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=The Life of a Crate Pusher=
=Duties of the Office=
So you happen to land in cargonia. What this entails is actually a fair bit more than what it seems. The basic role of a RO is to keep the marines supplied with ammo, supplies, materials, and other things while also keeping the ship supplied. If there is no other command staff, you'll likely be the acting captain, and as such you will likely have to lead the marines with keeping them supplied as a secondary role. Remember:  A marine with no equipment is a marine who's not fighting (and very likely screaming at you).
Welcome to the Requisitions department, home of infinite crates and not enough points. Your basic duties will entail keeping tabs on marine supply, filling orders, and sending down munitions, materials, and other necessary supplies.
While running requisitions, your single most important duty is communication. Listen for orders, give notifications on progress, and alert marines when their crates are ready. Even if you can't keep up with demand, people feel better if they hear from you about it.
=Essential Equipment=
The only absolutely necessary equipment for requisitions activities is a wrench, to reset the supply pad in the even that it breaks.
For an optimal requisitions experience, you'll need some additional gear:
* [[file:TGMC_tablet_req.png|32px]] The ASRS tablet, which will allow you to remotely operate the ASRS system and elevator.
* [[file:TGMC_labeler.png|32px]] A hand labeler, to properly tag and identify the crates you send.
* [[file:TGMC_toolbelt.png|32px]] A toolbelt, to store the necessary tools to do construction and maintenance on Requisitions systems. Wear it on your belt slot.
* [[file:TGMC_belt_machete.png|32px]] A machete, to break open <del>doors</del> <del>heads</del> secure crates prior to sending. Wear it on your back.
=The ASRS System=
[[File:TGMC_ASRS_UI.PNG|thumb|left|The ASRS console UI.]] [[File:TGMC_ASRS_requests.PNG|thumb|right|The requests tab, with a few orders.]] The most important utility of requisitions is the ASRS system. In theory, the ship has a large automated storage bay in the lower decks, from which the ASRS system retrieves crates as requisitions points are spent. The control interface for the system is accessible via one of the ASRS consoles in requisitions, or by the ASRS tablet found in the RO's locker. From the interface, you can view, place, deny or accept orders for requisitions equipment.
To the left of the UI, you will see three categories. The first is primary used for control of the ASRS elevator. Use the '''Raise''' or '''Lower''' button to toggle the state of the elevator. After a short delay, it will arrive in either position. Prior to arriving, you can see any purchased orders by pressing the '''Awaiting Delivery''' button. These will remain as pending until the elevator brings them to the raised position.
[[File:TGMC_ASRS_inventory.PNG|thumb|left|The ASRS inventory, on the weapons tab.]] The second section is for direct ASRS orders, placed by the ASRS consoles inside Requisitions or by the ASRS tablet. These aren't placed as requests, so you don't need to worry about accepting it as an order. Just press '''Purchase Cart''' to buy your queued items, or '''Clear Cart''' to quickly remove all items. The Previous Purchases tab will show all formerly purchased items, including those placed by requests or direct orders. To add items to this cart, select them from the tabs in the fourth section, the ASRS inventory. The last item is the export history tab, which shows most previously sold items.
The third section is for viewing placed, but not accepted or denied, orders. Whenever someone places an order from the ASRS requests console outside requisitions, it will be sent to the pending orders tab. You can view it by pressing the '''Requests''' button. From there, it's up to you to accept or deny orders individually. If you want to accept or deny all pending orders, and have the points to do so, you can press the '''Accept All''' or '''Deny All''' buttons in the top right. You can also review all previously accepted and denied orders from here. In the denied orders tab, there's a button to approve each order in the event you denied one by mistake.
The last section is the ASRS inventory. Each tab here shows contains crates of items related to their relevant category, identified by name. You can press the arrows on each item to add either one, or the maximum affordable number, of the item to your cart. These are sent to your pending order. Pressing the small dropdown arrow next to each items name will display the exact contents of the crate, as well as their quantity.
=The ASRS Elevator=
[[File:TGMC_elevator_lowered.PNG|thumb|left|The elevator in its lowered position.]][[File:TGMC_elevator_raised.PNG|thumb|right|The elevator in its raised position.]]The ASRS elevator works in two positions, the raised and lowered states.
While in the raised state, you can remove crates, load export items, and generally use the area safely. The system features a living biosign detector, so it won't take you down into the cargo bay itself. That's a good thing, there's probably no air down there. When the lift is clear of biosigns, pressing the '''Lower''' button will raise safety rails on all sides of the lift, preventing access.
Note that any crates currently on the lift will not be refunded if sent down with the lift, so make sure any orders are removed before sending the elevator down.
While lowered, the system will automatically load any newly accepted orders, and bring them up the next time the lift is raised. Note that you cannot add new items to a raising lift, and will have to wait for the elevator to cycle back to its lowered position before you can receive your items.
=Point Acquisition=
You'll need an adequate supply of requisitions points before you can order anything. Points can be gained through two methods, passive or active.

=Gearing up=
Points will passively generate from roundstart based on the ships orbital level. The exact formula is 20*(Orbit Level/3) every 10 seconds, but due to lag and other calculations you'll likely only be getting 50 per minute. This number can be increased by elevating the ships orbital level, but note that this increases dropship transit time and CAS fire delay.

[[File:TGMC_PoS_Req.png|300px|thumb|Pillar of Spring's Requisition]]
For active point generation, the marines will need to do some work. Points are actively gained through exports, by selling xenomorph corpses, research artifacts, valuable minerals, or factory sales.

[[File:TGMC_Sulaco_req.png|300px|thumb|Sulaco's Requisition]]
Xenomorph corpses and mining are going to be your most lucrative point generation methods. For Xenomorph exports, the amount of points you get is based on the tier of the Xenomorph. In order:

*Minion Xenomorphs: '''50 points'''
*Non-Surgically Removed Larva: '''75 points'''
*Tier 1 Xenomorphs: '''150 points'''
*Tier 2 Xenomorphs: '''300 points'''
*Tier 3 Xenomorphs and Shrike: '''500 points'''
*Tier 4 Xenomorphs: '''1000 points'''

Once you spawn in as an RO, you'll have your loadout selected items as well as some standard equipment, the most important being:
These can be sold through three methods:  
*Your RO suit, which doesn't allow for exosuits like the marine uniform but looks somewhat stylish nonetheless.
*Use of a fulton kit, which have three uses each and require open air to send.
*[[File:TGMC_M2.png]]A N2 officer armor, which is a slightly different PAS vest (slightly more melee defence, slightly less everything else).
*Use of an ASRS Bluespace Export pad, which must be purchased from Requisitions but can be infinitely used as long as they have power, can can operate indoors.
*Some Insulated Gloves (toolbelt is on the rack nearby).
*Manual sale through placing the corpses on the ASRS elevator.
*A Command headset that has full access to any and all channels (examine it for a list of channels and how to talk in them).
*Your ASRS tablet, which is a portable ASRS console and as such it is '''EXTREMELY''' important, treat it like it's a block of solid gold, keep it on yourself at all times, as it is much quicker to operate the lift with it than running to the console each time.
*A revolver holster with a M44 SA (it's similar TP-44 revolver, but comes with various types of ammo in speedloaders), which works quite good as a sidearm.
*A taser, for particularly bad behaving marines that keep breaking in requisitions when you aren't looking for a second.

Your department also contains several useful items, gear and tools:
All methods produce the same number of points, but some are more costly in terms of time or resources than others.
*[[File:Ripley_MK-I.png]] A Ripley loader, used to move up to two crates at a fast rate.
*[[File:TGMC_Operational_Supply_Vendor.png]] The Operational Supply Vendor that contains empty ammo boxes, full grenade boxes, some stealth tarps (certain marines could want one) and various special ammunition for ordereable guns, such as the A19 scout rifle, the minigun, the IFF sniper rifle and else.
*Four supply pads for each squad. Use those later to deliver crates with supplies to the beacons groundside.
*Your closet (which contains a spare uniform, a flash, a webbing and other stuff of minor importance).
*Two toolbelts filled with tools and two plasmacutters on the rack (particularly useful for altering FOB defence)
*Several spare medkits of various types.
*Some extinguishers, flashlights, and some other minor gear like that.
*[[File:TGMC_autolathe.png]]Non-valuable materials with an Autolathe to use it in. It is useful to print stuff like welding helmets, table and rack parts if you want to fancy requisitions, and so on.
*Three wooden crates with various random weaponry inside.
*More wooden crates: One with flares, one with water bottles, and one with MREs.
*Fuel tank with a source of water nearby

In general, it is recommended to equip yourself with your webbing and swap your revolver belt for a toolbelt (you can always swap back in case shit hits the fan).
Mining is another lucrative point generation method. The surface will have a number of mineral miners present, which engineers can repair and activate. These will slowly mine crates of ore, which can be sold by manually interacting with them. This process can be automated with autominer modules, or accelerated with overclock modules (Constructed by the Autolathe).

There are two miner types, Phoron and Platinum. Phoron generates '''150 points''' every '''140 seconds''', and Platinum generates '''300 points''' every '''140 seconds'''.
After equipping yourself with gear you deem necessary beyond your starting equipment, you would probably want to open department shutters (on PoS map it's directly above the console, on the table), letting marines know that requisition is, in fact, run by someone, so they won't shout at command and try to break in.

First thing that most, if not all, ROs prefer to do is to order an ASRS Bluespace Pad and deliver it to the Alamo or the tadpole. The reason being that despite the 50 point investment from the beginning of the round, it will pay off itself rather fast as marines could use it to export ore crates and alien corpses that otherwise would need to be loaded on the dropship, then delivered all the way to the lift, which is very slow. The Bluespace is recommended for the tadpole if marines are using it, otherwise marines will shout at you and call you a bad RO.
Researchers on the field may find credit points while doing their work. The value of these coins is labeled on them, and they can be sold on the ASRS elevator for the relevant amount.

After you're done with the ASRS Pad, there are multiple things you might want to do:
The last method of active point generation is factory sales. The Pizza factory kit costs '''290 points''' to purchase, and each pizza from the set of 30 can be re-sold for '''ten points''' each. This will net you ten points, so it's very slow; though theoretically, you could make infinite points from it.
*[[File:TGMC_wooden_crate.png]] Deliver three green-ish looking wooden crates to the dropship using the Ripley - it's Flares, Water Bottles, MREs for marines to resupply. Flares are pretty mandatory as a blind marine - dead marine, and MREs and Water Bottles are just useful - you can restore your blood level by eating, and Water purges neurotoxins from you and regenerates your Stamina.
*[[File:TGMC_Lasgun_Charger.png]] There is also a portable laser charger that needs to be delivered to the dropship, as it allows to recharge laser rifle batteries and contains a small supply of them by itself. Do it and never worry for laser rifle ammunition ever again.
*Dispense some of the ammo boxes (10-20 are usually enough) from your vendor and put them just outside requisitions for marines to grab. You might want to save some boxes for yourself, because marines could ask you to load and deliver more ammo.
*Dispense all of the grenade boxes (or just some, if you feel skimpy, but all of them most of the time), put them in separate crates and deliver them to the dropship. Marines could use them to resupply, and grenade launcher users would surely be thankful.
*[[File:TGMC_weapon_wooden_crate.png]] Open up and check three regular looking wooden crates - they contain weapons from various manufacturers (Nanotrasen, Black Market and TGMC). See if there is something that marines would like (mainly White Phosphorus grenades, tactical/double barrel shotguns, incendiary shotgun shell boxes, Dragunov rifle, etc). It is recomended to put contents on the racks or tables near the line to the window, so marines could ask for something they like. Don't bother with standart issue guns you could get from TGMC crate, however, as it could be easily aquired from prep vendors.
*Check out with various departments to see if they also need something ordered. Medical, for example, could order surgical supplies for FOB surgery and Engineering might want a bit more supplies to assist in FOB building. Usually they leave an orders themselves, but it won't hurt to check on them if you have nothing else to do already.

In the meanwhile, marines and other personnel will leave orders for stuff they want/need but can't get in their prep or in any department, and it's your duty to manage them. Typical roundstart orders might include one or more things:
=ASRS Supplies List=
*Most frequent one is jaeger suit modules, which can be attached to jaeger exoskeleton suits and will aid the wearer. You almost always want to accept this kind of orders, as it will improve marine perfomance at steep cost of 12 points (baldur being 10, and mimir also requiring helmet module, which is an additional 5).
*Tactical masks that costs 5 points each and protects from facehugging attempts. Go for it if you got enough points, usually a good mild investment.
*Recoiless Rifle users will sometimes order additional rockets. Consider approving it, if you have enough points for other orders, as it is quite effective in killing xenos or at least stripping all their armor off them.
*Smartgunners could order some additional ammo for their smartguns, but be wary - there is at least two ammunition vendors on each map [[File:TGMC_ammo_vendor.png]] which contain two drums each, so be sure to ask them if they got it first before approving such orders. For reference, they get three ammo drums (including one in their smartgun, 200 rounds each, 600 rounds combined) roundstart from their prep and on average (based on author's experience) get through them within 30 minutes of operation if they participate (as they should) in active combat.
=Supply Drops=
[[File:TGMC_supplydrop.PNG|thumb|left|The supply drop pad.]]
|name=Obnoxious Squad Smartgunner
The supply drop system is used for sending crates directly to the surface from requisitions, subverting the need to send them via the Alamo or Tadpole.
To use the pad, simply load a crate onto the caution-marked area. Make sure that it's closed, otherwise the system will just send the crate and none of its contents.
[[File:TGMC_supplydrop_UI.PNG|thumb|right|The supply drop interface.]]
You can only send crates via the supply drop system. Lockers, coffins, and machinery like fuel tanks and bikes cannot be sent.
Supply drops can be sent to either beacons, which are semi-permanent and deployed on the ground, or antennas, which can be attached to marine helmets or radio backpacks, but only maintain a signal for 4 minutes. Press the button next to "Current beacon" to change which beacon you're sending to. The list will display all prior beacons, whether they're currently usable or not; try switching to one of them, and if you get a beacon location, it's viable. Otherwise, select a new beacon.
You can also set an X and Y offset to send crates to positions surrounding the beacon. Note that once an offset has been changed from 0, it cannot be reset back to 0.
If a crate is loaded onto the pad, but it isn't being detected, try pressing '''Update''' next to Supply pad status. If it's still not detected, the crate may be anchored to the ground. Try unwrenching it, and update again.
Once your crate is ready and the destination is set, press '''Launch Supply drop''' to fire. You'll have a roughly 30 second delay before you can send another crate.
=[[TGMC:Factory|The Factory]]=
Click on link to learn more about factory.
=Other Utilities=
[[File:TGMC_vendor_operations.png|thumb|right|The Operational Supplies Vendor]]All requisitions bays will have 4 vendors to help you with your job; The Operational Supplies Vendor, the Automated Weapons Vendor, the Surplus Clothing Vendor, and the Surplus Armor vendor. These can be used to acquire certain ASRS items for free, such as Jaeger armor or weapon attachments.
The most useful by far is the Operational Supplies Vendor. This contains a small amount of several specialist weapon ammunition types, several utility items such as plastic explosives, fultons and autominers, as well as vending 2 boxes of each standard grenade type and one box of most standard ammo types. It is recommended to empty the standard ammo and most of the utility items into one or two crates, and load them onto the Alamo for the marines to use.
[[File:TGMC_Requisitions_Overwatch.gif|thumb|left|The Requisitions Overwatch Console]]The Automated Weapons Vendor can vend infinite free standard attachments, negating the need to order them from the ASRS system. Some attachments, like the Build-A-Sentry or Tactical Shotgun Stock still need to be ordered. The vendor can also provide free ammunition for standard weapons, so use this to restock if you get a request for non-specialized ammo.
In addition, the Requisitions bay comes equipped with its own Overwatch console. Make sure to use this in order get a feel for the situation on the ground, and operate accordingly. Functionally, this console operates the same as those found on the bridge.
*In the Surplus Clothing Vendor, some items come pre-filled. Most of the time this isn't very helpful, however sending full welding kits vis the backpack section or full flare pouches can make or break groundside
*You can use the Ripley to carry crates, boxes, xenomorph corpses, and the lasgun cell charger. It's always faster to carry two items with the Ripley than to use the Push+Pull method, so use this if you have a lot to move.
*Always remember, communication is key. Feel free to call people out by name when their orders are up, check in on smartgunners if they need ammunition, or ask marines in general what sort of Requisitions equipment they'd like.
*If you have the spare time, build a factory for IFF ammo, this will be much easier and cheaper than buying an excessive amount of SG mags. This holds true for droppods also, with their factory saving you from the long walk between requisitions and the podroom on most shipmaps.
*Some crates, such as the MEDEVAC crate come locked to the ID of a certain job, in this case, corpsmen or MD's. This lock is easily circumvented by just shooting of smacking open the crate until it breaks.
*Hoarding points is rarely worth it, it is best to have your marines well informed on how many supply points there aee
*Make sure to prioritize orders from those who inform you what they are fultoning or those who are setting up miners, if you piss them off, your supply point income may suddenly halt.
= Addendum; Tips & Tricks for Requisitions =
<code>Written and signed by Dell Conagher.</code>
<small>This is not meant to be a replacement for the guide already found on this page, it's moreso additional reading material for people wanting to up their RO game, or simply for those who are curious about some of the lesser known duties of a good RO.</small>
=== Spawning in ===
There's a checklist you need to do before you start doing your hard work as a RO, it mostly goes as follows. I've ordered them based on priority, as 1 and 2 don't take long to do. This setup should not take a long time, I'd give it around 10-15 mins.
'''Your Requisitions locker has an ASRS tablet. No matter what you do, you cherish this thing. Put it in your pocket and keep it there forever.'''
It lets you interact with the ASRS platform from anywhere. (Accept/deny orders, make new orders, raise/lower platform). This little device allows you to become mobile and not tethered to your computer, allowing you to multitask. Keep the tab open and make it a bit smaller, put it over your Status tab topright and a bit of chat if you don't mind it. The tab doesn't close when you put the tablet in your pocket.
==== Other items ====
'''Replace medium general pouch with tool pouch. You'll need the rest for reqtorio and other things.'''
Put whatever you want on your belt slot, I usually rock the G8 for its ability to store slighty larger items. Replace hat with Martin (By clickdragging his sprite into yours, you can pick him up and put him on your helmet slot.) This will make you <s>feel</s> a lot better and stand out as '''the req guy'''. Get rid of taser (Or put it in backpack). No real use for it. I usually grab a MG42 in it's place but that's for step 4. Also you can grab a hand labeler from your table in your office, good for labelling backpacks and crates before shipping which allows a marine to hover their mouse over it to see what it contains.
==== Vend your vendors ====
'''This should be one of the first things you do as #1 and #2 are a quick one minute affair.'''
Grab a crate or dispense one from a weapons vendor under boxes. Head into your op vendor '''(Operational supplies)'''. First tab, vend: Xeno Pinpointer, Beacon (IMPORTANT), 2 plastic explosives, all fultons, and 2 tactical suicide vests. Head into mining tab, vend everything, grenade boxes, also everything, ammo boxes, also everything. Then, head over to Automated Weapons Rack and check "Heavy Weapons" tab. You're looking for if marines vended the 4 "ST-571 sentry crates". If not, vend them or FOB's gonna be left undefended with no sentries. Feel free to also grab a rocket bag or two, those are always handy at fob. Close that crate up, get on your motorbike and put it on alamo. After that, check if marines also put all of the crates near the alamo on it. (Mostly nobody does this, so you should be the kind samaritan to get some of the boxes there.) But which ones? I only grab the big distinct green crate which has all the ammo in it, the MRE crate, red cell box that recharges weapon cells. I also grab the 3 brown crates and put them closer to req before opening them, since they might contain guns that marines will seek after. (Kalashnikov, for example). After your quick trip's done, you are ready for the last and least important step.
==== Return to req and set it up ====
'''Now that MG42 comes to play. You remember the shutters you originally opened?'''
It's a 5 wide opening, but the sides are blocked with glass. Equip your MG, shoot both window tiles open. This will give you a LOT of breathing/wiggle room and it really helps in the long run. The shutters will still be there after you break the window. Grab your ''free'' 30 conveyors & switch off a nearby metal rack in main req, link the two and start placing them on your platform. I usually do this with the conveyors:
[[File:Conveyor Setup For Lift.gif|link=|329x329px]]
This setup means the crates which come up are closer to you without blocking all the spots where you put the things you wanna export. Also, if you really want, move some of the vendors closer to your drop pad using a wrench, helps when you get a request of 50 welding backpacks and similar. Lastly for your req setup, vend an '''Unboxer, Cutter, Atomic Reconstructor''' from your OP vendor's "reqtorio basics" tab. Put them nearby where they don't get in the way and are easily accessible. These 3 machines will be used for your smartgunners. It's alright even if you don't have any smartgunners.
Now that your frantic setup is complete it should be around 12:08 and you'll likely have marines yelling at you for their orders, or be in a complete ghost town where marines don't even know you exist.
'''Quick checklist:'''

*Some other minor orders (generally under 20 points) including but not limited to custom guns (mostly Mateba) that you can't get from prep, or any combination of the stuff above. Approve at your own discretion, if you deem it reasonable, especially if valid reason was given.
* Crate filled with ammo, fultons, beacon, C4, sentries on alamo.
*Someone might decide to order something costly like a scout cape (50 points), IFF sniper rifle (70 points without additional ammo, however there are few mags in your vendor) or even a B18 (100 points). You will most likely want deny that, because at the start of the operation you're rather limited (you get 120 points as pictured), but they could be left for later when you regain points.
* Conveyors on lift, activated.
* Tablet in pocket.
* Reqtorio machines vended.

List of jaeger suit modules for referece:
=== Before alamo departs ===
You'll want to start accepting and denying orders. Remember that orders are ordered (lol) based on their age, so the oldest (Earliest) order is at the top, while the newest (Freshest) order is at the bottom, so you'll likely want to start accepting from top to bottom. But hold that trigger cowboy! Does that marine really need a "Jetpack"? For 120 points?? You'll need to investigate, as some things that marines can buy from req are freely available (Sometimes in limited numbers, however) So in this case, you'll head over to the Automated Weapons Rack and check Specialized tab. Are there "marine jetpacks" there? If yes, vend it and tell them their order is at req while denying the order. Sometimes some limited guns are also in Seasonal tab, such as the aforementioned Kalashnikov. If you did not find the item, contemplate if it's worth spending points on right now. Now that the weird orders are sorted, here's things you want to prioritize;

{| style="border: 2px solid black;
'''<big>ASRS pad</big>'''. Steep price for the start of an op, 300, but is like a money printer if you have a researcher. When you get this crate, put a toolbelt, a charged cell from the yellow engineer vendor (Should be located nearby req) and if you don't have a researcher, also go into medical (You don't have access, but people raid chemistry roundstart so there should be an entryway into chemistry where there is a white medical vendor (NOT MARINEVEND) which is probably hacked by those same people. Head into the misc tab and grab a "Xenomorph analyzer", put it in the crate. Head into main medbay and grab a researcher tube (NOT cryo tube, the ones you're looking for are distinctly cyan). You can unbolt them by opening up their gui and clicking the topmost button, then simply put it in your crate.
! style="background-color:#808080;"|'''Module'''
! style="background-color:#808080;"|'''Desc:'''

|style="width:150px; border: 3px solid black; border-bottom: 3px solid black; padding: 6px;background-color:#D3D3D3;"|[[file:TGMC_jaeger_module_baldur.png|64px]]
'''Your second crate should have these:'''
[[#baldurmk1 |'''Mark 1 Baldur light amplification system''']]
|style="border: 3px solid black; border-bottom: 3px solid black; padding: 6px;background-color:#D3D3D3;"| Increases the power output of the Jaeger Combat Exoskeleton's mounted flashlight. Slows you down slightly.

|style="width:150px; border: 3px solid black; border-bottom: 3px solid black; padding: 6px;background-color:#D3D3D3;"|[[file:TGMC_jaeger_module_baldur.png|64px]]
* A toolbelt.
[[#baldurmk2 |'''Mark 2 Baldur light amplification system''']]
* High Capacity APC Power Cell.
|style="border: 3px solid black; border-bottom: 3px solid black; padding: 6px;background-color:#D3D3D3;"| Substantially increases the power output of the Jaeger Combat Exoskeleton's mounted flashlight. Slows you down slightly.
* ASRS Pad.
* Researcher Tube.
* Xeno Analyzer.

|style="width:150px; border: 3px solid black; border-bottom: 3px solid black; padding: 6px;background-color:#D3D3D3;"|[[file:TGMC_jaeger_module_tyr.png|64px]]
After doublechecking, leave the crate on alamo. This will be your main point generator before your engineers set up miners. Now that ASRS is bought, you should '''prioritize orders from top to bottom'''. Suit modules are usually the most sought after thing now that imagers are gone. If you think you'll have too many suit module orders (5+ for a single module, such as Tyr2), you might want to hold off buying them and instead make a factory for modules. Same goes for SG ammo, you see a guy putting a roundstart order for 3 bins? Build a factory instead of hastily accepting his order, his jaw will drop seeing 10 filled bins on the same tile.
[[#tyrmk1 |'''Mark 1 Tyr armor reinforcement''']]
|style="border: 3px solid black; border-bottom: 3px solid black; padding: 6px;background-color:#D3D3D3;"| A large amount of additional armor plating designed to fit inside some of the vulnerable portions of the Jaeger Combat Exoskeleton conventional armor patterns. This older version has worse protection. Will definitely impact mobility.

|style="width:150px; border: 3px solid black; border-bottom: 3px solid black; padding: 6px;background-color:#D3D3D3;"|[[file:TGMC_jaeger_module_tyr.png|64px]]
As a rule of thumb you never want to outright deny orders unless you provide a substitute (By substitute I mean being able to create the order via reqtorio, offering a better alternative or already having a copy of the requested item stashed somewhere, NOT a downgrade or something entirely different) or the orderer is dead.
[[#tyrmk2 |'''Mark 2 Tyr armor reinforcement''']]
|style="border: 3px solid black; border-bottom: 3px solid black; padding: 6px;background-color:#D3D3D3;"| A substantial amount of additional armor plating designed to fit inside some of the vulnerable portions of the Jaeger Combat Exoskeleton conventional armor patterns. Will definitely impact mobility.

|style="width:150px; border: 3px solid black; border-bottom: 3px solid black; padding: 6px;background-color:#D3D3D3;"|[[file:TGMC_jaeger_module_mimir.png|64px]]
Other than dealing with orders, you might wanna deal with some other prep. Due to '''lacking''' APC access (And engi skill for that matter), you should really not bother trying to fix APCs or fix medical's if (read: When) their power runs out. You can still wirecutter a slashed APC in the event an illegal passenger drone slashes your TCOMMS APC.
[[#mimirmk1 |'''Mark 1 Mimir environmental resistance system''']]
|style="border: 3px solid black; border-bottom: 3px solid black; padding: 6px;background-color:#D3D3D3;"| When activated, this system provides resistance to environmental hazards, such as gases and radiological exposure. This older version provides no protection to acid. Best paired with the Mimir Environmental Helmet System. Will impact mobility.

|style="width:150px; border: 3px solid black; border-bottom: 3px solid black; padding: 6px;background-color:#D3D3D3;"|[[file:TGMC_jaeger_module_mimir.png|64px]]
Don't forget you're also '''in command''', so setting up aSL's, raising orbit <s>and doing briefings</s> is in your power! Ever since [ #14578], there's no reason to be on orbit 1-4. Raise it to 5 and increase your passive req point gen.
[[#mimirmk2 |'''Mark 2 Mimir environmental resistance system''']]
|style="border: 3px solid black; border-bottom: 3px solid black; padding: 6px;background-color:#D3D3D3;"| When activated, this system provides substantial resistance to environmental hazards, such as gases and radiological exposure. This newer version provides resistance to acid. Best paired with the Mimir Environmental Helmet System and a gas mask. Will impact mobility.

|style="width:150px; border: 3px solid black; border-bottom: 3px solid black; padding: 6px;background-color:#D3D3D3;"|[[file:TGMC_jaeger_module_valk.png|64px]]
=== Saving money with factorio ===
[[#valk |'''Valkyrie automedical armor system''']]
Reqtorio is a wonderful addition that allows you to save precious points at the cost of a little setup with larger bulk orders, being able to print out 10 modules at once for just *600* points (Saving a whopping 900) is something that will make an average unga love you and make your comrades proud. As you already vended 3 machines and put them down, you might not even know how to accordingly place them though! Firstly, grab some new conveyors from your autolathe and print a conveyor switch to boot with them as well. You can wrench a reqtorio machine down to bolt it to the ground and have it accept materials, or use a screwdriver to change its rotation counter-clockwise, symbolized by the red mark on the bottom left of a machine. This mark tells you WHERE the machine is currently pointing, and as such is pointing its output. On the opposite is the input of the machine. You can also fuel every machine by hand, but doing it with things other than assemblies takes a ridiculous amount of time. Regardless, the 3 reqtorio machines you vended create SMARTGUNNER ammunition, a rather costly endeavor made **50%** less expensive with a simple configuration. Placing them in this sequence allows you to put in Smart machinegun (SG29) and Smart minigun (SG85) refills into the leftmost machine (The Unboxer) and have them create 10 bins per refill, saving a total of 250 points PER batch!
|style="border: 3px solid black; border-bottom: 3px solid black; padding: 6px;background-color:#D3D3D3;"| When activated, it can inject a variety of chemicals, as well as automatically securing the bones and body of the wearer, to minimize the impact of broken bones or mangled limbs in the field. Also comes with a health analysis function. Will definitely impact mobility.

|style="width:150px; border: 3px solid black; border-bottom: 3px solid black; padding: 6px;background-color:#D3D3D3;"|[[file:TGMC_jaeger_module_surt.png|64px]]  
[[File:Unboxer.gif|link=]][[File:Conveyor Right.gif|link=]][[File:Cutter.gif|link=]][[File:Conveyor Right.gif|link=]][[File:Reconstructor.gif|link=]][[File:Conveyor Right.gif|link=]]
[[#surt |'''Surt pyrotechnical insulation system''']]
|style="border: 3px solid black; border-bottom: 3px solid black; padding: 6px;background-color:#D3D3D3;"| Providing a near immunity to being bathed in flames, and amazing flame retardant qualities, this is every pyromaniacs' first stop to survival. Will impact mobility somewhat.

|style="width:150px; border: 3px solid black; border-bottom: 3px solid black; padding: 6px;background-color:#D3D3D3;"|[[file:TGMC_jaeger_module_hlin.png|64px]]
Examples aside, the leftmost machine is the UNBOXER, and it's the defacto starting point of every factory, as you first need a machine to unpack a refill assembly. You can get creative with layouts for these, requiring only 1 conveyor between each machine while going diagonally.
[[#hlin |'''Hlin explosive compensation module''']]
|style="border: 3px solid black; border-bottom: 3px solid black; padding: 6px;background-color:#D3D3D3;"| Uses a complex set of armor plating and compensation to lessen the effect of explosions, at the cost of making the user slower.

There always would be some rather wasteful orders that should be outright denied, examples being:
There's many more recipes and some of them get pretty complex requiring 8 machines, 3 of which have to be bought. Remember that a factory is '''very modular''' and you <u>never</u> need to rebuy the same machine, as you can just change your current production to suit the new one.
*If someone decided that they're smarter than you/questioning your competence/aren't even aware if you're there or not and placed an order for an ASRS bluespace pad. There is almost no reason you should order two of them, short of convenience for engineers to get you points a bit faster exporting crates, but it's always not worth it to do in the beginning anyway.
*If they order something that is readily available in prep or any other department, such as regular issue guns, ammo and other munition, attachments, shields (at least six in two vendors in prep, if it's mid-operation already - consider ordering), medical supplies (only if they're still present in medbay) and so on. If they do so, direct them to where they can get that and deny their order.

If you're unsure on how to handle either order - use your best judgement or ask for advice on the command channel, surely someone would help. Getting proper reason from whoever ordering helps too.
=== Communication ===
'''(aka. Dealing with radio silence)'''

===How to Order Things===
Being a good RO means you're not just good at accepting orders and pressing the lift button, you're a '''PEOPLE''' person, hence why you've got a <big>loud</big> headset!
ASRS is your bread and butter, as it allows you to order various types of supplies and gear for exchange for points, which can be earned by exports. Use the console or your tablet and interface would come up (if it won't - rejoin). This is how it looks:

[[File:TGMC_ASRS_interface.png|500px|center|ASRS UI]]
'''MORE OFTEN THAN NOT (Especially after the operation properly begins),''' you'll get a order verbally through comms, usually through req's channel (As everyone has access to it), though I've seen a few people order through Command, Fire Support, or the stray private using their squad channel. Not to fret, you've got access to EVERY channel and knowing which letter is for which is going to save you a lot of hassle in the long run.

Go to whatever category the desired item is in (for example, it's "Operations" for ASRS Bluespace Supply Pad). Click the single arrow to order one, or the double to waste all your points getting as many of this particular item as you can. Then go to the "Pending Order" tab and hit Approve if you're satisfied with your selection. It will be moved to the "Awaiting Delivery" tab and corresponding to the summary price of supplies, a certain amount of points would be deducted, and next time you rise the lift - it will be on it. There is also other tabs:
<u>:q - alpha, :b - bravo, :c - charlie, :d - delta, ; - Common , :s - Fire Support , :h - Command , :e - Engineering, :u - Req.</u>
*Previous Purchases allows you to see what was purchased via this console or pad with authorization (requisition access).
*Export history allows you to see which wares were exported using lift/ASRS bluespace pad and when to gauge marines effectiveness at scoring you points.
*Requests contain requests that was made by marines or other personel using console outside (doesn't require access). You can either approve them (they will be moved to Awaiting Delivery tab just like your own orders) or deny them.
*Approved Requests contains all requests that you or someone else with access approved. Useful for when you forgot who ordered something that you already retreived.
*Denied Requests, which contains denied requests.

Regardless, this is where only game knowledge can help you solve the cryptic hints of radio orders, as being told to order "50 metal, 2 sentries, to my beacon" is much more desirable than '''"DMR NOW"''' which will leave you scratching your head in a magnitude of ways. But here is where I unfortunately have to tell you the sad reality; '''''Marines are not smart''''', not just that, but it also sometimes feel like these people <u>GO OUT OF THEIR WAY</u> to make your job harder.
Exports are your main way on getting points (other one being passive regen, but it's kind of slow and not so reliable for costly orders). It can be done either via your lift platform or by using an ASRS Bluespace Pad. To get points from exporting by using lift, simply place stuff you want to export on the raised lift without any packaging (like crates) and it will automatically give you points upon lowering. ASRS is slightly harder, but much more useful and handy.  

Next part is more for marines than for you, as they would be delivering and using it most of the time: After you get it, deliver it to the ground (usually via dropship), drag it to the desired destination, wrench it down (it must either be in powered room or on powered cable) - done, you now can place things you want to export on top of it and use it (if you can't pixelhunt for it under all stuff you want to export - use alt-click) to momentarily export things and gain points. It also reports how much points was received for which item, so you can shout at RO to order you fancy stuff.
(Worst cases are when you get an order and never get a reply after you ask them where they want their order)

List of things you can export is quite short:
Not to fret, you have <big>loudspeak</big> for a reason! You must however remember '''<big>The 3 Rules</big>'''
*Crates of Phoron and Platinum ore, aquired from repairing and running corresponding types of miners on the map. Phoron crates earn 20 points, and Platinum Crates earn 40.
*Xenomorph corpses. Larva embryo (pulled from infected, but unbursted marines via surgery) costs 5, regular killed larva - 15, any Tier 1 caste - 30, Tier 2 caste - 40, Tier 3 caste - 50, and a Queen - whooping 100 points, equivalent to a B18 armor on points.

'''<big>1) Say relevant information and keep it short and concise</big>''', drawing out your replies will only net negative results in the long run.
After you're done with operation start chores, and marines are already deployed, it's time to gather and deliver more supplies they would need on either by demand or by your initiative. The very first thing you need to do is to ensure that there is at least one supply beacon deployed inside FOB, as it is vital part of the supply cycle, as without it the cycle will be hindered considerably. Second thing you want to ensure of is the ASRS pad (if you choose to order it, which you really should) has been brought from dropship to FOB, wrenched down and working, as it is essential for exports, which is your main point source.

After all of that, you have some free time, consider to do any of the stuff listed above that you could't do early because of a hurry and more:
'''<big>2) Ask ungas to elaborate if you're confused</big>''', For our previous example, if you're unsure of the item in question, you'd have to ask "You mean the one in weapons vendor under marksman or the '''A'''MR from req? Sure, any attachies?" Don't be afraid to ask for people to elaborate on their orders, as many times you could have a simple communication error cost you precious seconds in time of need, such as someone telling you to buy 3 APHE for TAT, so you buy a single order of 3 APHE shells, but only after you send it realize they meant 3 orders of 3 shells.  
*Sort inner requisition stuff to your liking. It's much more fast and enjoyable to work when each item in it's place. You can use table parts that are already present or print more of them and rack parts to take it one step further. This is, however, not vital to your job in any way.
*Try to predict what marines would need soon and start to gather it. It mainly concerns supplies which can be aquired from prep such as ammo, guns, additional supply of flares and grenades and else, because ordering things using ASRS is quite fast, but gathering supplies from prep not so. Use backpacks for flares and grenades, and ammo boxes that you saved early/leftover after marines for ammo.
*Be creative! Come up with some of the additional guns that marines would like to use such as, for example, flamers with rail lights attached, or FOB GPMGs with bipod, extended barrel and a rail scope for defence purposes. Marines are also prone to lose their guns sometimes, so you can as well throw together few general designs and send them along with requested supplies. And lastly, there is a few good guns in the Import and Weapons categories available, such as HPR machinegun or Mateba revolver (each costs 15, thought most ammo for such guns including HPR costs 5 for each mag/box). Marines would love those too.

List of most used guns in that order for reference (from authors personal experience, don't quote):
<big>'''3) Never automatically send to fob'''</big>, ask if they have antenna/beacon/where they want their order. The worst way you can hurt a push is by forcing people to abandon frontline and scramble to fob one at a time. Do not do this.  
*T-12 assault rifle, T-42 LMG, T-60 GPMG, TL-127 bolt-action rifle, and both types of usual shotguns are most widely used guns. You should have ammo for those ready each and all time.
*T-18 carbine, TX-15 automatic shotgun, T-90 submachine gun, T-19 machinepistol, T-37 DMR and T-60 battle rifle are not that widely used as guns above, but there are usually a few marines that use them. Ask around if you're not sure.
*Non-conventional weaponry but still effective guns, such as the Mosin or PPSh. Marines that like them mostly doesn't count on requisitions in any capability and pack needed ammo themselves, given you provided them with ammo boxes.
*Special types of guns like flamers, in case of which it is far easier to locate fuel tank groundside and replenish your ammo or simply bring vast amount of additional welding kits early on, so it won't likely need resupply. Same applies to lasguns, as marines have a lasgun batteries charger groundside (if you followed this guide right).
*Anything else such as sidearms and other non-mentioned stuff (lasgun is not mentioned due to presence of a charger) that is used pretty rarely, ammo for it should only be prepared upon request.

Then some orders should begin to come in from various channels. In the middle of the operation (from half an hour to hour in) it would likely be additional materials for a FOB and some ammo that wasn't packed by marines themselves. Those are usually easy to fulfill. Other than that, after scoring some points for you via exports, marines will request various shiny and often costly equipment, such as spec guns (ranging from IFF sniper rifle and minigun to the Scout Rifle and MBX shotgun), B18 armor and maybe some additional armor modules they've missed shipside. In general, you want to prioritize general stuff that would aid most of marines and would most likely be profitable to the operation as a whole, such as meds and building mats, as well as turrets if requested, and only after it - any personal request for guns, modules and armor, which could give a boost to marines, but likelyhood of that is somewhat less reliable.
=== Signal ping pong ===
'''<code>"Launch aborted! Supply beacon signal lost."</code>''' This means that the beacon/antenna/radio pack you are *currently* sending to has ceased to function, whether deactivated or broken and it means you have to ask/tell the receiving person to check their antenna. '''ONLY ASK FOR THIS ONCE'''. As I have managed once to get into an infinite loop where I tell someone to set their beacon, start sending, they change the beacon, I get the supply beacon signal lost message, and I tell them to fix their beacon, at which point the console locks onto their changed beacon from before, leading to an infinite loop of tearing your hair out.

In case of marines becoming indifferent from time to time, you can use your own judgement and assemble a care package for them with all sorts of useful supplies:
'''<u>Super advanced tech:</u>''' After you hit "Launch Supply Drop", keep refreshing the current beacon by re-selecting it a bunch. The drop doesn't cancel and if the marine in this 10 second time period flickers their antenna, you'll manage to re-select it and not abort your launch. Knowing this tech is '''IMPECCABLE''' to sending orders fast, as some marines really like to flicker their signals.
*Ammo for the smart/machinegunner begging on the radio.
*Building materials if there is are active engineers.
*Medical supplies, mostly medical kits.
*A few guns you found together in the meantime.
*Any stuff that was left behind, such as spare recoilles launchers, shields, grenades, etc.

Other than being a '''mastermind at 9D chess''' with people, you should periodically update people on your req points, <u>there's no point of having 'em if nobody uses them!</u> I usually do this after getting a big bulk of points at once, or when I've been stuck at 200ish points for 20+ mins wondering if my Rsr and Engis are snoozing (Or dead).

In the end-round stage (hour from the beginning and onwards) few general scenarious could take place:
Some of the lesser known tips:
*Quick victory is most desirable and can occur even before the lategame. In this case, you won't need this part of the guide, but you can order some crayons to congratulate marines with their victory.
*Grim-looking future. Marines are taking heavy losses, everyone is screaming at command and eachother, command screaming at marines, xenos are beginning to assault the FOB, it all can mean one thing - the battle would be taken shipside and you all would fight for either your survival or for SD activation. In this case, it is advised to order additional materials and help engineers and marines to reinforce SD and CIC somewhat beforehand, so you can gain an upper hand in marines favorite competition play - cadehugging. Tight hallways also call for heavy usage of grenades, sniper rifles and flamers. If you have enough points for materials and a turret - by all means, go for it.
*It looks like a tie. Operations drags on for two hours and more, marines are stuck firmly to their barricades and whole thing looks like a trench war. In this case, if you didn't cryo from it yet, most desirable things would be building mats, most likely. It will allow marines to expand their autism fort and make it sturdier in weak places. You can also gain an upper hand by suiting more and more marines with specialist-tier weapons and B18 armors. Xeno at this point shouldn't have too many numbers and can evolve only to a certain point, but the upgrade potential of the marines are nearly limitless in this regard.

==Tips and Tricks==
* <s>A smartgun has a check on it to prevent any non-smartgunner from using it effectively. Putting it on an Experimental shoulder mount attachment won from Researcher's gacha bypasses this entirely. Send these to frontliners along with throwing knives</s>. Removed [ #15322]
This list is not extensive by any means and would likely be expanded:
* You can open a crate while it is being sent to a beacon. Useful for if you realize a little too late that you are sending the order to the wrong guy. This will still eat your crate and put the supply console on a 30 second cooldown. (You can't pull the crate after it's locked in, and it takes exactly 10 seconds to send after pressing the button)
*There is not a single right way to play RO right, possibilities are vast. Experiment, make fun things, explore new stuff from the order list, but by no means such activities should hinder supply flow.
* Contrary to popular belief amongst the non-RO's, you do not have surgery skill. If you find yourself as the only one shipside you have to beg over comms for a corpsman to go shipside otherwise putting dead people into autodocs/cryo will make medbay run out of power fast-- and your ID has no APC access. Combine that with no engi skill and even hacking an APC is a lengthy endeavor. Put people into stasis bags if there's no power. If you absolutely must do surgery, steal powercells/generators from engi and hotwire medbay into having a quickly swappable battery source.
*If you got a shitload of points and no shortage expected, there is a certain powerful toy you <s>can order for 300 points - the quad thermobaric launcher, which is one of the most devastative explosive weapons you can get. It comes with four rockets which you can fire one by one or use burst to fire all four. It is near impossible to survive if hit with a burst of such.</s> Thermobaric was removed from req for being too OP. Settle for loads of miniguns or SADAR rocket launchers instead.
* You can chamber OB fast even without the skill, as pressing the button to Load and Chamber an OB round bypasses the "?" timer. You still need to wait for the fumble timer when opening the GUI. It's best to ask AI to operate the console for you.
* If you have the time, you can orbit groundside personnel with your req's overwatch console and even give them buffs from orders.
* Short on metal?
** Making lots of glass windows from the glass stack req starts off and then breaking them gives you 1 metal rod per glass and thus 1 metal sheet per 4 glass (Slowest).
** <s>Prying floor tiles off shipside nets you 1 metal per 4 floor tiles (Slow-ish + carpal tunnel)</s> Removed [ 13835].
** Deconstructing the cades that spawn at reqline and near alamo on Pillar of Spring nets you around 12+48 metal.
** Pillar of Spring and some other shipside maps have armory with a 50 metal stack spawn (Fastest but map dependent).

Latest revision as of 07:03, 6 July 2024

This page is a part of the TGMC wiki.

TGMC is a project based on the CM-SS13 codebase.

  CWO Self Insert says:
"Hi! If you're here, you've probably been unlucky enough to land in the role of somebody with access to req or if you're masochistic enough to choose RO, don't worry; this job really isn't so hard as long as you remember the basics, which this guide below should help you learn."

Duties of the Office

Welcome to the Requisitions department, home of infinite crates and not enough points. Your basic duties will entail keeping tabs on marine supply, filling orders, and sending down munitions, materials, and other necessary supplies. While running requisitions, your single most important duty is communication. Listen for orders, give notifications on progress, and alert marines when their crates are ready. Even if you can't keep up with demand, people feel better if they hear from you about it.

Essential Equipment

The only absolutely necessary equipment for requisitions activities is a wrench, to reset the supply pad in the even that it breaks.

For an optimal requisitions experience, you'll need some additional gear:

  • The ASRS tablet, which will allow you to remotely operate the ASRS system and elevator.
  • A hand labeler, to properly tag and identify the crates you send.
  • A toolbelt, to store the necessary tools to do construction and maintenance on Requisitions systems. Wear it on your belt slot.
  • A machete, to break open doors heads secure crates prior to sending. Wear it on your back.

The ASRS System

The ASRS console UI.
The requests tab, with a few orders.

The most important utility of requisitions is the ASRS system. In theory, the ship has a large automated storage bay in the lower decks, from which the ASRS system retrieves crates as requisitions points are spent. The control interface for the system is accessible via one of the ASRS consoles in requisitions, or by the ASRS tablet found in the RO's locker. From the interface, you can view, place, deny or accept orders for requisitions equipment.

To the left of the UI, you will see three categories. The first is primary used for control of the ASRS elevator. Use the Raise or Lower button to toggle the state of the elevator. After a short delay, it will arrive in either position. Prior to arriving, you can see any purchased orders by pressing the Awaiting Delivery button. These will remain as pending until the elevator brings them to the raised position.

The ASRS inventory, on the weapons tab.

The second section is for direct ASRS orders, placed by the ASRS consoles inside Requisitions or by the ASRS tablet. These aren't placed as requests, so you don't need to worry about accepting it as an order. Just press Purchase Cart to buy your queued items, or Clear Cart to quickly remove all items. The Previous Purchases tab will show all formerly purchased items, including those placed by requests or direct orders. To add items to this cart, select them from the tabs in the fourth section, the ASRS inventory. The last item is the export history tab, which shows most previously sold items.

The third section is for viewing placed, but not accepted or denied, orders. Whenever someone places an order from the ASRS requests console outside requisitions, it will be sent to the pending orders tab. You can view it by pressing the Requests button. From there, it's up to you to accept or deny orders individually. If you want to accept or deny all pending orders, and have the points to do so, you can press the Accept All or Deny All buttons in the top right. You can also review all previously accepted and denied orders from here. In the denied orders tab, there's a button to approve each order in the event you denied one by mistake.

The last section is the ASRS inventory. Each tab here shows contains crates of items related to their relevant category, identified by name. You can press the arrows on each item to add either one, or the maximum affordable number, of the item to your cart. These are sent to your pending order. Pressing the small dropdown arrow next to each items name will display the exact contents of the crate, as well as their quantity.

The ASRS Elevator

The elevator in its lowered position.
The elevator in its raised position.

The ASRS elevator works in two positions, the raised and lowered states.

While in the raised state, you can remove crates, load export items, and generally use the area safely. The system features a living biosign detector, so it won't take you down into the cargo bay itself. That's a good thing, there's probably no air down there. When the lift is clear of biosigns, pressing the Lower button will raise safety rails on all sides of the lift, preventing access.

Note that any crates currently on the lift will not be refunded if sent down with the lift, so make sure any orders are removed before sending the elevator down.

While lowered, the system will automatically load any newly accepted orders, and bring them up the next time the lift is raised. Note that you cannot add new items to a raising lift, and will have to wait for the elevator to cycle back to its lowered position before you can receive your items.

Point Acquisition

You'll need an adequate supply of requisitions points before you can order anything. Points can be gained through two methods, passive or active.

Points will passively generate from roundstart based on the ships orbital level. The exact formula is 20*(Orbit Level/3) every 10 seconds, but due to lag and other calculations you'll likely only be getting 50 per minute. This number can be increased by elevating the ships orbital level, but note that this increases dropship transit time and CAS fire delay.

For active point generation, the marines will need to do some work. Points are actively gained through exports, by selling xenomorph corpses, research artifacts, valuable minerals, or factory sales.

Xenomorph corpses and mining are going to be your most lucrative point generation methods. For Xenomorph exports, the amount of points you get is based on the tier of the Xenomorph. In order:

  • Minion Xenomorphs: 50 points
  • Non-Surgically Removed Larva: 75 points
  • Tier 1 Xenomorphs: 150 points
  • Tier 2 Xenomorphs: 300 points
  • Tier 3 Xenomorphs and Shrike: 500 points
  • Tier 4 Xenomorphs: 1000 points

These can be sold through three methods:

  • Use of a fulton kit, which have three uses each and require open air to send.
  • Use of an ASRS Bluespace Export pad, which must be purchased from Requisitions but can be infinitely used as long as they have power, can can operate indoors.
  • Manual sale through placing the corpses on the ASRS elevator.

All methods produce the same number of points, but some are more costly in terms of time or resources than others.

Mining is another lucrative point generation method. The surface will have a number of mineral miners present, which engineers can repair and activate. These will slowly mine crates of ore, which can be sold by manually interacting with them. This process can be automated with autominer modules, or accelerated with overclock modules (Constructed by the Autolathe).

There are two miner types, Phoron and Platinum. Phoron generates 150 points every 140 seconds, and Platinum generates 300 points every 140 seconds.

Researchers on the field may find credit points while doing their work. The value of these coins is labeled on them, and they can be sold on the ASRS elevator for the relevant amount.

The last method of active point generation is factory sales. The Pizza factory kit costs 290 points to purchase, and each pizza from the set of 30 can be re-sold for ten points each. This will net you ten points, so it's very slow; though theoretically, you could make infinite points from it.

ASRS Supplies List

All data is parsed from here, Updated as of July 11, 2024

ASRS Supply List

<tabs> <tab name="Operations"> Operations is mostly equipment used by Command staff as well as some specialized equipment for repairs of operations equipment

Item: Cost: Description:

Supply Beacon
A deployable supply beacon to use with the Requisitions supply console or to use for dropping OB on.

Fulton Extraction Pack
A 3 use fulton device to sell Xeno corpses with; just attach and the corpse will be sold for Req points.
Autominer Upgrade
An Upgrade Module for miners, this one will automate the process of selling crates.

Mining well reinforcement Upgrade
An Upgrade Module for miners, this one will increase the durability of a miner, letting it take more damage before breaking.

Mining well overclock upgrade
An Upgrade Module for miners, this one will increase the production speed of mined materials, resulting in more credits per minute.

Tactical Binoculars crate
A set of Tactical Binoculars as well as an encryption key for the CAS radio channel. Only available in HvX modes.

Xeno Structure tracker crate
A pinpointer device that can locate Xeno structures. Only available in HvX modes.
Xenomorph IFF Tag Crate
Contains an IFF tag used to mark a xenomorph as friendly to IFF systems. Warning: Nanotrasen is not responsible for incidents related to attaching this to hostile entities. Requires Bridge access to open.

3 Deployable Cameras
3 deployable cameras for use with CIC systems
Can be produced by the factory

ASRS Bluespace Export Point
An ASRS Bluespace export pad for selling items remotely. Can accept Xeno corpses or Researcher money tokens to provide Req Points.

Cluster orbital warhead
A Cluster Warhead for the Orbital Bombardment cannon. Only available in HvX gamemodes. Requires Engineering Access to open.

HE orbital warhead
A High Explosive Warhead for the Orbital Bombardment cannon. Only available in HvX gamemodes. Requires Engineering Access to open.

Incendiary orbital warhead
An Incendiary Warhead for the Orbital Bombardment cannon. Only available in HvX gamemodes. Requires Engineering Access to open.

Plasma draining orbital warhead
A Plasma Draining (Tanglefoot) Warhead for the Orbital Bombardment cannon. Only available in HvX gamemodes. Requires Engineering Access to open.

Solid Fuel
A single piece of Solid Fuel for the Orbital Bombardment cannon. Only available in HvX gamemodes. Requires Engineering Access to open.

Drop Pod
A ZEUS orbital droppod; must be placed on the appropriate floor tile to function. Use a power loader to move drop pods around
Can be made in the Factory

Leader Drop Pod
A ZEUS orbital droppod, but this one is meant for Leaders; must be placed on the appropriate floor tile to function. Use a power loader to move drop pods around.

Research Console
A Research tube for conducting experimental research on Xeno Corpses. Can be used to generate more points on Xeno corpses. Does not come in a crate.

Supply Tablet
An ASRS Supply Tablet, to let you process Requisitions orders remotely.
The RO job spawns with one of these in his hand
Tadpole Navigation Electronics
A replacement set of Tadpole Electronics, to repair a Tadpole should it fall into Xeno hands and rendered unflyable.

</tab> <tab name="Weapons"> An assortment of weapons, ammo, and other means of destruction all from the convenience of the ASRS terminal, delivered right to your door!

Item: Cost: Description:

ST-571 Base Defense Sentry
A crate with a ST-571 Base Defense sentry and one spare magazine.

ST-571 Sentry ammunition
A spare magazine for a ST-571 Base Defense Sentry

ST-580 Portable Sentry
A crate with a ST-580 Portable sentry and one spare magazine.

ST-580 Sentry ammunition
A spare magazine for a ST-580 Portable Sentry

SHT-573 Shotgun Sentry
A crate with a SHT-573 Shotgun Sentry and one spare magazine.

SHT-573 Shotgun Sentry ammunition
A spare magazine for a SHT-573 Shotgun Sentry

SST-574 Sniper Sentry
A crate with a SST-574 Sniper Sentry and one spare magazine.

SST-574 Sniper Sentry ammunition
A spare magazine for a SST-574 Sniper Sentry

Build-A-Sentry Attachment System
A Build-A-Sentry Attachment, for making custom sentry turrets. Can attach to almost any weapon.

HSG-102 Mounted Heavy Smartgun
A crate with a HSG-102 Mounted Heavy Smartgun and one spare magazine.

HSG-102 Mounted Heavy Smartgun ammo
A spare magazine for a HSG-102 Mounted Heavy Smartgun
Mounted Automatic Minigun
A Mountable Automatic Minigun
Mounted Minigun ammo
A spare magazine for A Mountable Automatic Minigun
ATR-22 Mounted Flak Cannon
A Mounted Autocannon

ATR-22 High-Velocity ammo
A magazine of High-Velocity rounds for an ATR-22 Mounted Flak Cannon
Can be made in the Factory

ATR-22 Smart-Detonating ammo
A magazine of Smart Programed Explosive rounds for an ATR-22 Mounted Flak Cannon
Can be made in the Factory
AGLS-37 Mounted Automated Grenade Launcher
A Mounted Automatic Grenade Launcher

AGLS-37 AGL High Explosive Grenades
A magazine of High Explosive grenades for an AGLS-37 Mounted Automated Grenade Launcher, Similar to M40 HEDP Grenades
Can be made in the Factory

AGLS-37 AGL Fragmentation Grenades
A magazine of Fragmentation grenades for an AGLS-37 Mounted Automated Grenade Launcher, Similar to M15 Grenades
Can be made in the Factory

AGLS-37 AGL White Phosphorous Grenades
A magazine of White Phosphorous Incendiary grenades for an AGLS-37 Mounted Automated Grenade Launcher, Similar to WP Grenades
Can be made in the Factory

AGLS-37 AGL Flare Grenades
A magazine of Flare grenades for an AGLS-37 Mounted Automated Grenade Launcher, Similar to Flares
Can be made in the Factory

AGLS-37 AGL Cloak Grenades
A magazine of Cloaking Smoke grenades for an AGLS-37 Mounted Automated Grenade Launcher, Similar to Cloaking Smoke Grenades
Can be made in the Factory

AGLS-37 AGL Tanglefoot Grenades
A magazine of Plasma Draining (Tanglefoot) Smoke grenades for an AGLS-37 Mounted Automated Grenade Launcher, Similar to Tanglefoot Smoke Grenades
Can be made in the Factory
AT-36 Anti Tank Gun
An AT-36 High Caliber Anti-Tank Gun

AT-36 AP-HE Shell (x3)
A Trio of Armor Peircing High Explosive shells for the AT-36 Anti-Tank Gun
Can be made in the Factory

AT-36 APCR Shell (x3)
A Trio of Armor Peircing Composite Rigid shells for the AT-36 Anti-Tank Gun
Can be made in the Factory

AT-36 HE Shell (x3)
A Trio of High Explosive shells for the AT-36 Anti-Tank Gun
Can be made in the Factory

AT-36 Beehives Shell (x3)
A Trio of Beehive shells for the AT-36 Anti-Tank Gun, Effectively Canister Shot
Can be made in the Factory

AT-36 Napalm Shell (x3)
A Trio of Incendiary Napalm shells for the AT-36 Anti-Tank Gun
Can be made in the Factory
FK-88 Flak Gun
A Large Caliber Anti-Aircraft gun repurposed for Anti-Tank Duty

FK-88 Flak HE Shell
A High Explosive shell for the FK-88 Flak Gun

FK-88 Flak APFDS Shell
An Armor Piercing Finned Discarding Sabot shell for the FK-88 Flak Gun
Mounted Heavy Laser
A Mounted Heavy Laser Emplacement
Mounted Heavy Laser Ammo (x1)
A Battery of charge for use with the Mounted Heavy Laser weapon
Tesla Shock Rifle
A Tesla Shock Energy Rifle
WML plasma energy cell (x3)
A Trio of Plasma containment cells for use with Plasma Weapons (Weapon Vendors currently can vend infinite of these!)
PL-51 Plasma SMG
A Rapid fire Plasma Sub Machine Gun, Uses WML Plasma Energy Cells
PL-38 Plasma Rifle
A Plasma Rifle with 3 modes, uses WML Plasma Energy Cells
PL-96 Plasma Cannon
A large caliber Plasma Cannon, Watch where you point it! uses WML Plasma Energy Cells

GL-54 airburst grenade launcher
A Semi automatic Magazine fed Grenade Launcher. Use GL-54 Magazines

GL-54 airburst grenade magazine
A Magazine for GL-54 Airburst Grenade Launcher, loaded with Airburst Grenades

GL-54 incendiary grenade magazine
A Magazine for GL-54 Airburst Grenade Launcher, loaded with Incendiary Grenades
GL-54 tactical smoke grenade magazine
A Magazine for GL-54 Airburst Grenade Launcher, loaded with Tactical (Cloaking) Smoke Grenades
GL-54 dense smoke grenade magazine
A Magazine for GL-54 Airburst Grenade Launcher, loaded with Dense (Standard) Smoke Grenades
GL-54 tanglefoot grenade magazine
A Magazine for GL-54 Airburst Grenade Launcher, loaded with Plasma Draining (Tanglefoot) Smoke Grenades
AR-55 OICW Rifle
A prototype version of the GL-54 Airburst Grenade Launcher with non removable Under barrel Rifle.

RL-160 Recoilless rifle kit
The RL-160 is a recoilless delivery device for heavy 67mm ordinance, generally giving whatever is hit by it a very bad day. The RL-160's performance is entirely dependent on the loaded shell, and shells should be used wisely due to their limited supply and the need to reload after every shot. Comes in a rocket bag that is full of spare rounds which also serves as one of the only ways to store shells. Roundstart vendors have a limited stock of these available typically. Only avalible in HvX modes

RL-160 RR HE shell
A single round of High Explosive for the RL-160 Recoilless Rifle. Only Avalible in HvX modes
This ammo can be produced by Factory

RL-160 RR LE shell
A single round of Light Explosive for the RL-160 Recoilless Rifle. Only Avalible in HvX modes.
This ammo can be produced by Factory

RL-160 HEAT shell
A single round of High Explosive Anti-Tank for the RL-160 Recoilless Rifle. Only Avalible in HvX modes.
This ammo can be produced by Factory

RL-160 RR Smoke shell
A single round of Dense (Standard) Smoke for the RL-160 Recoilless Rifle. Only Avalible in HvX modes.
This ammo can be produced by Factory

RL-160 RR Cloak shell
A single round of Tactical (Cloaking) Smoke for the RL-160 Recoilless Rifle. Only Avalible in HvX modes.
This ammo can be produced by Factory

RL-160 RR Tanglefoot shell
A single round of Plasma Draining (Tanglefoot) Smoke for the RL-160 Recoilless Rifle. Only Avalible in HvX modes.
This ammo can be produced by Factory
PB-12 Pepperball Gun
A PB-12 Pepperball gun. This weapon is currently present in limited quantities in vendors
It's a Brick

SR-220 Railgun
The SR-220 is a specialized heavy duty railgun made to shred through hard armor to allow for follow up attacks. Uses specialized canisters to reload

SR-220 Railgun armor piercing discarding sabot round
An Armor Piercing Discarding Sabot round for the SR-220 Railgun
This ammo can be produced by Factory

SR-220 Railgun high velocity armor piercing round
An High Velocity Armor Piercing round for the SR-220 Railgun, Greater Velocity over APDS
This ammo can be produced by Factory

SR-220 Railgun smart armor piercing round
An SMART Armor Piercing round for the SR-220 Railgun, Has IFF properties and wont hit friendlies, but it has a lower velocity
This ammo can be produced by Factory

BR-8 Scout Rifle
The BR-8 is a light specialized scout rifle, mostly used by light infantry and scouts. It's designed to be useable at all ranges by being very adaptable to different situations due to the ability to use different ammo types. Has IFF. Takes specialized overpressured 10x28mm rounds, Only available in HvX modes

BR-8 scout rifle magazine
A Spare magazine for the BR-8 scout rifle, Only available in HvX modes
This ammo can be produced by Factory
BR-8 scout rifle ammo box
A box of ammunition for the BR-8 scout rifle, Only available in HvX modes

BR-8 scout rifle impact magazine
A Spare magazine for the BR-8 scout rifle, This one is loaded with Impact rounds. Only available in HvX modes
This ammo can be produced by Factory

Br-8 scout rifle incendiary magazine
A Spare magazine for the BR-8 scout rifle, This one is loaded with Incendiary rounds. Only available in HvX modes
This ammo can be produced by Factory

RL-57 Thermobaric Launcher
The RL-57 is posssibly the most awful man portable weapon. It is a 4-barreled missile launcher capable of burst-firing 4 thermobaric missiles with nearly no force to the rocket. Enough said. Using this may constitute a Warcrime. Only available in HvX modes

RL-57 Thermobaric WP rocket array
A four shot rocket pack of White Phosphorous rounds for the RL-57. Using this may constitute a Warcrime. Only available in HvX modes
This ammo can be produced by Factory

RL-152 SADAR Rocket Launcher
Configurable Variable
Currently 800
The RL-152 (AKA Sadar) is the primary anti-armor weapon of the TGMC. Used to take out light-tanks and enemy structures, the RL-152 rocket launcher is a dangerous weapon with a variety of combat uses. Uses actual rockets rather than the T-160's recoilless shells, making it more powerful. Only available in HvX modes

RL-152 SADAR HE rocket
A High Explosive rocket for the RL-152 SADAR. Only available in HvX modes
This ammo can be produced by Factory

RL-152 SADAR HE rocket (Unguided)
An Unguided High Explosive rocket for the RL-152 SADAR, this round will only detonate when it hits a wall or a mob like a Xeno or a Marine. Only available in HvX modes
This ammo can be produced by Factory

RL-152 SADAR AP rocket
An Armor Piercing rocket for the RL-152 SADAR. Only available in HvX modes
This ammo can be produced by Factory

RL-152 SADAR WP rocket
A White Phosphorous rocket for the RL-152 SADAR. Using this may constitute a Warcrime. Only available in HvX modes
This ammo can be produced by Factory

RL-152 SADAR WP rocket (Unguided)
An Unguided White Phosphorous rocket for the RL-152 SADAR, this round will only detonate when it hits a wall or a mob like a Xeno or a Marine. Using this may constitute a Warcrime. Only available in HvX modes
ZX-76 Twin-Barrled Burst Shotgun
A Twin Barreled burst fire capable pump action shotgun. This configuration allows the use of a Burst firemode to fire both barrels simultaneously for massive burst damage.
12 Gauge Tracker Shells
A box of 12 Gauge tracking slugs, which imbed in the target and mark them on the minimap for some time after. Only available in HvX modes
Box of Incendiary Slugs
A box of 12 Gauge Incendiary slugs, Using these may constitute a Warcrime. Only available in HvX modes

SR-81 IFF Auto Sniper kit
The SR-81 is the TerraGov Marine Corps's automatic sniper rifle. It is rather well-known for it's night vision scope and IFF ammo, it however lacks a burst fire mode. It is mostly used by people who keep shooting their buddies in the back with a full power rifle round. Only available in HvX modes

SR-81 IFF sniper magazine
A Spare magazine for the SR-81 IFF Auto Sniper. Only available in HvX modes
This ammo can be produced by Factory
SR-81 IFF sniper ammo box
A box of spare rounds for the SR-81 IFF Auto Sniper. Only available in HvX modes

SR-26 Antimaterial rifle (AMR) kit
The SR-26 is an IFF capable sniper rifle which is mostly used by long range marksmen. It excels in long-range combat situations and support sniping. It has a laser designator installed, and the scope itself has IFF integrated into it. Uses specialized 10x28 caseless rounds made to work with the guns odd IFF-scope system. It has an integrated Target Marker and a Laser Targeting system. Only available in HvX modes

SR-26 AMR magazine
A spare magazine for the SR-26 Anti-Material Rifle. Only available in HvX modes
This ammo can be produced by Factory

SR-26 AMR incendiary magazine
A spare magazine for the SR-26 Anti-Material Rifle, This one is loaded with Incendiary Rounds. Only available in HvX modes
This ammo can be produced by Factory

SR-26 AMR flak magazine
A spare magazine for the SR-26 Anti-Material Rifle, This one is loaded with Explosive Flak Rounds. Only available in HvX modes
This ammo can be produced by Factory

MG-100 Vindicator Minigun
Currently 1200
A six barreled rotary machine gun, The ultimate in man-portable firepower, capable of laying down high velocity armor piercing rounds this thing will no doubt pack a punch. Must go through a short "spin up" period before firing. Requires the use of a dedicated powerpack on your back that functions as your magazine

MG-100 Vindicator Minigun Powerpack
A powerpack backpack containing 500 rounds of ammo for the MG-100 Vindicator Minigun. Must be worn on your back and attached to the MG-100
This ammo can be produced by Factory

MG-27 Medium Machinegun
The MG-27 is a deployable machine gun with an integrated tripod that is designed to provide suppressing fire, or defend a static position. Thanks to how quickly the MG-27 can be deployed and undeployed, it is practical to carry around in a mobile setting. Can be used without the tripod, but with extremely poor accuracy that makes using the MG-27 in this manner impractical. Roundstart vendors have a limited quantity of these available

HMG-08 heavy machinegun
The HMG-08 is a deployable high-capacity machine gun that excels at defending a position thanks to the HMGs incredible damage output and armor shredding capabilities. This immense power comes at the cost of mobility, as the gun takes a very long time to deploy and undeploy, making it only practical as a static point defense tool. Roundstart vendors have a limited quantity of these available

HMG-08 heavy machinegun ammo (500 rounds)
A 500 round extended "magazine" for the HMG-08 Heavy Machine Gun

HMG-08 heavy machinegun ammo (250 rounds)
A 250 round standard "magazine" for the HMG-08 Heavy Machine Gun

SG-29 smart machine gun
The SG-29 is the second of TGMC's current standard IFF-capable weapon, replacing the M56B smart gun. It's known for its ability to lay down heavy fire support very well. It is generally used when someone wants to hold a position, advance pushes with lead, or provide fire support. Requires special training and it cannot turn off IFF. It uses a special variant of 10x26mm ammunition

SG-29 ammo drum
A spare magazine for an SG-29 Smart Machine Gun.
You can produce this ammo with the Factory

SG-85 smart gatling gun
A true monster of providing supportive suppresing fire, the SG-85 is the TGMC's newest IFF-capable weapon. Boasting a higher firerate than any other handheld weapon. It is chambered in 10x26 caseless. Requires special training and it cannot turn off IFF. Requires a dedicated powerpack worn on your back that is sold Separately

SG-85 ammo bin
A box of 500 rounds for the SG-85 powerpack.
You can produce this ammo with the Factory

SG-85 powerpack
A powerpack for use with the SG-85, which functions as its magazine

SG-62 Smart Target Rifle
The Kauser-KT SG-62 is a IFF-capable rifle used by the TerraGov Marine Corps, coupled with a spotting rifle that is also IFF capable of applying various bullets with specialized ordnance, this is a gun with many answers to many situations... if you have the right ammo loaded. Requires special training and it cannot turn off IFF. It uses high velocity 10x27mm for the rifle and 12x66mm ammunition for the underslung rifle

SG-62 smart target rifle ammo
A Spare magazine for the SG-62 Smart Target Rifle
You can produce this ammo with the Factory

SG-62 smart target rifle ammo bin
A Bin of 10x27mm ammo for the SG-62 Magazines.

SG-153 spotting rifle ammo
A 5 Shot magazine of 12x66mm rounds for the Spotting rifle portion of the SG-62

SG-153 high impact spotting rifle ammo
A 5 Shot magazine of 12x66mm rounds for the Spotting rifle portion of the SG-62, Loaded with Impact Ammo

SG-153 heavy rubber spotting rifle ammo
A 5 Shot magazine of 12x66mm rounds for the Spotting rifle portion of the SG-62, Loaded with Heavy Rubber Bullets

SG-153 tanglefoot spotting rifle ammo
A 5 Shot magazine of 12x66mm rounds for the Spotting rifle portion of the SG-62, Loaded with Plasma Drain (Tanglefoot) Rounds

SG-153 tungsten spotting rifle ammo
A 5 Shot magazine of 12x66mm rounds for the Spotting rifle portion of the SG-62, Loaded with Knockback Rounds

SG-153 flak spotting rifle ammo
A 5 Shot magazine of 12x66mm rounds for the Spotting rifle portion of the SG-62, Loaded with Explosive Flak Rounds

SG-153 incendiary spotting rifle ammo
A 5 Shot magazine of 12x66mm rounds for the Spotting rifle portion of the SG-62, Loaded with Incendiary Rounds

FL-84 Flamethrower
The FL-84 flamethrower is a powerful area denial and resin clearing tool that can inflict damage over time on anyone who walks over it. Comes pre-equipped with a hydro cannon for putting out allies and clearing paths through the flames. The FL-84 can be equipped with various nozzles to change its function and fuel consumption. The default standard nozzle shoots flames in a straight line, the extended nozzle shoots a single ball of flame over a long distance, and the spray nozzle shoots a cone of flames in front of the user. Can be fueled by individual tanks or by a large backpack tank for more dedicated use. Roundstart vendors have a limited supply of these
FL-84 normal fuel tank
A 75 "Shot" magazine of Standard fuel for the FL-84 Flamer. Roundstart vendors have a limited supply of these
FL-84 X fuel tank
A 75 "Shot" magazine of X-fuel for the FL-84 Flamer, which burns bright blue
Standard back fuel tank
A 500 "Shot" backtank of Standard fuel for the FL-84 Flamer. Roundstart vendors have a limited supply of these
X-fuel backpack
A 500 "Shot" backtank of X-fuel for the FL-84 Flamer, which burns bright blue
X-fuel tank
A movable large tank filled with 1000u of X-fuel. For refilling existing X-fuel tanks. Does not come in a crate
RL-72 Disposable RPG
A single shot disposable RPG that can fit in a bag. Only available in HvX modes
Mateba Autorevolver belt
A Holster that contains the R-24 Mateba Autorevolver and 6 spare speedloaders. The second largest hand cannon you can buy. Only available in HvX modes
Mateba magazine
A spare speedloader for the R-24 Mateba. Comes loaded with 6 shots. Only available in HvX modes
Mateba packet
A packet of .454 Casull heavy pistol rounds for use with the R-24 Mateba. Only available in HvX modes
R-76 Magnum
The R-76 magnum is an absolute beast of a handgun used by the TGMC, hits extremely hard and will send your targets flying. It has a lengthy trigger pull however, and should probably be used with its stock attached. Chambered in 12.7mm magnum cartridges. Ammo can be found in Weapon Vendors. Only available in HvX modes
Surplus Standard Ammo Crate
A crate containing 22 ammo boxes of a wide variety which come prefilled. You lazy bum.
SR-127 Flak Magazine
A magazine for the SR-127 Bolt action rifle loaded with Explosive Flak rounds. Only available in HvX modes
Terra Experimental recharger battery
An Experimental Recharger type battery for Terra Gov Energy Weapons, this one has reduced capacity to a standard battery but is capable of self recharging in the field, albeit somewhat slowly.
TE-X Laser Rifle
A Terra Experimental X-Ray laser rifle, abbreviated as the TE-X. It has an integrated charge selector for normal and high settings. Uses standard Terra Experimental (abbreviated as TE) batteries (Accepts Recharger Variant). As with all TE Laser weapons, they use a lightweight alloy combined without the need for bullets any longer decreases their weight and aiming speed quite some vs their ballistic counterparts
Rocket Sledge
Someone thought it was a good idea to attach a rocket motor onto a sledgehammer. Whomever they where; they where a genius
TX13 smartpistol
The SP-13 is a latest solution for personal officer defence produced by Terran Armories. Unique design feature high-capacity mag on top of the barrel, with integrated sight. As with all smartgun systems, requires special training. Smartgunners get one for free with their vendors. Why would you ever buy this?
TX13 smartpistol ammo
A spare magazine for the TX13 Smartpistol seriously why are you buying this
LTB High Explosive tank shell
A High Explosive tank shell for the LTB main weapon of the Tank
LTB APFDS tank shell
An Armor Piercing Finned Discarding Sabot tank shell for the LTB main weapon of the Tank
LTB Canister tank shell
An Canister tank shell for the LTB main weapon of the Tank, Basically the worlds biggest shotgun
Spray flamer tank
A 150 "round magazine" of flamer fuel for the OMR Mk.3 secondary flamer of the Tank
LTAAP tank magazine
A 150 round magazine for the LTA-AP Main weapon of the Tank
Cupola tank magazine
A 75 round magazine for the Cupola Minigun secondary weapon of the tank and the primary weapon of the APC

</tab> <tab name="Explosives"> Anything that goes boom is probably in here

Item: Cost: Description:
claymore mines
5 M20 Claymore Mines. You can make Claymore mines in the Factory
M21 APRDS "Minelayer"
A deployable mine dispenser that can throw out any M20 Claymore mines loaded into its interface before you place it down
Razorburn grenade box crate
A box of 25 Razor burn grenades. You can make Razor burn grenades in the Factory
M40 adhesive charge grenade box crate
A box of 25 M40 Adhesive Charge grenades
M40 HSDP smokebomb grenade box crate
A box of 25 M40 Heavy (Standard) Smoke grenades
M40 HEDP high explosive grenade box crate
A box of 25 M40 HEDP Grenades
M45 Cloaker grenade box crate
A box of 25 M45 Cloaking (Improved) Smoke Grenades
M40-AG Anti-Gas grenade box crate
A box of 25 M40-AG Anti-Gas Smoke Grenades
M40-2 SCDP grenade box crate
A box of 25 M40-2 Cloaking (Improved) Smoke Grenades why do we have two of these?
M80 lasburster grenade box crate
A box of 25 M80 Lasburster Grenades
M40 HIDP incendiary explosive grenade box crate
A box of 25 M40 Incendiary Grenades
M15 fragmentation grenade box crate
A box of 25 M15 Fragmentation Grenades
M45 Trailblazer grenade box crate
A box of 25 M45 Trailblazer Grenades
M40 HSDP white phosphorous grenade box crate
A box of 15 M40 White Phosphorous Grenades. Using these may constitute a Warcrime
M25 HEFA grenade box crate
A box of 25 M25 High Explosive Fragmentation Grenades
C4 plastic explosive
A single brick of C4 Plastic Explosives, for when you need to remove a wall without too much other damage
EX-62 Genghis incendiary charge
A single brick of EX-62, an Incendiary demo charge that can be toggled for use as an improvised mine. Only available in HvX modes
detpack explosive
A single brick of Detpack, a configurable demo charge that can be toggled for use as an improvised mine
T-50S mortar crate
A crate containing a deployable T-50S mortar
T-50S mortar HE shell (x2)
2 Rounds of 80mm High Explosive Shells, for use with T-50 Mortar Systems
T-50S mortar incendiary shell (x2)
2 Rounds of 80mm Incendiary Shells, for use with T-50 Mortar Systems
T-50S mortar flare shell (x2)
2 Rounds of 80mm Flare Shells, for use with a T-50 Mortar or the MG-100Y Howitzer
T-50S mortar smoke shell (x2)
2 Rounds of 80mm Smoke Shells, for use with T-50 Mortar Systems
T-50S mortar tanglefoot shell
2 Rounds of 80mm Plasma Drain (Tanglefoot) Shells, for use with T-50 Mortar Systems. Only available in HvX modes
TA-40L Multiple Rocket System
A Crate containing the TA-40L Multiple Launch Rocket System. For when you really want to say "Dear Grid Co-ordinates"
TA-40L MLRS Rocket Pack (x16)
A replacement magazine of 16 High Explosive rockets for the TA-40L MLRS
TA-40L X-50 MLRS Rocket Pack (x16)
A replacement magazine of 16 X-50 Gas rockets for the TA-40L MLRS
TA-40L S-2 MLRS Cloak Rocket Pack (x16)
A replacement magazine of 16 Cloak (Improved) smoke rockets for the TA-40L MLRS
TA-40L MLRS Incendiary Rocket Pack (x16)
A replacement magazine of 16 Incendiary rockets for the TA-40L MLRS
MG-100Y howitzer
A large caliber Howitzer, the MG-100Y is a reminder that artillery is king
MG-100Y howitzer HE shell
A single High Explosive shell for the MG-100Y Howitzer
MG-100Y howitzer incendiary shell
A single Incendiary shell for the MG-100Y Howitzer
MG-100Y howitzer white phosporous smoke shell
A single White Phosphorous shell for the MG-100Y Howitzer. Using this may constitute a Warcrime
MG-100Y howitzer tanglefoot shell
A single Plasma Drain (Tanglefoot) shell for the MG-100Y Howitzer
AI artillery targeting module
An upgrade module for the Mortar, MLRS, or the Howitzer to allow the AI to target a grid ref for you. Only available in HvX modes

</tab> <tab name="Armor"> Not everything is about hurting others, sometimes you want to protect yourself as well!

Item: Cost: Description:
SWAT protective mask
A special gas mask that seals tightly to your face, prevents up-to 1 face hugger attempt
Heavy Riot Armor Set
A Suit and helmet of Military Police Heavy Riot gear. Will provide good protection but really slow you down heavily. Only available in HvX modes
TL-182 Deployable Shield
A deployable barricade that fits in your bag. Can be easily deployed and removed in the field as needed
B18 Armor Set
Currently 1200
The ultimate in protection, comes with the suit, helmet, and gloves for some serious heavy duty protection. Will slow you down alot
B17 Armor Set
Currently 800
An inferior to the B18 armor but still better than most heavy armor configurations available, the B17 offers excellent protection without as much slowdown as its bigger and badder B18 cousin
Scout Cloak
A back mounted active camo cloak that hides your heat signature and visibility to others. Useful for when your trying to sneak around and not get spotted. Prevents you from firing a weapon without deactivating the cloak
Sniper Cloak
A variant of the Scout cloak that sacrifices mobility for the ability to fire your weapons while active
High Capacity Grenade Belt
An extended capacity grenade belt for carrying more Grenades! Only available in HvX modes
Experimental mark 2 modules
A box full of all the different Mark 2 modules for Jager or compatible armor systems. Discounted price for a variety pack!
Valkyrie autodoc armor module
A Valkyrie autodoc armor module for Jager or compatible armor systems. This module will automatically provide the user with a quick access health scan system as well as automatically provide stabilization splints to bone fractures. It can also inject you with chemicals at automatic intervals if configured for such
Surt fireproof module set
The Surt Fireproof module set is a two piece module set (Both Armor and Helmet must be added for the full effect) and can grant near full immunity to fire damage caused by, well fires. It wont prevent burn damage caused from the heating up of your body though and it is still quite painful to be in a fire but you can mostly shrug off "Friendly fires". Prevents you from bursting into flames on standard fire tiles
Tyr mark 2 armor module
The Tyr Mark 2 armor module is a replacement for the Tyr Mark 1 Armored chest piece, with a much greater improvement in ballistic and melee damage resistances over the standard Mark 1 model. It is recommended to still use the default Tyr Helmet module to receive the full benefit of the Tyr Mark 2, which the helmet module can be acquired from surplus armor vendors
Mimir Mark 2 module set
The Mimir Mark 2 module set includes the Mark 2 Armor module and Helmet Module for the complete Environmental hazard protection system, this module will greatly improve your Acid damage resistance with both modules equipped. It can also greatly reduce the effect of aerosolized chemicals in the air from entering your body; although not fully
Hlin armor module
The Hlin Explosive armor module will greatly reduce the amount of explosive damage you take; although it cannot protect you from Devastation class explosives it can greatly reduce the amount taken from Heavy and Light Explosion types
Freyr Mark 2 helmet module
The Freyr Mark 2 Helmet module is an improved version of the Freyr Mark 1 Helmet binoculars, with a much greater range than the standard model letting you see further away

</tab> <tab name="Clothing"> Fashion never looked so good

Item: Cost: Description:
Combat Backpack
The Combat Backpack is a large storage container for your back with the same size as a standard Backpack but without the draw time caused by wearing a backpack; like a hybrid between a Satchel and a Backpack without any downsides!
The Dispenser is a massive storage container that can fit on your back, but you cannot access any items inside a Dispenser while it is equipped; Instead you must deploy the Dispenser (Alt+Click a tile while holding in hand) in order to access its storage. This also includes a weak healing beam function for Combat Robots while deployed. WHILE DEPLOYED IT IS POSSIBLE FOR A DISPENSER TO BE DESTROYED, WHICH INCLUDES EVERYTHING INSIDE OF IT!
Engineering Welding Pack
A satchel with a built in welding tank with 260 units of fuel, smaller than a dedicated fuel tank but still provides the same storage as a regular satchel
Radio Operator Pack
The Radio operator pack is functionally identical to a regular backpack in terms of size and delay with opening, but its real secrets is when you hold it in your hands; You can access an ASRS request terminal on it to place orders remotely with Requisitions, and it functions as a supply beacon for the teleporter pad in Req if you activate it while holding it! Never worry about if the RO heard you order; just place it yourself and tell him to approve it. Can also be used to check what the RO has ordered or how many points are in the bank currently
Engineering Technician Pack
A backpack designed for Engineers to carry Sentry guns and HSG-102 Emplacements
officer outfits
A collection of 5 Officer uniforms! Includes an RO, Two Staff Officer, a Corporate Liason, and a Chief Engineer uniform
marine outfit
A set of Marine uniform, belt, bag, and shoes! This is mostly just legacy as Surplus vendors can provide the same items in infinite quantities
A attachable webbing vest to your uniform, holds 3 small items like Magazines. This is mostly just legacy as Surplus vendors can provide the same item in infinite quantities
brown vest
A attachable brown vest to your uniform, holds 5 tiny items like pill bottles. This is mostly just legacy as Surplus vendors can provide the same item in infinite quantities
A backpack slot Jetpack! Fly forward several tiles with the click of a button! Has a cooldown between uses
BE-47 Night Vision Goggles
An Eyewear set of Night vision goggles, Batteries NOT included
BE-35 Night Vision Module
An Helmet Module of Night vision goggles, Batteries NOT included
Double pack of night vision batteries
A 2 pack battery set for use with Either the BE-47 or BE-35 Night Vision devices, do not taste with your tongue!

</tab> <tab name="Medical"> Most these items can be found in a MarineMed Vendor, if not; its found here.

Item: Cost: Description:
Emergency medical supplies
A large emergency crate filled with various injectors of emergency meds, which includes:

4 medical injector pouches; Each loaded with 3 Advanced Combat Injectors, a Dexalin Plus Injector, Two Quick Clot Plus Injectors, and 2 Peridaxon Plus Injectors;
Two extra Peridaxon Plus Injectors,
A Neuraline Injector,
A pack of Nanopaste
biomass crate
A Beaker filled with 60u of Biomass, for use creating Clones in a Clone vat, 40 Biomass is required per clone
Medical Hud Crate
A set of HealthMate HUD eyewear glasses, for showing the medical state of fellow marines at a quick glance
Pills and Chemicals
A crate packed full of the following;

A box of Empty autoinjectors,
A Box of Empty Syringes,
A Bottle of 60u of Inaprovaline,
A Bottle of 60u of Dylovene,
A Bottle of 60u of Bicaridine,
A Bottle of 60u of Dexalin,
A Bottle of 60u of Spaceacillin,
A Bottle of 60u of Kelotane,
A Bottle of 60u of Tramadol,
A pill bottle of 16 Inaprovaline pills (15u Per pill),
A pill bottle of 16 Dylovene pills (15u Per pill),
A pill bottle of 16 Bicaridine pills (15u Per pill),
A pill bottle of 16 Dexalin pills (15u Per pill),
A pill bottle of 16 Spaceacillin pills (10u Per pill),
A pill bottle of 16 Kelotane pills (15u Per pill),
A pill bottle of 16 Tramadol pills (15u Per pill),
A pill bottle of 16 Quick-Clot pills (10u Per pill),
A box of Empty pill bottles

Note that most these chemicals can be vended for free from a MarineMed Vendor
advanced first aid kit
An advanced first aid kit, which contains:

A Health Analyzer,
A pack of Advanced Bruise Kits,
A pack of Advanced Burn Kits,
A pill bottle of 16 Bicaridine pills (15u Per pill),
A pill bottle of 16 Kelotane pills (15u Per pill),
A pill bottle of 16 Tramadol pills (15u Per pill),
A pack of Splints

Note that most of these items can be vended for free from MarineMed Vendors
body bags
A box of 7 Body Bags
stasis bag
A single Stasis bag, for holding a marine in stasis while awaiting medical treatment
MarineMed Vendors have a limited stock of these available
surgical equipment
A Crate containing various surgery tools, Specifically;

A Surgical Tray with all the tools needed for surgery, plus a bottle of Nanopaste.
A medical Breath Mask.
A Tank of Anesthetic gas.
2 Injectors of Sleep toxin, for field surgery sleepy time.

This crate requires Medbay access to open
advanced hypospray
A 60u Empty Hypospray injector, allows for custom inject amounts and multiple reagent injects per use. This crate requires Medbay access to open
advanced big hypospray
A 120u Empty Large Hypospray injector, allows for custom inject amounts and multiple reagent injects per use. This crate requires Medbay access to open
MEDEVAC system
A Medevac Beacon and Medevac Roller bed set. Simply deploy the beacon in Medbay and link the Roller bed to the beacon to allow for medevac back to Medbay in the field. You can also lock the beacon with your ID, to prevent someone from removing your beacon and breaking the link. This crate requires Medbay access to open
Contains 1 bottle of lemoline with 30 units
Advanced medical packs
Contains 5 advanced packs of each type (Brute and Burn) and 5 splints.
You have ALMOST infinite ones in medbay; if you need this crate you fucked up.
This crate requires Medbay access to open
Contains a pair of comically large tweezers, for removal of Shrapnel in the field.
This crate requires Medbay access to open

</tab> <tab name="Engineering"> Your gonna be spending alot of time here ordering metal and plasteel, but theres a few other toys you might find being asked for occasionally

Item: Cost: Description:
RPL-Y Cargo Loader
A extra RPL-Y Powerloader, for moving crates and large cargo items around. Does not come in a crate.
Most maps have one of these for free in Req
50 empty sandbags
A stack of 50 empty sandbags, Sandbags can be filled with a shovel full of dirt/sand/snow to create filled sandbags, 5 filled sandbags can be used to create a sandbag wall, a moderately strong defensive barricade (Makes 10 Sandbag walls)
50 metal sheets
A stack of 50 Metal sheets, metal sheets are used in many barricade and defensive structures like barbed wire and razor wire. Expect to be ordering lots of metal frequently for defensive positions like miners or disks
50 plasteel sheets
A stack of 50 Plasteel sheets, Plasteel can be used to create foldable Plasteel barricades, which function like doorways for your defensive position. Has the highest health pool of all barricades as well but only functions as a barricade while in the UP position
50 glass sheets
A stack of 50 Glass sheets, Glass is very brittle and makes for terrible defensive structure material. It used to be used in the Autolathe to produce various items but the Autolathe has since been removed
50 wooden planks
A stack of 50 Wood planks, Wood makes weak barricades and serve as more an improvised defensive barricade than a proper defensive line. If your having to order this for defense you're not going to survive. Can also be used to make various wood items like chairs or coffins, which you are probably going to need
plasma cutter
One of the most useful tools at the engineer's disposal with great utility, has extreme potential for turning the tides for marines by being extremely effective at clearing xenomorph mazes. The plasma cutter is able to cut through almost everything from xenomorph weeds, walls, human walls, reinforced walls and even including most cave walls.

Has a limited charge of 7500 power that recharges by itself slowly. Can also be recharged by cutting xenomorphs with it. If you hit a structure multiple times without letting the progress bar fill to completion, it will allow you to break the structure for free.

It costs 1000 power to cut through metal, reinforced metal, and rock walls. It costs 100 power to cut through resin walls and doors

quikdeploy barricade
A single premanufactured metal barricade that can be quickly deployed thanks to Nanotrasen's Patented "QuikDeploy System", which allows for rapid assembly of the this metal barricade without much hassle
P.A.C.M.A.N. Portable Generator
A powerful Phoron powered generator that can restore power to connected power grids, simply wrench onto an exposed power line and turn on! Requires Phoron sheets to function. Does not come in a crate. Most ship maps come with one of these for free
Phoron Sheets
A stack of 30 Phoron Sheets, used in the P.A.C.M.A.N. portable generator or for chemistry. Most ship maps come with an assortment of Phoron available for free
electrical maintenance supplies
A crate filled with various electrical supplies. Includes:

A yellow electrical toolbox full of cable coils, wire cutters, a screwdriver, and a T-Ray scanner
A pair of Insulated Gloves
A regular Power Cell
A High Capacity Power Cell

note that ToolVend and EngiVend vendors are able to vend most of these items for free
mechanical maintenance crate
A crate filled with various tools and supplies. Includes:

3 fully stocked toolbelts
A trio of Colored Hazard vests in orange, lime, or blue
2 Welding Helmets
A hardhat

note that ToolVend and EngiVend vendors are able to vend most of these items for free
fuel tank
A large tank full of welding fuel, also used as fuel for the Condor. Can be used to refill Flamers or Welding tools. Does not come in a crate
Water Tank
A large tank full of water. Can be used to refill Fire Extinguishers or Under barrel Hydrocannons (Found on FL-84 Flamer). Does not come in a crate
inflatable barriers
Contains 3 inflatable doors and 4 inflatable walls. Use this to create your own inflatable room. Air sold separately
replacement lights
A box of Light Tubes and bulbs. Contains 14 tubes, 7 bulbs
Foam Grenade
A single MetalFoam grenade; for use in sealing up hull breaches making a very weak small walled area
Deployable Floodlight
A single Deployable Floodlight, has a built in power cell or can draw power from connected power grids. You can manufacture these in the Factory
Wireless power generator
An A.D.V.P.A.C.M.A.N.-type portable generator, Similar to the P.A.C.M.A.N. but does NOT connect to a power grid to start charging electrical items, instead it charges anything within a 10 tile radius of the generator.
Teleporter pads
Two ASRS bluespace teleporters for moving personnel and equipment across small distances, comes pre-linked together for easy use.

</tab> <tab name="Supplies"> Mostly just miscellaneous items that don't really fit elsewhere

Item: Cost: Description:
PFC Jim Special Crayon Pack
A box filled with PFC Jim brand Crayons, A part of a healthy marine breakfast!
assorted janitorial supplies
A crate filled with various Janitorial supplies, Includes:

3 Buckets
A Mop
3 Wet Floor Signs
A trash Bag
A spary bottle filled with Space Cleaner
A rag
3 Cleaner Foam Grenades
A large Movable Mop Bucket
Janitorial instruction paper
Carp Plushie
A cute space carp Plushie! Adorable!
Lizard Plushie
A cute lizard Plushie! Adorable!
Slime Plushie
A cute slime Plushie! Adorable!
Moth Plushie
A cute moth Plushie! Adorable!
Rouny Plushie
A cute rouny Plushie! Adorable! Please do not order 500 of these
Games crate
A crafted filled with assorted games to pass the time on the ship while the marines are Planet-side kicking ass dying. Includes:

A Basketball
A Bikehorn (honk!)
A spin toy
A D20
Two D6
Two Toy Swords
Two Toy Crossbows
A deck of playing cards
A deck of Kotahi playing cards
Therapy doll crate
A crafted filled with an asortment of therapy dolls, point on the doll where the captain touched you. Includes:

A red doll
An orange doll
A yellow doll
A green doll
A blue doll
A purple doll
10 dollars
A ten dollar stack of space cash, this is worthless! (Although if you need a crate it is just one req point)
20 dollars
A twenty dollar stack of space cash, this is worthless!
50 dollars
A fifty dollar stack of space cash, this is worthless!
100 dollars
A hundred dollar stack of space cash, this is worthless!
200 dollars
A two hundred dollar stack of space cash, this is worthless!
500 dollars
A five hundred dollar stack of space cash, this is worthless! insert obligatory 500 cigarettes meme here

</tab> <tab name="Imports"> A selection of items imported from elsewhere in the galaxy. Note that some Import items maybe currently in the daily season of the round start vendors

Item: Cost: Description:
TGMC Loot Pack
Lets go Gambling! Contains a random, but curated set of items. Some items can only be acquired from these. Spend responsibly. Here are the possible drops:

Legendary Items: (1/10 Odds)
Operator Pack (An M412 Elite [Same as used by the ERT team], 4 spare magazines, and night vision goggles [Batteries sold seperately]),
Heavy Pack (2 MG-100 Miniguns, 2 Powerpacks, and 2 Tyr Mark 2 Modules),
B18 Classic Pack (A full suit of B-18 with Gloves, an MG-100 Minigun and 2 Powerpacks),
SADAR Classic Pack (A SADAR, Scout Cloak, and a single AP rocket for the SADAR)

Rare Items: (2/10 Odds)
HSG-102 (2 HSG-102 Boxes with a spare magazine each),
Mortar Pack (5 Full T-50S Mortar Kits!),
Howitzer Pack (2 Full MG-100Y Howitzers and 12 WHITE PHOSPHOROUS SHELLS),
Sentry Gun Pack (Contains 3 ST-571 Base sentries and 1 ST-580 Point defense sentry),
Automatic Grenade Launcher Pack (An AGLS-37 Emplacement gun with 4 Regular and 4 Fragmentation magazines)

Uncommon Items: (3/10 Odds)
Materials Pack (100 Plasteel, 400 Metal, 400 Empty Sandbags, 4 Entrenchment tools),
Railgun Pack (3 SR-220 Railguns, 4 SMART magazines, 4 HVAP magazines, 4 regular magazines),
Scout Rifle Pack (3 BR-8 Scout Rifles, 4 boxes of ammo, 6 spare magazines),
Recoilles Rifle Pack (3 Rocket Backpacks loaded with a RR launcher, 6 spare HEAT Shells)

Common Items: (4/10 Odds)
Auto-Sniper pack (3 SR-81 Autosnipers and 10 spare mags),
Thermobaric Launcher pack (3 T-57 Thermobaric Launchers and 10 spare reloads),
Tesla Pack (3 Tesla Rifles),
GL-54 Pack (3 GL-54s, 6 Spare Airburst Mags, 6 Spare High Explosive Mags)

How it works; When purchased and delivered, it rolls on a table of 100, that determines which category of items the box will draw from, which pack you get will be randomized between one of the available choices from that list.
PR-11 Pulse Rifle
A strange failed electronically fired rifle, a rather unknown weapon of its time. It caused a surge in the use of electronic firing in the modern era though. Uses 10x24mm caseless ammunition. Has a irremovable grenade launcher.
PR-11 Pulse Rifle Ammo
A Spare PR-11 Pulse Rifle Magazine
PR-412 Pulse Rifle
The PR-412 rifle is a Pulse Industries rifle, billed as a pulse rifle due to its use of electronic firing for faster velocity. A rather common sight in most systems. Uses 10x24mm caseless ammunition.
PR-412 Pulse Rifle Ammo
A Spare PR-412 Pulse Rifle Magazine
PR-412L1 Heavy Pulse Rifle
A large weapon capable of laying down suppressing fire, based on the PR-412 pulse rifle platform. Effective in burst fire. Uses 10x24mm caseless ammunition.
PR-412L1 Heavy Pulse Rifle Ammo
A Spare magazine for the PR-412L1 Heavy Pulse rifle
Type 71 Pulse Rifle
The primary rifle of the USL pirates, the Type 71 is a reliable rifle chambered in 7.62x39mm, firing in three round bursts to conserve ammunition. A newer model for suppression roles to comply with overmatch doctrines is in progress and only issued to a limited number of privates in the USL.
Type 71 Pulse Rifle Ammo
A Spare Magazine for a Type 71 Pulse Rifle
An archaic design going back hundreds of years, the SMG-27 was common in its day. Today it sees limited use as cheap computer-printed replicas or family heirlooms, though it somehow got into the hands of colonial rebels.
SMG-27 SMG Ammo
A Spare Magazine for an SMG-27 Sub Machine Gun
The RivArms SMG-25 submachinegun, an update to a classic design. A light firearm capable of effective one-handed use that is ideal for close to medium range engagements. Uses 10x20mm rounds in a high capacity magazine.
SMG-25 SMG Ammo
A Spare Magazine for an SMG-25 Sub Machine Gun
ALF-51B Kauser machinecarbine
The Kauser ALF-51B is an unoffical modification of a ALF-51, or better known as the AR-18 carbine, modified to SMG length of barrel, rechambered for a stronger round, and belt based. Truly the peak of CQC. Useless past that. Aiming is impossible. Uses 10x25mm caseless ammunition.
ALF-51B Kauser machinecarbine Ammo
A spare magazine for an ALF-51B Machine Carbine
CZ-81 Skorpion SMG
A robust, 20th century firearm that's a combination of pistol and submachinegun. Fires .32ACP caliber rounds from a 20 round magazine.
CZ-81 Skorpion SMG Ammo
A Spare Magazine for a CZ-81 Skorpion SMG
A cheap, reliable design and manufacture make this ubiquitous submachinegun useful despite the age. Put the fire selector to full auto for maximum firepower. Use two if you really want to go ham.
SMG-2 Uzi SMG Ammo
A Spare Magazine for an SMG-2 Uzi SMG
PPSh-17b SMG
The PPSh-17b or "Papasha" is replica of a 20th century USSR model submachinegun that many terrorist organizations had copied all over the years. Despite its small-hitting firepower, its reliability, extreme longevity and high firepower rate proves useful for the hands of the user.
PPSh-17b SMG Ammo Drum
A Spare Drum Magazine for a PPSh-17b
Sawn Off Shotgun
A double barreled shotgun whose barrel has been artificially shortened to reduce range for further CQC potiential. Only available in HvX modes
Lever Action Rifle
A .44 magnum lever action rifle with side loading port. It has a low fire rate, but it packs quite a punch in hunting. Only available in HvX modes
MBX 900
A .410 bore lever action shotgun that fires nearly as fast as you can operate the lever. Renowed due to its devastating and extremely reliable design. Only available in HvX modes
MBX-900 Buckshot Shells
A packet of .410 caliber Buckshot shells for an MBX-900 Lever gun. Only available in HvX modes
SVD Dragunov Sniper
A semi-automatic sniper rifle, famed for it's marksmanship, and is built from the ground up for it. Fires 7.62x54mmR rounds. Only available in HvX modes
SVD Dragunov Sniper Ammo
A spare magazine for an SVD Dragunov. Only available in HvX modes
MPi-KM Assault Rifle
A cheap and robust rifle, sometimes better known as an 'AK'. Chambers 7.62x39mm. Despite lacking attachment points beyond its underbarrel, remains a popular product on the black market with its cheap cost and higher than usual caliber rounds.
MPi-KM Assault Rifle Ammo
A Spare magazine for an MPi-KM Assault Rifle
7.62x39mm Ammo Box
A box of 7.62x39mm WARSAW ammo
MKH-98 Storm Rifle
A certified classic, this reproduction design was hailed as the first successful assault rifle concept, generally termed a 'storm rifle'. Has a higher than usual fire rate for its class, but suffers in capacity. This version of it chambers 7.62x39mm.
MKH-98 Assault Rifle Ammo
A spare magazine for an MKH-98 Assault Rifle
CAU C1 Rifle
The Carlford-1 is a remastered classic made by Carlford Armories, made to fit in the modern day. Most of the noticeable differences are minor rail modifications. Other than that, it is a faithful recreation with the trademark ping sound and all. Uses .30-06 enbloc clips.
CAU C1 Ammo
A loaded .30-06 enbloc clip for a CAU C1 Rifle
Judge Revolver
An incredibly uncommon revolver utilizing a oversized chamber to be able to both fire .45 Long or .410 gauge shotgun shells at the cost of firing speed. Normal rounds have no falloff, and next to no scatter. Due to the short barrel, buckshot out of it has high spread.
Judge Ammo
A bunch of .45 Long Colt ammo for a Judge Revolver
Judge Buckshot Ammo
A bunch of .410 gauge Buckshot ammo for a Judge Revolver
FN M16A4 Assault Rifle
A light, versatile assault rifle with a 30 round magazine, chambered to fire the 5.56x45mm NATO cartridge. The 4th generation in the M16 platform, this FN variant has added automatic fire selection and retains relevance among mercenaries and militias thanks to its high customizability. It is incredibly good at rapid burst fire, but must be paced correctly.
FN M16 Assault Rifle Ammo
A Spare magazine for an FN M16A4 Assault Rifle
556x45mm Ammo Box
A box of 5.56x45mm NATO ammo
FAMAS Assault Rifle
A light, versatile fast firing assault rifle with a 24 round magazine and short range scope, chambered to fire the 5.56x45mm NATO cartridge within a short amount of time.
FAMAS Assault Rifle Ammo
A Spare magazine for a FAMAS Assault Rifle
L&S EM-88 Assault Carbine
An aged, reliable but outdated bullpup rifle used by ICCAF reserve personnel it is best used in close quarters when you need to quickly clear corners at rapid pace, has an integral foregrip and unmagnified scope to increase accuracy and reduce drag. Chambered in 5.56x45mm NATO.
EM-88 Assault Carbine Ammo
A spare magazine for an EM-88 Assault Carbine
'Rebota' Revolver
A lean .357 made by Falffearmeria. A timeless design, from antiquity to the future. This one is well known for it's strange ammo, which ricochets off walls constantly. Which went from being a defect to a feature.
Rebota' 357 Revolver Ammo
A speedloader of .357 bouncy ammo for use in a Rebota Revolver
R-44 SAA Revolver
A uncommon revolver occasionally carried by civilian law enforcement that's very clearly based off a modernized Single Action Army. Has to be manully primed with each shot. Uses .44 Magnum rounds.
R-44 SAA Revolver Ammo
A speedloader of .44 Magnum for use with the R-44 SAA Revolver
P-22 Handgun
A popular police firearm in the modern day. Chambered in 9x19mm.
P-22 Handgun Ammo
A Spare magazine for a P-22 Handgun
Desert Eagle Handgun
A magnum chambered in .50AE that comes with a serious kick. This one is engraved, Peace through superior firepower.
Desert Eagle Handgun Ammo
A Spare magazine for a Desert Eagle Handgun
VP78 Handgun
A massive, formidable automatic handgun chambered in 9mm squash-head rounds. Commonly seen in the hands of wealthy Nanotrasen members.
VP78 Handgun Ammo
A Spare magazine for a VP78 Handgun
Highpower Automag
A powerful semi-automatic pistol chambered in the devastating .50 AE caliber rounds. Used for centuries by law enforcement and criminals alike, recently recreated with this new model.
Highpower Automag Ammo
A Spare magazine for a Highpower Automag
P-1911 service pistol
A P-1911 chambered in .45 ACP. An archaic weapon, yet its popular and extremely reliable mechanism provided a template for many semi-automatic pistols to come.
P-1911 service pistol ammo
A Spare magazine for a P-1911 service pistol
Straw hat
A hat lined with durathread on the outside, has the usual iconic look of a straw hat. A common hat across the bubble.
Loot box
Let's Go Gambling! Contains a random, but curated set of items. Some items can only be acquired from these. Spend responsibly. Here are the possible drops:

Legendary Items: (1/10 Odds)
Karambit Knife
Karambit Fade Knife
Karambit Case Hardened Knife
Golden R-76 Revolver Briefcase
Silver R-76 Revolver Briefcase
Nickle R-76 Revolver Briefcase

Rare Items: (2/10 Odds)
Unmanned Vehicle Drone
Anti Material Rifle
BR-8 Scout Rifle
T-100 Vindicator Minigun
SADAR Rocket Launcher
SR-220 Railgun
SR-81 Auto Sniper
ZX-76 Burst Fire Shotgun
Champion Belt

Uncommon Items: (3/10 Odds)
Mateba Revolver
Fancy Crayon Pack
Single Use Disposable RPG
PR-412L1 Heavy Pulse Rifle
V-51 combat shotgun
Ah Dangit! (Reroll!)

Common Items: (4/10 Odds)
Straw Hat
Trash Bag
Bike Horn
Horrible Tie
Spin Toy

How it works; When purchased and delivered, it rolls on a table of 100, that determines which category of items the box will draw from, which pack you get will be randomized between one of the available choices from that list.

</tab> <tab name="Vehicles"> If you can drive it, its here

Item: Cost: Description:
All-Terrain Motorbike
An all-terrain vehicle built for traversing rough terrain with ease. TGMC CAVALRY is stamped on the side of the engine.
Sidecar motorbike upgrade
A detached sidecar for TGMC motorbikes, which can be attached to them, allowing a second passenger. Use a wrench to detach the sidecar.
Jerry Can
A can filled with fuel to light things on fire. It has Absolut Jerry stamped in the side. Holds 200 Units of Fuel
Combat droid with weapon equipped
A prototype combat droid, first deployed as a prototype to fight the xeno menace in the frontier systems.
Scout droid
A prototype scout droid, rigged with top-of-the line cloaking technology to hide itself from view.
Powerloader droid
A cargo droid, rigged with experimental technology to allow AI control. The claw is not standard and cannot grasp warheads.
Droid weapon
A droid laser weapon
Light unmanned vehicle - Iguana
A small remote-controllable vehicle, usually owned by the TGMC and other major armies.
Medium unmanned vehicle - Gecko
A small remote-controllable vehicle, usually owned by the TGMC and other major armies.
Heavy unmanned vehicle - Komodo
A small remote-controllable vehicle, usually owned by the TGMC and other major armies.
Light UV weapon
The turret part of an unmanned vehicle. Uses 11x35mm ammo
Heavy UV weapon
The turret part of an unmanned vehicle. Uses 12x40mm ammo
Light UV ammo - 11x35mm
A box of 150 11x35mm rounds for use with the Light UV Turret
Heavy UV ammo - 12x40mm
A box of 50 12x40mm rounds for use with the Heavy UV Turret
Vehicle remote
Used to control an unmanned vehicle.
Tap the vehicle you want to control with the controller to link it.
Mounted HSG
A dropship equipable HSG-102 Smartgun Emplacement, Accepts both the standard 300 round and 500 round magazine
Mounted Minigun
A dropship equipable Mounted Minigun Emplacement
Mounted Heavy Laser
A dropship equipable Heavy Laser Emplacement
Mounted HSG ammo
A 500 Round Magazine for the dropship equipable HSG-102 Smartgun Emplacement. THIS AMMO IS ONLY USABLE FOR THE HSG FOR DROPSHIP MODULE SLOTS, REGULAR HSG-102's CANNOT USE THIS MAGAZINE
Mounted Minigun ammo
Ammo for the dropship equipable Mounted Minigun Emplacement, This is the same ammo as is for the Mounted Minigun Emplacement in the Weapons tab
Mounted Heavy Laser ammo (x3)
Ammo for the dropship equipable Heavy Laser Emplacement, Pack of Three. This is the same as the Mounted Heavy Laser Emplacement as found in the Weapons tab (Its more cost effective to buy there at 15 points per one cell!)

</tab> <tab name="Factory"> The Factory Must Grow. The Factory Must Grow. The Factory Must Grow. The Factory Must Grow. The Factory Must Grow. The Factory Must Grow. The Factory Must Grow. The Factory Must Grow. The Factory Must Grow. The Factory Must Grow.

Item: Cost: Description:

Industrial cutter
An industrial level cutter

Industrial heater
An industrial level heater

Industrial flatter
An industrial level flattener

Industrial former
An industrial level former

Industrial reconstructor
An industrial level atomic reconstructor

Industrial driller
An industrial level driller

Industrial galvanizer
An industrial level galvanizer

Industrial compressor
An industrial level compressor

Industrial Unboxer
An industrial level unboxer, this is always the first machine in any factory chain

Rounded M15 plates refill
A pack of 50 M15 Factory Plates, Used to produce M15 Grenades. Assembly Chain as follows:
Grenade Recipe
Step Machine

Industrial Unboxer

Industrial Cutter

Industrial Heater

Industrial Former

Industrial Compressor

Incendiary grenade refill
A pack of 50 M40 HIDP incendiary Factory Plates, Used to produce M40 HIDP incendiary Grenades. Assembly Chain as follows:
Grenade Recipe
Step Machine

Industrial Unboxer

Industrial Cutter

Industrial Heater

Industrial Former

Industrial Compressor

Adhesive grenade refill
A pack of 50 M40 Adhesive Charge Factory Plates, Used to produce M40 Adhesive Charge Grenades. Assembly Chain as follows:
Grenade Recipe
Step Machine

Industrial Unboxer

Industrial Cutter

Industrial Heater

Industrial Former

Industrial Compressor

Phosphorus-resistant plates refill
A pack of 50 M40 HPDP Factory Plates, Used to produce M40 HPDP White Phosphorus Grenades. Assembly Chain as follows:
Grenade Recipe
Step Machine

Industrial Unboxer

Industrial Cutter

Industrial Heater

Industrial Former

Industrial Compressor

Cloak grenade refill
A pack of 50 M40-2 SCDP Factory Plates, Used to produce M40-2 SCDP Cloaking Smoke Grenades. Assembly Chain as follows:
Grenade Recipe
Step Machine

Industrial Unboxer

Industrial Cutter

Industrial Heater

Industrial Former

Industrial Compressor

Trailblazer grenade refill
A pack of 50 M45 Trailblazer Factory Plates, Used to produce M45 Trailblazer Grenades. Assembly Chain as follows:
Grenade Recipe
Step Machine

Industrial Unboxer

Industrial Cutter

Industrial Heater

Industrial Former

Industrial Compressor

Laserburster grenade refill
A pack of 50 M80 lasburster Factory Plates, Used to produce M80 lasburster Grenades. Assembly Chain as follows:
Grenade Recipe
Step Machine

Industrial Unboxer

Industrial Cutter

Industrial Heater

Industrial Former

Industrial Compressor

HEFA fragmentation grenade refill
A pack of 50 M25 HEFA Factory Plates, Used to produce M25 HEFA Grenades. Assembly Chain as follows:
Grenade Recipe
Step Machine

Industrial Unboxer

Industrial Cutter

Industrial Heater

Industrial Former

Industrial Compressor

Anti-Gas grenade refill
A pack of 50 M40-AG Factory Plates, Used to produce M40-AG Anti-Gas smoke Grenades. Assembly Chain as follows:
Grenade Recipe
Step Machine

Industrial Unboxer

Industrial Cutter

Industrial Heater

Industrial Former

Industrial Compressor

Razornade assembly refill
A pack of 50 Razorburn Factory Plates, Used to produce Razorburn Grenades. Assembly Chain as follows:
Grenade Recipe
Step Machine

Industrial Unboxer

Industrial Cutter

Industrial Heater

Industrial Former

Industrial Compressor

SADAR HE missile assembly refill
A pack of 15 84mm High-Explosive Factory Plates, Used to produce 84mm High-Explosive Rockets. Assembly Chain as follows:
SADAR Recipe
Step Machine

Industrial Unboxer

Industrial Cutter

Industrial Heater

Industrial Flatter

Atomic Reconstructor

SADAR HE unguided missile assembly refill
A pack of 15 84mm High-Explosive Unguided Factory Plates, Used to produce 84mm High-Explosive Unguided Rockets. Assembly Chain as follows:
SADAR Recipe
Step Machine

Industrial Unboxer

Industrial Cutter

Industrial Heater

Industrial Flatter

Atomic Reconstructor

SADAR AP missile assembly refill
A pack of 15 84mm Armor Piercing Factory Plates, Used to produce 84mm Armor Piercing Rockets. Assembly Chain as follows:
SADAR Recipe
Step Machine

Industrial Unboxer

Industrial Cutter

Industrial Heater

Industrial Flatter

Atomic Reconstructor

SADAR WP missile assembly refill
A pack of 15 84mm White Phosphorus Factory Plates, Used to produce 84mm White Phosphorus Rockets. Assembly Chain as follows:
SADAR Recipe
Step Machine

Industrial Unboxer

Industrial Cutter

Industrial Heater

Industrial Flatter

Atomic Reconstructor

Recoilless standard missile assembly refill
A pack of 15 RL-160 high explosive Factory Plates, Used to produce RL-160 high explosive shells. Assembly Chain as follows:
Recoilless Rifle Recipe
Step Machine

Industrial Unboxer

Industrial Cutter

Industrial Heater

Atomic Reconstructor

Recoilless light missile assembly refill
A pack of 15 RL-160 light explosive Factory Plates, Used to produce RL-160 light explosive shells. Assembly Chain as follows:
Recoilless Rifle Recipe
Step Machine

Industrial Unboxer

Industrial Cutter

Industrial Heater

Atomic Reconstructor

Recoilless heat missile assembly refill
A pack of 15 RL-160 High Explosive Anti-Tank Factory Plates, Used to produce RL-160 High Explosive Anti-Tank shells. Assembly Chain as follows:
Recoilless Rifle Recipe
Step Machine

Industrial Unboxer

Industrial Cutter

Industrial Heater

Atomic Reconstructor

Recoilless smoke missile assembly refill
A pack of 15 RL-160 Smoke Factory Plates, Used to produce RL-160 Smoke shells. Assembly Chain as follows:
Recoilless Rifle Recipe
Step Machine

Industrial Unboxer

Industrial Cutter

Industrial Heater

Atomic Reconstructor

Recoilless cloak missile assembly refill
A pack of 15 RL-160 Cloak Smoke Factory Plates, Used to produce RL-160 Cloaking Smoke shells. Assembly Chain as follows:
Recoilless Rifle Recipe
Step Machine

Industrial Unboxer

Industrial Cutter

Industrial Heater

Atomic Reconstructor

Recoilless tfoot missile assembly refill
A pack of 15 RL-160 Tanglefoot Factory Plates, Used to produce RL-160 Tanglefoot shells. Assembly Chain as follows:
Recoilless Rifle Recipe
Step Machine

Industrial Unboxer

Industrial Cutter

Industrial Heater

Atomic Reconstructor

Nanotrasen Eat healthy! margerita pizza kit refill
A pack of 30 Uncooked Pizzas, Used to produce Pizzas. Assembly Chain as follows:
Pizza Recipe
Step Machine

Industrial Unboxer

Industrial Cutter

Industrial Heater

SG-85 ammo bin parts refill
A pack of 10 Unassembled SG-85 Ammo Boxes, Used to produce SG-85 Ammo Boxes. Assembly Chain as follows:
IFF Ammo Recipe
Step Machine

Industrial Unboxer

Industrial Cutter

Atomic Reconstructor

SG-29 ammo drum parts refill
A pack of 10 Unassembled SG-29 Ammo Drums, Used to produce Loaded SG-29 Drums. Assembly Chain as follows:
IFF Ammo Recipe
Step Machine

Industrial Unboxer

Industrial Cutter

Atomic Reconstructor

SG-62 ammo magazine parts refill
A pack of 20 Unassembled SG-62 Ammo Magazines, Used to produce Loaded SG-62 Target Rifle Magazines. Assembly Chain as follows:
IFF Ammo Recipe
Step Machine

Industrial Unboxer

Industrial Cutter

Atomic Reconstructor

SR-81 IFF Auto Sniper magazine assembly refill
A pack of 30 Unassembled SR-81 Ammo Magazines, Used to produce Loaded SR-81 IFF Rifle Magazines. Assembly Chain as follows:
IFF Ammo Recipe
Step Machine

Industrial Unboxer

Industrial Cutter

Atomic Reconstructor

BR-8 scout rifle magazine assembly refill
A pack of 20 Unassembled BR-8 Ammo Magazines, Used to produce Loaded BR-8 Rifle Magazines. Assembly Chain as follows:
IFF Ammo Recipe
Step Machine

Industrial Unboxer

Industrial Cutter

Atomic Reconstructor

BR-8 scout rifle incendiary magazine assembly refill
A pack of 20 Unassembled BR-8 Ammo Magazines, Used to produce Incendiary Ammo Loaded BR-8 Rifle Magazines. Assembly Chain as follows:
IFF Ammo Recipe
Step Machine

Industrial Unboxer

Industrial Cutter

Atomic Reconstructor

BR-8 scout rifle impact magazine assembly refill
A pack of 20 Unassembled BR-8 Ammo Magazines, Used to produce Impact Ammo Loaded BR-8 Rifle Magazines. Assembly Chain as follows:
IFF Ammo Recipe
Step Machine

Industrial Unboxer

Industrial Cutter

Atomic Reconstructor

Claymore parts refill
A pack of 30 Unassembled M20 Claymores, Used to produce M20 Claymores. Assembly Chain as follows:
Claymore Recipe
Step Machine

Industrial Unboxer

Atomic Reconstructor

Industrial Former

Mateba autorevolver speedloader assembly refill
A pack of 30 Unassembled Mateba Speedloaders, Used to produce Loaded Mateba Speedloaders. Assembly Chain as follows:
Mateba Speedloader Recipe
Step Machine

Industrial Unboxer

Industrial Cutter

Industrial Flatter

Railgun magazine assembly refill
A pack of 20 Unassembled Railgun Magazines, Used to produce Loaded Railgun Magazines. Assembly Chain as follows:
Railgun Magazine Recipe
Step Machine

Industrial Unboxer

Industrial Cutter

Industrial Flatter

Atomic Reconstructor

Railgun HVAP magazine assembly refill
A pack of 20 Unassembled Railgun Magazines, Used to produce HVAP Loaded Railgun Magazines. Assembly Chain as follows:
Railgun Magazine Recipe
Step Machine

Industrial Unboxer

Industrial Cutter

Industrial Flatter

Atomic Reconstructor

Railgun magazine assembly refill
A pack of 20 Unassembled Railgun Magazines, Used to produce SMART Loaded Railgun Magazines. Why is this named the same as the other one? Assembly Chain as follows:
Railgun Magazine Recipe
Step Machine

Industrial Unboxer

Industrial Cutter

Industrial Flatter

Atomic Reconstructor

Minigun powerpack assembly refill
A pack of 10 Unassembled Minigun Powerpacks, Used to produce Loaded Minigun Powerpacks. Assembly Chain as follows:
Minigun Powerpack Recipe
Step Machine

Industrial Unboxer

Industrial Cutter

Atomic Reconstructor

Industrial Former

SR-127 flak magazine assembly refill
A pack of 20 Unassembled SR-127 Magazines, Used to produce Explosive Flak Loaded SR-127 Magazines. Assembly Chain as follows:
IFF Ammo Recipe
Step Machine

Industrial Unboxer

Industrial Cutter

Atomic Reconstructor

T-26 AMR standard magazine assembly refill
A pack of 20 Unassembled T-26 AMR Magazines, Used to produce Loaded T-26 AMR Magazines. Assembly Chain as follows:
IFF Ammo Recipe
Step Machine

Industrial Unboxer

Industrial Cutter

Atomic Reconstructor

T-26 AMR incendiary magazine assembly refill
A pack of 20 Unassembled T-26 AMR Magazines, Used to produce Incendiary Loaded T-26 AMR Magazines. Assembly Chain as follows:
IFF Ammo Recipe
Step Machine

Industrial Unboxer

Industrial Cutter

Atomic Reconstructor

T-26 AMR flak magazine assembly refill
A pack of 20 Unassembled T-26 AMR Magazines, Used to produce Explosive Flak Loaded T-26 AMR Magazines. Assembly Chain as follows:
IFF Ammo Recipe
Step Machine

Industrial Unboxer

Industrial Cutter

Atomic Reconstructor

Howitzer HE shell assembly refill
A pack of 30 Unassembled 150mm High Explosive Shells, Used to produce High Explosive Shells for the TA-100Y Howitzer. Assembly Chain as follows:
Howitzer Shell Recipe
Step Machine

Industrial Unboxer

Industrial Cutter

Industrial Driller

Industrial Compressor

Industrial Galvanizer

Howitzer Incendiary shell assembly refill
A pack of 30 Unassembled 150mm Incendiary Shells, Used to produce Incendiary Shells for the TA-100Y Howitzer. Assembly Chain as follows:
Howitzer Shell Recipe
Step Machine

Industrial Unboxer

Industrial Cutter

Industrial Driller

Industrial Compressor

Industrial Galvanizer

Howitzer WP shell assembly refill
A pack of 30 Unassembled 150mm White Phosphorus Shells, Used to produce White Phosphorus Shells for the TA-100Y Howitzer. Assembly Chain as follows:
Howitzer Shell Recipe
Step Machine

Industrial Unboxer

Industrial Cutter

Industrial Driller

Industrial Compressor

Industrial Galvanizer

Howitzer Tanglefoot shell assembly refill
A pack of 30 Unassembled 150mm Plasma Draining (Tanglefoot) Shells, Used to produce Tanglefoot Shells for the TA-100Y Howitzer. Assembly Chain as follows:
Howitzer Shell Recipe
Step Machine

Industrial Unboxer

Industrial Cutter

Industrial Driller

Industrial Compressor

Industrial Galvanizer

SWAT mask assembly refill
A pack of 20 Unassembled SWAT Masks, Used to produce SWAT Masks. Assembly Chain as follows:
SWAT Mask Recipe
Step Machine

Industrial Unboxer

Industrial Compressor

Industrial Galvanizer

Industrial Cutter

Valkyrie Automedical Armor System assembly refill
A pack of 10 Unassembled Valkyrie Modules, Used to produce Valkyrie Automedical Armor Modules. Assembly Chain as follows:
Armor Module Recipe
Step Machine

Industrial Unboxer

Industrial Cutter

Industrial Flatter

Industrial Driller

Industrial Heater

Industrial Compressor

Industrial Galvanizer

Mark 2 Mimir Environmental Resistance System assembly refill
A pack of 10 Unassembled Mimir Mk2 Modules, Used to produce Mimir Mark 2 Armor AND Helmet Modules. Assembly Chain as follows:
Armor Module Recipe
Step Machine

Industrial Unboxer

Industrial Cutter

Industrial Flatter

Industrial Driller

Industrial Heater

Industrial Compressor

Industrial Galvanizer

Mark 2 Tyr Armor Reinforcement assembly refill
A pack of 10 Unassembled Tyr Mk2 Modules, Used to produce Tyr Mark 2 Armor Modules. Assembly Chain as follows:
Armor Module Recipe
Step Machine

Industrial Unboxer

Industrial Cutter

Industrial Flatter

Industrial Driller

Industrial Heater

Industrial Compressor

Industrial Galvanizer

Hlin Explosive Compensation Module assembly refill
A pack of 10 Unassembled Hlin Modules, Used to produce Hlin Armor Modules. Assembly Chain as follows:
Armor Module Recipe
Step Machine

Industrial Unboxer

Industrial Cutter

Industrial Flatter

Industrial Driller

Industrial Heater

Industrial Compressor

Industrial Galvanizer

Surt Pyrotechnical Insulation System assembly refill
A pack of 10 Unassembled Surt Modules, Used to produce Surt Armor AND Helmet Modules. Assembly Chain as follows:
Armor Module Recipe
Step Machine

Industrial Unboxer

Industrial Cutter

Industrial Flatter

Industrial Driller

Industrial Heater

Industrial Compressor

Industrial Galvanizer

C4 assembly refill
A pack of 10 Unassembled C4 Charges, Used to produce C4. Do Not Eat. Assembly Chain as follows:
Plastique Recipe
Step Machine

Industrial Unboxer

Industrial Cutter

Industrial Flatter

EX-62 Genghis incendiary assembly refill
A pack of 5 Unassembled EX-62 Genghis Incendiary Charges, Used to produce EX-62 Incendiary Charges. You Really Do Not Want To Eat This. Assembly Chain as follows:
Plastique Recipe
Step Machine

Industrial Unboxer

Industrial Cutter

Industrial Flatter

Detpack assembly refill
A pack of 10 Unassembled Detpack Charges, Used to produce Detpacks. Seriously don't eat this stuff its explosive. Assembly Chain as follows:
Plastique Recipe
Step Machine

Industrial Unboxer

Industrial Cutter

Industrial Flatter

Mortar High Explosive shell assembly refill
A pack of 30 Unassembled High Explosive Mortar Shell, Used to produce HE Shells for the T-50 series of Mortars. Assembly Chain as follows:
Mortar Shells Recipe
Step Machine

Industrial Unboxer

Industrial Cutter

Industrial Heater

Industrial Driller

Atomic Reconstructor

Industrial Galvanizer

Mortar Incendiary shell assembly refill
A pack of 30 Unassembled Incendiary Mortar Shell, Used to produce Incendiary Shells for the T-50 series of Mortars. Assembly Chain as follows:
Mortar Shells Recipe
Step Machine

Industrial Unboxer

Industrial Cutter

Industrial Heater

Industrial Driller

Atomic Reconstructor

Industrial Galvanizer

Mortar Tanglefoot Gas shell assembly refill
A pack of 30 Unassembled Plasma Draining (Tanglefoot) Mortar Shell, Used to produce Tanglefoot Shells for the T-50 series of Mortars. Assembly Chain as follows:
Mortar Shells Recipe
Step Machine

Industrial Unboxer

Industrial Cutter

Industrial Heater

Industrial Driller

Atomic Reconstructor

Industrial Galvanizer

Mortar Flare shell assembly refill
A pack of 30 Unassembled Flare Mortar Shell, Used to produce Flare Shells for the T-50 series of Mortars OR the TA-100Y Howitzer. Assembly Chain as follows:
Mortar Shells Recipe
Step Machine

Industrial Unboxer

Industrial Cutter

Industrial Heater

Industrial Driller

Atomic Reconstructor

Industrial Galvanizer

Mortar Smoke shell assembly refill
A pack of 30 Unassembled Smoke Mortar Shell, Used to produce Smoke Shells for the T-50 series of Mortars. Assembly Chain as follows:
Mortar Shells Recipe
Step Machine

Industrial Unboxer

Industrial Cutter

Industrial Heater

Industrial Driller

Atomic Reconstructor

Industrial Galvanizer

MLRS High Explosive rocket assembly refill
A pack of 6 Unassembled High Explosive Rockets Packages, Used to produce High Explosive Rockets for the TA-40L MLRS system. Each production item contains 16 rockets. Assembly Chain as follows:
MLRS Rocket Recipe
Step Machine

Industrial Unboxer

Industrial Cutter

Industrial Heater

Industrial Driller

Industrial Compressor

Industrial Galvanizer

MLRS 'S-2' Cloak rocket assembly refill
A pack of 6 Unassembled Cloak Smoke Rockets Packages, Used to produce Cloaking Smoke Rockets for the TA-40L MLRS system. Each production item contains 16 rockets. Assembly Chain as follows:
MLRS Rocket Recipe
Step Machine

Industrial Unboxer

Industrial Cutter

Industrial Heater

Industrial Driller

Industrial Compressor

Industrial Galvanizer

MLRS 'X-50' gas rocket assembly refill
A pack of 6 Unassembled X-50 Gas Rockets Packages, Used to produce X-50 Gas Rockets for the TA-40L MLRS system. Each production item contains 16 rockets. Assembly Chain as follows:
MLRS Rocket Recipe
Step Machine

Industrial Unboxer

Industrial Cutter

Industrial Heater

Industrial Driller

Industrial Compressor

Industrial Galvanizer

MLRS Incendiary rocket assembly refill
A pack of 6 Unassembled Incendiary Rockets Packages, Used to produce Incendiary Rockets for the TA-40L MLRS system. Each production item contains 16 rockets. Assembly Chain as follows:
MLRS Rocket Recipe
Step Machine

Industrial Unboxer

Industrial Cutter

Industrial Heater

Industrial Driller

Industrial Compressor

Industrial Galvanizer

AGLS HE magazine assembly refill
A pack of 10 Unassembled AGLS Magazines, Used to produce High Explosive Magazines for the AGLS-37 system. Assembly Chain as follows:
AGLS Recipe
Step Machine

Industrial Unboxer

Industrial Cutter

Industrial Heater

Atomic Reconstructor

Industrial Flatter

Industrial Galvanizer

AGLS FRAG magazine assembly refill
A pack of 10 Unassembled AGLS Magazines, Used to produce Fragmentation Magazines for the AGLS-37 system. Assembly Chain as follows:
AGLS Recipe
Step Machine

Industrial Unboxer

Industrial Cutter

Industrial Heater

Atomic Reconstructor

Industrial Flatter

Industrial Galvanizer

AGLS Incendiary magazine assembly refill
A pack of 10 Unassembled AGLS Magazines, Used to produce Incendiary Magazines for the AGLS-37 system. Assembly Chain as follows:
AGLS Recipe
Step Machine

Industrial Unboxer

Industrial Cutter

Industrial Heater

Atomic Reconstructor

Industrial Flatter

Industrial Galvanizer

AGLS Flare magazine assembly refill
A pack of 10 Unassembled AGLS Magazines, Used to produce Flare Magazines for the AGLS-37 system. Assembly Chain as follows:
AGLS Recipe
Step Machine

Industrial Unboxer

Industrial Cutter

Industrial Heater

Atomic Reconstructor

Industrial Flatter

Industrial Galvanizer

AGLS Cloak magazine assembly refill
A pack of 10 Unassembled AGLS Magazines, Used to produce Cloaking Smoke Magazines for the AGLS-37 system. Assembly Chain as follows:
AGLS Recipe
Step Machine

Industrial Unboxer

Industrial Cutter

Industrial Heater

Atomic Reconstructor

Industrial Flatter

Industrial Galvanizer

AGLS Tanglefoot magazine assembly refill
A pack of 10 Unassembled AGLS Magazines, Used to produce Plasma Draining (Tanglefoot) Magazines for the AGLS-37 system. Assembly Chain as follows:
AGLS Recipe
Step Machine

Industrial Unboxer

Industrial Cutter

Industrial Heater

Atomic Reconstructor

Industrial Flatter

Industrial Galvanizer

AT-36 AP-HE shell assembly refill
A pack of 30 Unassembled AT-36 Shells, Used to produce Armor Piercing High Explosive shells for the AT-36 system. Assembly Chain as follows:
Anti-Tank Gun Recipe
Step Machine

Industrial Unboxer

Industrial Cutter

Industrial Heater

Industrial Flatter

Industrial Compressor

Industrial Galvanizer

AT-36 APCR shell assembly refill
A pack of 30 Unassembled AT-36 Shells, Used to produce Armor Piercing Composite Rigid shells for the AT-36 system. Assembly Chain as follows:
Anti-Tank Gun Recipe
Step Machine

Industrial Unboxer

Industrial Cutter

Industrial Heater

Industrial Flatter

Industrial Compressor

Industrial Galvanizer

AT-36 HE shell assembly refill
A pack of 30 Unassembled AT-36 Shells, Used to produce High Explosive shells for the AT-36 system. Assembly Chain as follows:
Anti-Tank Gun Recipe
Step Machine

Industrial Unboxer

Industrial Cutter

Industrial Heater

Industrial Flatter

Industrial Compressor

Industrial Galvanizer

AT-36 Beehive shell assembly refill
A pack of 30 Unassembled AT-36 Shells, Used to produce Beehive (Canister) shells for the AT-36 system. Assembly Chain as follows:
Anti-Tank Gun Recipe
Step Machine

Industrial Unboxer

Industrial Cutter

Industrial Heater

Industrial Flatter

Industrial Compressor

Industrial Galvanizer

AT-36 Napalm shell assembly refill
A pack of 30 Unassembled AT-36 Shells, Used to produce Incendiary shells for the AT-36 system. Assembly Chain as follows:
Anti-Tank Gun Recipe
Step Machine

Industrial Unboxer

Industrial Cutter

Industrial Heater

Industrial Flatter

Industrial Compressor

Industrial Galvanizer

FK-88 Flak HE shell assembly refill
A pack of 5 Unassembled FK-88 Shells, Used to produce High Explosive shells for the FK-88 system. Assembly Chain as follows:
Heavy ISG Recipe
Step Machine

Industrial Unboxer

Industrial Heater

Industrial Compressor

Industrial Driller

Industrial Galvanizer

Industrial Former

FK-88 Flak APFDS shell assembly refill
A pack of 5 Unassembled FK-88 Shells, Used to produce High Explosive shells for the FK-88 system. Assembly Chain as follows:
Heavy ISG Recipe
Step Machine

Industrial Unboxer

Industrial Heater

Industrial Compressor

Industrial Driller

Industrial Galvanizer

Industrial Former

ATR-22 High Velocity magazine assembly refill
A pack of 10 Unassembled ATR-22 Magazines, Used to produce High Velocity Magazines for the ATR-22 Autocannon. Assembly Chain as follows:
Autocannon Recipe
Step Machine

Industrial Unboxer

Industrial Heater

Industrial Compressor

Industrial Galvanizer

Industrial Former

ATR-22 Flak magazine assembly refill
A pack of 10 Unassembled ATR-22 Magazines, Used to produce Explosive Flak Magazines for the ATR-22 Autocannon. Assembly Chain as follows:
Autocannon Recipe
Step Machine

Industrial Unboxer

Industrial Heater

Industrial Compressor

Industrial Galvanizer

Industrial Former

RL-57 Thermobaric WP rocket array assembly refill
A pack of 15 Unassembled RL-57 Rockets, Used to produce Rocket Assemblies for the RL-57 Thermobaric Launcher. Assembly Chain as follows:
Thermobaric WP Recipe
Step Machine

Industrial Unboxer

Industrial Cutter

Industrial Heater

Industrial Flatter

Atomic Reconstructor

Industrial Galvanizer

Zeus orbital drop pod assembly refill
A pack of 6 Unassembled Drop Pods, Used to produce Drop Pods. MUST BE POSITIONED OVER A SPECIFIC FLOOR TILE TO FUNCTION. Assembly Chain as follows:
Equipment Recipe
Step Machine

Industrial Unboxer

Industrial Cutter

Industrial Heater

Atomic Reconstructor

Industrial Former

Deployable floodlight assembly refill
A pack of 10 Unassembled Floodlights, Used to produce Deployable Floodlights. Assembly Chain as follows:
Equipment Recipe
Step Machine

Industrial Unboxer

Industrial Cutter

Industrial Heater

Atomic Reconstructor

Industrial Former

Deplyable security camera refill
A pack of 30 Unassembled Cameras, Used to produce Deployable Cameras (Overwatch Cameras). Assembly Chain as follows:
Equipment Recipe
Step Machine

Industrial Unboxer

Industrial Cutter

Industrial Heater

Atomic Reconstructor

Industrial Former

500 Cigarettes refill
What is it? It is called a Cigarette. The Aroma is most pleasing. Yes, Doctor Fin says it is the result of... What are you doing? I was curious to taste it. It is NOT food. Doctor Fin said the tip is to be ignited and the smoke inhaled. The sensation is... wonderful! I have never experienced such a flavor. I feel as if I have been standing my entire life and I just sat down. The tingles! Do you feel them? I do. We must have more!


Assembly Chain as follows:
Equipment Recipe
Step Machine

Industrial Unboxer

Industrial Cutter

Industrial Heater

Atomic Reconstructor

Industrial Former

</tab> </tabs>

Supply Drops

The supply drop pad.

The supply drop system is used for sending crates directly to the surface from requisitions, subverting the need to send them via the Alamo or Tadpole.

To use the pad, simply load a crate onto the caution-marked area. Make sure that it's closed, otherwise the system will just send the crate and none of its contents.

The supply drop interface.

You can only send crates via the supply drop system. Lockers, coffins, and machinery like fuel tanks and bikes cannot be sent.

Supply drops can be sent to either beacons, which are semi-permanent and deployed on the ground, or antennas, which can be attached to marine helmets or radio backpacks, but only maintain a signal for 4 minutes. Press the button next to "Current beacon" to change which beacon you're sending to. The list will display all prior beacons, whether they're currently usable or not; try switching to one of them, and if you get a beacon location, it's viable. Otherwise, select a new beacon.

You can also set an X and Y offset to send crates to positions surrounding the beacon. Note that once an offset has been changed from 0, it cannot be reset back to 0.

If a crate is loaded onto the pad, but it isn't being detected, try pressing Update next to Supply pad status. If it's still not detected, the crate may be anchored to the ground. Try unwrenching it, and update again.

Once your crate is ready and the destination is set, press Launch Supply drop to fire. You'll have a roughly 30 second delay before you can send another crate.

The Factory

Click on link to learn more about factory.

Other Utilities

The Operational Supplies Vendor

All requisitions bays will have 4 vendors to help you with your job; The Operational Supplies Vendor, the Automated Weapons Vendor, the Surplus Clothing Vendor, and the Surplus Armor vendor. These can be used to acquire certain ASRS items for free, such as Jaeger armor or weapon attachments.

The most useful by far is the Operational Supplies Vendor. This contains a small amount of several specialist weapon ammunition types, several utility items such as plastic explosives, fultons and autominers, as well as vending 2 boxes of each standard grenade type and one box of most standard ammo types. It is recommended to empty the standard ammo and most of the utility items into one or two crates, and load them onto the Alamo for the marines to use.

The Requisitions Overwatch Console

The Automated Weapons Vendor can vend infinite free standard attachments, negating the need to order them from the ASRS system. Some attachments, like the Build-A-Sentry or Tactical Shotgun Stock still need to be ordered. The vendor can also provide free ammunition for standard weapons, so use this to restock if you get a request for non-specialized ammo.

In addition, the Requisitions bay comes equipped with its own Overwatch console. Make sure to use this in order get a feel for the situation on the ground, and operate accordingly. Functionally, this console operates the same as those found on the bridge.


  • In the Surplus Clothing Vendor, some items come pre-filled. Most of the time this isn't very helpful, however sending full welding kits vis the backpack section or full flare pouches can make or break groundside
  • You can use the Ripley to carry crates, boxes, xenomorph corpses, and the lasgun cell charger. It's always faster to carry two items with the Ripley than to use the Push+Pull method, so use this if you have a lot to move.
  • Always remember, communication is key. Feel free to call people out by name when their orders are up, check in on smartgunners if they need ammunition, or ask marines in general what sort of Requisitions equipment they'd like.
  • If you have the spare time, build a factory for IFF ammo, this will be much easier and cheaper than buying an excessive amount of SG mags. This holds true for droppods also, with their factory saving you from the long walk between requisitions and the podroom on most shipmaps.
  • Some crates, such as the MEDEVAC crate come locked to the ID of a certain job, in this case, corpsmen or MD's. This lock is easily circumvented by just shooting of smacking open the crate until it breaks.
  • Hoarding points is rarely worth it, it is best to have your marines well informed on how many supply points there aee
  • Make sure to prioritize orders from those who inform you what they are fultoning or those who are setting up miners, if you piss them off, your supply point income may suddenly halt.

Addendum; Tips & Tricks for Requisitions

Written and signed by Dell Conagher.

This is not meant to be a replacement for the guide already found on this page, it's moreso additional reading material for people wanting to up their RO game, or simply for those who are curious about some of the lesser known duties of a good RO.

Spawning in

There's a checklist you need to do before you start doing your hard work as a RO, it mostly goes as follows. I've ordered them based on priority, as 1 and 2 don't take long to do. This setup should not take a long time, I'd give it around 10-15 mins.


Your Requisitions locker has an ASRS tablet. No matter what you do, you cherish this thing. Put it in your pocket and keep it there forever.

It lets you interact with the ASRS platform from anywhere. (Accept/deny orders, make new orders, raise/lower platform). This little device allows you to become mobile and not tethered to your computer, allowing you to multitask. Keep the tab open and make it a bit smaller, put it over your Status tab topright and a bit of chat if you don't mind it. The tab doesn't close when you put the tablet in your pocket.

Other items

Replace medium general pouch with tool pouch. You'll need the rest for reqtorio and other things.

Put whatever you want on your belt slot, I usually rock the G8 for its ability to store slighty larger items. Replace hat with Martin (By clickdragging his sprite into yours, you can pick him up and put him on your helmet slot.) This will make you feel a lot better and stand out as the req guy. Get rid of taser (Or put it in backpack). No real use for it. I usually grab a MG42 in it's place but that's for step 4. Also you can grab a hand labeler from your table in your office, good for labelling backpacks and crates before shipping which allows a marine to hover their mouse over it to see what it contains.

Vend your vendors

This should be one of the first things you do as #1 and #2 are a quick one minute affair.

Grab a crate or dispense one from a weapons vendor under boxes. Head into your op vendor (Operational supplies). First tab, vend: Xeno Pinpointer, Beacon (IMPORTANT), 2 plastic explosives, all fultons, and 2 tactical suicide vests. Head into mining tab, vend everything, grenade boxes, also everything, ammo boxes, also everything. Then, head over to Automated Weapons Rack and check "Heavy Weapons" tab. You're looking for if marines vended the 4 "ST-571 sentry crates". If not, vend them or FOB's gonna be left undefended with no sentries. Feel free to also grab a rocket bag or two, those are always handy at fob. Close that crate up, get on your motorbike and put it on alamo. After that, check if marines also put all of the crates near the alamo on it. (Mostly nobody does this, so you should be the kind samaritan to get some of the boxes there.) But which ones? I only grab the big distinct green crate which has all the ammo in it, the MRE crate, red cell box that recharges weapon cells. I also grab the 3 brown crates and put them closer to req before opening them, since they might contain guns that marines will seek after. (Kalashnikov, for example). After your quick trip's done, you are ready for the last and least important step.

Return to req and set it up

Now that MG42 comes to play. You remember the shutters you originally opened?

It's a 5 wide opening, but the sides are blocked with glass. Equip your MG, shoot both window tiles open. This will give you a LOT of breathing/wiggle room and it really helps in the long run. The shutters will still be there after you break the window. Grab your free 30 conveyors & switch off a nearby metal rack in main req, link the two and start placing them on your platform. I usually do this with the conveyors:

This setup means the crates which come up are closer to you without blocking all the spots where you put the things you wanna export. Also, if you really want, move some of the vendors closer to your drop pad using a wrench, helps when you get a request of 50 welding backpacks and similar. Lastly for your req setup, vend an Unboxer, Cutter, Atomic Reconstructor from your OP vendor's "reqtorio basics" tab. Put them nearby where they don't get in the way and are easily accessible. These 3 machines will be used for your smartgunners. It's alright even if you don't have any smartgunners.

Now that your frantic setup is complete it should be around 12:08 and you'll likely have marines yelling at you for their orders, or be in a complete ghost town where marines don't even know you exist.

Quick checklist:

  • Crate filled with ammo, fultons, beacon, C4, sentries on alamo.
  • Conveyors on lift, activated.
  • Tablet in pocket.
  • Reqtorio machines vended.

Before alamo departs

You'll want to start accepting and denying orders. Remember that orders are ordered (lol) based on their age, so the oldest (Earliest) order is at the top, while the newest (Freshest) order is at the bottom, so you'll likely want to start accepting from top to bottom. But hold that trigger cowboy! Does that marine really need a "Jetpack"? For 120 points?? You'll need to investigate, as some things that marines can buy from req are freely available (Sometimes in limited numbers, however) So in this case, you'll head over to the Automated Weapons Rack and check Specialized tab. Are there "marine jetpacks" there? If yes, vend it and tell them their order is at req while denying the order. Sometimes some limited guns are also in Seasonal tab, such as the aforementioned Kalashnikov. If you did not find the item, contemplate if it's worth spending points on right now. Now that the weird orders are sorted, here's things you want to prioritize;

ASRS pad. Steep price for the start of an op, 300, but is like a money printer if you have a researcher. When you get this crate, put a toolbelt, a charged cell from the yellow engineer vendor (Should be located nearby req) and if you don't have a researcher, also go into medical (You don't have access, but people raid chemistry roundstart so there should be an entryway into chemistry where there is a white medical vendor (NOT MARINEVEND) which is probably hacked by those same people. Head into the misc tab and grab a "Xenomorph analyzer", put it in the crate. Head into main medbay and grab a researcher tube (NOT cryo tube, the ones you're looking for are distinctly cyan). You can unbolt them by opening up their gui and clicking the topmost button, then simply put it in your crate.

Your second crate should have these:

  • A toolbelt.
  • High Capacity APC Power Cell.
  • ASRS Pad.
  • Researcher Tube.
  • Xeno Analyzer.

After doublechecking, leave the crate on alamo. This will be your main point generator before your engineers set up miners. Now that ASRS is bought, you should prioritize orders from top to bottom. Suit modules are usually the most sought after thing now that imagers are gone. If you think you'll have too many suit module orders (5+ for a single module, such as Tyr2), you might want to hold off buying them and instead make a factory for modules. Same goes for SG ammo, you see a guy putting a roundstart order for 3 bins? Build a factory instead of hastily accepting his order, his jaw will drop seeing 10 filled bins on the same tile.

As a rule of thumb you never want to outright deny orders unless you provide a substitute (By substitute I mean being able to create the order via reqtorio, offering a better alternative or already having a copy of the requested item stashed somewhere, NOT a downgrade or something entirely different) or the orderer is dead.

Other than dealing with orders, you might wanna deal with some other prep. Due to lacking APC access (And engi skill for that matter), you should really not bother trying to fix APCs or fix medical's if (read: When) their power runs out. You can still wirecutter a slashed APC in the event an illegal passenger drone slashes your TCOMMS APC.

Don't forget you're also in command, so setting up aSL's, raising orbit and doing briefings is in your power! Ever since #14578, there's no reason to be on orbit 1-4. Raise it to 5 and increase your passive req point gen.

Saving money with factorio

Reqtorio is a wonderful addition that allows you to save precious points at the cost of a little setup with larger bulk orders, being able to print out 10 modules at once for just *600* points (Saving a whopping 900) is something that will make an average unga love you and make your comrades proud. As you already vended 3 machines and put them down, you might not even know how to accordingly place them though! Firstly, grab some new conveyors from your autolathe and print a conveyor switch to boot with them as well. You can wrench a reqtorio machine down to bolt it to the ground and have it accept materials, or use a screwdriver to change its rotation counter-clockwise, symbolized by the red mark on the bottom left of a machine. This mark tells you WHERE the machine is currently pointing, and as such is pointing its output. On the opposite is the input of the machine. You can also fuel every machine by hand, but doing it with things other than assemblies takes a ridiculous amount of time. Regardless, the 3 reqtorio machines you vended create SMARTGUNNER ammunition, a rather costly endeavor made **50%** less expensive with a simple configuration. Placing them in this sequence allows you to put in Smart machinegun (SG29) and Smart minigun (SG85) refills into the leftmost machine (The Unboxer) and have them create 10 bins per refill, saving a total of 250 points PER batch!

Examples aside, the leftmost machine is the UNBOXER, and it's the defacto starting point of every factory, as you first need a machine to unpack a refill assembly. You can get creative with layouts for these, requiring only 1 conveyor between each machine while going diagonally.

There's many more recipes and some of them get pretty complex requiring 8 machines, 3 of which have to be bought. Remember that a factory is very modular and you never need to rebuy the same machine, as you can just change your current production to suit the new one.


(aka. Dealing with radio silence)

Being a good RO means you're not just good at accepting orders and pressing the lift button, you're a PEOPLE person, hence why you've got a loud headset!

MORE OFTEN THAN NOT (Especially after the operation properly begins), you'll get a order verbally through comms, usually through req's channel (As everyone has access to it), though I've seen a few people order through Command, Fire Support, or the stray private using their squad channel. Not to fret, you've got access to EVERY channel and knowing which letter is for which is going to save you a lot of hassle in the long run.

:q - alpha, :b - bravo, :c - charlie, :d - delta, ; - Common , :s - Fire Support , :h - Command , :e - Engineering, :u - Req.

Regardless, this is where only game knowledge can help you solve the cryptic hints of radio orders, as being told to order "50 metal, 2 sentries, to my beacon" is much more desirable than "DMR NOW" which will leave you scratching your head in a magnitude of ways. But here is where I unfortunately have to tell you the sad reality; Marines are not smart, not just that, but it also sometimes feel like these people GO OUT OF THEIR WAY to make your job harder.

(Worst cases are when you get an order and never get a reply after you ask them where they want their order)

Not to fret, you have loudspeak for a reason! You must however remember The 3 Rules

1) Say relevant information and keep it short and concise, drawing out your replies will only net negative results in the long run.

2) Ask ungas to elaborate if you're confused, For our previous example, if you're unsure of the item in question, you'd have to ask "You mean the one in weapons vendor under marksman or the AMR from req? Sure, any attachies?" Don't be afraid to ask for people to elaborate on their orders, as many times you could have a simple communication error cost you precious seconds in time of need, such as someone telling you to buy 3 APHE for TAT, so you buy a single order of 3 APHE shells, but only after you send it realize they meant 3 orders of 3 shells.

3) Never automatically send to fob, ask if they have antenna/beacon/where they want their order. The worst way you can hurt a push is by forcing people to abandon frontline and scramble to fob one at a time. Do not do this.

Signal ping pong

"Launch aborted! Supply beacon signal lost." This means that the beacon/antenna/radio pack you are *currently* sending to has ceased to function, whether deactivated or broken and it means you have to ask/tell the receiving person to check their antenna. ONLY ASK FOR THIS ONCE. As I have managed once to get into an infinite loop where I tell someone to set their beacon, start sending, they change the beacon, I get the supply beacon signal lost message, and I tell them to fix their beacon, at which point the console locks onto their changed beacon from before, leading to an infinite loop of tearing your hair out.

Super advanced tech: After you hit "Launch Supply Drop", keep refreshing the current beacon by re-selecting it a bunch. The drop doesn't cancel and if the marine in this 10 second time period flickers their antenna, you'll manage to re-select it and not abort your launch. Knowing this tech is IMPECCABLE to sending orders fast, as some marines really like to flicker their signals.

Other than being a mastermind at 9D chess with people, you should periodically update people on your req points, there's no point of having 'em if nobody uses them! I usually do this after getting a big bulk of points at once, or when I've been stuck at 200ish points for 20+ mins wondering if my Rsr and Engis are snoozing (Or dead).

Some of the lesser known tips:

  • A smartgun has a check on it to prevent any non-smartgunner from using it effectively. Putting it on an Experimental shoulder mount attachment won from Researcher's gacha bypasses this entirely. Send these to frontliners along with throwing knives. Removed #15322
  • You can open a crate while it is being sent to a beacon. Useful for if you realize a little too late that you are sending the order to the wrong guy. This will still eat your crate and put the supply console on a 30 second cooldown. (You can't pull the crate after it's locked in, and it takes exactly 10 seconds to send after pressing the button)
  • Contrary to popular belief amongst the non-RO's, you do not have surgery skill. If you find yourself as the only one shipside you have to beg over comms for a corpsman to go shipside otherwise putting dead people into autodocs/cryo will make medbay run out of power fast-- and your ID has no APC access. Combine that with no engi skill and even hacking an APC is a lengthy endeavor. Put people into stasis bags if there's no power. If you absolutely must do surgery, steal powercells/generators from engi and hotwire medbay into having a quickly swappable battery source.
  • You can chamber OB fast even without the skill, as pressing the button to Load and Chamber an OB round bypasses the "?" timer. You still need to wait for the fumble timer when opening the GUI. It's best to ask AI to operate the console for you.
  • If you have the time, you can orbit groundside personnel with your req's overwatch console and even give them buffs from orders.
  • Short on metal?
    • Making lots of glass windows from the glass stack req starts off and then breaking them gives you 1 metal rod per glass and thus 1 metal sheet per 4 glass (Slowest).
    • Prying floor tiles off shipside nets you 1 metal per 4 floor tiles (Slow-ish + carpal tunnel) Removed 13835.
    • Deconstructing the cades that spawn at reqline and near alamo on Pillar of Spring nets you around 12+48 metal.
    • Pillar of Spring and some other shipside maps have armory with a 50 metal stack spawn (Fastest but map dependent).