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Update Blood Brother willing conversion policy https://tgstation13.org/phpBB/viewtopic.php?f=85&t=36300
Line 205: Line 205:
|'''Solo antags willingly being converted'''
|'''Solo antags willingly being converted'''
|[https://tgstation13.org/phpBB/viewtopic.php?p=587044#p587044 Solo antags may not join conversion based antags willingly. They cant just walk up to people and ask to join or allow themselves to be converted.]
|[https://tgstation13.org/phpBB/viewtopic.php?p=587044#p587044 Solo antags may not join conversion based antags willingly. They can't just walk up to people and ask to join or allow themselves to be converted.] [https://tgstation13.org/phpBB/viewtopic.php?f=85&t=36300 Blood Brothers whose teammates get converted are now allowed to choose; either work to deconvert your Blood Brother to continue the job at hand, or willingly submit to conversion in order to join their Blood Brother in whatever conversion antag they've been taken by.]
|Jan 11, 2021
|Jan 11, 2021 / updated Oct 20, 2024
|Coconutwarrior97, updated by DrAmazing343
|'''How antagonistically can Abductors act?'''
|'''How antagonistically can Abductors act?'''

Revision as of 22:27, 20 October 2024

Note: This page is moderated and can be referenced in OOC issues, such as ban appeals, complaints, reports, etc. This may not apply to the pages this page links to.

This is a compilation of headmin rulings on various policy questions asked by players. This page does not replace the rules and whenever possible the rules should be referred to instead of this page. The rulings listed here can be referenced in ban appeals and admin complaints.

Please note: Some of these questions are for very niche/specific situations. Some of them cannot be applied the same way to every situation.

General Rulings

Policy Ruling Date Headmin
Deleting security records as a nonantag Don't do it every round. Don't use a sec/head position to do it. Don't use it to metagrudge. Aug 23, 2017 Ausops
Deathmatch if round-end is bugged If the round fails to restart, but the end round text plays, then everyone is free to act as per solo antagonists unless otherwise told by an admin. Aug 26, 2017 MrStonedOne
Mass identity duplication Changing many people into one person via genetics/other methods as a nonantagonist. It can happen every once in a while, just don't do it every single round. Oct 12, 2017 Armhulenn
Naming Policy - Updated Click here for the policy. Generally enforced at admin discretion. Oct 25, 2020 Coconutwarrior97
Overthrowing security/mutinies Any situation where you can overthrow the security force in, they'll probably already be banned. It's okay if you have sufficient IC reason. Jul 22, 2017 KorPhaeron
Buying terrible shuttles as captain Allowed, but the crew is also allowed to mutiny/lynch the captain.

Addendum: Buying (bad shuttles) when the crew is saving up for a more expensive shuttle or has agreed to make a BYOS could be cause for mutiny. Clarification: Inciting a lynch mob and defending yourself lethally is self-antagging. Non-lethal self defense is generally fine, in the same vein as resisting a valid arrest.

Jul 03, 2017 KorPhaeron / PKPenguin321, addendum by Dragomagol, clarification by MrMelbert / Timberpoes
Playing under the influence Being intoxicated is not an excuse for grief/other banworthy things. Jun 25, 2017 Ausops / PKPenguin321
Fake Revolutions Faking a revolution always causes grief, without fail. If someone is pretending to be a revolutionary, feel free to murder them. If I find someone faking a revolution as a non-antag, they can prepare to catch a rule 1 ban for being a griefing shitter. Feb 04, 2019 Nervere
Antag Rolling If you're antag rolling consistently, AKA only seeing if you get antag or not, then leaving the round in one way or another when you don't, you are breaking the rules. Jul 13, 2019 Hulkamania
Early Launching This is already enforced, unless there's no one around, or they haven't noticed. We encourage you to ahelp it if you see it, because yes, it's extremely in bad faith to early launch because unga my antag roll faster. Aug 25, 2019 Wubli
Using any language other than English in-game Using non-english to communicate sentences or obscure information is not allowed, admins are invited to use their discretion for minor usage of non-english words/phrases, especially where its usage causes confusion amongst other players. Nov 11, 2021 NamelessFairy
Prisoner Policies Every prisoner spawns in with the following text, which should govern all administrative actions regarding the role:

You are not an antagonist. Remember: you did sign up for this role. If you should want to walk the halls of the station once more, you should earn your freedom, whether by escaping your confines or working with security/lawyers to determine terms of release. You might prove to be valuable manpower against the various threats the station professes. If you should wish to escape, minimize harm while preserving your own life, and understand that you may not enjoy the consequences of your actions if you get caught once more. Otherwise, enjoy the amenities of the wing that holds you.

Oct 22, 2022 Coconutwarrior97, updated by san7890
Supermatter suicide Suicide into an SM that is not set up, or that results in a delam is bannable. If you suicide into it, and it continues operations as normal without harmful side effects there is no issue. Jun 24, 2020 Coconutwarrior97
Macros Do not use them to gain an IC advantage over other players. Other macros are allowed (i.e. killing yourself in Orion Trail), but are context-dependent. Oct 18, 2020 Coconutwarrior97
Using 10-codes The use of short-hand codes for communication in any department, specifically 10-10 codes, are not allowed. Our servers are English only which makes this style of codified speak subversive and makes the applicable channels too unfriendly to new or fair-weather players. Oct 23, 2020 Domitius
Weapons of Mass Destruction to counter antagonists Use of Weapons of Mass Destruction is acceptable if the target antagonist is an overwhelming force and is on the verge of defeating the station, such as Nuclear Operatives, Cult, etc. Aug 2, 2021 Coconutwarrior97, Jimmius, Naloac
Dismantling the tram on Tram Station You can't dismantle the tram for arbitrary reasons or for safety reasons; you need to have a serious reason or goal behind it. Oct 09, 2021 NamelessFairy
Calling the Emergency Shuttle without a good reason If someone is calling or ordering the AI to call the shuttle without reason (or if the reason is something flimsy like "I don't like this map"), that is against the rules Jan 01, 2022 Dragomagol
Floor pills If you intentionally mislabel a harmful chemical, mutation or similar as something positive, and someone takes them thinking they are as described, then you will be held responsible for the outcome. Borderline cases should be left to admin discretion. Feb 21, 2022 Dragomagol
Building the BSA in dangerous places Build it wherever the fuck you like cuz it looks cool, but if you're egging on others to unlock it or fire it after building it in a grief spot it's partially on you. Jul 24, 2023 Kieth4 / Timberpoes

IC/OOC Rulings

Policy Ruling Date Headmin
Referencing the gamemode ICly It's OOC in IC if you say something similar to "It's revs" but it's okay if you say "There is a revolution." Basically make it sound like you're not referencing the fact that you're in a round. Jul 12, 2017 PKPenguin321
IC reactions to OOC in IC It's okay as long as you're not crossing the line into OOC in IC. Sep 30, 2017 Ausops
Streaming Streaming is allowed on a registration-based system. Read the rules here for more information. Feb 15, 2022 RaveRadbury
Typebaiting Blatant type-baiting (i.e. explicitly using short questions to get someone to open a chat window such that they cannot respond when you promptly attack them) is metagaming, and is actionable Mar 03, 2023 Spookuni
Phonetically saying abbreviations/acronyms It's fine to make yourself look like a dork to phonetically say something that'd normally be too OOC. Sep 19, 2023 Fikou

Antagonist Rulings

Policy Ruling Date Headmin
Vampire Policy Vampires are not antagonists just by being a vampire. Oct 27, 2017 KorPhaeron
Are miners using the gluttony syringe antags? Yes, they can act as a morph. Nov 13, 2016 KorPhaeron
Trying to get converted to team antags It's bannable, don't do it. Aug 01, 2017 PKPenguin321
Conflict between team antagonists If two people are on the same team and have an argument, it must follow escalation rules/rule 1. It cannot be detrimental to your team. Aug 15, 2017 PKPenguin321 / Ausops
Solo antagonists and metagrudging Solo antagonists can metagrudge as long as they are not rolling for it specifically to do so, and killing someone who killed you in a previous life as a ghost role antag is bad. Sep 01, 2017 Ausops
Wand of Polymorph and Antag Status Polymorphing yourself, or being willingly polymorphed, does not grant antag status. You are only an antagonist if you are unwillingly polymorphed. (This is a topic that has come up many times but never actually be codified) Sep 17, 2019 MortoSasye
Curse of Madness Meant to be taken as fluff, not a command. May 31, 2020 Coconutwarrior97
Obsessed Antag Status Obsessed are not full antags and should generally stick to their objectives. Aug 28, 2020 Coconutwarrior97
Abductors and Mindcontrolling Abductor brainwashing cannot be used for murderbone. Jan 11, 2021 Coconutwarrior97
Solo antags willingly being converted Solo antags may not join conversion based antags willingly. They can't just walk up to people and ask to join or allow themselves to be converted. Blood Brothers whose teammates get converted are now allowed to choose; either work to deconvert your Blood Brother to continue the job at hand, or willingly submit to conversion in order to join their Blood Brother in whatever conversion antag they've been taken by. Jan 11, 2021 / updated Oct 20, 2024 Coconutwarrior97, updated by DrAmazing343
How antagonistically can Abductors act? You can mess with the crew in many ways and create havoc, but are not allowed to just grab your baton and murderbone, or do things like sabotage the Supermatter crystal. Oct 16, 2021 Dragomagol
Lowpop Murderbone We welcome admins to note lowpop murderbone at their discretion. Repeated notes may result in bans. Nov 21, 2021 RaveRadbury
Ghosting When Caught By A Conversion Antag Using the suicide verb is okay before you're converted, but using the ghost verb is not. Ask for an antag ban if you do not want to play a team antag. Sep 26, 2023 Cheshify

Admin-Related Rulings

Policy Ruling Date Headmin
Adminshopping Admin shopping is defined as going to different admins until you get a favorable ruling. It's highly frowned upon, don't do it. Sep 27, 2017 Feemjmeem / Agreed with by other headmins
Admin intervention without anyone ahelping It's allowed. Sep 26, 2017 Ausops
Killing nonhostile admin spawned entities Against the rules, don't do it. Sep 25, 2017 PKPenguin321
Using OOC to promote yourself for headmin elections One or two lines of text is fine, spamming is not. Sep 04, 2017 PKPenguin321

Escalation Rulings

Policy Ruling Date Headmin
IC Torture Don't complain if you get retaliated against for it. Oct 15, 2017 KorPhaeron
Map-Spawned Ghost Roles Such as roles spawned from ruins, including ash walkers, free golems, ancient station crew, etc. Escalation is massively relaxed with them. They must follow their roleplay guidelines found in the flavour text. Aug 14, 2017 KorPhaeron / PKPenguin321
Are miners turned into a lesser ash drake allowed to defend themselves? Yes, however, they are not antags by default. Nov 13, 2016 KorPhaeron
Talking mimes Talking mimes are subject to punishment by the crew, excluding any form of round removal and making their body harder to find or revive. This is still true even if the mime changes job mid-shift. Once a mime, always a mime. Sep 23, 2018 Arianya, last updated by Misdoubtful
Demotion metaprotections You can't do anything to resist a valid demotion that you couldn't do to resist a valid arrest. May 07, 2021 Jimmius
Speciesism Escalation As per MSO's ruling. A player expressing speciesism is valid for (initially non-lethal) escalation. It is perfectly IC to want to beat up some speciesist asshole. However, if you use speciesism to initiate conflict you can still be punished at an administrative level for winning those fights under the guise of self-defence. Admins should enforce this with the goal of preventing players from being speciesist so that they can "valid" those who respond to it with violence.

Players using specifically the "l-word" are open to death and round-removal.

Feb 03, 2022, edit on Jul 25, 2023 NamelessFairy, last updated by Timberpoes

Security Rulings

Policy Ruling Date Headmin
Organizing mass grief as security or a head Do not organize mass grief when you are in control of the security force. For context: The original question was when it was okay to remove cat ears or tails. Click the link to read the full ruling on that subject. Oct 18, 2017 KorPhaeron
Bribes as security You can assist antags with sufficient IC reasoning, but you can't do antagonist things yourself. Jun 25, 2017 Ausops
Planting/forging evidence as security No official ruling was given. If you do it and it causes someone to get wrongfully punished, it's on you. BeeSting12
Who do security standards apply to? Security standards can be applied to anyone acting as security, not just roundstart security officers. Mar 5, 2022 Dragomagol

Silicon and Drone Related Rulings

AI/Cyborg Rulings

Policy Ruling Date Headmin
Do wizards mindswapped into a silicon have to follow laws? Yes, they do. If you have laws then you must follow them unless you have a law zero. (When in doubt, adminhelp it.) Jul 19, 2014 Ikarrus
Can you order force-borged cyborgs to pick a certain module? Yes. Oct 08, 2014 Scaredy / An0n3
Detonating cyborgs with little reason/alternatives Don't do it. Dec 11, 2014 Ikarrus
Are augmented humans still human? Yes, they are. There's a helpful chart in silicon policy to help explain this, reference that and adminhelp if there's still a question. Mar 24, 2015 Scones
Spacing brains, MMIs, and intellicards You can always do it as an antagonist, you should have a very good reason as a nonantagonist. Sep 09, 2015 Dorsidwarf / Ausops
Cyborgs alerting the crew they're about to be emagged You can tell the crew you are about to be emagged, but once you have traitor laws, you must follow them. Aug, 2015
Holoparasites and Asimov Holoparasites aren't human- a cyborg can attack the holoparasite but not the human. If the parasite recalls and the human is in critical, the borg must give him medical attention. Oct 08, 2015 KorPhaeron and Shadowlight213
Is slipping human harm? Only if the object they're holding falls on them and causes brute damage. Oct 06, 2015 Ausops
Silicons and Fight Clubs It's considered self harm if they're willingly fighting. Silicons shouldn't interfere if it's self harm. If they're being forced to fight, it's human harm and silicons should intervene. Mar 27, 2016 Thunder12345 / Agreed with by headmins
Roboticists making unslaved borgs for no reason Link to relevant thread. The discussion derailed into code discussion but the ruling is that roboticists cannot make unslaved borgs for no reason. Feb/Mar, 2016
Asimov and Corpses Corpses aren't human. You can't space them for no reason though. Aug 31, 2016 Shaps / Lzimann
Calling silicons rogue for little/no reason Against the rules, don't do it. Dec 22, 2016 TehSteveo / KorPhaeron
AI suiciding to prevent subversion You're free to depower yourself as an AI to put the subverter/traitor on a timer but you shouldn't use the OOC verb to suicide. Oct 27, 2016 - Sep 20, 2020 KorPhaeron
Asking to be deconstructed and then outing person who emagged you as an emagged borg Don't do it. Jun 06, 2017 PKPenguin321
Silicons and Prisoners If a nonharmful prisoner asks to be released, it can be released. If a harmful one asks to be released, don't release him unless security is harming him. In all cases release prisoners being harmed by security. (assuming all prisoners are human and you are asimov) May 11, 2017 PKPenguin321
Laws ordering silicons to kill themselves Whether silicons have to follow it depends on wording of law. You must have a good reason as a nonantagonist and you're free to do it as an antagonist. Jul 26, 2017 Ausops
Silicons using leet speak Silicons are not allowed to leet speak (e.g. l33t sp34k), but typing in a 'glitchy' manner is allowed on roleplay grounds Apr 17, 2019 Hulkamania
Is chaplain with dark blessing human? Chaplain with a dark blade is human. It's a fancy arm add on. We don't make people silicon for having augments, even full ones. Aug 21, 2019 Hulkamania
Are borged antagonists still antagonists? Antagonists still retain their status as a slaved borg (As long as they follow those laws and their AI). Dec 5, 2020 Domitius
Asimov++ silicons and antag human hunting Asimov silicons that take action against non-harmful human traitors (I.E. those who are committing minor crimes like breaking and entering or theft, or those not carrying or known to possess lethal weaponry) directly and without provocation will be held accountable for any human harm that occurs as a result of their action. Nov 6, 2022 Spookuni
Off-Station AI Off-station/ghost role AI should not be interfering in the station. August 19, 2024 Tattle

Drone Rulings

Mostly defunct, as drones have since been removed, reworked, and re-introduced into the codebase.

Policy Ruling Date Headmin
Drone Policy Guidelines Guide to drone policy. May 20, 2015 Stickymayhem
Are drones valid? Only if they do something to annoy you. Mass killing drones for no reason is not okay. Sep 14, 2017 KorPhaeron
Drones and permabrig You can go in to fix damage. You might still get dronebanned if you let people out, it will likely be handled case-by-case. Oct 17, 2016
Drones and Powersinks Drones cannot destroy powersinks under the same logic of them not being able to defuse bombs or stop plasma floods. Aug 31, 2017 Ausops
Drones and atmospherics Improving atmos is okay. Cutting pipes/turning off plasma is not okay. Fighting the symptoms of plasma in the distro is fine though. Sep 21, 2015 Shadowlight213
Do silicons count as a being under drone laws? Yes, treat them as any other crew member. Sep 19, 2014 QuartzCrystal

Law Interpretation Rulings

Policy Ruling Date Headmin
Do AIs need a definition of Syndicate agent? No, they know by default what a Syndicate agent is. This also applies to other antagonists. Jun 23, 2014 Hornygranny
AI's law zero The law zero that a traitor AI gets means that it is an antagonist and it can ignore all other laws. Oct 27, 2015 KorPhaeron
Potential Law One Violations "Prioritizing "potential future law violations" is a fucking terrible idea, since it makes silicons able to handwave basically any law two request with "yeah but if i let you in there you might potentially attack somebody inside, law 1 violation!!!"" Jun 06, 2017 PKPenguin321
Define what classifies harm as willing, or change asimov++ law one Acceptance of risk is not the same thing as acceptance of harm - Silicons should act to minimise harm not explicitly consented to as much as they are able - if in doubt, ask the human. For more specific examples, see the full response to the thread. Nov 05, 2022 Spookuni

MRP Rulings

Policy Ruling Date Headmin
Searching for Implants If you're going to implant check you should have a justifiable reason to suspect they are specifically a traitor. Break ins, stealing someone's ID, stealing a laser, are actions which are not tied down specifically to traitors and aren't severe enough to justify an implant check.
Murder, multiple instances where someone is brought in for high impact crimes, or being in possession of syndicate equipment are sufficient for an implant check.
Mar 3, 2020 Coconutwarrior97
Murderboning Specifics on MRP Servers Some roles can do it, some cant, and there are grey areas. Mar 18, 2020 Coconutwarrior97
"Gun Cargo" on MRP Needs a good IC reason, can't just be because "We're bored". Good faith gimmicks are still allowed, but you can't murder sec for trying to take your guns away. May 16, 2021 Coconutwarrior97
Promotions of prisoners to security If you have a decent enough reason for it such as needing people to fight a blob sure, otherwise no. Sep 20, 2020 Coconutwarrior97
Security use of Contraband Sec should make best efforts to store contraband quickly, and only use it when appropriate situations arise. Wielding traitor gear during arrests threatens a sec officer's meta protections. Oct 24, 2021 RaveRadbury
Powergaming on MRP MRP players are expected to prioritize the story of the shift over tactical advantages. MRP admins are encouraged to engage sec, antags, and other crew that are going overboard with gear that doesn't fit the current circumstances (especially gear outside the scope of their job (as opposed to job products like plants and slime extracts)) and discuss the importance of pacing and sportsmanship. Nov 11, 2021 RaveRadbury

Archived Rulings

For Headmin Rulings that are no longer relevant, either due to being overruled/added into the main rules, or being longer applicable due to code changes.