over from /tg/station's Common Core Lore github.'''

Q: I want to play as a cat girl, but my <s>DM</s> admin won’t let me. What should I do?
'''It is as close to canonical lore as you will get for the /tg/station codebase, however people are not required to use this lore, nor are maintainers bound to it.'''

A: Call him a faggot and then just play as a warlock, druid, or wizard and turn yourself into a cat
[https://github.com/tgstation/common_core/blob/master/Species%20of%20the%20Galaxy/Felinids/felinids.md https://github.com/tgstation/common_core/blob/master/Species of the Galaxy/Felinids/felinids.md]
girl anyway. Starting at level two as a warlock, you can cast disguise self at will as an invocation.
Once you reach 15th level you can cast alter self at will as an invocation. Once you hit level 17 you
get true polymorph and you’re golden. As a moon druid, you get the Thousand Forms circle
feature at level 14, which lets you cast alter self at will a level earlier than warlock gets it, though
you’ll sadly never have access to true polymorph. As a wizard, you get access to all the normal
spells (disguise self, alter self, true polymorph) and, of course, wish. I can think of nothing more
worthy of a suicidal casting of wish than to turn each and every humanoid on the material plane
into a cat girl. The gods will surely smile upon your heroic sacrifice for the greater good.

Q: Why does everyone assume I’m a pervert just for wanting to play as a cat
== Felinids- the great genetic controversy of the Ages ==
|new_page = [[Common_Core:Felinids|Felinids]]
A: Because they’re degenerate cocksuckers who cannot fathom that another person might have
pure intentions in wanting to play as the cat girl master race. Their wish-fulfillment fetish-tier
races like elves, aasimars, goliaths, and hobgoblins are perfectly fine in their mad, lust-filled minds,
such that the purity and perfection of cat girls burns at their evil perverted hearts.
Neko Revēlāt 57:20 - But the wicked are like the tossing sea; for it cannot be quiet, and its waters
toss up mire and dirt.
Q: Where are the cat boys?

A: I don’t follow.

Q: What is a cat girl’s favored class?
|text=Have you or a loved one been the victim of Nanotrasen's latest industrial accident? You could be owed compensation! Contact Carlton and Barczak Law today, extranet keywords Carlton, Barczak, Law. Don't let your employer get away with it! Call Carlton and Barczak!
''- Advertisement for litigation against Nanotrasen, following the Cloning Incident of 2560.''

A: Cat girls make excellent barbarians because they are fast and possibly strong! Cat girls also
As Humanity's knowledge of genetics and the code behind it expanded, gene clinics became a common sight across Earth, offering miraculous solutions to previously debilitating illnesses. Everything from cancer, to Parkinsons, to prion diseases, became a concern of the past. And soon, bespoke genetic treatment for cosmetic purposes became commonplace, too. Humans became the masters of their own bodies, able to change their appearances to fit their whims, and so, inevitably, came treatments that were broader in scope.
make great bards, due to the fact that they are charismatic and tend to have lovely voices. You
can’t go wrong with a cat girl cleric, as no other race produces such wise and devoted acolytes.
The path of a druid is one that suits a cat girl perfectly, as they are natural protectors and
nurturers of nature. Cat girl fighters may be found amongst the greatest warriors in any setting,
being innately talented martial combatants due to their speed and possible strength. The life of a
cat girl monk is one of sweat and discipline, and that suits a cat girl just fine since they have great
mental fortitude and physical talent. Cat girls make the very best paladins, as cat girls have a
potent sense of justice and dedication to righteous causes. The role of a ranger is one of a silent
guardian and watchful protector, which cat girls fill perfectly with their keen senses and rustic grit.
No other race offers you a better choice as a rogue, as the dexterity and cunning of cat girls is
unmatched in the world of intrigue, tactics and espionage. Innate magical power and talent flows
through the veins of every cat girl, making cat girls the ideal race for being sorcerers. Cat girls are
experts of diplomacy and finding alternative ways to make their dreams reality when things go
awry, making them superb candidates for finding their way into the warlock class. As intelligent
and studious as the average cat girl is, it’s no wonder that cat girls also make such top-of-the-line
wizards. I hope that answers your question!
That concludes this FAQ segment. I hope you now have a better understanding of the depth, utility,
and general import of cat girls as a D&D 5e PC race.

== Cat Girl Traits ==
One of these many available treatments was Animalisation- utilising specific aspects of animal DNA, humans could be altered to have desired traits from them. Despite their availability, animalisation treatments were (and are) viewed as a step too far, as they go beyond simple alteration of the human genome and into the realms of adulterating it with foreign DNA. Mutants of these types came to be viewed as no longer human, both by the public consciousness and by laws, and those receiving the treatments were shunned, leading them to coalesce into insular communities, and (many) to leave life in the Home Sector for the colonies.

Your cat girl character has many unique and potent traits inherent to your noble bloodline.
And so, Felinids would remain a curiosity, an uncommon sight in human space but not unheard of, until a scandal would rock the species as a whole: the '''Cloning Incident of 2560.'''
Ability Score Increases. Your Dexterity score increases by 2, and your Charisma score increases by 1

Age. Cat girls grow up at about the same rate as humans, reaching physical maturity generally in
=== The Cloning Incident of 2560 ===
their late teens. Cat girls, however, do not age after maturity, and can potentially live forever.
Not long ago, Nanotrasen scientists discovered the secret of cheating death. Cloning technology was one of the many great scientific advancements of the 26th century, allowing those rich (or lucky) enough to have access to it to be returned to life in the event of their untimely demise. The technology was, understandably, heralded as a miracle for modern medicine, but beneath the surface lurked a dangerous secret.
Even if she dies though, remember she will always live on in your heart.

Alignment. Cat girls are always good. No exceptions. If you suspect a cat girl is evil, you’re
It was known during development that the genetic code that is used by cloning to reconstruct the body was exceptionally fragile, and even the smallest impurities in the reagents used for the process could result in genetic deformities. Usually, these deformities manifested as small, undetectable issues- a little change here, a loss of function there, perhaps a "healthy" dose of cancer. These could be corrected by genetic treatment, so were not particularly concerning. But what could happen if there was a large scale contamination? Scientists had been limited in their capacity for experimentation in this field by regulations against human experimentation, but it was theorised that it would cause massive, irreversible damage to their genes, beyond even the reach of humanity's sophisticated genetic science. Unfortunately, this theory would finally be proven accurate on Monday, the 14th of January, 2560.
mistaken – they are probably just pretending.

Size. Cat girls tend to range in height from just under 5 feet to just below 6 feet tall. Your size is
Eleanor Normandy, the chief chemical engineer at the Nanotrasen-Pauling Chemical Plant on Prosperity, was finally putting into action a plan which had been years in the making. At the reactor being used to produce Hyperclone Reagent A, a genetic soup that was used as a key genetic additive for cloning, she stopped, withdrew samples for sending to QA, and then produced a small tank, which she discreetly poured into the mix. Within the tank was several litres of Interdyne Pharmaceutics' KitX Serum- a new genetic mutation serum designed to induce the Felinid mutation in a safer, more rapid, and more predictable form. And so, an entire batch of Hyperclone Reagent A was contaminated, and nobody would be the wiser. This plant serviced every Nanotrasen cloning clinic within the Home sector, as well as several Spinward Stations which were experimenting with new cloning techniques, and over the next few weeks, they would each receive their new shipments.

Languages. Cat girls know English, which is the only language anyone needs.
And so, nothing seemed to be wrong, until the 28th of that month, 2 weeks after the incident.

A Cute. Cat girls are very cute! You can cast the enthrall spell once using this trait. You regain the
Customers who had been cloned were found to be developing alarming side effects. There were the large and obvious ones, of course. The ears. The tails. Fixations on bright lights. But also a number of more subtle changes were observed too- altered mental states, changed tastes, new personalities. They were exhibiting all the signs of felinisation- but that was impossible, surely? Ordinarily this required months of intensive genetic therapy, and cloning was unlikely to produce such specific results over such a wide range.
ability to do so when you finish a short or long rest. Charisma is your spellcasting ability for this

Of course, this prompted a massive outcry by the public, as this was far too large scale to cover up. Nanotrasen's immediate response was to close all cloning clinics immediately, and begin an investigation as to what went wrong. Before long, the contamination was found in samples of HRA, and the sudden disappearance of Ms. Normandy was noted. She was apprehended by Terragov police at a spaceport while attempting to board a flight to Harvest- presumably to lay low. However, during questioning, she suddenly died- having had a remote implant in her brain detonated by her unknown employer. And so, with no effective scapegoat, Nanotrasen was forced to bear the brunt of the incident.

Knowing that the public would never regain trust in the process following an incident of this scale, Nanotrasen officially permanently closed all cloning facilities on the 4th of February, 2560, and cancelled all official research into the technology. Cloning would remain in use by the company afterwards, but only internally with exceptionally tight quality control.


[[Category:Joke pages]]

Latest revision as of 02:36, 21 May 2023


Genus: Homo Sapiens Felis
Homeworld: None, unless you count the cloning pods
Central Authority: TerraGov
Restricted Job Roles: Command Roles
Guides: No external guides
Spoken Languages: Galactic Common, Nekomimetic

Humans spread from arm to arm of the galaxy. But something happened along the way. A story of technological advancement and controversy in the field of genetic bioengineering. The "species" that started for many years as niche genetic body modding became the Felinids, now widespread after an recent bioterror attack involving Nanotrasen's once common cloning technology. Cloning has been kept away from the public intentionally for this reason, and is only kept internally (places like Central Command) and under exceptionally tight quality control to avoid future incidents.

Mutants like Felinids, though closer to humanity than other species, are still barred from higher positions in the chain of command.


Felinids (sometimes referred to as catpeople) are an optional playable race. You can make a felinid character in the character panel, and change aspects of its appearance such as the presence of tails or ears.

Felinids "meow" when speaking which betrays their identity even if their tail and cat ears are removed. They don't have any specific naming scheme and are usually named just the same as any human would. Felinids can also speak in their own language, Nekomimetic, an incomprehensible and annoying mess of broken Japanese and cat sounds. Speaking Nekomimetic in front of the the rest of the crew might cause problems (for you), especially over the radio.

Unlike most other playable races within Space Station 13, felinid are extremely similar to humans in terms of function. At best, their benefits and disadvantages can be seen as small quirks.

Differences from Humans

  • Felinids can lick wounds to reduce bleeding, though it's unsanitary and can transfer diseases between others.
  • Likes having their tail pulled!
  • Like being tabled (🤨)! Cats love playing on tables!
  • Sensitive ears are hit harder by flashbangs.
  • Distracted by laser pointers.
  • Being sprayed with water interrupts any action they were in the process of doing (think climbing a table) and gives them a negative moodlet.
  • Losing their tail ruins their mood!
  • Hulks can spin them around by their tail and throw them for a lot of damage.

Note that as a felinid, the AI does not consider you human and is not obligated to listen to you and an Asimov AI will often respond lethally should they find you harming a human. Also, many crew members will show you depths of racism previously reserved for the clown and lizardmen. Centcom also maintains a strict "Human-Only" policy for Command Staff appointments, as mutants are considered non-human.



Being shunned from the public as a whole for being genetic freaks, felinids are often known for sticking together for protection and company. More adventurous individuals among them are known to attempt to make friends outside the catpeople communities, but are rarely successful outside a few instances from more welcoming crew members.

Some people might find the tail and ears "cute", though perhaps these are the kind of individuals one would best to be avoiding when possible.

Being an extremely new "race" with no history or prior ties besides their time as a human most felinids aren't that different from humans in personality aside from the odd feline trait/instinct.


The following information was copied over from /tg/station's Common Core Lore github.

It is as close to canonical lore as you will get for the /tg/station codebase, however people are not required to use this lore, nor are maintainers bound to it.

https://github.com/tgstation/common_core/blob/master/Species of the Galaxy/Felinids/felinids.md

Felinids- the great genetic controversy of the Ages

Warning: Here Be Dragons

The lore presented on this page is no longer being updated. For an up-to-date, freshly-minted version, check out the new page: Felinids.

  Advertisement says:
"Have you or a loved one been the victim of Nanotrasen's latest industrial accident? You could be owed compensation! Contact Carlton and Barczak Law today, extranet keywords Carlton, Barczak, Law. Don't let your employer get away with it! Call Carlton and Barczak!"

- Advertisement for litigation against Nanotrasen, following the Cloning Incident of 2560.

As Humanity's knowledge of genetics and the code behind it expanded, gene clinics became a common sight across Earth, offering miraculous solutions to previously debilitating illnesses. Everything from cancer, to Parkinsons, to prion diseases, became a concern of the past. And soon, bespoke genetic treatment for cosmetic purposes became commonplace, too. Humans became the masters of their own bodies, able to change their appearances to fit their whims, and so, inevitably, came treatments that were broader in scope.

One of these many available treatments was Animalisation- utilising specific aspects of animal DNA, humans could be altered to have desired traits from them. Despite their availability, animalisation treatments were (and are) viewed as a step too far, as they go beyond simple alteration of the human genome and into the realms of adulterating it with foreign DNA. Mutants of these types came to be viewed as no longer human, both by the public consciousness and by laws, and those receiving the treatments were shunned, leading them to coalesce into insular communities, and (many) to leave life in the Home Sector for the colonies.

And so, Felinids would remain a curiosity, an uncommon sight in human space but not unheard of, until a scandal would rock the species as a whole: the Cloning Incident of 2560.

The Cloning Incident of 2560

Not long ago, Nanotrasen scientists discovered the secret of cheating death. Cloning technology was one of the many great scientific advancements of the 26th century, allowing those rich (or lucky) enough to have access to it to be returned to life in the event of their untimely demise. The technology was, understandably, heralded as a miracle for modern medicine, but beneath the surface lurked a dangerous secret.

It was known during development that the genetic code that is used by cloning to reconstruct the body was exceptionally fragile, and even the smallest impurities in the reagents used for the process could result in genetic deformities. Usually, these deformities manifested as small, undetectable issues- a little change here, a loss of function there, perhaps a "healthy" dose of cancer. These could be corrected by genetic treatment, so were not particularly concerning. But what could happen if there was a large scale contamination? Scientists had been limited in their capacity for experimentation in this field by regulations against human experimentation, but it was theorised that it would cause massive, irreversible damage to their genes, beyond even the reach of humanity's sophisticated genetic science. Unfortunately, this theory would finally be proven accurate on Monday, the 14th of January, 2560.

Eleanor Normandy, the chief chemical engineer at the Nanotrasen-Pauling Chemical Plant on Prosperity, was finally putting into action a plan which had been years in the making. At the reactor being used to produce Hyperclone Reagent A, a genetic soup that was used as a key genetic additive for cloning, she stopped, withdrew samples for sending to QA, and then produced a small tank, which she discreetly poured into the mix. Within the tank was several litres of Interdyne Pharmaceutics' KitX Serum- a new genetic mutation serum designed to induce the Felinid mutation in a safer, more rapid, and more predictable form. And so, an entire batch of Hyperclone Reagent A was contaminated, and nobody would be the wiser. This plant serviced every Nanotrasen cloning clinic within the Home sector, as well as several Spinward Stations which were experimenting with new cloning techniques, and over the next few weeks, they would each receive their new shipments.

And so, nothing seemed to be wrong, until the 28th of that month, 2 weeks after the incident.

Customers who had been cloned were found to be developing alarming side effects. There were the large and obvious ones, of course. The ears. The tails. Fixations on bright lights. But also a number of more subtle changes were observed too- altered mental states, changed tastes, new personalities. They were exhibiting all the signs of felinisation- but that was impossible, surely? Ordinarily this required months of intensive genetic therapy, and cloning was unlikely to produce such specific results over such a wide range.

Of course, this prompted a massive outcry by the public, as this was far too large scale to cover up. Nanotrasen's immediate response was to close all cloning clinics immediately, and begin an investigation as to what went wrong. Before long, the contamination was found in samples of HRA, and the sudden disappearance of Ms. Normandy was noted. She was apprehended by Terragov police at a spaceport while attempting to board a flight to Harvest- presumably to lay low. However, during questioning, she suddenly died- having had a remote implant in her brain detonated by her unknown employer. And so, with no effective scapegoat, Nanotrasen was forced to bear the brunt of the incident.

Knowing that the public would never regain trust in the process following an incident of this scale, Nanotrasen officially permanently closed all cloning facilities on the 4th of February, 2560, and cancelled all official research into the technology. Cloning would remain in use by the company afterwards, but only internally with exceptionally tight quality control.

Jobs on /tg/station

Captain, Head of Personnel, Head of Security, Chief Engineer, Research Director, Chief Medical Officer, Quartermaster, Bridge Assistant

Head of Security, Security Officer, Warden, Detective, Veteran Security Advisor, Prisoner

Chief Engineer, Station Engineer, Atmospheric Technician

Research Director, Geneticist, Scientist, Roboticist

Chief Medical Officer, Medical Doctor, Paramedic, Chemist, Coroner

Quartermaster, Cargo Technician, Shaft Miner, Bitrunner, Cargorilla

Head of Personnel, Janitor, Bartender, Cook, Botanist, Clown, Mime, Chaplain, Curator, Assistant, Lawyer, Psychologist

AI, Human AI, Cyborg, Positronic Brain, Drone, Personal AI, Construct, Imaginary Friend, Split Personality, Ghost
Antagonists Traitor, Malfunctioning AI, Changeling, Nuclear Operative, Blood Cultist, Heretic, Spy, Revolutionary, Wizard, Blob, Abductor, Holoparasite, Xenomorph, Spider, Revenant, Morph, Nightmare, Space Ninja, Slaughter Demon, Pirate, Obsessed, Fugitives, Hunters, Space Dragon, Elite Mobs, Sentient Slime, Regal Rat, Paradox Clone, Voidwalker

CentCom Official, Death Squad Officer, Emergency Response Officer, Chrono Legionnaire, Highlander, Ian, Lavaland or Space Role, CentCom Intern