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| {{TGMC}} | | {{TGMC}} |
| | This is page for in-depth description of marine-related mechanics. |
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| When a Marine dies, it is '''[[TGMC:Squad Corpsman|Up]] [[TGMC:Medical Officer|To]] [[TGMC:Chief Medical Officer|You]]''' to make sure they get back up and running. Using your Defibrillator and the following steps, you can revive almost anyone.
| | '''Also see: [[TGMC:Xenomorph Mechanics]]''' |
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| =='''The Aforementioned "Following Steps"'''== | | == AP and damage == |
| | Each weapon deals damage equal to |
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| ===Identify The Dead [[File:TGMC_healthHUB.png]]=== | | <code>Dmg = ammo_dmg * weapon_damage_modifier - tiles_travelled*damage_falloff</code> |
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| First, you need to assess the priority of your target. When using a HealthMate HUD, their current "Death Stage" will show on the top left of their sprite. This indicates how much time you have left before they're permanently dead.
| | Where <code>weapon_damage_modifier</code> is usually 0, and can be seen in weapon codex. For example, T-64 has -50% dmg modifier. Damage falloff also can be seen there, usually it is 0.5 per tile. Base weapon damage is heavily based on the ammo it uses. |
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| [[File:TGMC_defib_new.png|64px]] Indicates that a target is newly dead. If they've just died, you'll have 3-5 minutes to shock them back to life.
| | Each weapon has AP, Armor Piercing. It reduces the armor of xeno flat: |
| |
| [[File:TGMC_defib_moderate.png|64px]] Indicates that the target has less than 3 minutes before going permanently dead. Use this as a sign of caution, and try to keep people from hitting this stage.
| | <code>Effective_armor = Xeno_armor*(1-Sunder/100) - AP</code> |
| |
| [[File:TGMC_defib_late.png|64px]] Indicates that a target is long deceased. If you're seeing this, '''yell at the nearest marine to perform CPR''' since you have less than a minute to revive them before-
| | Then resulting damage is: |
| |
| [[File:TGMC_PermaDead.png|64px]] Indicates a target is permanently dead. Either they've been dead for longer than 5 minutes, have a DNR, or otherwise have some condition preventing revival.
| | <code>Effective_dmg = Dmg*(1-Effective_armor/100)</code> |
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| '''If the patient is a Combat Robot then ignore all further steps. Remove their suit, Defibrillate, and send them on their way.'''
| | Note that Sunder of a weapon directly decreases xeno armor until it is healed. Sunder of 2 decreases armor by 2%. |
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| ===Remove your Patient's Suit===
| | So if your damage is 100, with 10 AP, and you shoot a warrior with 50 bullet armor and 20 Sunder, then his effective armor is |
| |
| This is their Jaegar Exo/Xenonauten Vest/Labcoat or anything else that uses the Suit slot. The Defib machine will tell you that the voltage is too high and to take off their suit (A few Suits don't need to be taken off, though it's better to take it off anyways).
| | <code>Effective_armor = 50*0.8 - 10 = 30</code> |
| |
| Your Defibrillator's inactive state look like this [[File:TGMC_Defib.png]], while its active state looks like this [[File:TGMCDefib.gif]]. Always keep it active even in your storage!
| | <code>Effective damage = 100 * 0.7 = 70</code> |
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| ===Scan your Patient with the HF2 Analyzer [[File:DMCA_health_analyzer.png]]=== | | == Health == |
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| This will tell you just ''how'' dead they are. '''To revive patients, their total damage must not be above 200''', where total damage is the sum of all Brute, Burn, Toxin, Suffocation, and Cloneloss. If the patient has a lot of Brute damage, you should use [[file:TGMC_TraumaKit.png]]Advanced Trauma Kits to turn them from Swiss to Cheddar. If the patient has a lot of Burn damage, you should use [[file:TGMC_BurnKit.png]]Advanced Burn Kits. Advanced Kits will partially heal wounds they are applied to. Keep in mind that the Dead are incapable of metabolizing medicine, but injecting them before revival will have the medicine kick in as soon as the Patient is alive.
| | === Limbs === |
| | {| class="wikitable" |
| | |+ |
| | !Limb |
| | !HP |
| | !Breakpoint |
| | |- |
| | |Head |
| | |100 |
| | |40 |
| | |- |
| | |Torso |
| | |200 |
| | |60 |
| | |- |
| | |Groin |
| | |200 |
| | |60 |
| | |- |
| | |Arm |
| | |125 |
| | |50 |
| | |- |
| | |Hand |
| | |75 |
| | |37 |
| | |- |
| | |Leg |
| | |100 |
| | |50 |
| | |- |
| | |Foot |
| | |75 |
| | |37 |
| | |} |
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| === Kitting their Wounds [[File:TGMC_TraumaKit.png]] [[File:TGMC_BurnKit.png]]===
| | * |
| This is the most important step. Applying an Advanced Trauma Kit for Brute damage or an Advanced Burn kit for Burn damage to a limb will heal a significant amount of damage even if the patient is already dead. You don't have to be wasteful, just target the biggest wounds and get the damage below 200, then move on to the next step. If their entire body is damaged, i.e. by fire or an acid cloud, then this step may use up a lot of kits.
| | * Each limb has fixed and separate healthpool and breakpoint. After breakpoint is reached, attacks on limb can break it. |
| | * After limb HP reaches 0, it can be dismembered with probability% <code>P = brute_attack_damage * 2</code>. |
| | * After 20 damage is done to a limb, ''with 5% chance'', half of any further damage goes to internal organs as additional damage. |
| | * After 30 damage on a limb, any attack with <code>damage > 15</code> can cause IB with probability% <code>P = brute_attack_damage * 0.5</code> |
| | * After each attack, a "wound" is created or widened. |
| | ** Each wound regenerates by 0.1 per tick on avg |
| | ** Treated (bandages, oil, ATK, ABK) wound regen by 0.4 per tick on avg |
| | ** Regen only works for wounds which have less than 50 dmg, and if you are not in crit |
| |
| ===Pump them full of Drugs=== | | = Projectiles = |
| After they are revived, it's important to fix what caused their death in the first place. A successful revive resets the timer, even if they die two seconds after, so don't worry about fixing that Red Patient's damage until '''AFTER''' you make sure they won't go Perma on you.
| | Check very cool video here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VdYndC5QZYY |
| *Immediately give Inaprovaline if they're in Critical condition. This will reduce brute and burn damage by 30%, and prevent the oxygen loss from being in such a condition. This is usually enough to bring them out of Critical condition if they had no toxin damage.
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| *For Brute damage, use Bicaridine, Tricordrazine, or Meralyne if you have it. Tricordrazine is weaker at healing brute damage compared to Bicaridine, and Marines with a Valkyrie Jaeger module will supply themselves with Tricordrazine automatically. That said, patients can have Tricordrazine, Bicaridine, AND Meralyne all at once for an incredibly fast recovery. Keep in mind that Meralyne is much more difficult to get than Bicaridine, so only use it if the Marine really needs it.
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| *For Burn damage, use Kelotane, Tricordrazine, or Dermaline if you have it. Tricordazine is weaker at healing burn damage just like with brute damage, but it does stack with other Chemicals. Dermaline is the Burn damage equivalent of Meralyne.
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| *For Oxygen damage, if your Patient does not have Lung or Heart Damage nor do they have a Low Blood Level, then they should get better on their own. If the Patient has organ damage, then administer Peridaxon Plus to heal it. '''Peridaxon Plus will result in a LOT of Toxin Damage due to metabolizing into Toxin (The Reagent). Administer Dylovene RIGHT after the Peridaxon Plus.''' If the cause is Low blood levels, then give the patient some food and administer an Isotonic Solution pill or injector (These contain 15u of Saline-Glucose which increases blood regeneration).
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| *For Toxin damage, use Dylovene. Liver and Kidney damage will cause constant toxin damage, if they have it then administer Peridaxon Plus.
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| *For Neurotoxin and Larval Accelerator, administer Hypervene. Hypervene will also purge Medicine from the patient's system, so for optimal recovery administer it '''BEFORE''' any other medicine. Each Pill/Injector of Hypervene will give the patient enough of the stuff to purge 15u of all other chemicals in their body.
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| ===Hit them with the Defibrillator!=== | | =Orders= |
| | {{Orders}} |
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| It'll either work or it won't. If it does, great! Get them into the best shape you can. Keep in mind there is also a 25% chance for 5 units of heart damage every time you Defibrillate them. This will give them a baseline 20 units of oxygen damage if you fix everything else wrong with them. This can be fixed using Peridaxon Plus, but do be weary of the side effects listed previously.
| | = Turrets = |
| | | To make a turret out of any weapon, you need to use Build-A-Sentry kit (ctrl+click), which goes to scope slot of a weapon. Most weapons can be turrets, but NOT every weapon will actually shoot. Launchers or any bolted weapons won't, but will still notify about the enemy. Also, despite the fact that turrets aim through friendlies, it doesn't give them IFF (aim), so best used with IFF weapons. Bought in cargo. |
| ===Didn't Work? Fry, Fry again===
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| | |
| So you've shocked them and the defib reads that the patient's vitals are too low, but you've already pumped them full of drugs and patched up all their wounds? Well, you're in luck! The machine heals some damage based on your medical skill (as well as all oxygen damage) with every Defibrillating attempt! Therefore, keep shocking them until they aren't dead anymore. The drugs will kick in the moment their heart starts, and if you did it right they will live!
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| Health per job:
| |
| *All Doctors and Synth: '''16''' per shock
| |
| *Captain: '''12''' per shock
| |
| *Medics, Staff Officers, Field Commander: '''8''' per shock
| |
| *Squad Leader: '''4''' per shock
| |
| | |
| Be aware that '''using the defib can deal damage to the Heart.''' Therefore, you should only be doing repeated shocks if the patient is already close to the revival threshold. Otherwise, use Medical Surgical Sutures to repair large amounts of damage.
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| === Medbay facilities ===
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| This step only works for already-living patients, dead ones can't be put into any machines. The cryo tube will heal all types of damage, including the tough ones like Organ Damage and Cloneloss damage, for as long as they're inside it. The Autodoc can heal just about anything besides Cloneloss damage, and the only resource it spends is power, but make sure the Medbay APC doesn't drop below 30% or everything in the room will stop working! Either of these are great options for fixing whatever made them dead in the first place, as well as the crippling heart damage you inflicted upon them by shocking them ten times.
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| === TL;DR ===
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| So, in short, it breaks down to getting them below 200 total damage, filling them with drugs and first aid to keep them from getting worse, and then doing surgery as required.
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| Toxin damage is the most dangerous because there isn't an easy way of removing it from a dead patient. Dialysis doesn't remove toxin damage; it only removes chemicals. If you need to remove Toxin damage you have to use Toxin Damage Chelation using the Autodoc (which only works on live patients). Therefore, if you've got a dead patient with over 200 Toxin damage, all you can do is keep shocking.
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This page is a part of the TGMC wiki.
TGMC is a project based on the CM-SS13 codebase.
This is page for in-depth description of marine-related mechanics.
Also see: TGMC:Xenomorph Mechanics
AP and damage
Each weapon deals damage equal to
Dmg = ammo_dmg * weapon_damage_modifier - tiles_travelled*damage_falloff
Where weapon_damage_modifier
is usually 0, and can be seen in weapon codex. For example, T-64 has -50% dmg modifier. Damage falloff also can be seen there, usually it is 0.5 per tile. Base weapon damage is heavily based on the ammo it uses.
Each weapon has AP, Armor Piercing. It reduces the armor of xeno flat:
Effective_armor = Xeno_armor*(1-Sunder/100) - AP
Then resulting damage is:
Effective_dmg = Dmg*(1-Effective_armor/100)
Note that Sunder of a weapon directly decreases xeno armor until it is healed. Sunder of 2 decreases armor by 2%.
So if your damage is 100, with 10 AP, and you shoot a warrior with 50 bullet armor and 20 Sunder, then his effective armor is
Effective_armor = 50*0.8 - 10 = 30
Effective damage = 100 * 0.7 = 70
- Each limb has fixed and separate healthpool and breakpoint. After breakpoint is reached, attacks on limb can break it.
- After limb HP reaches 0, it can be dismembered with probability%
P = brute_attack_damage * 2
- After 20 damage is done to a limb, with 5% chance, half of any further damage goes to internal organs as additional damage.
- After 30 damage on a limb, any attack with
damage > 15
can cause IB with probability% P = brute_attack_damage * 0.5
- After each attack, a "wound" is created or widened.
- Each wound regenerates by 0.1 per tick on avg
- Treated (bandages, oil, ATK, ABK) wound regen by 0.4 per tick on avg
- Regen only works for wounds which have less than 50 dmg, and if you are not in crit
Check very cool video here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VdYndC5QZYY
All Command staff and assigned Squad Leaders have access to Orders which can be used to buff nearby troops. Using one causes you to shout out a unique phrase over the radio. After giving an Order, there is a one-minute cooldown period until you can give another one, but cooldowns for Orders and Markers are separate.
Order effects are influenced by your Leadership skill, which increases both the effect and range.
Move order
Increases movement speed by 0.1 per Leadership level
Great for retreats and getting to objectives quickly
Hold order
Reduces damage received by 5% per Leadership level
Increases pain resistance, reduces the effects of dizziness and jitteriness
Focus order
Increases accuracy by 10% plus 5% per Leadership level
Makes Aiming instant
Rally marker
Places a directional pointer and a map icon, urging marines to Rally at a given point.
Attack marker
Places a directional pointer and a map icon, urging marines to Attack a given point.
Defend marker
Places a directional pointer and a map icon, urging marines to Defend a given point.
Retreat marker
Places a directional pointer and a map icon, urging marines to Retreat from a given point.
To make a turret out of any weapon, you need to use Build-A-Sentry kit (ctrl+click), which goes to scope slot of a weapon. Most weapons can be turrets, but NOT every weapon will actually shoot. Launchers or any bolted weapons won't, but will still notify about the enemy. Also, despite the fact that turrets aim through friendlies, it doesn't give them IFF (aim), so best used with IFF weapons. Bought in cargo.