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| Step 1: [[File:OpTable.gif]] Place the patient onto the operating table. | | Step 1: [[File:OpTable.gif]] Place the patient onto the operating table. |
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| | # If there is no table, you can use: any table (80%), any bed (70%), ask them to lie on the floor (50%). Chances of successfully completing [i]every[/i] step will be reduced. |
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| Step 1.5: [[File:N2Otank.png]] Use a tank of anesthetic and a breath mask to make your patient sleep. (Optional) | | Step 1.5: [[File:N2Otank.png]] Use a tank of anesthetic and a breath mask to make your patient sleep. (Optional) |
All surgery requires the set of medical tools in the Operating Theatre, along with a table (a surgical table gives no negative results). For the most part, only medical doctors and the Chief Medical Officer can perform advanced surgery.
Surgical Tools
Information about every tool used in surgery can be found here.
Surgical Procedures
For every step there are ghetto analogues. Using them lowes chances of performing a step correctly, wounding your patient. Hover your cursor over the item's name to see the chances.
Step 1:
Place the patient onto the operating table.
- If there is no table, you can use: any table (80%), any bed (70%), ask them to lie on the floor (50%). Chances of successfully completing [i]every[/i] step will be reduced.
Step 1.5:
Use a tank of anesthetic and a breath mask to make your patient sleep. (Optional)
Step 2:
Switch to help intent.
Step 3:
Aim at the appropriate body part (Important!)
Step 4:
Place drapes or bedsheet over the part of body you are operating.
Step 5:
Do the surgery.
Step 6: Wake up the patient and kick them out.
Eye Surgery
Fixing blindness.
Procedure |
Ghetto analogues
Step 1: Drapes over the patient's eyes. |
Step 2: Scalpel: cut the skin around the eyes. |
Kitchen knife (65%) Shard (45%)
Step 3: Retractor: lift up the eyes. |
Screwdriver (45%) Wirecutters (35%)
Step 4: Hemostat: stop any potential bleeding. |
Wirecutters (60%) Cable (15%)
Step 5: Hemostat: fix the patient's eyes. |
Screwdriver (45%) Pen (25%)
Step 6: Cautery: seal the wound. |
Welding tool (70%) Lighter (45%) Match (20%)
Brain Surgery
The nerds next door may be doing rocket science, but hey, it's not exactly brain surgery.
Procedure |
Ghetto analogues
Step 1: Drapes over the patient's head. |
Step 2: Scalpel: cut back the flesh. |
Kitchen knife (65%) Shard (45%)
Step 3: Hemostat: clamp bleeders. |
Wirecutters (60%) Cable (15%)
Step 4: Retractor: retract tissue. |
Screwdriver (45%) Wirecutters (35%)
Step 5: Saw: cut through the skull. |
Hatchet (35%) Butcher's Knife (25%) Arm blade (75%)
Step 6: Hemostat: Extract the brain. |
Crowbar (55%)
Putting a brain back in:
Step 1:
Place the patient onto the operating table.
Step 2:
Cram their brain back into their skull.
Step 3:
Usually, you take the body to be cloned.
Xenomorph Brain Surgery
Procedure |
Ghetto analogues
Step 1: Drapes over the patient's head. |
Step 2: Saw: cut through the skull. |
Hatchet (35%) Butcher's Knife (25%) Arm blade (75%)
Step 3: Scalpel: cut back the flesh. |
Kitchen knife (65%) Shard (45%)
Step 4: Retractor: retract tissue. |
Screwdriver (45%) Wirecutters (35%)
Step 5: Saw: cut through the skull. |
Hatchet (35%) Butcher's Knife (25%) Arm blade (75%)
Step 6: Hemostat: Extract the brain. |
Crowbar (55%)
Implant Removal
Procedure |
Ghetto analogues
Step 1: Drapes over patient's chest. |
Step 2: Scalpel: cut back the flesh. |
Kitchen knife (65%) Shard (45%)
Step 3: Hemostat: clamp bleeders. |
Wirecutters (60%) Cable (15%)
Step 4: Retractor: retract tissue. |
Screwdriver (45%) Wirecutters (35%)
Step 5: Hemostat: extract the implant. |
Crowbar (60%)
Step 6: Cautery: seal the wound. |
Welding tool (70%) Lighter (45%) Match (20%)
If it's useless, tear it out.
Procedure |
Ghetto analogues
Step 1: Drapes over the patient's groin. |
Step 3: Scalpel: cut the skin. |
Kitchen knife (65%) Shard (45%)
Step 4: Hemostat: clamp bleeders. |
Wirecutters (60%) Cable (15%)
Step 5: Retractor: retract tissue. |
Screwdriver (45%) Wirecutters (35%)
Step 6: Scalpel: sever the appendix. |
Kitchen knife (65%) Shard (45%)
Step 7: Bare hands: pull out the appendix.
Step 8: Cautery: seal the wound. |
Welding tool (70%) Lighter (45%) Match (20%)
Xenomorph Removal
Procedure |
Ghetto analogues
Step 1: Drapes over the patient's chest. |
Step 2: Scalpel: cut the skin. |
Kitchen knife (65%) Shard (45%)
Step 3: Retractor: retract tissue. |
Screwdriver (45%) Wirecutters (35%)
Step 4: Saw: cut through the chest. |
Hatchet (35%) Butcher's Knife (25%) Arm blade (75%)
Step 5: Hemostat: pull out the larva. |
Spade (65%) (50%) (35%)
Step 6: Cautery: seal the wound. |
Welding tool (70%) Lighter (45%) Match (20%)
Why did I eat three whole pizzas?
Procedure |
Ghetto analogues
Step 2: Drapes over the patient's chest. |
Step 3: Scalpel: cut the skin. |
Kitchen knife (65%) Shard (45%)
Step 4: Hemostat: clamp bleeders. |
Wirecutters (60%) Cable (15%)
Step 5: Slice up the fat with the saw.
Step 6: Remove the fat with the retractor
Step 7: Cautery: seal the wound. |
Welding tool (70%) Lighter (45%) Match (20%)
Plastic Surgery
I need to disappear forever!
Procedure |
Ghetto analogues
Step 2: Place drapes over the patient's head to prepare for plastic surgery.
Step 3: Use your scalpel to make an incision in the head.
Step 4: Use your retractor to retract the skin around the incision.
Step 5: Use your scalpel to alter the patient's appearance.
Step 6: Use your cautery to mend the incision you made.
Gender Reassignment
For when something other than xeno scum is trapped in your body.
Cavity Implant
My god, he's a ticking timebomb!
Procedure |
Ghetto analogues
Step 2: Place drapes over the patient's chest.
Step 3: Use your scalpel to cut through the chest.
Step 4: Clamp bleeders with the hemostat.
Step 5: Use your retractor to pull back the skin.
Step 6: Use your scalpel to cut through to a cavity.
Step 7: Carefully place an item in the cavity / Use your hands to check for items in the cavity.
Step 8: Close the wound with cautery.
We can rebuild him... We have the technology.
Note: The head, torso, arms, and legs can all be augmented.
Procedure |
Ghetto analogues
Step 0: Create the cyborg limb(s) using an exosuit fabricator.
Step 1: Drapes over the limb you want to augment. |
Step 2: Scalpel: cut back the skin. |
Kitchen knife (65%) Shard (45%)
Step 3: Hemostat: clamp bleeders. |
Wirecutters (60%) Cable (15%)
Step 4: Retractor to pull back the skin. |
Screwdriver (45%) Wirecutters (35%)
Step 5: Scalpel to sever the muscles. |
Kitchen knife (65%) Shard (45%)
Step 6: Saw to cut through the limb. |
Hatchet (35%) Butcher's Knife (25%) Arm blade (75%)
Step 7: Use the cyborg limb on the limb you want to augment.
Ghetto Surgery
It is possible to perform surgery with improvised items, but the chance to complete each step will greatly decrease.
If you can't find an operating table, have no fear, you can fix someone up anywhere! Any table or bed will do, and even the floor if you have no other choice. It will reduce the chance of successfully completing a step, however.
Step 5: Slice up the fat with the hatchet (35%) / butcher's cleaver (25%).
Step 6: Remove the fat with the screwdriver (45%) / wirecutters (35%)
Plastic Surgery
Step 4: Use a screwdriver (45%) / wirecutters (35%) to retract the skin around the incision.
Step 5: Use a kitchen knife (50%) / wirecutters (35%) to alter the patient's appearance.
Gender Reassignment
Step 5: Use the hatchet (oh my God) (50%) / wirecutters (35%) to carefully reshape the patient's... body.
Cavity Implant
Step 5: Use a screwdriver (45%) / wirecutters (35%) to pull back the skin.
Step 6: Use a kitchen knife (65%) / shard (45%) to cut through to a cavity.
Step 7: Carefully place an item in the cavity / Use your hands to check for items in the cavity.