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| |1 Metal | | |1 Metal |
| | Click on the cade with at least 1 metal to upgrade it. Lessens the Crusher's Charge, Warlock Psychic Blast, damage to cades. | | | Click on the cade with at least 1 metal to upgrade it. Lessens the Crusher's Charge, Warlock Psychic Blast, damage to cades. |
| Effectively increases the cade's durability by 43% against melee damage. | | Effectively increases the cade's durability by 40% against melee damage. |
| |
| Effectively increases the cade's durability by 75% against bullets, laser, energy. | | Effectively increases the cade's durability by 75% against bullets, laser, energy. |
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This is a basic guide to tips and tricks of building a FOB during combat operations.
This could mean the difference between Fort Knox that can last against a xeno attack for hours and a couch fort that crumbles at first contact.
Barricade Formations
First lets talk about how the FOB is supposed to function in game-play. FOB stands for Forward-Operating-Base. As the title suggests, it is meat to operate as a offensive base used to creating a hard-point for static defenses, resupply, and observation of enemy movement. This means that it must be capable of withstanding counter-offensives, resupply the marines, and is able to keep track of enemy movement, in this case, xenos.
Do not block marines pathways, always make straight routes available so marines can counter attack.
Lets talk about how to set up the backbone of a FOB, the barricades.
There are many things wrong with this setup.
1. There is a gap in the wall.
Having even one weakness in a defense is asking for it to be exploited by the xenomorphs. Make sure to seal up all the weak points like vent exits, windows, and always make sure to raise the plasteel barricade back up if you are not using it (More about plasteel in defense section)
2. The barricade lines up with the walls.
This is bad because it means that xenomorphs are able to hit the barricade from behind a cover. Leave a 1 space between wall and barricade so they are unable to hit the barricade without having to expose themselves to open fire.
3. Plasteel barricades are not lined up.
If the plasteel barricades are not lined up, it will cause congestion. This is terrible if the marine has to make hasty retreat from an offensive, and they are unable to retreat to the Alamo quickly. Plasteel barricades should be lined up to remove as much space between each barricades.
A better way to have set this up would have been this.
Insert Image here
Static Defense
We can't always stay at the base to defend it, and sometimes we lack the manpower to defend all of the FOB. This is where static defenses come into play. Marines have access to many static defenses.
- Barbed Wires
- Razorsharp Obstacles
- Automated Turrets
- Heavy Smartguns
- Explosive Devices
Anything that can be used to deter hostile offensive is great for this role.
Barbed wire is the most common type of static defenses. It is cheap to make, only costing 2 metal per wire, and can be transformed into razor wires, which is great for keeping your main walls alive. It deters xenos as it damages them when they attack the wire, and it also increases health of the barricade it is applied to.
Razorsharp obstacles supplement barricades.
Automated turret is next. They are versatile, powerful, and very effective at keeping small skirmishes at bay. They are mostly used to make up for the lack of manpower at the FOB. They are much harder to acquire than barbed wires, but they make up for the fact that they are ranged and can effectively replace marines in times of need.
Heavy Smartguns are force multiplier for marines. A single marine on a mounted gun effectively becomes an automated turret, as the mounted guns have high DPS and large amount of ammo ready to fire. Because it is a smartgun, it has IFF, meaning that marines do not have to worry about friendly fire from the mounted gun (though humans without a marine ID will get hit). It is fantastic for pinning down a chokepoint.
And lastly, explosive devices. These are great as the xenomorphs will not be used to dealing with traps, especially claymores. Claymores are extremely powerful, as it can stun a xenomorph that gets in front of it, and can even kill it outright if their health is not full. These are perhaps even better at keeping skirmishes at bay, as xenomorph castes with low maximum health can be one shot by it. Do not put claymores near the barricades as xenomorphs will set these off and damage the barricades. Use a multitool to disarm claymores.
Now that the construction of your mighty base is finished, it is time to work on actually defending the damn thing.
Misc Information
30 Bullet, 30 Laser, 30 Energy, 80 Fire, 40 Acid
4 Metal
Can be upgraded using 1 metal.
Can have barbed wire attached.
80 Fire, 40 Acid
5 Filled Sandbags
Requires no engineering skill to build, faster to place.
Repairable with filled sandbags.
Can be spam repaired for quick fixing.
Can have barbed wire attached.
80 Fire, 40 Acid
5 Plasteel
Can be linked to other plasteel cades by clicking it with a crowbar allowing linked plasteel cades to be opened at the same time
Can have barbed wire attached.
Razor Wire
No armour
4 Metal for 2 spools.
Not to be confused
with barbed wire.
Damages xenos if slashed. Can entangle crushers and queen if they charge into this. Can also be made with 4 metal rods and 1 barbed wire. Wire cutter to deconstruct it.
TL-182 Deployable Shield
35 Melee, 30 Bullet, 20 Laser, 40 Energy, 25 Bomb, 30 Acid
30 Requisition Points
3 points in the
Engineer's Equipment
Can be placed/removed without needing any skills by ctrl+clicking a tile adjacent to you/click-dragging the barricade into your sprite.
Is also a normal-sized item and can be stored on satchels.
Can have barbed wire attached.
Wooden Barricade
No armour
5 Wood
Metal & Plasteel Barricades
Unless the barricade is at full health, you won't get all your materials back. Make sure it's reparied.
A barricade with acid on it will always only drop some of the materials back and never the barbed wire, make sure to cut the barbed wire cades with acid.
Screwdriver and wrench
the barricade, the order in which you use them does not matter. Tip: You can screwdriver, wrench and even crowbar several cades at once to save time.
Wire cut the barricade if it has barbed wire Note: This step is not required as dismantling the barricade will yield your barbed wire back even if you don't use a wirecutter unless it's acided.
For the final step use your crowbar on it to complete the deconstruction process
Barricade upgrades

can be removed with a crowbar aswell
- Use a shovel
- Barbed wire on sandbags is the same as metal and plasteel barricades
Use a wirecutter on it Note: deconstructing razorwire only yields 4 metal rods and one barbed wire back
Repairing Cades
Metal and plasteel can be repaired with a welder for 85 integrity per weld, unless they are under 20% integrity in which case they'll need 2 sheets of metal/plasteel.
Sandbags can be repaired with filled sandbags for 20% integrity per bag.
Razor Wire can be repaired with metal sheets.
Barricade Upgrades
These can be applied on metal cades by clicking on them with metal sheets.
Except for the barbed wire which need to be made with metal sheets and can be used on any cades except for razor wire and wood.
Misc Information
50 Bomb
1 Metal
Click on the cade with at least 1 metal to upgrade it. Lessens the King's Gravity Crush damage..Effectively doubles the cade's durability against explosions.
30 Melee, 30 Bullet,
30 Laser, 30 Energy
1 Metal
Click on the cade with at least 1 metal to upgrade it. Lessens the Crusher's Charge, Warlock Psychic Blast, damage to cades.
Effectively increases the cade's durability by 40% against melee damage.
Effectively increases the cade's durability by 75% against bullets, laser, energy.
20 Acid
1 Metal
Click on the cade with at least 1 metal to upgrade it. Protects against acid spits. Prevents barricade from being melted with acid vomit.
Effectively increases the cade's durability by 50% against acid damage.
Barbed Wire
50 Integrity
2 Metal
Damages xenos if slashed. Prevents xenos from pouncing over the cade, also blocks climbing through, remove with wirecutters.
These can be deployed by ctrl+clicking a tile next to you with them as an item in active hand.
To undeploy, click-drag the sprite of the emplacements into yourself while standing next to them.
To repair, use an active blowtorch to weld.
How to use
UA-571-C Sentry Gun
A deployable, slow firing, automated sentry with 500 rounds.
Has 3 fire modes Automatic, Auto-Burst and Burst Fire.
Fires in 4 round bursts.
Radial reduces range instead by 2
Takes 6 seconds to deploy. 6 seconds to pick up.
Manual Override allows you to control it.
Can be reloaded while in hand.
200 Health and 50 Armour.
Built-in IFF System
Control click to deploy.
Drag click to you to pick up.
Alt click to remove mag only if deployed otherwise regular click if in hand.
Can be repaired with a welder.
Can be shot over.
25 damage
20 AP
0 Sunder
0.25 Automatic Rate of Fire
0.6 Burst Rate of Fire
8 Range
UA-580 Point Defence Sentry
A deployable, fast firing, automated sentry with 300 rounds.
Has 3 fire mods Automatic, Auto-Burst and Burst Fire.
Fires in 3 round bursts.
Radial reduces range by 2
Takes 3 seconds to deploy. 3 seconds to pick up.
Manual Override allows you to control it.
Can be reloaded while in hand.
200 Health and 50 Armour.
Built-in IFF System
Control click to deploy.
Drag click to you to pick up.
Alt click to remove mag only if deployed otherwise regular click if in hand.
Can be repaired with a welder.
Can be shot over.
20 damage
20 AP
0 Sunder
0.2 Auto Rate of Fire
0.4 Burst Rate of Fire
7 Range
TL102 Heavy Smart Gun
A deployable. fast firing, HSG with 300 rounds.
Has 2 fire mods Automatic and Burst Fire.
Fires in 3 round bursts.
Has a mini scope.
Can be turned around by clicking on any tile directly to the left or right of it.
Takes 5 seconds to deploy. 5 seconds to pick up
Can be reloaded while in hand.
125 Health and 50 Bullet Armour.
Built-in IFF System
Control click to deploy.
Drag click to you to pick up.
Alt click to remove mag only if deployed otherwise regular click if in hand.
Can be repaired with a welder.
Can be shot over.
40 damage
40 AP
5 Sunder
0.25 Auto Rate of Fire
0.2 Burst Rate of Fire
T-27 Medium Machinegun
A deployable, faster firing, MMG with 100 rounds.
Has only 1 fire mode Automatic.
Can accept attachments.
Can also be fired from the hand with heavy recoil.
Can be turned around by clicking on any tile directly to the left or right of it.
Takes 1 second to deploy. 1 second to pick up.
Can be reloaded while in hand.
200 Health and 50 Bullet Armour.
Only has IFF with Aim Mode.
Control click to deploy.
Drag click to you to pick up.
Alt click to remove mag only if deployed otherwise regular click if in hand.
Can be repaired with a welder.
Can be shot over.
30 Damage
10 AP
1.25 Sunder
0.15 Rate of Fire
0.25 Aim Mode Rate of Fire
MG-08/495 Heavy Machinegun
A deployable fast firing, HMG with 500 rounds.
Has only 1 fire mode Automatic.
Has a mini scope.
Can be turned around by clicking on any tile directly to the left or right of it.
Takes 8 seconds to deploy. 8 seconds to pick up .
Can be reloaded while in hand.
150 Health and 50 Bullet Armour.
Has no IFF be very careful.
Control click to deploy.
Drag click to you to pick up.
Alt click to remove mag only if deployed otherwise regular click if in hand.
Can be repaired with a welder.
Can be shot over.
40 damage
40 AP
5 Sunder
0.2 Auto Rate of Fire
Build-A-Sentry Attachment System
An rail attachment that when attached to an applicable gun can be placed like a sentry with the function of the gun attached to.
250 Health.
Will not have IFF unless the gun has IFF built in like the T29 Smart gun.
Control click to deploy.
Drag click to you to pick up.
Alt click to remove mag only if deployed otherwise regular click if in hand.
Can be repaired with a welder.
Can be shot over.
Dependant on the gun it is attached to
Combat Floodlight
A powerful portable light source.
Lasts for 15 minutes using the power cell it comes with.
500 Health.
Wrench to bolt/unbolt.
Click to turn on/off.
Crowbar to remove power cell
Can not be repaired.
Can be shot over.
Making dark areas bright.
M402 Mortar
A deployable mortar capable of firing 5 types of mortar shells.
200 Health.
Takes 5 seconds to deploy the mortar. 5 seconds to pick up the mortar.
Takes 2 seconds to fire. 9 seconds for shells to land.
Does not have a skill requirement to use.
Control click the mortar while in hand to deploy.
Wrench to pick up.
Is inaccurate depending on how far away the target is. Every 10 tiles travelled is 1 tile inaccuracy which can be countered using the mortar Longitude and Latitude offset.
Can be repaired with a welder.
Can not be shot over.
High Explosive shells
Incendiary shells
Tangle shells
Flare shells
Smoke shells
ASRS Bluespace Teleporter Pad
A Teleporter pad Capable of teleporting Marines, Crates and Machinery.
200 Health. Can not be shot at or slashed only melted.
Takes 2 seconds to deploy. 2 seconds to pick up.
Needs either a powered APC to function or an inserted powercell.
Control click the teleporter while in hand to deploy.
Wrench to pick up.
Needs power to function.
Can insert powercells to power it.
Crowbar to remove power cell
Can be repaired with a welder.