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|+ Factory Recipes
|+ style="width:728px;" | Factory Recipes
! style="width:150px;" | Recipe Name  
! style="width:150px;" | Recipe Name  

Revision as of 22:06, 6 July 2024

Factory Recipes
Recipe Name Machine Process Tree Makes the Following Sprites
Makes all grenade types;

Includes M15, M40 HIDP, Adhesive, White Phosphorous, Cloak Smoke, Tanglefoot, Trailblazer, Laser, HEFA, Anti-Gas Smoke, and Razorburn Grenades
Makes all SADAR Ammo;

Includes High Explosive, High Explosive Unguided, Armor Peircing, and White Phosphorous Rockets
Recoiless Rifle
Makes all Recoilles Rifle Ammo;

Includes High Explosive, Light Explosive, High Explosive Anti-Tank, Smoke, Cloak Smoke, and Tanglefoot Shells
Makes pizza
IFF Ammo
Makes a variety of IFF Ammo types;

Includes SG-85, SG-29, SG-62, SR-81, BR-8 (All types), SR-127 Flak, and T-26 AMR (All Types) Ammo
Makes M20 Claymores
Mateba Speedloaders
Makes Loaded Mateba Speedloaders
Railgun Magazines
Makes Loaded Railgun Magazines;

Includes Standard, HVAP, and SMART Magazines
Minigun Powerpack
Makes Loaded Minigun Powerpacks
Howitzer Shells
Makes Howitzer shells for the TA-100Y Howitzer;

Includes High Explosive, Incendiary, White Phosphorous, and Tanglefoot Shells
Makes SWAT Gas masks
Armor Modules
Makes a variety of Armor Modules;

Includes Valkyrie, Mark 2 Mimir, Tyr Mark 2, Hlin, and Surt Modules
(Helmet modules are also made at the same time for Surt and Mimir systems)
Makes a variety of Plastique Explosives;

Includes C4, EX-62 Genghis incendiary, and Detpacks
Mortar Shells
Makes a variety of Mortar Shells, for use with T-50 series mortars;

Includes High Explosive, Incendiary, Tanglefoot, Flare, and Smoke Shells
MLRS Rockets
Makes a variety of MLRS Rockets, for use with the TA-40L MLRS system;

Includes High Explosive, Cloaking Smoke, X-50 Gas, and Incendiary Rockets
AGLS Magazines
Makes a variety of Loaded AGLS Magazines, for use with the AGLS-37 Automatic Grenade Launcher System;

Includes High Explosive, Fragmentation, Incendiary, Flare, Cloaking Smoke, and Tanglefoot Magazines
Anti-Tank Gun
Makes a variety of Anti-Tank Gun Shells, for use with the AT-36 system;

Includes Armor Piercing High Explosive, Armor Piercing Composite Rigid, High Explosive, Beehive, and Incendiary Shells
Heavy ISG
Makes a variety of Large Caliber shells, for use with the FK-88 Heavy Gun;

Includes High Explosive and Armor Piercing Finned Discarding Sabot Shells
Makes a variety of Autocannon Magazines, for use with the ATR-22 Autocannon;

Includes High Velocity and Flak Magazines
Thermobaric White Phosphorous
Makes the RL-57 Thermobaric White Phosphorous Rocket Array's, For the RL-57 Rocket Launcher

Delicious Warcrimes
This is the general purpose Equipment recipe, if what your making isn't listed elsewhere than chances are its using this recipe.

Includes the Zeus Orbital Drop Pod, Deployable Floodlights, Deployable Camera's, and the 500 Cigarette refill