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===The Tadpole===
===The Tadpole===
Requisition's favorite toy
What the Alamo should have before deployment:
*Surgery table with anesthetic & a MO that have surgery tools
*Medical supplies, especially the NanoMed Plus & IV drips with O- blood pack
*Supply beacon
*OB beacon
*Metals and plasteels
*Plasma cutter
*Ammo, especially ammmo boxes
If the tadpole is not being deployed, then the Alamo should have the bluespace export pad.


Revision as of 09:37, 30 November 2020

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Field Commander
Access: All Access
Difficulty: Very Hard
Rank: Major
Class: Marines
Supervisors: Captain
Duties: Lead your Marines on the ground to horrible, certain, glorious death. Work with the Captain to formulate and execute plans. Call in Orbital support as needed, fail to supply proper hits. Get decapitated within minutes.
Guides: Guide to engineering, Guide to engineering, Guide to medicine
Quote:"We need a new FC again; our FC got decapped."


Welcome to the beginning of your career as a field officer. You are a part of the Terra Gov Marine Corps on a mission to handle distress calls of the unpleasant xenomorphs invading them. You will work with the Captain and Requisitions Officer on getting your marines down well armed and supplied, and will lead the marines groundside to establish a Forward Operating Base, and assign squads to certain roles they'll have to play on the ground. The Field Commander should often try to stay alive, but often they are either killed or bursted by xenomorphs.

Be advised that players going as Field Commander must be familiar with support jobs to truly make use of all the assets the Field Commander can provide.

Playing the Field Commander

Being Field Commander is a very demanding task on the ground as you must strategize and support the marines. An incompetent Field Commander will easily astray marines, waste resources, or lose planetside due to neglectance and ignorance; at best, they get decapitated. Such Field Commanders are forgotten in the passage of time; competent Field Commander are remembered.

You are responsible for ensuring marines are in quality status to eliminate the xenomorphs. This means you must know how to maneuver & supply the marines, how to secure & protect mining drills, how to communicate & coordinate with CIC, how to construct & maintain the FOB, how to heal & revive marines, and, the most important of them all, how to direct & control the unga. Essentially, you're the RO, CSE, SO, and CMO (but without surgery skills) with captain access that can deploy to planetside. Every bit of knowledge that can help you leverage marines to win against xenomorphs is important.

Compared to the captain and CIC, you are with the marines and their hardship. While captain or whoever is in CIC remains in shipside detached from the boots on the ground, you suffer alongside the marines.

Beginning of Operation: Shipside and Preparing

To prepare for deployment, make an announcement to help marines know what is coming. This is one way to do briefing. Marines may not hear you over the radio much less have a radio in the beginning, so having them hear your voice in the announcement is a sure way to have their attention. Note that briefings are strictly optional; actually trying to do one will usually instantly lose the respect of your marines, which makes your job as a leader nearly impossible. Forcing marines to attend to the briefing room begs for mutiny.

For the announcement, you must include:

  • Time of deployment
  • Expected landing zone
  • Expected time to open shutters
  • Whether the tadpole is in use or not

There are six things to prepare for deployment:

Requisition Orders

You must order the Bluespace Export pad. It is in the operation tab. No exception. It costs 50 points, which takes a significant ammount from the initial 120 requisition points. If you do not purchase this, then almost every veteran marines will yell at you, or the nearest person who has access to requisition, for not buying this.

If there are no captain, requisition officer, chief ship engineer, ship technician, or synthetic, you must run requisition.

The Forward Operation Base

Assuming you know how to build the FOB and know your planetside maps, you will ensure the quality of the FOB when engineers construct them. All flanks of the FOB must be taken in consideration, meaning that any reinforced walls that can be melted and breached into FOB must have barricades and a sentry that alert the marines. Choose the LZ with the least amount of ways for xenomorph to breach.

Due to the importance of the FOB, marines can construct the FOB with a drone before deployment. You can find the computer for the FOB drone near the Alamo. Note that you must finish constructing the FOB with the drone and take the materials out of the FOB drone since launching the Alamo, tadpole, or Condor before the FOB drone finishes will render it unusable. If you are too busy preparing other things, you can let an engineer build the FOB with the drone; however, you must get clear communication that they are using the drone. Do not assume that giving an order to an engineer will magically make them construct the FOB with the drone.

The Alamo

What the Alamo should have before deployment:

  • Sentries
  • Surgery table with anesthetic & a MO that have surgery tools
  • MRE
  • Medical supplies, especially the NanoMed Plus & IV drips with O- blood pack
  • Flares
  • Mortar
  • Supply beacon
  • OB beacon
  • Metals and plasteels
  • Plasma cutter
  • Ammo, especially ammmo boxes

If the tadpole is not being deployed, then the Alamo should have the bluespace export pad.

The Condor

The Tadpole

Requisition's favorite toy

What the Alamo should have before deployment:

  • Sentries
  • Surgery table with anesthetic & a MO that have surgery tools
  • MRE
  • Medical supplies, especially the NanoMed Plus & IV drips with O- blood pack
  • Flares
  • Mortar
  • Supply beacon
  • OB beacon
  • Metals and plasteels
  • Plasma cutter
  • Ammo, especially ammmo boxes

If the tadpole is not being deployed, then the Alamo should have the bluespace export pad.


During Operation: Planetside and Engaging

The Field Commander will often be out in the field, but it is advised that they don't go alone, as they can be easily taken out. Wrangling your marines is a hard task, and often you should gain their trust in your ability to lead them. Make sure you give clear and concise orders, don't input an essay, and don't input anything vague. Marines often love to go alone, so make sure you often tell them to partner up and give certain tasks to squads. If you can manage that, you're a better Field Commander than most.

Opening Shutters

The Engagement

The Marine's Deathball

The FOB Camp


Equipments for Success

You start out with

  • A sword
  • Your vendor
  • Some outdated pistol
  • An armored beret that doesn't protect against decap

You should ought to have

  • Medical HUD Glasses
  • Storage to hold medical supplies
  • Storage to hold engineering tools
  • the M56B smartgun the T-29 smartgun A weapon to ward off xenomorphs

On the even less practical side of things, you're given a sword that's more ceremonial than anything; it might be a good idea to replace this with a medical or tool belt, but it is very stylish. As mentioned earlier, you also get an armored beret that notably does not prevent decapitation, and should either be worn to show off your own skill or replaced with a helmet so you don't get permanently killed in a situation where literally anyone else would get revived a minute later.

You also have access to anything abandoned in the CIC (usually the Staff Officers' M4A3 pistols), the Squad Prep area (you can use the vendors as well), and anywhere else on the ship, as you have access to everything. You can even order equipment for yourself in Req, but doing this is a good way to get shouted at proportional to how many points you spend and how quickly you die on the ground while that 80-point rifle gets melted by acid. And you can't heal people or weld barricades while you're shooting a minigun! The most expensive *weapon* you should ever be ordering for yourself is a Mateba, if you have the skill to reload it quickly, as a way to punish xenos trying to focus you by giving them a stun and a quick death. Leave the actual frontline killing to the PFCs. Please.


  • Just wear a fucking helmet or be behind marines.

TerraGov Marines


Command Captain, Field Commander, Staff Officer, Pilot Officer, Transport Officer, Mech Pilot
Vehicle Crew Assault Crewman, Transport Crewman
Engineering and Supply Chief Ship Engineer, Requisitions Officer, Ship Technician
Medical Chief Medical Officer, Medical Doctor, Researcher
Marines Squad Leader, Squad Smartgunner, Squad Engineer, Squad Corpsman, Squad Marine
Civilians Corporate Liaison
Silicon Combat robots, Synthetic, AI


Tier 0 Larva, Minions
Tier 1 Drone, Runner, Defender, Sentinel
Tier 2 Hivelord, Carrier, Hunter, Wraith, Bull, Warrior, Puppeteer, Spitter, Pyrogen
Tier 3 Gorger, Defiler, Widow, Ravager, Warlock, Behemoth, Crusher, Praetorian, Boiler
Tier 4 Shrike, Queen, King, Hivemind
Others Zombie, Emergency Response Teams, Sons of Mars, Survivor