Engineering items: Difference between revisions

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Tools: Updated rapid cable layer to rapid pipe cleaner layer.
Tools: RCD uses radial menu. Updated RCD with the new upgrade disk content.
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  |description = An experimental device which can build, or deconstruct areas rapidly. This is held in the [[EVA]] for emergencies (and is the [[Chief Engineer]]'s responsibility). However they can be made in hacked autolathes as well.
  |description = An experimental device which can build, or deconstruct areas rapidly. This is held in the [[EVA]] for emergencies (and is the [[Chief Engineer]]'s responsibility). However they can be made in hacked autolathes as well.

This little bugger can be set (by clicking in active hand) to do a number of things:
Use this tool in hand to open a radial menu, where you can choose mode and change many settings, such as airlock access, airlock type and window type. Then click on an area or object with it to utilize the set settings.
*Build Floors (2 Ammo)
*Build Floors (2 Ammo)
*Build a Wall (16 Ammo)
*Build a Wall (16 Ammo)
Line 60: Line 60:
*Deconstruct a window(8 Ammo)
*Deconstruct a window(8 Ammo)
*Deconstruct an airlock(32 Ammo)
*Deconstruct an airlock(32 Ammo)
'''Right click to toggle airlock access and appearance, and to swap between normal and reinforced windows.'''
*'''Can be upgraded''' with an ''RCD advanced design disk'', which can be printed from the engineering protolathe after research. This lets the RCD create:
**Wired/wrenched [[Guide_to_advanced_construction#Machine_Construction_Steps|machine frames]] [[File:Wired_Frame.png]]
**Computer frames
**Simple circuits, which contain the designs for firelock, air alarm, fire alarm, apc circuits and basic power cells. These work the same as the [[Cyborg#Engineering|engineering cyborg's]] Electroadaptive Pseudocircuit.

Can be loaded with Compressed Matter Cartridges and regular metal and glass sheets. One Cartridge holds 40 units, with 160 being the maximum. Be forewarned that changing RCD mode can cause it to emit sparks, which can cause fires in plasma-rich environiments.
Can be loaded with Compressed Matter Cartridges and regular metal and glass sheets. One Cartridge holds 40 units, with 160 being the maximum. Be forewarned that changing RCD mode can cause it to emit sparks, which can cause fires in plasma-rich environiments.

Revision as of 09:19, 28 July 2019


Cable Coil
Cable Coil
Found in: Nearly everywhere
Used for: Laying electrical wires, building things that use electricity
Strategy: Wire is a resource, and can be used in many constructions and to lay down power lines. Make sure all APCs are connected to the main lines with wires, or you'll have black outs.
Comes in many fun colors. Can be laid down on the plating to distribute electrical power. Automatically connects to other wires on cardinal tiles. Read the guide to wiring to see how. Make sure you don't touch wired wires on the ground without insulated gloves.

By using wires in hand, you can turn them into , which are ghetto restraints used to tie someone down.

Power Cell
Power Cell
Found in: Cargo, Engineering, EVA, Tech Storage, Primary Tool Storage, R&D, Robotics, inside APCs, inside Space Heaters
Used for: Building things that use electricity
Strategy: Used to power APCs, cyborgs and various electrical equipment.
Can be recharged in a Cell Charger.
Comes in five varieties:
  • Standard (1 kW)
  • High-Capacity (10 kW)
  • Super-Capacity (20 kW)
  • Hyper-Capacity (30 kW)
  • Bluespace (40kW)


Rapid Construction Device (RCD)
Rapid Construction Device (RCD)
Found in: EVA, Engi-Vend
Used for: Making and destroying walls, doors, and floors.
An experimental device which can build, or deconstruct areas rapidly. This is held in the EVA for emergencies (and is the Chief Engineer's responsibility). However they can be made in hacked autolathes as well.

Use this tool in hand to open a radial menu, where you can choose mode and change many settings, such as airlock access, airlock type and window type. Then click on an area or object with it to utilize the set settings.

  • Build Floors (2 Ammo)
  • Build a Wall (16 Ammo)
  • Build a wall on top of a girder (8 Ammo)
  • Build a Grille (4 Ammo)
  • Build a Window (8 Ammo)
  • Build a Reinforced Window (12 Ammo)
  • Build an airlock (16 Ammo)
  • Deconstruct a girder(13 Ammo)
  • Deconstruct a wall(26 Ammo) (Can't deconstruct reinforced walls, unless it's a cyborg or mech RCD)
  • Deconstruct a floor tile into space(33 Ammo)
  • Deconstruct a grille(4 Ammo)
  • Deconstruct a window(8 Ammo)
  • Deconstruct an airlock(32 Ammo)

  • Can be upgraded with an RCD advanced design disk, which can be printed from the engineering protolathe after research. This lets the RCD create:
    • Wired/wrenched machine frames
    • Computer frames
    • Simple circuits, which contain the designs for firelock, air alarm, fire alarm, apc circuits and basic power cells. These work the same as the engineering cyborg's Electroadaptive Pseudocircuit.

Can be loaded with Compressed Matter Cartridges and regular metal and glass sheets. One Cartridge holds 40 units, with 160 being the maximum. Be forewarned that changing RCD mode can cause it to emit sparks, which can cause fires in plasma-rich environiments. It also can robust the shit out people. Or AIs, if needed.

Advanced Rapid Construction Device (ARCD)
Advanced Rapid Construction Device (ARCD)
Found in: Admin Magicks
Used for: Making and destroying walls, doors, and floors, from a distance
The ARCD is a RCD, except it can construct and deconstruct items from a distance. Unfortunately, short of serious admin fuckery, it cannot be obtained through normal play. Most often used for making Ratvar cry a river.

Rapid Piping Device (RPD)
Rapid Piping Device (RPD)
Found in: Supermatter Chamber, Atmospherics
Used for: Dispensing pipes
The replacement of the old pipe dispenser, it can manufacture (but not deconstruct) several different pipes. Does not consume ammo. Most often used for spamming a shit ton of volume pumps.

It can dispense:

  • Pipes
  • Manifolds
  • Manual Valves
  • Digital Valves
  • 4-Way Manifolds
  • Layer Manifolds
  • Connectors
  • Unary Vents
  • Gas Pumps
  • Passive Gates
  • Volume Pumps
  • Scrubbers
  • Injectors
  • Meters
  • Gas Filters
  • Gas Mixers
  • Heat Exchange Pipes
  • Heat Exchange Manifolds
  • Heat Exchange 4-Way Manifolds
  • Heat Exchange Junctions
  • Unary Heat Exchange Pipes
  • Disposal Pipe
  • Disposal Junction
  • Disposal Y-Junction
  • Disposal Sort Junction
  • Disposal Trunk
  • Disposal Bin
  • Disposal Outlet
  • Disposal Chute
  • Transit Straight Tube
  • Transit Straight Tube With Crossing
  • Transit Curved Tube
  • Transit Diagonal Tube
  • Transit Diagonal Tube With Crossing
  • Transit Junction
  • Through Tube Station
  • Terminus Tube Station
  • Transit Tube Pod

Alt-click the RPD to toggle autowrenching on and off.

Rapid Light Dispenser (RLD)
Rapid Light Dispenser (RLD)
Found in: Admemez
Used for: Lighting up an area
Strategy: A device used to rapidly provide lighting sources to an area. Reload with metal, plasteel, glass or compressed matter cartridges
The RLD has 3 different modes:
  • Permanent Light Collection: The RLD can attach lights to the floor or to the wall. These lights will burn forever as long as the APC in the room is powered.
  • Light Launcher: The RLD launches glowsticks at a distance
  • Deconstruct: Tears apart wall/floor lights

Found in: Nearly everywhere
Used for: Opening airlocks, breaking things.
Strategy: If the power goes out on the station, you will need a crowbar to open doors. Otherwise it's just for breaking things.
The crowbar can pry open things or pry closed things and is used in deconstructing objects like computers and airlocks. It will open powered down doors and fire doors. You can use it to remove floor tiles, especially useful when they are damaged or you believe wires have been cut. Comes in two flavors, gunmetal grey and robust red.

Found in: Auxiliary Tool Storage, Engineering, EVA, Primary Tool Storage, R&D, Robotics
Used for: Construction and deconstruction
Strategy: Almost every machine requires a screwdriver to build it or take it apart.
A simple, but often needed tool. Everything from APCs to windows to computers can be unscrewed. Grilles can be unscrewed and pulled away instead of broken. A screwdriver to the eyes is a dangerous weapon.

Found in: Auxiliary Tool Storage, Engineering, EVA, Tech Storage, Primary Tool Storage, R&D, Robotics
Used for: Removing wires
Strategy: One quick snip and you can remove wires from any machine, security camera, or from the floor. Make sure to wear gloves.
More or less an undo tool with wires. Can be used to disable cameras, and needed to take apart most machines. Can also be used to deconstruct grilles instantly.

Found in: Nearly everywhere
Used for: Deconstruction, attaching bolts
Strategy: Wrenches are usually used to take things apart, like wall girders, or tables. Only the emitters and computers use them in construction stages. They either fasten bolts, or take apart bolts.
This tool is used more to take the station apart than to put it together. Most departments need one to secure some machine or another.

Welding Tool
Welding Tool
Found in: Auxiliary Tool Storage, Engineering, EVA, Primary Tool Storage, R&D, Robotics
Used for: Sealing airlocks, construction and deconstruction. Fighting aliens.
Strategy: You can cut all manner of things apart, from lockers (open locker, click while lit) to walls. OR, You can weld shut doors and lockers. It is useless when out of fuel.
A must have for engineers. Most modifications you make to the station will require this tool. It does have an open flame, so it will light everything from cigarettes to plasma. Use it as a weapon against weeds and vines. Don't refuel it when lit unless you want an explosion. Be sure to use eye protection unless you like slowly going blind.

You can get an industrial version with double fuel capacity from the welding lockers from Engineering, ordering one from Cargo or from a hacked vending machine.

Industrial Welding Tool
Industrial Welding Tool
Found in: Engi-Vend, Engineering, Cargo
Used for: Welding stuff, even better
Strategy: You can weld objects together, you can unweld objects together
It's a welding tool, but it has double fuel capacity. Most rounds, you don't have to refuel it at all.

Found in: Cargo, Engineering, EVA, Maintenance, Tech Storage, Primary Tool Storage, Robotics
Used for: Hacking
Strategy: Multitools are used to pulse wires while hacking anything. Having one gives you more control over the device you are hacking.
Used for hacking Airlocks, APCs, autolathes, mulebots, vending machines, and nearly anything else with a panel. See the guide to hacking for more information.

Found in: Toolboxes
Used for: Scanning the air
Strategy: If you ever needed a complex readout about your current atmosphere, this is the tool for you.
Can be used to scan the atmosphere, and shows you what's inside a Canister or a pipe. The analyzer can also be added to an unscrewed Security Camera to upgrade it to an X-ray camera, and will prove invaluable in the case of a anomaly.

Otherwise, made practically worthless by the PDA Air Scanner.

T-ray Scanner
T-ray Scanner
Found in: Auxiliary Tool Storage, Engineering, EVA, Primary Tool Storage, R&D, Robotics
Used for: Seeing under floor tiles
Strategy: If you are actually doing repair work, a T-ray scanner in your pocket will let you plan out wires and pipes.
Click on it on your hand to activate. When activated it will reveal wires and pipes under the flooring, as well as Critters and Creatures inside pipes, as well as make cloaked people flicker. You can put it in your belt, or leave them lying all over the place.

Rapid Pipe Cleaner Layer
Rapid Pipe Cleaner Layer
Found in: Engineering, Chief Engineer's Office
Used for: Laying cosmetic pipe cleaners
Strategy: Wield it with both your hands, walk slowly
The Rapid Pipe Cleaner Layer can hold 90 pieces of Pipe Cleaner. When wielded with a single hand, it can lay pipe cleaner manually. However, when it is wielded with both hands, it lays pipe cleaners under you as you walk. Used for wire art.

Airlock Painter
Airlock Painter
Found in: Engineering
Used for: Painting airlocks
Strategy: Put a toner in it and use it on an airlock and select how you want it to look
An advanced autopainter preprogrammed with several paintjobs for airlocks. Use it on an airlock during or after construction to change the paintjob.

Emergency Welding Tool
Emergency Welding Tool
Found in: Emergency toolboxes through the station
Used for: Same as a regular welding tool
Strategy: Welding stuff
Functions identically to a normal welding tool, but only has 10 units of fuel.

Found in: Chief Engineer's Office, Engineering Protolathe, Science Protolathe
Used for: Recharging machines
Strategy: Use inducers to recharge essential machines (cloning, RnD, ORM) when the power goes out.
You can click on a machine or an APC with an inducer to recharge it. Recharge the inducer itself by replacing the power cell within it.

Jaws of Life
Found in: Chief Engineer's Toolbelt, Engineering Protolathe, Science Protolathe
Used for: Prying open doors, cutting wires, popping out floor tiles
Strategy: It's a crowbar and a pair of wirecutters combined into a single tool
While in cutting mode, you can cut wires and hack machines. While in prying mode, you can pop out floor tiles, and instantly open unpowered/fire doors. Similarly to the Fire Axe, you can pry open powered doors with a bit of effort.

Hand Drill
Found in: Chief Engineer's Toolbelt, Engineering Protolathe
Used for: Exposing wires, securing objects
Strategy: It's a screwdriver and a wrench combined into a single tool
With the screw driver bit, you can expose wires to hack stuff. With the bolt driver bit, you can secure canisters and wrench down loose objects faster.

Experimental Welding Tool
Experimental Welding Tool
Found in: Chief Engineer's Toolbelt, Engineering Protolathe
Used for: Welding stuff
Strategy: It's a better welding tool
This welding tool contains more fuel, welds objects quicker, and recharges fuel on its own, without any intervention.

Geiger Counter
Geiger Counter
Found in: Radiation Locker
Used for: Detecting Radiation.
Strategy: Use it on people or objects to see whats causing all the radiation poisoning.
The Geiger Counter is used to detect radiation and potentially cause radiation poisoning

Engineering Gear

Hard Hat
Hard Hat

Welding Helmet
Welding Helmet

Optical Meson Scanner
Optical Meson Scanner

Engineering Scanner Goggles
Engineering Scanner Goggles

Hazard Vest
Hazard Vest

Insulated Gloves
Insulated Gloves

Tool Belt
Tool Belt

Hardsuit Helmet
Hardsuit Helmet



Found in: Engineering
Used for: Supplying yourself with electronics and engineering equipment
Strategy: Get a loaded RCD from here.
Spare tool vending.

SMES Superconducting Magnetic Energy Storage
Superconducting Magnetic Energy Storage
Found in: Engineering, Solars, AI Chamber, Mining Station, Telecommunications
Used for: Storing and distributing power
Strategy: Set an input (must be lower value than the input from wire, otherwise nothing goes in!), set on output (preferably smaller than the input so something will actually be stored in the cell), and watch the station flourish!
Huge cell/battery for power distributing purposes. Maximum capacity 5 megawatts.

Remember: Wire connected to the floor terminal = power input. Wire under the SMES = power output.
Left lights represent how much of the SMES is loaded.
The top right light shows the input power status. If it's off = none, red = on but receiving no power, blinking yellow = receiving power and loading.
The middle right light shows the output power status. If it's off = not outputting power, green = outputting power.
Guide to building a SMES.

APC Area Power Controller
Area Power Controller
Found in: Every room with power
Used for: Controlling the power for a sector on the station.
Strategy: Have power equipment access, swipe your ID on it to unlock it and choose your action.
Actions available on the APC:
  • Main Breaker: On/Off - Toggles power to the room
  • Equipment: Auto/On/Off - Toggles power to computers, doors, and other electronic equipment.
  • Lighting: Auto/On/Off - Toggles power to lighting in the area.
  • Environmental: Auto/On/Off - Toggles power to the ventilation in the area, as well as the Air Alarm.
  • Cover Lock: Engaged/Disengaged - Provides a cover to protect the battery.

Remember, 'Auto' power settings slowly cuts off each breaker when power runs low in this order:
<30 % = Equipment off, <15% = Lighting and Environment off.

Replacing the APC's Battery:

To replace the APC battery, you need an ID with sufficient access to unlock the APC itself.

  1. Swipe ID with power equipment access to unlock the interface.
  2. Open the panel and disengage the cover lock.
  3. Use a crowbar on the APC to open the cover.
  4. Take the battery out with a free hand.
  5. place in the new battery.
  6. Close the cover again with your crowbar.
  7. Re-engage the cover lock.
  8. Swipe ID to secure the interface.

If an APC looks like this (blue with blinking red lights), it's either emagged or the AI is malfunctioning.
Guide to building an APC.

Guide to hacking an APC.

Cell Charger
Cell Charger
Found in: Cargo, Engineering, Primary Tool Storage, R&D, Robotics
Used for: Recharging power cells
Strategy: Place power cells into these to charge them up
These will drain power directly from the room's APC unit to recharge Power Cells. Beware with high capacity cells, as they will drain the room's APC completely. Can be secured and unsecured using a wrench.

P.A.C.M.A.N.-Type Portable Generator
P.A.C.M.A.N.-Type Portable Generator
Found in: Engineering Power Storage
Used for: Portable backup generator
Strategy: Mostly used to jump start the Engine
Needs solid plasma as fuel and be secured on an exposed powered wire to generate power. Can be secured and unsecured using a wrench.

Guide to building a P.A.C.M.A.N.-Type Portable Generator.

S.U.P.E.R.P.A.C.M.A.N.-Type Portable Generator
S.U.P.E.R.P.A.C.M.A.N.-Type Portable Generator
Found in: R&D
Used for: Portable backup generator
Strategy: If you really need to use that uranium for power.
Needs uranium as fuel and be secured on an exposed powered wire to generate power. Can be secured and unsecured using a wrench.

Guide to building a S.U.P.E.R.P.A.C.M.A.N.-Type Portable Generator.

M.R.S.P.A.C.M.A.N.-Type Portable Generator
M.R.S.P.A.C.M.A.N.-Type Portable Generator
Found in: R&D
Used for: Portable backup generator
Strategy: Because diamonds are not manly.
Needs diamonds as fuel and be secured on an exposed powered wire to generate power. Can be secured and unsecured using a wrench.

Guide to building a M.R.S.P.A.C.M.A.N.-Type Portable Generator.

Found in: Engineering Secure Storage, Engine, more can be ordered from Cargo
Used for: To power up the shields containing the Singularity
Strategy: Ensure it has a powered wire under it, wrench and weld it in place and turn it on. Lock with ID if needed
A heavy duty industrial laser. Shoots non-stop when turned on. There are four at the engine, powering up the Field Generators with laser shots.

Emitter are also useful as a weapon, if your target stand still long enough for you to set it up. (Hint: Blobs don't move.)

Field Generator
Field Generator
Found in: Engineering Secure Storage, Engine, more can be ordered from Cargo
Used for: Containing the singularity or other dangerous things
Strategy: Point an Emitter at it and turn them both on
A large thermal battery that projects a high amount of energy when powered.

Gravitational Singularity Generator
Gravitational Singularity Generator
Found in: Engineering Secure Storage, Engine, more can be ordered from Cargo
Used for: Creating a Singularity
Strategy: Place in front of a Particle Accelerator
An odd device which produces a Gravitational Singularity when set up.

Tesla Generator
Found in: Engineering Secure Storage, Engine, more can be ordered from Cargo
Used for: Creating a Tesla
Strategy: Place in front of a Particle Accelerator
An odd device which produces a Tesla when set up.

Particle Accelerator
Found in: Engine, parts can be ordered from Cargo
Used for: Creating and maintaining a Singularity
Strategy: Set a Gravitational Singularity Generator in front of it and turn it on
Guide to Setting Up the Particle Accelerator

Guide to hacking the Particle Accelerator.

Radiation Collector
Radiation Collector
Found in: Engine, more can be ordered from Cargo or constructed.
Used for: Creating energy from radiation.
Will generate energy when loaded with a Plasma Tank (filled with Plasma Gas), if anchored and activated near an active Singularity or Supermatter.
Converts the Plasma into Tritium. Can alternatively be used to generate research points instead of power.

To change configuration to research mode, fill the tank with Tritium and Oxygen instead of Plasma. Then use a multitool on the Radiation Collector.
Examine it to see current configuration. A generic supermatter setup can produce a total of 10 points per minute for each Radiation Collector generating points.
In this research mode, the tank must also be refilled every 5 minutes or so.

Anti-Breach Shielding Projector
Anti-Breach Shielding Projector
Found in: Engineering Secure Storage, Engine, more can be ordered from Cargo
Used for: Used to seal minor hull breaches
Strategy: Wrench it in place near a hull breach and turn it on
An energy shield used to contain hull breaches. All space tiles within a 2 square radius will be blocked off with a shield.

Shield Generator
Shield Generator
Found in: Teleporter, Xenobiology, more can be ordered from Cargo
Used for: To seal in/out aliens and such
Strategy: Wrench it in place
Creates a barrier between two Shield Generators.

Gravity Generator
Found in: Gravity Generator Room
Used for: Creating gravity to the station
Strategy: If broken, fix it with a screwdriver, welding tool, 10 units of plasteel and then a wrench.
Provides sweet sweet gravity when enabled. Provides sweet sweet anger when not. When powered, and toggled on, it will charge until 100%, which will then enable the gravity. If it isn't powered, via the APC on the environment channel, or it is toggled off then it will discharge until it hits 0%; which will then disable the gravity. While charging/discharging, the generator will emit a lot of radiation so make sure you wear a radiation suit.

Gas Turbine Generator and Compressor
Found in: MetaStation
Used for: Creating power through a contained small fire
Strategy: Make inferno fire to compressor-side, turn Gas Turbine Generator on, open the turbine-end to space so fire moves through the machine to generate power. Higher airflow and temperature makes more power.
See here how to construct a Gas Turbine Generator.

Thermo-Electric Generator
Found in: MiniStation
Used for: Creating power through a contained huge inferno
Strategy: See below.
See here how to set it up.