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==Writing Tools==

== Pen and crayon commands ==
Pens come in a few different colors, black or blue by default, and some departments will be provided with red pens.

Crayons work much like pens, except that they are always bold, and lack the list, horizontal rule, and small tags.

[br] - [\br] : Creates a linebreak.
Writing is performed by using any writing tool on [[paper]], with any standard writing utensil.<br>

[center] - [\center] : Centers the text.
{| class="wikitable"
! style="background: #ABE" | Description
[h1] - [\h1] : Makes the text a first level heading.
! style="background: #ABE" width=40% | You type
! style="background: #ABE" width=40% | You get
[h2] - [\h2] : Makes the text a second level headin.
| Bold text
[h3] - [\h3] : Makes the text a third level heading.
| <pre>
[b]Bold text.[/b]
[b] - [\b] : Makes the text bold.
[i] - [\i] : Makes the text italic.
'''Bold text.'''
[u] - [\u] : Makes the text underlined.
| Italic text
| <pre>
[large] - [\large] : Increases the size of the text.
[i]Italics text.[/i]
[sign] : Inserts a signature of your name in a foolproof way.
''Italics text.''
[field] : Inserts an invisible field which lets you start type from there. Useful for forms.
| Underline text.
[date] : Inserts today's station date.
| <pre>
[u]Underline text.[/u]
[time] : Inserts the current station time.
== Pen exclusive commands ==
<u>Underline text.</u>
| Linebreak.
[small] - [\small] : Decreases the size of the text.
| <pre>
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.[br]
Nulla scelerisque lorem commodo, sodales tortor sed, ullamcorper ante.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.<br> Nulla scelerisque lorem commodo, sodales tortor sed, ullamcorper ante.
| Centering text
| <pre>
[center]Centered text.[/center]
<div class="center" style="width:auto; margin-left:auto; margin-right:auto;">Centered text.</div>
| Lists
| <pre>
[*] Item one
[*] Item two
  [*] Subitem one
* Item one
* Item two
** Subitem one
| Horizontal rules
| <pre>
Before line.
After line.
Before line.
After line.
| Large text
| <pre>
[large]Large text.[/large]
<font size="3">Large text.</font size>
| Small text
| <pre>
[small]Small text.[/small]
<font size="1">Small text.</font size>
| Signature
| <pre>
''John Smith''<br>
Note: Signatures can't be faked since they use a different font.
| Station/Ship date
| <pre>
| Station/Ship time
| <pre>
| Field
| <pre>
'''[field]''' tags are not visible when reading a [[paper]],<br>
but when writing on said paper a <span style="color:Blue"><u><nowiki>[Write]</nowiki></u></span> button will be visible, <br>
similar to the button at the bottom of the paper.<br>
| Headers
| <pre>
<font size="6"><u>H1</u></font size><br>
<font size="5">H2</font size>

[list] - [\list] : A list.
==Forms Ready for Use==

[*] : A dot used for lists.
Here are some forms you can use to make your life easier:
[hr] : Adds a horizontal rule.
=== Examples ===

====== Admin Fax to Corporate Liaison ======
====== Admin Fax to Corporate Liaison ======
Line 59: Line 150:



[small][i]This message is intended only for the Corporate Liason aboard the Thesues, all other suchs persons should not read, receive a copy, or be exposed to this communication in any form. Failing to adhere to this warning will result in liquidation of division under Act 09.B-4. By authoring a reply to this transmission, the liason confirms they abide by the regulations as set forth to them.[/i][/small]
[small][i]This message is intended only for the Corporate Liason aboard the Thesues,  
all other suchs persons should not read, receive a copy, or be exposed to this communication in any form.  
Failing to adhere to this warning will result in liquidation of division under Act 09.B-4.  
By authoring a reply to this transmission, the liason confirms they abide by the regulations as set forth to them.[/i][/small]

====== Corporate Liaison Fax Template ======
{| class="wikitable" style="width:350px;"
|<center><font size="5">[[File:NTlogo.png|x32px|y32px]]'''Nanotrasen Liaison Report'''</font></center><br>
<font size="1">
<b>To:</b> Nanotrasen Central Command<br>
Dear Centcom,
Yours Truly,

====== Corporate Liaison Fax Template ======
<i>An official Nanotrasen document.</i>

{| class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed wikitable"
!Paper Markdown:
| scope="row" |
[b][h2]Nanotrasen Liaison Report[/h2][/b]
[b][h2]Nanotrasen Liaison Report[/h2][/b][/center]

[b]Date:[/b] [date][br]
[b]Date:[/b] [date]
[b]To:[/b] Nanotrasen Central Command[br]
[b]Subject:[/b] [field][br]
[b]To:[/b] Nanotrasen Central Command
[b]Subject:[/b] [field]
Dear Centcom,
Dear Centcom,
Line 99: Line 205:


[i]An official Nanotrasen document.[/i]
[i]An official Nanotrasen document.[/i]
Alternatively, here's another template, which looks smaller and more... professional:
{| class="wikitable" style="width:350px;"
|<center><font size="1">Secure Communication SC-CLTGMC-01c</font></center><br>
<font size="1">
Date, Time:2415-12-25 (whatever time it is)<br>
Index: #00[field]<br>
Recipient: Central Command<br>
Subject: [field]<br><br>
{| class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed wikitable"
!Paper Markdown MK2:
| scope="row" |
[center] Secure Communication SC-CLTGMC-01c[/center]
[b]Assignment Detail[/b]
Vessel: [field]
Date, Time: [date] [time]
Index: #00[field]
Recipient: Central Command


Latest revision as of 19:37, 24 December 2020

Writing Tools


Pens come in a few different colors, black or blue by default, and some departments will be provided with red pens.


Crayons work much like pens, except that they are always bold, and lack the list, horizontal rule, and small tags.


Writing is performed by using any writing tool on paper, with any standard writing utensil.

Description You type You get
Bold text
[b]Bold text.[/b]

Bold text.

Italic text
[i]Italics text.[/i]

Italics text.

Underline text.
[u]Underline text.[/u]

Underline text.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.[br]
Nulla scelerisque lorem commodo, sodales tortor sed, ullamcorper ante.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
Nulla scelerisque lorem commodo, sodales tortor sed, ullamcorper ante.

Centering text
[center]Centered text.[/center]
Centered text.
[*] Item one
[*] Item two
  [*] Subitem one
  • Item one
  • Item two
    • Subitem one
Horizontal rules
Before line.
After line.

Before line.

After line.

Large text
[large]Large text.[/large]

Large text.

Small text
[small]Small text.[/small]

Small text.


John Smith
Note: Signatures can't be faked since they use a different font.

Station/Ship date


Station/Ship time



[field] tags are not visible when reading a paper,
but when writing on said paper a [Write] button will be visible,
similar to the button at the bottom of the paper.




Forms Ready for Use

Here are some forms you can use to make your life easier:

Admin Fax to Corporate Liaison
Secure Communication SC-CLTMGC-01a[/center]
[hr][b]Assignment detail[/b]
Vessel: Theseus
Date, Time: [date], [time]
Index: #001
Recipient: Corporate Liason, Theseus.
Subject: [b] Lack of update [/b]

Details of the message



[small][i]This message is intended only for the Corporate Liason aboard the Thesues, 
all other suchs persons should not read, receive a copy, or be exposed to this communication in any form. 
Failing to adhere to this warning will result in liquidation of division under Act 09.B-4. 
By authoring a reply to this transmission, the liason confirms they abide by the regulations as set forth to them.[/i][/small]
Corporate Liaison Fax Template
y32pxNanotrasen Liaison Report

To: Nanotrasen Central Command

Dear Centcom,

Yours Truly,

An official Nanotrasen document.

Paper Markdown:
[b][h2]Nanotrasen Liaison Report[/h2][/b]

[b]Date:[/b] [date][br]
[b]To:[/b] Nanotrasen Central Command[br]
[b]Subject:[/b] [field][br]
Dear Centcom,



Yours Truly,


[i]An official Nanotrasen document.[/i]

Alternatively, here's another template, which looks smaller and more... professional:

Secure Communication SC-CLTGMC-01c

Date, Time:2415-12-25 (whatever time it is)
Index: #00[field]

Recipient: Central Command
Subject: [field]



Paper Markdown MK2:
[center] Secure Communication SC-CLTGMC-01c[/center]
[b]Assignment Detail[/b]
Vessel: [field]
Date, Time: [date] [time]
Index: #00[field]

Recipient: Central Command

