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| ==Conspicuous and Dangerous Weapons== | | ==Conspicuous and Dangerous Weapons== |
| | |
| | ===Box of Throwing Weapons=== |
| | {{anchor|Box_of_Throwing_Weapons}} |
| | {{Item |
| | |bgcolor1 = #cccccc |
| | |bgcolor2 = #cccccc |
| | |name = Box of Throwing Weapons |
| | |image = Syndibox.png |
| | |foundin = Ordered via syndicate uplink, costs 3 telecrystals. |
| | |usedfor = Murdering people by throwing things. |
| | |strategy = Use the throwing stars to cause heavy damage and bleeding due to embedding, and the bolas to prevent the target from running off or dodging. |
| | |contents = 5x[[File:Tstar.png]], 2x[[File:Rbola.png]] |
| | |description = This kit contains five throwing stars and two reinforced bolas. Throwing stars will deal heavy brute damage on hit and automatically embed, causing further brute and bleeding over time.<br> Reinforced bolas cause a 3.5 second [[Status_Effects#Knockdown|knockdown]] and will slow targets down on hit until they are removed. They take longer to remove than normal [[Makeshift_weapons#Bola|bolas]]. |
| | }} |
| | |
| | |
| | ===Energy Sword=== |
| | {{anchor|Energy_Sword}} |
| | {{Item |
| | |bgcolor1 = #cccccc |
| | |bgcolor2 = #cccccc |
| | |name = Energy Sword |
| | |image = ESword.png |
| | |foundin = Ordered via syndicate uplink, costs 8 telecrystals. |
| | |usedfor = Mass murder. |
| | |strategy = This sword will usually crit someone in three to four hits (more if the target is armored). It leaves a bloody mess though. When it is on it has a chance to deflect projectiles. Needs to be turned on before use. Can fit in a pocket if shut off. |
| | |description = This is a melee weapon that will do a lot of (30) brute damage. It also has a high chance to knock someone down, or outright uncouncious. It has two states, on and off. When it's off, you can fit it into your pocket, but it's a terrible weapon.<br> Activate it to switch between the two states, but be warned, turning it on or off causes a very loud and distinct noise. It is also a very good combo combined with the [[#Mini Energy Crossbow|e-bow]]'s knockdown. You have a decent chance of reflecting projectiles with it when turned on. |
| | You can also hit it with a multitool to make a RAINBOW SWORD. |
| | }} |
| | |
| | ===Double-bladed Energy Sword=== |
| | {{anchor|Double-bladed_Energy_Sword}} |
| | {{Item |
| | |bgcolor1 = #cccccc |
| | |bgcolor2 = #cccccc |
| | |name = Double-bladed Energy Sword |
| | |image = DoubleESword.png |
| | |foundin = Ordered via syndicate uplink, costs 16 telecrystals. |
| | |usedfor = SUPER mass murder, making security and all their stunning and lasers completely irrelevant. |
| | |strategy = Simply having this weapon active will completely ruin anyone who tries to shoot you with a taser. |
| | |description = '''25+ players only'''<br> The double energy sword is an immensely powerful weapon, capable of sending unarmored victims into critical in just 3 hits (and likely stunning them, dismembering, or knocking them unconscious long before that). Like the single-bladed [[#Energy_Sword|Energy Sword]], it must be turned on to be used properly, and can still be stored in your pocket when turned off.<br> The main reason why this weapon is so powerful compared to its predecessor is because it will reflect all energy and laser bolts sent at it back at the person who shot at you, guaranteed.<br> This makes unrobust Security completely and totally useless at range, and makes them easy kills if they get hit by their own taser shots. This sword is not unstoppable, however. It also has a chance to reflect bullets, but this is somewhat unreliable.<br> It will also not stop melee attacks, so try to avoid the inevitable jousting matches with stunbatons and disarm intent. Temperature gun shots go right through this. |
| | }} |
| | |
| | ===Gloves of the North Star=== |
| | {{anchor|Gloves of the North Star}} |
| | {{Item |
| | |bgcolor1 = #cccccc |
| | |bgcolor2 = #cccccc |
| | |name = "Gloves of the North Star" |
| | |image = Brokenbottle.png |
| | |foundin = Ordered via syndicate uplink, costs 8 telecrystals. |
| | |usedfor = ATATATATATA |
| | |strategy = Buy this if you want to punch people really quickly. |
| | |description = A pair of gloves that lets you punch things extremely fast. You can even set a battlecry from your favorite Japanese anime! Does not work with weapons and hulk hands. |
| | }} |
| | |
| | |
| | ===[[Holoparasite|Holoparasites]]=== |
| | {{anchor|Holoparasite_Injector_Kit}} |
| | {{Item |
| | |bgcolor1 = #cccccc |
| | |bgcolor2 = #cccccc |
| | |name = Holoparasite injector kit |
| | |image = Syndibox.png |
| | |foundin = Ordered via syndicate uplink, costs 18 telecrystals. |
| | |usedfor = ORAORAORAORAORA |
| | |strategy = Has many strategic options depending on which type of Holoparasite you choose to summon. |
| | |description = '''25+ players only'''<br> Contains a [[Holoparasite]] injector. When injected, it will attempt to summon a [[Ghost]] player to take on the role of a spirit-like entity living in your body, capable of using different powers to help you, decided by its type. If no ghost accepts the role, you can get a TC refund. |
| | }} |
| | |
| | ===Powerfist=== |
| | {{anchor|Powerfist}} |
| | {{Item |
| | |bgcolor1 = #cccccc |
| | |bgcolor2 = #cccccc |
| | |name = Power Fist |
| | |image = powerfist.png |
| | |foundin = Ordered via syndicate uplink, costs 6 telecrystals. |
| | |usedfor = break some bones (if this were Baystation). |
| | |strategy = This weapon's main strength is throwing people away from you and/or into a fire, open airlock, electrified airlock, emagged gibber etc. |
| | |description = This is a melee WEAPON (hold it in your hand) that can do moderate to really high brute damage. It is piston powered, and said piston is activated by gas coming from a gas tanks.<br> To mount a gas tank, simply click on the powerfist with the tank in your hand. The pressure valve can be adjusted with a wrench to the setting 1,2 and 3. To remove an empty tank, use a screwdriver on the powerfist. <br> |
| | Setting one has force 20 and launches people 1 tile away.<br> |
| | Setting two and three double and triple these values respectively, so 40/60 damage and 2/3 tiles thrown. <br> |
| | From a standard, filled tank of air one should expect 4 full punches on setting two and 3 on setting three. <br> |
| | }} |
| |
| ===Stechkin=== | | ===Stechkin=== |
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| |strategy = Keep the thing hidden, as people know it's only available to syndicates. Also, it makes a lot of noise, so be careful. | | |strategy = Keep the thing hidden, as people know it's only available to syndicates. Also, it makes a lot of noise, so be careful. |
| |description = It's a gun. Click on someone and you shoot at them. Does 60 brute damage per shot on an unarmoured target, considerably less on an armoured one. It's a very reliable weapon for a quick and bloody murder, as most people cannot react in time before being shot twice. Keep in mind that it makes a very loud and distinct noise.<br> This gun comes loaded with 7 rounds, more can be bought from your uplink or created with a hacked autolathe. The damage is high enough to quickly blow up a supermatter crystal. Uses [[#357_Speedloader|.357 ammunition]]. | | |description = It's a gun. Click on someone and you shoot at them. Does 60 brute damage per shot on an unarmoured target, considerably less on an armoured one. It's a very reliable weapon for a quick and bloody murder, as most people cannot react in time before being shot twice. Keep in mind that it makes a very loud and distinct noise.<br> This gun comes loaded with 7 rounds, more can be bought from your uplink or created with a hacked autolathe. The damage is high enough to quickly blow up a supermatter crystal. Uses [[#357_Speedloader|.357 ammunition]]. |
| | }} |
| | |
| | |
| | ===Toy Pistol with Riot Darts=== |
| | {{anchor|Toy_Gun_with_Riot_Darts}} |
| | {{Item |
| | |bgcolor1 = #cccccc |
| | |bgcolor2 = #cccccc |
| | |name = Toy Gun with Riot Darts |
| | |image = Toy_gun.png |
| | |foundin = Ordered via syndicate uplink, costs 3 telecrystals. |
| | |usedfor = Hiding a stunning weapon in plain sight. |
| | |strategy = This gun is identical to the normal toy guns, but it shoots stamina-damaging darts that can knock down. |
| | |description = An innocent-looking toy pistol designed to fire foam darts. Comes loaded with [[#Box_of_Riot_Darts|riot-grade darts]] effective at incapacitating a target. |
| | }} |
| | |
| | ==Stealthy and Inconspicuous Weapons== |
| | |
| | ===Dart Pistol=== |
| | {{anchor|Dart_Pistol}} |
| | {{Item |
| | |bgcolor1 = #cccccc |
| | |bgcolor2 = #cccccc |
| | |name = Dart Pistol |
| | |image = Dart_pistol.png |
| | |foundin = Ordered via syndicate uplink, costs 2 telecrystals. |
| | |usedfor = Shooting chemicals. Useful with the Poison Kit. |
| | |strategy = Use it as you would a normal syringe gun; the only difference is that it fits into a pocket. |
| | |description = This pistol can load chemical-filled syringes and shoot them at people. Only fits one syringe at a time, but it can fit in pockets. |
| | }} |
| | |
| | ===Dehydrated Space Carp=== |
| | {{anchor|Dehydrated_Space_Carp}} |
| | {{Item |
| | |bgcolor1 = #cccccc |
| | |bgcolor2 = #cccccc |
| | |name = Dehydrated Space Carp |
| | |image = Carp_plush.png |
| | |foundin = Ordered via syndicate uplink, costs 1 telecrystal. |
| | |usedfor = Sudden carp invasions. |
| | |strategy = Looks like a normal carp toy. If it comes in contact with water, however, it will create a full-sized space carp, aggressive to everyone nearby. If you use the plushie in hand before activating it, the carp won't attack you once spawned. |
| | |description = Looks like a plush toy carp, but just add water and it becomes a real-life space carp! Activate in your hand before use so it knows not to kill you. |
| | }} |
| | |
| | ===Energy Dagger=== |
| | {{anchor|Energy Dagger}} |
| | {{Item |
| | |bgcolor1 = #cccccc |
| | |bgcolor2 = #cccccc |
| | |name = Energy Dagger |
| | |image = Edagger.gif |
| | |foundin = Ordered via syndicate uplink, costs 2 telecrystals. |
| | |usedfor = Last resort combat. |
| | |strategy = Shove it in your PDA. Don't bring it out until you need it, because everyone knows only syndicates have energy blades. |
| | |description = It's a dagger that does 18 brute on hit, and 35 brute when thrown. It can be disguised and hidden as a pen. Keep it out of sight and then bring it out once you've got somebody on the ropes.<br> It's better than most weapons very cheap, so it's not a bad last resort. Unless people know you have it they're very unlikely to search your PDA pen slot. |
| | }} |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | ===Martial Arts Scroll=== |
| | {{anchor|Martial_Arts_Scroll}} |
| | {{Item |
| | |bgcolor1 = #cccccc |
| | |bgcolor2 = #cccccc |
| | |name = Martial Arts Scroll |
| | |image = Scroll.png |
| | |foundin = Ordered via syndicate uplink, costs 17 telecrystals. |
| | |usedfor = Fighting ranged attackers, killing people with your fists. |
| | |strategy = This scroll will teach you the Sleeping Carp style, making you immune to ranged attacks but also unable to use guns, while making your hits stronger. |
| | |description = <br>You must keep reading the scroll until you get a message saying you have mastered the ability. This will take some time and you will see several smaller flavor messages while reading. The Sleeping Carp style then lets you ignore all ranged attacks, whether energy or physical (but not thrown items). Dodging an attack this way will make a noticeable sound and message, which will alert everyone close of this skill, and thus of your traitor status.<br> You will also not be able to use any ranged weapon, as it would be dishonorable. |
| | Your punches do 10 to 15 brute, and your grabs will start as aggressive. |
| | You can also combo attacks by switching intents while hitting. Possible Combos: |
| | * '''Wrist Wrench''': Disarm Disarm. Forces the opponent to drop the item in his hand. Stuns for 6 seconds. Does not work if target is stunned or paralyzed. |
| | * '''Back Kick''': Harm Grab. The opponent must be facing away from you. Paralyzes for 8 seconds. Does not work if target is paralyzed. |
| | * '''Stomach Knee''': Grab Harm. Knocks the wind out of the opponent and stuns for 4 seconds. Does not work if target is paralyzed. |
| | * '''Head Kick''': Disarm Harm Harm. Decent damage, forces the opponent to drop the item in his hand. Stuns for 8 seconds. Does not work if target is paralyzed. |
| | * '''Elbow Drop''': Harm Disarm Harm Disarm Harm. The opponent must be on the ground. Deals huge damage, and instantly kills anyone in critical condition. |
| }} | | }} |
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| }} | | }} |
| |
| | | ===Poison Kit=== |
| ===Energy Sword=== | | {{anchor|Poison_Kit}} |
| {{anchor|Energy_Sword}} | |
| {{Item | | {{Item |
| |bgcolor1 = #cccccc | | |bgcolor1 = #cccccc |
| |bgcolor2 = #cccccc | | |bgcolor2 = #cccccc |
| |name = Energy Sword | | |name = Poison Kit |
| |image = ESword.png | | |image = Syndibox.png |
| |foundin = Ordered via syndicate uplink, costs 8 telecrystals. | | |foundin = Ordered via syndicate uplink, costs 6 telecrystals. |
| |usedfor = Mass murder. | | |usedfor = Murdering people silently. |
| |strategy = This sword will usually crit someone in three to four hits (more if the target is armored). It leaves a bloody mess though. When it is on it has a chance to deflect projectiles. Needs to be turned on before use. Can fit in a pocket if shut off. | | |strategy = Inject these poisons into food, medicines, cryotubes, or just shoot them with a syringe gun. |
| |description = This is a melee weapon that will do a lot of (30) brute damage. It also has a high chance to knock someone down, or outright uncouncious. It has two states, on and off. When it's off, you can fit it into your pocket, but it's a terrible weapon.<br> Activate it to switch between the two states, but be warned, turning it on or off causes a very loud and distinct noise. It is also a very good combo combined with the [[#Mini Energy Crossbow|e-bow]]'s knockdown. You have a decent chance of reflecting projectiles with it when turned on. | | |contents = [[File:Bottle.png]][[File:Syringe.png]] |
| You can also hit it with a multitool to make a RAINBOW SWORD.
| | |description = This kit contains a bottle each of [[Guide to chemistry#Polonium|Polonium]], [[Guide to chemistry#Venom|Venom]], [[Guide to chemistry#Fentanyl|Fentanyl]], [[Guide to chemistry#Formaldehyde|Formaldehyde]], [[Guide to chemistry#Cyanide|Cyanide]], [[Guide to chemistry#Histamine|Histamine]], [[Guide to chemistry#Initropidil|Initropidil]], [[Guide to chemistry#Pancuronium|Pancuronium]], [[Guide to chemistry#Sodium Thiopental|Sodium Thiopental]], [[Guide to chemistry#Coniine|Coniine]], [[Guide to chemistry#Curare|Curare]] and [[Guide to chemistry#Amanitin|Amanitin]], with a free syringe to inject them with. |
| }} | | }} |
| |
| ===Double-bladed Energy Sword=== | | ===Romerol=== |
| {{anchor|Double-bladed_Energy_Sword}} | | {{anchor|Romerol}} |
| {{Item | | {{Item |
| |bgcolor1 = #cccccc | | |bgcolor1 = #cccccc |
| |bgcolor2 = #cccccc | | |bgcolor2 = #cccccc |
| |name = Double-bladed Energy Sword | | |name = Romerol |
| |image = DoubleESword.png | | |image = Syndibox.png |
| |foundin = Ordered via syndicate uplink, costs 16 telecrystals. | | |foundin = Ordered via syndicate uplink, costs 25 telecrystals. |
| |usedfor = SUPER mass murder, making security and all their stunning and lasers completely irrelevant. | | |usedfor = Creating a zombie infestation. |
| |strategy = Simply having this weapon active will completely ruin anyone who tries to shoot you with a taser. | | |strategy = Inject into food, medicines, cryotubes, or just shoot it with a syringe gun. |
| |description = '''25+ players only'''<br> The double energy sword is an immensely powerful weapon, capable of sending unarmored victims into critical in just 3 hits (and likely stunning them, dismembering, or knocking them unconscious long before that). Like the single-bladed [[#Energy_Sword|Energy Sword]], it must be turned on to be used properly, and can still be stored in your pocket when turned off.<br> The main reason why this weapon is so powerful compared to its predecessor is because it will reflect all energy and laser bolts sent at it back at the person who shot at you, guaranteed.<br> This makes unrobust Security completely and totally useless at range, and makes them easy kills if they get hit by their own taser shots. This sword is not unstoppable, however. It also has a chance to reflect bullets, but this is somewhat unreliable.<br> It will also not stop melee attacks, so try to avoid the inevitable jousting matches with stunbatons and disarm intent. Temperature gun shots go right through this. | | |contents = [[File:Bottle12.png]][[File:Eyedropper.png]][[File:Syringe.png]] |
| | |description = [[Guide_to_chemistry#Romerol|Romerol]] adds a zombie infection organ to victims. When those victims die, they will revive as zombies who can infect other people. Because [[Guide_to_chemistry#Romerol|Romerol]] costs more than 20 telecrystals, at least two traitors will need to collaborate to buy it. It can be applied to corpses directly, allowing creation of zombies from corpses in the [[Morgue]]. |
| }} | | }} |
| |
| ===Gloves of the North Star=== | | ===Sleepy Pen=== |
| {{anchor|Gloves of the North Star}} | | {{anchor|Sleepy_Pen}} |
| {{Item | | {{Item |
| |bgcolor1 = #cccccc | | |bgcolor1 = #cccccc |
| |bgcolor2 = #cccccc | | |bgcolor2 = #cccccc |
| |name = "Gloves of the North Star" | | |name = "Pen" |
| |image = Brokenbottle.png | | |image = Pen.png |
| |foundin = Ordered via syndicate uplink, costs 8 telecrystals. | | |foundin = Ordered via syndicate uplink, costs 4 telecrystals. |
| |usedfor = ATATATATATA | | |usedfor = Disabling people, making people look dead. |
| |strategy = Buy this if you want to punch people really quickly. | | |strategy = This item will paralyze people, so they cannot talk and will collapse after a short time. It will quickly wear off. |
| |description = A pair of gloves that lets you punch things extremely fast. You can even set a battlecry from your favorite Japanese anime! Does not work with weapons and hulk hands. | | |description = This is a very devious little item. It is a refillable instant injector that looks like a pen. The pen can hold up to 45u reagents and starts with 20u [[Guide_to_chemistry#Chloral_Hydrate|Chloral Hydrate]], 15u [[Guide to chemistry#Mute_Toxin|Mute-Toxin]], and 10u [[Guide to chemistry#Tirizene|Tirizene]], which prevents people from talking and causing them to fall asleep after about 20 seconds at most. They can still see and hear everything around them, until they actually fall asleep. Does not penetrate hardsuits. The victim will feel a tiny prick but the stab will be invisible to others. <br> The default [[Guide_to_chemistry|chemicals]] inside are completely non-lethal, so if you want to kill with it you need [[Syndicate Items#Poison Kit|something else]]. Not available to [[Syndicate guide|Nuke Ops]]. |
| }} | | }} |
| |
| ===Powerfist===
| |
| {{anchor|Powerfist}}
| |
| {{Item
| |
| |bgcolor1 = #cccccc
| |
| |bgcolor2 = #cccccc
| |
| |name = Power Fist
| |
| |image = powerfist.png
| |
| |foundin = Ordered via syndicate uplink, costs 6 telecrystals.
| |
| |usedfor = break some bones (if this were Baystation).
| |
| |strategy = This weapon's main strength is throwing people away from you and/or into a fire, open airlock, electrified airlock, emagged gibber etc.
| |
| |description = This is a melee WEAPON (hold it in your hand) that can do moderate to really high brute damage. It is piston powered, and said piston is activated by gas coming from a gas tanks.<br> To mount a gas tank, simply click on the powerfist with the tank in your hand. The pressure valve can be adjusted with a wrench to the setting 1,2 and 3. To remove an empty tank, use a screwdriver on the powerfist. <br>
| |
| Setting one has force 20 and launches people 1 tile away.<br>
| |
| Setting two and three double and triple these values respectively, so 40/60 damage and 2/3 tiles thrown. <br>
| |
| From a standard, filled tank of air one should expect 4 full punches on setting two and 3 on setting three. <br>
| |
| }}
| |
| |
| ===[[Holoparasite|Holoparasites]]=== | | ===Universal Suppressor=== |
| {{anchor|Holoparasite_Injector_Kit}} | | {{anchor|Suppressor}} |
| {{Item | | {{Item |
| |bgcolor1 = #cccccc | | |bgcolor1 = #cccccc |
| |bgcolor2 = #cccccc | | |bgcolor2 = #cccccc |
| |name = Holoparasite injector kit | | |name = Suppressor |
| |image = Syndibox.png | | |image = Universal_suppressor.png |
| |foundin = Ordered via syndicate uplink, costs 18 telecrystals. | | |foundin = Ordered via syndicate uplink, costs 3 telecrystals. |
| |usedfor = ORAORAORAORAORA | | |usedfor = Silencing weapons. |
| |strategy = Has many strategic options depending on which type of Holoparasite you choose to summon. | | |strategy = Attach it to your [[#Stechkin|Stechkin]], or to other ballistic weapons (that isn't a revolver or shotgun) to silence and remove the weapon's attack messages. |
| |description = '''25+ players only'''<br> Contains a [[Holoparasite]] injector. When injected, it will attempt to summon a [[Ghost]] player to take on the role of a spirit-like entity living in your body, capable of using different powers to help you, decided by its type. If no ghost accepts the role, you can get a TC refund.
| | |description = A universal syndicate small-arms suppressor for maximum espionage. Can be attached to almost any non-revolver/shotgun firearm. Remove it by alt-clicking the firearm. |
| }} | | }} |
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| }} | | }} |
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| ==Stealthy and Inconspicuous Weapons==
| |
| |
| ===Box of Throwing Weapons===
| |
| {{anchor|Box_of_Throwing_Weapons}}
| |
| {{Item
| |
| |bgcolor1 = #cccccc
| |
| |bgcolor2 = #cccccc
| |
| |name = Box of Throwing Weapons
| |
| |image = Syndibox.png
| |
| |foundin = Ordered via syndicate uplink, costs 3 telecrystals.
| |
| |usedfor = Murdering people by throwing things.
| |
| |strategy = Use the throwing stars to cause heavy damage and bleeding due to embedding, and the bolas to prevent the target from running off or dodging.
| |
| |contents = 5x[[File:Tstar.png]], 2x[[File:Rbola.png]]
| |
| |description = This kit contains five throwing stars and two reinforced bolas. Throwing stars will deal heavy brute damage on hit and automatically embed, causing further brute and bleeding over time.<br> Reinforced bolas cause a 3.5 second [[Status_Effects#Knockdown|knockdown]] and will slow targets down on hit until they are removed. They take longer to remove than normal [[Makeshift_weapons#Bola|bolas]].
| |
| }}
| |
| |
| ===Dart Pistol===
| |
| {{anchor|Dart_Pistol}}
| |
| {{Item
| |
| |bgcolor1 = #cccccc
| |
| |bgcolor2 = #cccccc
| |
| |name = Dart Pistol
| |
| |image = Dart_pistol.png
| |
| |foundin = Ordered via syndicate uplink, costs 2 telecrystals.
| |
| |usedfor = Shooting chemicals. Useful with the Poison Kit.
| |
| |strategy = Use it as you would a normal syringe gun; the only difference is that it fits into a pocket.
| |
| |description = This pistol can load chemical-filled syringes and shoot them at people. Only fits one syringe at a time, but it can fit in pockets.
| |
| }}
| |
| |
| ===Dehydrated Space Carp===
| |
| {{anchor|Dehydrated_Space_Carp}}
| |
| {{Item
| |
| |bgcolor1 = #cccccc
| |
| |bgcolor2 = #cccccc
| |
| |name = Dehydrated Space Carp
| |
| |image = Carp_plush.png
| |
| |foundin = Ordered via syndicate uplink, costs 1 telecrystal.
| |
| |usedfor = Sudden carp invasions.
| |
| |strategy = Looks like a normal carp toy. If it comes in contact with water, however, it will create a full-sized space carp, aggressive to everyone nearby. If you use the plushie in hand before activating it, the carp won't attack you once spawned.
| |
| |description = Looks like a plush toy carp, but just add water and it becomes a real-life space carp! Activate in your hand before use so it knows not to kill you.
| |
| }}
| |
| |
| ===Energy Dagger===
| |
| {{anchor|Energy Dagger}}
| |
| {{Item
| |
| |bgcolor1 = #cccccc
| |
| |bgcolor2 = #cccccc
| |
| |name = Energy Dagger
| |
| |image = Edagger.gif
| |
| |foundin = Ordered via syndicate uplink, costs 2 telecrystals.
| |
| |usedfor = Last resort combat.
| |
| |strategy = Shove it in your PDA. Don't bring it out until you need it, because everyone knows only syndicates have energy blades.
| |
| |description = It's a dagger that does 18 brute on hit, and 35 brute when thrown. It can be disguised and hidden as a pen. Keep it out of sight and then bring it out once you've got somebody on the ropes.<br> It's better than most weapons very cheap, so it's not a bad last resort. Unless people know you have it they're very unlikely to search your PDA pen slot.
| |
| }}
| |
| |
| ===Martial Arts Scroll===
| |
| {{anchor|Martial_Arts_Scroll}}
| |
| {{Item
| |
| |bgcolor1 = #cccccc
| |
| |bgcolor2 = #cccccc
| |
| |name = Martial Arts Scroll
| |
| |image = Scroll.png
| |
| |foundin = Ordered via syndicate uplink, costs 17 telecrystals.
| |
| |usedfor = Fighting ranged attackers, killing people with your fists.
| |
| |strategy = This scroll will teach you the Sleeping Carp style, making you immune to ranged attacks but also unable to use guns, while making your hits stronger.
| |
| |description = <br>You must keep reading the scroll until you get a message saying you have mastered the ability. This will take some time and you will see several smaller flavor messages while reading. The Sleeping Carp style then lets you ignore all ranged attacks, whether energy or physical (but not thrown items). Dodging an attack this way will make a noticeable sound and message, which will alert everyone close of this skill, and thus of your traitor status.<br> You will also not be able to use any ranged weapon, as it would be dishonorable.
| |
| Your punches do 10 to 15 brute, and your grabs will start as aggressive.
| |
| You can also combo attacks by switching intents while hitting. Possible Combos:
| |
| * '''Wrist Wrench''': Disarm Disarm. Forces the opponent to drop the item in his hand. Stuns for 6 seconds. Does not work if target is stunned or paralyzed.
| |
| * '''Back Kick''': Harm Grab. The opponent must be facing away from you. Paralyzes for 8 seconds. Does not work if target is paralyzed.
| |
| * '''Stomach Knee''': Grab Harm. Knocks the wind out of the opponent and stuns for 4 seconds. Does not work if target is paralyzed.
| |
| * '''Head Kick''': Disarm Harm Harm. Decent damage, forces the opponent to drop the item in his hand. Stuns for 8 seconds. Does not work if target is paralyzed.
| |
| * '''Elbow Drop''': Harm Disarm Harm Disarm Harm. The opponent must be on the ground. Deals huge damage, and instantly kills anyone in critical condition.
| |
| }}
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| ===Poison Kit===
| |
| {{anchor|Poison_Kit}}
| |
| {{Item
| |
| |bgcolor1 = #cccccc
| |
| |bgcolor2 = #cccccc
| |
| |name = Poison Kit
| |
| |image = Syndibox.png
| |
| |foundin = Ordered via syndicate uplink, costs 6 telecrystals.
| |
| |usedfor = Murdering people silently.
| |
| |strategy = Inject these poisons into food, medicines, cryotubes, or just shoot them with a syringe gun.
| |
| |contents = [[File:Bottle.png]][[File:Syringe.png]]
| |
| |description = This kit contains a bottle each of [[Guide to chemistry#Polonium|Polonium]], [[Guide to chemistry#Venom|Venom]], [[Guide to chemistry#Fentanyl|Fentanyl]], [[Guide to chemistry#Formaldehyde|Formaldehyde]], [[Guide to chemistry#Cyanide|Cyanide]], [[Guide to chemistry#Histamine|Histamine]], [[Guide to chemistry#Initropidil|Initropidil]], [[Guide to chemistry#Pancuronium|Pancuronium]], [[Guide to chemistry#Sodium Thiopental|Sodium Thiopental]], [[Guide to chemistry#Coniine|Coniine]], [[Guide to chemistry#Curare|Curare]] and [[Guide to chemistry#Amanitin|Amanitin]], with a free syringe to inject them with.
| |
| }}
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| ===Romerol===
| |
| {{anchor|Romerol}}
| |
| {{Item
| |
| |bgcolor1 = #cccccc
| |
| |bgcolor2 = #cccccc
| |
| |name = Romerol
| |
| |image = Syndibox.png
| |
| |foundin = Ordered via syndicate uplink, costs 25 telecrystals.
| |
| |usedfor = Creating a zombie infestation.
| |
| |strategy = Inject into food, medicines, cryotubes, or just shoot it with a syringe gun.
| |
| |contents = [[File:Bottle12.png]][[File:Eyedropper.png]][[File:Syringe.png]]
| |
| |description = [[Guide_to_chemistry#Romerol|Romerol]] adds a zombie infection organ to victims. When those victims die, they will revive as zombies who can infect other people. Because [[Guide_to_chemistry#Romerol|Romerol]] costs more than 20 telecrystals, at least two traitors will need to collaborate to buy it. It can be applied to corpses directly, allowing creation of zombies from corpses in the [[Morgue]].
| |
| }}
| |
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| ===Sleepy Pen===
| |
| {{anchor|Sleepy_Pen}}
| |
| {{Item
| |
| |bgcolor1 = #cccccc
| |
| |bgcolor2 = #cccccc
| |
| |name = "Pen"
| |
| |image = Pen.png
| |
| |foundin = Ordered via syndicate uplink, costs 4 telecrystals.
| |
| |usedfor = Disabling people, making people look dead.
| |
| |strategy = This item will paralyze people, so they cannot talk and will collapse after a short time. It will quickly wear off.
| |
| |description = This is a very devious little item. It is a refillable instant injector that looks like a pen. The pen can hold up to 45u reagents and starts with 20u [[Guide_to_chemistry#Chloral_Hydrate|Chloral Hydrate]], 15u [[Guide to chemistry#Mute_Toxin|Mute-Toxin]], and 10u [[Guide to chemistry#Tirizene|Tirizene]], which prevents people from talking and causing them to fall asleep after about 20 seconds at most. They can still see and hear everything around them, until they actually fall asleep. Does not penetrate hardsuits. The victim will feel a tiny prick but the stab will be invisible to others. <br> The default [[Guide_to_chemistry|chemicals]] inside are completely non-lethal, so if you want to kill with it you need [[Syndicate Items#Poison Kit|something else]]. Not available to [[Syndicate guide|Nuke Ops]].
| |
| }}
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| ===Syndicate Soap===
| |
| {{anchor|Syndicate_Soap}}
| |
| {{Item
| |
| |bgcolor1 = #cccccc
| |
| |bgcolor2 = #cccccc
| |
| |name = "Soap"
| |
| |image = Synsoap.png
| |
| |foundin = Ordered via syndicate uplink, costs 1 telecrystal.
| |
| |usedfor = Cleaning things, and slipping people on it.
| |
| |strategy = Can be used for a quick clean up if you lack space cleaner, so you're not covered in blood, or it can be used like a banana peel.
| |
| |description = It's a bar of evil looking soap. It can clean up a blood off the ground or on your clothes by using it on them. Also slips people for a moment. Useful with an energy sword. In addition, it cleans things much faster than normal soap, making it handy for a quick cleanup.
| |
| }}
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| ===Toy Gun with Riot Darts===
| |
| {{anchor|Toy_Gun_with_Riot_Darts}}
| |
| {{Item
| |
| |bgcolor1 = #cccccc
| |
| |bgcolor2 = #cccccc
| |
| |name = Toy Gun with Riot Darts
| |
| |image = Toy_gun.png
| |
| |foundin = Ordered via syndicate uplink, costs 3 telecrystals.
| |
| |usedfor = Hiding a stunning weapon in plain sight.
| |
| |strategy = This gun is identical to the normal toy guns, but it shoots stamina-damaging darts that can knock down.
| |
| |description = An innocent-looking toy pistol designed to fire foam darts. Comes loaded with [[#Box_of_Riot_Darts|riot-grade darts]] effective at incapacitating a target.
| |
| }}
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| ===Universal Suppressor===
| |
| {{anchor|Suppressor}}
| |
| {{Item
| |
| |bgcolor1 = #cccccc
| |
| |bgcolor2 = #cccccc
| |
| |name = Suppressor
| |
| |image = Universal_suppressor.png
| |
| |foundin = Ordered via syndicate uplink, costs 3 telecrystals.
| |
| |usedfor = Silencing weapons.
| |
| |strategy = Attach it to your [[#Stechkin|Stechkin]], or to other ballistic weapons (that isn't a revolver or shotgun) to silence and remove the weapon's attack messages.
| |
| |description = A universal syndicate small-arms suppressor for maximum espionage. Can be attached to almost any non-revolver/shotgun firearm. Remove it by alt-clicking the firearm.
| |
| }}
| |
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| ==Stealth and Camouflage Items== | | ==Stealth and Camouflage Items== |
Line 926: |
Line 919: |
| |description = This stimulant medipen comes loaded with 50u [[Guide_to_chemistry#Stimulants|Stimulants]], which will heavily increase your run speed, reduce stuns and give a small heal over time. | | |description = This stimulant medipen comes loaded with 50u [[Guide_to_chemistry#Stimulants|Stimulants]], which will heavily increase your run speed, reduce stuns and give a small heal over time. |
| }} | | }} |
| | |
| | ===Syndicate Soap=== |
| | {{anchor|Syndicate_Soap}} |
| | {{Item |
| | |bgcolor1 = #cccccc |
| | |bgcolor2 = #cccccc |
| | |name = "Soap" |
| | |image = Synsoap.png |
| | |foundin = Ordered via syndicate uplink, costs 1 telecrystal. |
| | |usedfor = Cleaning things, and slipping people on it. |
| | |strategy = Can be used for a quick clean up if you lack space cleaner, so you're not covered in blood, or it can be used like a banana peel. |
| | |description = It's a bar of evil looking soap. It can clean up a blood off the ground or on your clothes by using it on them. Also slips people for a moment. Useful with an energy sword. In addition, it cleans things much faster than normal soap, making it handy for a quick cleanup. |
| | }} |
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| ===Mulligan=== | | ===Mulligan=== |