* Reloading takes about 3 seconds and must be done by standing still: moving at all interrupts the reloading process. It automatically starts reloading around every 5 seconds it doesn't fire a bullet, but it is not recommended to rely on this too much.
* Reloading takes about 3 seconds and must be done by standing still: moving at all interrupts the reloading process. It automatically starts reloading around every 5 seconds it doesn't fire a bullet, but it is not recommended to rely on this too much.
Access: Squad Smartgunner Equipment Room, Squad Room Difficulty: Easy Supervisors:Squad Leader Duties: Use suppressive fire to help keep your squad intact. Guides: N/A Quote:Peace through superior firepower.
You are specially-trained to operate one of the Terragov Marine Corps' most effective weapons systems: the M56D Smartgun. The Smartgun is an electronically powered, belt-fed 10mm general support machine gun that's stabilized on a combat harness and augmented with an infrared auto-tracking system.
In TGMC, the main role of the Squad Smartgunner is a second-line support unit.
Playing the Smartgunner
Though it may seem powerful, you are not a front-line combatant. Your gun deals less damage than a pulse rifle and you're slow enough to be caught by nearly any caste while wielding/reloading your weapon. Your strength is covering your team and putting yourself in the best position to lay down lots of fire on the enemy. Treat yourself as a mobile sentry gun, stay behind your teammates, shoot a lot, and pay attention to where you can best bring your firepower to bear.
Also don't forget the most powerful aspect of your weapon: the built-in IFF. It's turned on by default, and when it's on you will not hit any other friendly marines equipped with IFF transmitters. You can freely shoot through any marine and your bullets will safely bypass them to hit targets beyond. Note that your bullets will still hit anyone or anything without marine IFF, meaning survivors and other civilians, so be careful.
Vendors, Equipment, and Weapons
The Smartgunner has their own prep room within their squad prep area (hover your mouse over the doors if you can't find it.) Inside are your GHMME Automated Closet and NEXUS Smartgunner Equipment Rack.
The closet contains your uniform, standard equipment, webbing, belts, pouches, and any masks you may want.
The equipment rack contains your weapon, armor, head mounted sight, and power pack in the essential smartgunner set, as well as additional special ammunition and gun attachments.
Remember that you must be wearing an M56 Powerpack worn on your back to equip the Smartgun and head mounted sight. These powerpacks can only go on your back slot.
A belt used to hold up to 50 shotgun shells, two boxes worth.
Has two drawing methods, click to open, and draw last stored upon click.
Defaults to click to open, you can right click on it and change the drawing method.
A pouch used to hold shotgun shells. Has four slots.
Has two drawing methods, click to open, and draw last stored upon click.
Defaults to click to open, you can right click on it and change the drawing method.
A pouch used to hold magazines. Has two slots.
Has two drawing methods, click to open, and draw last stored upon click.
Defaults to click to open, you can right click on it and change the drawing method.
A medium general pouch that goes into your pocket. Holds small and tiny items.
Has two drawing methods, click to open, and draw last stored upon click.
Defaults to click to open, you can right click on it and change the drawing method.
A pouch used to flares. Has five slots.
Has two drawing methods, click to open, and draw last stored upon click.
Defaults to click to open, you can right click on it and change the drawing method.
A pouch used to hold construction materials. Has five slots.
Has two drawing methods, click to open, and draw last stored upon click.
Defaults to click to open, you can right click on it and change the drawing method.
A pouch used to hold pistol magazines. Has three slots.
Has two drawing methods, click to open, and draw last stored upon click.
Defaults to click to open, you can right click on it and change the drawing method.
A pouch used to sidearms. Has one slot.
Has two drawing methods, click to open, and draw last stored upon click.
Defaults to click to open, you can right click on it and change the drawing method.
This is your main weapon. While weaker than a standard rifle, it compensates through having a high rate of fire and being able to shoot through your friends to hit enemies. To use it, you will need to equip the M56 Head Mounted Sight (Eyes), Smartgun (Hands/Suit Storage), Powerpack (Backpack), and M56 Combat Harness (Armor).
Fast fire rate un-modded (about as fast as you can click), making it great for suppression fire
Possesses an anti-friendly fire system (IFF), allowing one to shoot through allies to hit your foes
Can use burst fire
Comes with an integrated Magnetic Harness and Flashlight
Has a 50 round capacity with 500 reserve rounds in its M56 Power Pack
Empty Powerpacks can be replenished by equipping it in your hand, clicking its icon on the bottom of the screen, then dragging it over to your ammo locker in your prep room to restock the machine. Then you can just dispense it and stick it back onto yourself: this process can be done as many times as needed.
Powerpacks can be ordered at Requisitions like other ammo types.
Comes with an M56 Head Mounted Sight to help spot targets in the dark: lessening reliance on light sources such as flares
Deals about the same damage as an SMG per shot (i.e. 30), making it weaker against T3s unmodded
Wielding has a 1-2 second delay, and slows you while wielded
The Smartgun's Magnetic Harness does not work with another weapon in your Suit Storage, meaning that your only choices for reserve weapons beyond a knife involve the Holster Rigs.
Using it requires having the M56 Head Mounted Sight (Eyes), Smartgun (Hands/Suit Storage), M56 Power Pack (Backpack), and M56 Combat Harness (Armor) to be used: taking up space for things in those respective slots such as for extra weapons/ammo/supplies.
Liberal use tends to run the Power Pack dry, necessitating either Requisitions or periodic trips to and from the Almayer to maintain usage of the Smartgun.
Reloading takes about 3 seconds and must be done by standing still: moving at all interrupts the reloading process. It automatically starts reloading around every 5 seconds it doesn't fire a bullet, but it is not recommended to rely on this too much.
Reccomended attachments:
Extended Barrel
Laser sight
Rail slashlight
M56 Combat Harness
Required to use the Smartgun at all. Has the same protection as a PFC's combat armor, with two pockets for ammo/flares/injectors. Comes with an attached flashlight that while weaker than a handheld one, is still better than nothing.
M56 Power Pack
Required to use the Smartgun, and comes with 500 rounds. Reloading the Smartgun requires standing still and clicking the icon on the top-left corner of the HUD: moving at all interrupts the reloading process.
M56 Head Mounted Sight
Required to use the Smartgun, and gives you enough nightvision to see the entirety of the screen as if it were completely lit, even through walls and darkness.
M276 Pattern M39 Holster Rig
This allows you to store an SMG into your Belt slot. As pistols/revolvers tend to be a bit weak in stopping power/fire rate and you will lack space in your Backpack/Suit Storage slot for another weapon such as a shotgun/rifle, you will likely be using an SMG as a reserve weapon.
Stick with your squad and follow the Squad Leader's (SL's) orders. If this isn't possible, stay with any marines you can find. You will not survive on your own if you are caught out of position, and your weapon is a very important support tool for the entire marine force—don't waste it by running around alone.
Aim for the chest. You're less likely to hit a target by aiming for the head.
Aim at the tile behind a target if they're standing still. If you click right on the tile, it might not hit as likely compared to clicking straight behind your target, or the bullet might hit a nearby wall.
For moving targets, try to lead your shots. Bullets have travel time, so depending on how fast a target is moving you may have to put your cursor 1-5 tiles ahead of a target to hit them.
If an ally is pounced on, shoot over whoever's in the way behind the tile of the pouncer. You will either drive the pouncer off and make them hesitant to get into range, or you'll fill them with enough lead to drop them for you and your allies.
Against Crushers/Defenders, try to move to their sides/back to maximise damage to their less-armored areas. However, don't do this if you're liable to being flanked: you should have at least 1 person as a meat-shield in case a few xenos try to gank you.
While you don't need any attachments, certain ones can give you advantages. A Barrel Charger (BC) will increase your damage against higher-tier and armored Xenomorphs, and an Extended Barrel (EB) means that your suppressive shots will be more accurate in exchange for damage.
Typically it is recommended to not attach any extra attachments to the Smartgun lest you cripple your suppressive ability through a lower fire rate/damage. A Barrel Charger (BC) does help against T3s and more armored xenos through, and an extended barrel means that your suppressive shots will be more accurate in exchange for damage.
A Shotgunner synergizes well with this role: have the PFC as the point-man and stay behind them and their friends. In case they get pounced on or knocked down, you can then blast the offender and either drive them away (giving your team/the PFC time to move back and regroup), or kill them if they remain in the area for too long. It essentially gives you the ability to act as both an anti-flank/harassment force and as area-denial to all but a Crusher, Ravager, or a Defender.