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m Tips and Tricks: adds a few tips on summoning and how not to use it
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*You have 100 soft bomb armor, making you immune to grenades!
*You have 100 soft bomb armor, making you immune to grenades!
*With 100 soft fire armor, you are immune to fire!
*With 100 soft fire armor, you are immune to fire!
*Summon AWAY from the frontlines, summoning backlines can be quite effective if the frontlines are too defended.
*Summon far away from any sightings of CAS or they will shoot a ton of shit at you which will hit your allies you are summoning.
*Summon with a plan, there have been way too many summons where xenos just run back to where they just were and the summon is wasted.
*You cannot summon from across Z-levels, so don't bother hitching a ride on the back of the tad unless you feel you can break down their cades and kill the remaining occupants before the tad can arrive at the ship.

Latest revision as of 12:29, 2 April 2024

This page is a part of the TGMC wiki.

TGMC is a project based on the CM-SS13 codebase.



Difficulty: Very Hard
Rank: Hatchling (Starting), Young (10hrs), Mature (25hrs), Elder (70 hrs), Ancient (175 hrs)
Duties: Be a menace against marines and ensure their destruction with your Queen!
Guides: N/A
Quote: "Hey guys, I'm not really sure what this button does but I'm gonna click it and hope for the best :)" Hatchling King (girl) has begun a psychic summon in Alamo Cockpit!

Statistics and Evolution Path

The king is at the end of their evolution tree.

  • Slash is the melee damage when the xenomorph is in harm intent and slashing marine. In the code, it's melee_damage.
  • Melee, bullet, laser, energy, bomb, bio, rad, fire, and acid are soft armor values, not hard armor, which means that they reduce damage by a percentage rather than a flat value.
  • Speed is calculated inversely, meaning the lower speed value you have, the faster you are. Xenomorphs are always running, meaning they have a -1.0 boost added to their base speed. (Chart displays running speed)
  • Pheromone Strength determines how powerful some activities will be, such as pheromones themselves, as well as using abilities that heal.
Health Plasma Slash Speed Melee Bullet Laser Energy Bomb Bio Fire Acid Pheromone Strength
Base 650 1200 30 -1.1 65 65 65 65 100 60 100 60 6.0x

The King

THE OMEGA. Resting upon your resin throne, you look up in the nightly sky contemplating on the next star you will visit. Breaking your concentration, you have been summoned by a distant hive from planets and stars apart. Amused by the gift they have bestowed upon you, you began the psychic transfer from body to resin, then from resin to mind, then mind to the new planet. Such is the power of resin that xenomorphs have mastered over their environment of evolutionary adaptedness. Going through the psychic webbing of the Hivemind traveling faster than light speed, you can see all the collective memories of xenomorphs, from the early primitive centuries to the expansive space-faring Hive. All your senses are flooded by such sacred psychic information, motivating you to do what is needed: provide victory for the Hive.

Before you can be a king, the hive needs to get 15 xenomorphs (burrowed larva included).



If there is one job that king can handle, it's combative engagement with marines. You play as an opener that xenomorphs can capitalize on so that they can follow up with their own abilities. Fundamentally, you synergize xenomorphs' engagement by:

  • opening opportunities with Screech to push with Nightfall
  • disarming many marines through Shattering Roar
  • snaring marines with your terrifying looks via Petrify
  • confusing that pesty marine with Offguard
  • using mass teleport to get xenomorphs together with Psychic Summon
  • rallying and coordinating the hive for a push
  • making corrosion of reinforced walls to allow for xenomorph maneuverability
  • melting CAS flares and OB beacons
  • Emitting the strong Pheromones in the Hive

Compared to many, if not all, xenomorphs, you have many AOE abilities that permit xenomorphs to wreck havoc upon marines. In fact, when queen screeches, you should be using your abilities right after queen so that the xenomorph can run marines through. Read other xenomorphs' abilities that are AOE, and coordinate with xenomorph castes to fully utilize your and the Hive abilities.

Since you are tanky compared to other xenomorphs, your Petrify can make short work of marines, freezing them in place and allowing xenomorphs to follow up.

King's Abilities

Ability Description Plasma Cost Cooldown

Toggle Bump Attacks
Allows you to toggle bump attacks on and off. This allows you to slash any enemy creature by running into them. The red arrow means it's on, you attack when on HARM intent; the green arrow means it's off, you push when on HARM intent. N/A N/A

Used to rest and get up. You heal faster when resting on weeds. N/A 2 seconds

Psy Drain
This ability is used on dead Marines. For every Marine's psyche drained, the Hive will gain between 30 and 90 psychic points, depending on the number of Marines spawned; and 1/8 of a larva. 50 N/A

Corrosive Acid
Expels acid onto an object or wall, destroying it after a while. If used on wall, a hole will appear after some time. Small xenos can climb through, large xenos can break the wall with the hole on it open. CTRL + click to interact with the acid hole.

During the prep phase, all xenomorphs with this ability get strong acid.

[Acid Strength by Caste]
75 if caste has weak acid;

100 for medium and strong acid


Plant Weeds
Plants a resin weed node, which will start growing resin weeds in a 3-tile radius that allows xenomorphs to heal and restore plasma while on top of the tile.

Right-clicking the ability icon will allow you to select different types of weeds to plant. Placing a weed node on top of another will replace that weed node with the new type. During the prep phase, plasma cost to place a weed node is halved.

[Weed Types]
75-225 N/A

Emit Pheromones
Toggles your pheromones, allowing you to select Recovery, Warding, or Frenzy. You only emit one at a time, and you can see which pheromones you are effected by in the Status tab. Emitting pheromones uses 5 plasma every regeneration tick. Strength of pheromones is tied to caste and increases the effects. More at Xenomorph Mechanics.
[Pheromone Types]

"After a windup, petrifies all humans looking at you for 6 seconds. While petrified humans are immune to damage, but also can't attack. 100 30 SECONDS

Off Guard
Gives an indivudal marine a debuff that drastically increases their scatter and inflict confusion for a duration. Effect decreases over time. 100 20 seconds

Shut down all electrical lights nearby for 10 seconds. Does nothing to flares. 100 45 seconds

Shattering Roar
After a one second windup, unleashes a wave that briefly knocks down anyone in its path causing some minor damage and a bit of staggerslow that scales with distance to the king. 225 45 SECONDS

Psychic Summon
Summons all xenomorphs and minions in a hive to the caller's location. 900 10 minutes

Rally Hive
Rallies the player xeno to you, along with an arrow pointer for other xeno. Gives the Hive your current health status. 60 second cooldown. 0 60 seconds

Rally Minions
Command minions, ordering them to converge on this location. You must be next to minions in order for them to follow you. When you activate rally minion, you will *roar, which will in turn make the minions *roar as well. If you hear minions *roar, it means they are following you. Note that minions are stupid and WILL get stuck , help me step xeno 100 60 seconds

Command Minions
Order the minions escorting you to be either aggressive or passive. N/A N/A

Primordial Evolution

Once the hive has enough psychic points, your queen has the option to unlock powerful primordial evolutions for each strain. Primordial evolutions grant additional abilities for the relevant class.
For the King, this primordial ability is Zero-Form Beam.

Ability Description Plasma Cost Cooldown

Zero-Form Beam
After a windup, concentrates the hives energy into a forward-facing beam that pierces everything, but only hurts living beings. It can only travel in the cardinal directions. 25 10 SECONDS

Tips and Tricks

  • You have 100 soft bomb armor, making you immune to grenades!
  • With 100 soft fire armor, you are immune to fire!
  • Summon AWAY from the frontlines, summoning backlines can be quite effective if the frontlines are too defended.
  • Summon far away from any sightings of CAS or they will shoot a ton of shit at you which will hit your allies you are summoning.
  • Summon with a plan, there have been way too many summons where xenos just run back to where they just were and the summon is wasted.
  • You cannot summon from across Z-levels, so don't bother hitching a ride on the back of the tad unless you feel you can break down their cades and kill the remaining occupants before the tad can arrive at the ship.

TerraGov Marines


Command Captain, Field Commander, Staff Officer, Pilot Officer, Transport Officer, Mech Pilot
Vehicle Crew Assault Crewman, Transport Crewman
Engineering and Supply Chief Ship Engineer, Requisitions Officer, Ship Technician
Medical Chief Medical Officer, Medical Doctor, Researcher
Marines Squad Leader, Squad Smartgunner, Squad Engineer, Squad Corpsman, Squad Marine
Civilians Corporate Liaison
Silicon Combat robots, Synthetic, AI


Tier 0 Larva, Minions
Tier 1 Drone, Runner, Defender, Sentinel
Tier 2 Hivelord, Carrier, Hunter, Wraith, Bull, Warrior, Puppeteer, Spitter, Pyrogen
Tier 3 Gorger, Defiler, Widow, Ravager, Warlock, Behemoth, Crusher, Praetorian, Boiler
Tier 4 Shrike, Queen, King, Hivemind
Others Zombie, Emergency Response Teams, Sons of Mars, Survivor