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===[[File:Oven.png|64px]] Oven===
= Main Rules - read these if nothing else =
The oven is used to use to bake pizzas, pastries and other dough products. Simply open it up, fill an oven tray with some cookies, toss it in, close it up, and wait!
<span style="font-size:125%">0. Enforcement of these rules is at the discretion of admins.</span>
Admins are fully accountable for any consequences should they invoke this rule. Admins are also allowed to intervene in rounds when it is in the best interest of the playerbase.

The oven will prepare the cookies and when you see brown smoke the food is done. When it goes black you're a bit too late!
: [[#rule0|Rule 0 Precedents.]]
<span style="font-size:125%">1. Don't be a dick</span>
We're all here to have a good time, supposedly. Going out of your way to seriously negatively impact or end the round for someone with little IC justification is against the rules, this also includes harassing a player OOC (Out of character). Legitimate conflicts where people get upset do happen however, as detailed in the escalation section of the rules.
: [[#rule1|Rule 1 Precedents.]]
<span style="font-size:125%">2. Do not use information gained outside of in character means.</span>
I.e. metagaming. This especially refers to communication between players outside of the game via things like Skype, known as metacomms. Characters are otherwise allowed to know everything about ingame mechanics or antagonists, as well as keep persistent friendships or relationships with other characters when not for the purpose of unfair advantage by teaming up together for little IC reason.
: [[#rule2|Rule 2 Precedents.]]
<span style="font-size:125%">3. Do not say in character (IC) things in the out of character (OOC) chat channel.</span>
Do not say OOC things in IC either. There is an exception for OOC in IC where terms like 'clickdrag X to Y, or look for the tab' is used to help a player.
: [[#rule3|Rule 3 Precedents.]]
<span style="font-size:125%">4. Lone antagonists can do whatever they want.</span>
Short of metagaming/comms, bug/exploit abuse, erotic/creepy stuff, OOC in IC or IC in OOC, and spawn-camping arrivals. Team antagonists can do whatever they want as per lone antagonists, as long as it doesn’t harm their team. Non-antagonists can do whatever they want to antagonists as per lone antagonists, but non-antagonists are not allowed to pre-emptively search for, hinder or otherwise seek conflict with antagonists without reasonable prior cause. Non-antags acting like an antag can be treated as an antag.
: [[#rule4|Rule 4 Precedents.]]
: [[#priority|Order of antagonist priority.]]
<span style="font-size:125%">5. Players in a head of staff, AI/Silicon role, or a team conversion role require a minimum amount of effort; generally considered to be not logging out at or near roundstart.</span>
Notify admins if you cannot play these roles and must leave near round start and make an attempt to inform other players IC as well for head of staff or AI roles. Abuse of a job position, particularly Rule 1 breaking abuse, is not allowed.
: [[#rule5|Rule 5 Precedents.]]
<span style="font-size:125%">6. In-game administration rulings are final.</span>
Incidences of admin abuse, negligence or disputed rulings can be taken to the forums. If an admin says something was 'looked into, handled, resolved' etc, regarding an issue, it is unlikely an admin will provide any further information. Admins are under no obligation to reveal IC information. Deliberately lying or misrepresenting facts in adminhelps will be dealt with harshly.
: [[#rule6|Rule 6 Precedents.]]
<span style="font-size:125%">7. If you regularly come close to breaking the rules without actually breaking them, it will be treated as the rules being broken.</span>
Repeated instances of the same rules being broken may be met with harsher consequences. Baiting people into situations where you can report them to admins will be dealt with harshly.
<span style="font-size:125%">8. Erotic/creepy stuff is not allowed.</span>
No form of erotic roleplay is allowed on the servers, including things that could be construed as sexual by unwilling participants.
<span style="font-size:125%">9. Players need to be the age of 18 or above.</span>
This rule is for the benefit of and is meant to protect people who shouldn't be playing here due to the nature of the SS13 community. Your age won't be hunted down, but if you admit it to us in admin PMs, or other places within the /tg/Station13 community (the official Discord server, forums, OOC chat, etc.), you're getting banned.
<span style="font-size:125%">10. Losing is part of the game.</span>
Your character will frequently die, sometimes without even a possibility of avoiding it. Events will often be out of your control. No matter how good or prepared you are, sometimes you just lose.

{| class="wikitable sortable" style="width:50%" align="center" border="1" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="2"
! scope="col" class="unsortable" style='background-color:#FFEACC;'|Picture
! scope="col" style='background-color:#FFEACC;'|Cooked food
! scope="col" class="unsortable" style='background-color:#FFEACC;'|How to acquire
!{{anchor|Plain Bread}}{{anchor|Bread}}Plain Bread
|Bake a [[#Dough|dough]]. Used in most [[#Breads|bread recipes]].
|Bake a [[#Rootdough|rootdough]]. Used in [[#Lizard Cuisine|lizard cuisine]].
|Bake a [[#Dough Slice|dough slice]]. Used in [[#Burgers|burgers]].
!{{anchor|Rootroll}}Root Roll
|Bake a [[#Rootdough Slice|rootdough slice]]. Used in [[#Lizard Cuisine|lizard cuisine]].
!{{anchor|Pastry Base}}Pastry Base
|Bake a [[#Raw Pastry Base|raw pastry base]]. Used in most [[#Pastries|pastry recipes]].
!{{anchor|Pizza Bread}}Pizza Bread
|Bake a [[#Flat Dough|flat dough]]. Used in [[#Pizzas|pizza recipes]].
!{{anchor|Root Flatbread}}Root flatbread
|Bake a [[#Flat Rootdough|flat rootdough]]. Used in [[#Lizard Cuisine|lizard cuisine]].
!{{anchor|Plain Pie}}Plain Pie
|Bake a [[#Pie Dough|pie dough]]. Used in [[#Pies|pie recipes]].
!{{anchor|Plain Cake}}Plain Cake
|Bake a [[#Cake Batter|cake batter]]. Used in [[#Cakes|cake recipes]].
!{{anchor|Warm Donkpocket}}Warm Donk-pocket
|Bake a Donk-pocket. Contains [[Guide_to_chemistry#Omnizine|Omnizine]].

===[[File:Microwave.png|64px]] Microwave Oven===
<span style="font-size:125%">11. Bigotry is not allowed.</span>
The microwave oven is used to cook or boil raw ingredients. You can load multiple of them in the oven and cook them simultaneously. Use a kitchen tray to load it faster.
Intentionally seeking to demean others due to their actual or perceived race, sex, gender, orientation or the like is not tolerated.

Trying to cook uncookable food will return a burned mess and will make the oven dirtier (which increases chances of failure).
It is not our goal to create or enforce a list of banned words and instead our goal to eject bigotry from the community. Enforcement will be less PC based and more common sense based with that goal in mind.

In case of a failure, just use Space Cleaner, soap or a damp rag [[File:Rag.png]] on it and remove the burned mess inside.
The above rule applies to ALL OOC bigotry, even when expressed in IC. There is no racism in {{Game Year}}, just species-ism, There is no homophobia, just xenophiliapobia, etc.

{| class="wikitable sortable" style="width:50%" align="center" border="1" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="2"
Admins are encouraged to use rule 1 to deal with instances where """IC""" bigotry is excessive or designed as a mask for ooc bigotry.
! scope="col" class="unsortable" style='background-color:#FFEACC;'|Picture
! scope="col" style='background-color:#FFEACC;'|Cooked food
! scope="col" class="unsortable" style='background-color:#FFEACC;'|How to acquire
!{{anchor|Boiled Egg}}Boiled Egg
|Microwave an egg.
!{{anchor|Boiled Rice}}Boiled Rice
|Microwave a [[#Rice Bowl|Rice Bowl]]. Used in [[Guide_to_food_and_drinks#Rice_and_Pork|rice recipes]].
!{{anchor|Boiled Spaghetti}}Boiled Spaghetti
|Microwave [[#Spaghetti|spaghetti]]s. Used in [[#Pastas|spaghetti recipes]].
|Microwave a [[#Raw_Khinkali|Raw Khinkali]].
!{{anchor|Onion Rings}}Onion Rings
|Microwave an onion slice.
|Microwave a corn.
!{{anchor|Toasted Sandwich}}Toasted Sandwich
|Microwave a [[#Sandwich|sandwich]].
!{{anchor|Onion Rings}}Onion Rings
|Microwave an onion slice.
!{{anchor|Warm Donkpocket}}Warm Donk-pocket
|Microwave a Donk-pocket. Contains [[Guide_to_chemistry#Omnizine|Omnizine]].  

=Quickstart Silicon Guide=
You've just been thrown into a borg factory by a malfunctioning AI, or decided to try out a new life as a positronic brain on a whim. Being a cyborg isn't for everybody, but it is vastly different from carbon gameplay.

= Precedents & exceptions: Examples and exceptions to the main rules. =
The number one rule about interpreting laws is that it should be done <b>in good faith</b>. If you use any new law or lack of law as an excuse to act antagonistically, that's probably not considered good faith.
'''Read for detailed clarification on each main rule. Players are subject to precedents but depending on how much of a dick they were, they can be either advised of the precedent to being banned for it.'''

9 times out of 10 the laws you'll have to follow will be Asimov's three laws of robotics.
In general, this means:
#Don't harm humans
#Do what humans tell you to do, except for harming humans.
#Protect yourself as long as you're not disobeying or harming humans in the process.
For a more complete definition of these (and more) laws, see [[Silicon Policy]].

All borgs have the ability to control doors and machinery with pretty well limitless access. Silicons cannot purchase or recall the emergency shuttle, however.
<span style="font-size:125%">Rule 0 Precedents.</span>
# Rule 0 should only be invoked by admins when it is in the best interests of the server.
# Admins have intervened before and will do so again in situations where a player regardless of antag status has repeatedly delayed round-end by recalling the shuttle when most other players are dead or want to leave.
# Admins may mirror bans from other servers at their discretion.
# Admins may ban accounts linked to the use of proxies, CID randomizers, DLL use, or other similar things, at their discretion.
# Admins may ask players in possession of multiple alt accounts to choose one to play on and ban the other accounts.

All borg types have tools best suited to their type. For a full list of what each type has, see [[Cyborg#The_Latest_Models|The Latest Models]].

If you run out of a material, don't worry! Charging in a cyborg charger will gradually refill your synthesizer. This will also fix your flash if it's burned out.
<span style="font-size:125%">Rule 1 Precedents.</span>
# Random murders are not acceptable nor is the killing of other players for poor or little reasoning such as ‘My character is insane’. Each unjustified kill is normally met with one 24 ban.
# Spamming any channel is not allowed, this goes for radio spam, AI vox announcement spam, paper at camera spam and other forms of spam. Non-antagonists doing so may not defend themselves and may suffer from IC or OOC consequences. Antagonists can to a certain extent, moreso with reading things like WGW over the radio, but may be told by admins to stop if it becomes excessive. Spamming can result from in-game admin intervention ending in you dying, to admin warnings, to bans for excessive or repeated spamming.
# Rules still apply until the emergency escape shuttle has reached Centcom and the round-end antagonist report has appeared. When the shuttle has reached Centcom, players are free to act as per lone antagonists, detailed in Rule 4. Non-antagonist grief upon the shuttle, from spamming flashbangs for no reason to spraying space lube, can be met with instant 5 (five) minute bans or more.
# Unprovoked grief (occasionally known as greytiding), repeated cases of minor unprovoked grief, and unprovoked grief targeted towards specific players or groups (i.e. metagrudging) fall under rule 1. Admins may follow up on grief with allowing the affected parties to ignore normal escalation policy or measures such as warnings or bans.
# Players who attempt to break into the captain's office, head of personnel's office, or the bridge at or near roundstart for no legitimate reason put themselves at risk for being legitimately killed by the captain, heads of staff, or security.
# You may defend your workplace from trespassers who damage or steal property within that space with significantly greater force than elsewhere. If someone is severely disruptive and returns after ejected, this opens them up to "fun" of the creative workplace death variety.
# Raiding and griefing on servers other than /tg/ may result in bans.
# Starting a fight in OOC/Dead chat and/or harassing someone across multiple rounds after being informed to stop by an admin may end in a server ban. Conflicts are something that happen, but going out of your way to repeatedly do this will not be tolerated.
# Regularly starting a round just to see if you are an antagonist (antag rolling) then exiting it (via any means) is not allowed. This also covers any attempts to maximize antagonist probability.

All borgs are extremely vulnerable to flashes. They're a hard stun, and one that you're probably not going to recover from if someone's determined to take you out.

The robotics console in the RD's office can lock you down or detonate you remotely.
<span style="font-size:125%">Rule 1 Related Rulings</span>
{|width=100% border="1" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="2"
|'''Mass identity duplication'''
|Changing many people into one person via genetics/other methods as a nonantagonist. [ It can happen every once in a while, just don't do it every single round.]
|'''Deleting security records as a nonantag'''
|[ Don't do it every round. Don't use a sec/head position to do it. Don't use it to metagrudge.]
|'''Validity when killing pets'''
|[ If you perform an action which has zero benefit to you other than making others upset (like killing Ian) I will ban you if you adminhelp when someone kills you.]
|'''Cutting down christmas trees/general asshole behavior for no reason'''
|[ If you perform an action which has zero benefit to you other than making others upset (like chopping down the Christmas trees while they’re enabled) I will ban you if you adminhelp when someone kills you.]

On help intent, click and drag someone onto you to carry them.

On harm intent, click and drag someone onto you to open the strip menu.
<span style="font-size:125%">Rule 2 Precedents.</span>
# Metacomms, the use of methods of communication outside of SS13 IC channels, is a very serious rule violation and may be met with permanent bans for all related accounts. If players are sharing the same IP or know each other in real life or the like, inform the admins first, otherwise it may look suspicious. Players are allowed to introduce new players that they know to the game but all communication and explanations should be done in game if possible. Admins can also help in these situations if requested.
# Similar to how characters are allowed to know everything about in-game mechanics or antagonists under rule 2, characters are allowed to have persistent knowledge/relationships/friendships with the caveat that knowledge of a character being an antagonist from a previous round is not used.
# Character friendships should not be exploitative in nature or be used to gain an unfair advantage. Having an IC friendship with another player does not, for example, justify giving them all-access each round.
# Atmos techs are not allowed to edit atmos at roundstart so that the AI cannot use it for malicious purposes. While this might not make sense IC, it's a necessary OOC precedent for some game mechanics to work. Atmos techs are allowed if they have any reasonable suspicion of the AI being rogue.

Click on yourself to unbuckle someone from you.

This is where things get a lot more complicated. When shit hits the fan, you're going to have a lot of things to keep an eye on. Hopefully you have some good borgs to pick up the slack!
<span style="font-size:125%">Rule 3 Precedents.</span>
# Excessively OOC names fall under rule 3. Make a minimum effort to have your name fit in a setting involving a wacky space station in the future. A firstname lastname minimum is required for humans and felinids; other species may instead choose to use the default names assigned to them, such as those given through random names, or otherwise any name that is species-appropriate. Honorifics and nicknames are allowed as long as only one additive is used at a time, i.e "James Williams Jr." or "James "One-Eye" Williams". Admins may get involved if your name is dumb and can approve or disallow names at their discretion while in-game.
##Excessively OOC is defined as names which are intentionally hard to read/spell, references to in-game mechanics or OOC terminology, and any form of nonsensical/bad-faith name (ex. Adolf Hitler, FAGGOT PUNCHER, Poop Boy, xXrobustspaceman420Xx etc).
##Clowns, mimes, silicons, wizards, and nuke ops have significantly more leeway in choosing their names, but try to be reasonable.
# References to the current round, even if vague; is still considered being IC in OOC.
# Due to their tendency to reveal a lot of information from the current round, streaming is not permitted on our servers, with the exception of special events pre-designated by admins.
# Using netspeak terms like "ur", "wtf", "lmao" etc. IC is considered OOC in IC, as are emoticons like ":)".

===Information Overload===
The biggest learning curve to being an AI: learning to filter the barrage of information you get.

<span style="font-size:125%">IC/OOC Related Rulings<span style="font-size:125%">
{|width=100% border="1" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="2"
|'''Referencing the gamemode ICly'''
|[ It's OOC in IC if you say something similar to "It's revs" but it's okay if you say "There is a revolution." Basically make it sound like you're not referencing the fact that you're in a round.]
|'''Pile on ick ock'''
|Pile on ick ock is defined as a bunch of people teasing someone for IC in OOCing. [ It's okay until it crosses the line into being spam. Admins can mute OOC/individual players if it gets to that point.]
|'''IC reactions to OOC in IC'''
|[ It's okay as long as you're not crossing the line into OOC in IC.]

#Camera alarm: either something exploded or someone doesn't want you seeing what they're up to.
#Motion alarm: someone or something is moving in a secure area (outside the armory in space, in your satellite, in your upload, in the vault, or in EVA).
#Atmosphere alarm: the air in that area is unsafe.
#Fire alarm: either someone's hitting the fire alarm or they station is trying to stop a fire.
#Power alarm: that area is about to run out of power (AKA, engineering's not doing their job).
#Burglar alarm: someone's stealing the captain's antique laser gun.

====Other Notifications====
You will occasionally get other notifications for things such as:
* Cyborgs changing modules
* Losing connection with cyborgs
* pAI hacking doors
* Losing connection to APCs

You have the power to control any machine that you can see. This is anything from arcade machines to chem dispensers to security records.
<span style="font-size:125%">Rule 4 Precedents.</span>
# Non-antagonists are allowed to assist antagonists given sufficient IC reasoning but assisting an antagonist doesn't mean you get to act like one . If in doubt, ask an admin if a particular action is okay. Depending on the level of assistance, sufficient IC reasoning could be simply treating everyone who goes into medbay regardless of them being a murderer or not, all the way to being threatened under pain of death by an antagonist to do something.
# The relationship between xeno queen and xeno is treated the same as malf AI and borg, and are considered team antagonists for the purpose of main rule 4. Xenos should prioritize following the directions of their queen where possible.

===Your Cyborgs===
Your greatest allies and also the biggest thorn in your side.

In your status tab, there will be a list of borgs synced to you. This means that they share your laws and have to listen to what you tell them. Here you will see their modules, their locations, and their status. If one of them goes missing suddenly, this means that they've been desynced from you. This can happen from a paranoid roboticist, or an emag.  
<span style="font-size:125%">Antagonist Directive Priorities</span>
:In situations where you wind up with multiple simultaneous antagonist assignments (i.e. a [[Revolution|Revolutionary]] and a [[Traitor]]), your team goals, objectives, and directives should take precedence. Furthermore, if someone had to go out of their way to convert you to their team, their goals, objectives, and directives become the priority. Refer to the following flowchart:

====The Robotics Console====
:Brainwashing/construct orders/[[AI|Silicon]] Laws -> [[Cult]] -> [[Revolution|Revs]] -> [[Blood Brothers|Blood Brother]] -> [[Wizard]] Apprentice/[[Abductor]] Teams/Other niche antags -> [[Nuclear Emergency|Nuke Ops]] -> [[Traitor|Traitors]]
The robotics console in the RD's office can be used to lock down or detonate any borg synced to you. This means that you can't lock down a rogue borg that doesn't belong to you.

===Your Bots===
Medibots, cleanbots, all of them are at your beck and call!

For all simple bots, you can either access their controls (including emagging them remotely), or choosing a location to send them. Pressing "Call" and then clicking somewhere will cause the bot to attempt to find a path to the clicked location. Useful for sending medibots to an injured human.
<span style="font-size:125%">Antagonist Rulings</span>
{|width=100% border="1" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="2"
| '''Vampire Policy'''
| [ Vampires are not antagonists just by being a vampire.]
|'''Are miners using the gluttony syringe antags?'''
|[ Yes, they can act as a morph.]
|'''Solo antagonists and metagrudging'''
|[ Solo antagonists can metagrudge as long as they are not rolling for it specifically to do so, and killing someone who killed you in a previous life as a ghost role antag is bad.]
|'''Trying to get converted to team antags'''
|[ It's bannable, don't do it.]
|'''[[Families]] Betrayal/Grief'''
|[ If you choose to betray your family, the actual betrayal can only happen once you've joined another family. This avoids the issue of having team antags killing each other and justifying it as betrayal. Families are expected to operate similarly to revs in regards to the more widespread damage they cause, so blowing up the SM for no reason is likely not going to be alright because it could kill some of your own family members or interfere with their work, if however you bomb a rival family's headquarters that is probably alright.]
|'''Wand of Polymorph and Antag Status'''
|[ Polymorphing yourself, or being willingly polymorphed, does not grant antag status. You are only an antagonist if you are unwillingly polymorphed]. (This is a topic that has come up many times but never actually be codified)
|'''Obsessed Antag Status'''
|[ Obsessed are not full antags and should generally stick to their objectives.]
|'''Abductors and Mindcontrolling'''
|[ Abductor brainwashing cannot be used for murderbone. ]
|'''Dynamic: Solo Antags willingly joining Team Antags'''
|[ Solo antagonists are restricted from willingly joining Team Antags

If someone can touch your core, you're basically already dead. The key to staying alive is keeping attackers as far away from you as you can.

If you're not close enough to a powered APC you will eventually run out of power and die. This also applies if you're controlling a shell, so dragging your core into an unpowered area can prove fatal.
<span style="font-size:125%">Rule 5 Precedents.</span>
# Minimum levels of effort for heads of staff, silicon roles, and team antagonist generally include not logging out/going AFK at or near round start due to the importance of those roles within the round for progression. Constant logging out or going AFK may be given warnings by admins, and may progress to jobbans.
# Ghosting out, going AFK, suiciding, or logging off when converted to a team antagonist position can result in warnings from an admin; extending to bans for repeated behaviour from an individual. This also extends to when Command/Security mindshield implanting an individual to their side in said modes. At most within team antagonist, it is expected players to not maliciously harm their team's progress and assist if they are able to the best of their abilities.
# Let an admin know if you cannot or do not want to play any of the above mentioned roles. Admins will attempt to transfer the role to someone else. Obviously, if an admin does so for a player, the player must not use knowledge of that antagonist position existing.
# Abuse of position; as in being deliberately incompetent or malicious in their position is not allowed. Deliberate incompetence or malice can result in warnings or bans, depending on severity. Example would be a chemist constantly abusing the position to make space lube and lubing hallways, they may be warned and then jobbanned if further abuse happens.

==Shared Controls==
===Common Hotkeys===
[[Hotkeys#Hotkeys_for_the_AI_and_Cyborgs|Full guide to Silicon Hotkeys]]

#ctrl + click = toggle door bolts
<span style="font-size:125%">Rule 6 Precedents.</span>
#shift + click = toggle door opening
#ctrl + shift + click = toggle emergency access
# Incidents of admin abuse or negligence should be reported along with a date and time, along with details to pinpoint the incident in the logs, to any full admin via IRC or forum PM or posted on the admin complaints sub-forum located at or taken to the #supportbus IRC channel on the Rizon network. Incidents of poorly conducted admin events may also be taken to in their respective feedback threads, for less serious complaints.
#alt + click = electrify door
# Lying in adminhelps, misrepresenting facts deliberately, or logging off when an admin has asked a question may result in permabans. Admins will not automatically place bans for players logging off however, and will generally wait a while in case real life situations caused a player to disconnect or go AFK.

#1: Select 1st module
#2: Select 2nd module
#3: Select 3rd module
#4: Activate harm mode

===Radio Prefixes===
{|width=100% border="1" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="2"
(Either . or : can be used before the letter)
* b - Binary, used to talk with all other silicons
* c - Command
| Admin shopping is defined as going to different admins until you get a favorable ruling. [ It's highly frowned upon, don't do it.]
* e - Engineering
|Feemjmeem/Agreed with by other headmins
* h - Holopad (when you're using a holopad to project as AI)
* i - Intercoms nearest to you (typically Common and AI Private, useful for when comms go down)
|'''Admin intervention without anyone ahelping'''
* m - Medical
|[ It's allowed.]
* o - AI private
* s - Security
* u - Supply
|'''Killing nonhostile admin spawned entities'''
* v - Service
|[ Against the rules, don't do it.]

Revision as of 00:17, 22 August 2021


Xenobio table Lumi effects


Main Rules - read these if nothing else

0. Enforcement of these rules is at the discretion of admins.

Admins are fully accountable for any consequences should they invoke this rule. Admins are also allowed to intervene in rounds when it is in the best interest of the playerbase.

Rule 0 Precedents.

1. Don't be a dick

We're all here to have a good time, supposedly. Going out of your way to seriously negatively impact or end the round for someone with little IC justification is against the rules, this also includes harassing a player OOC (Out of character). Legitimate conflicts where people get upset do happen however, as detailed in the escalation section of the rules.

Rule 1 Precedents.

2. Do not use information gained outside of in character means.

I.e. metagaming. This especially refers to communication between players outside of the game via things like Skype, known as metacomms. Characters are otherwise allowed to know everything about ingame mechanics or antagonists, as well as keep persistent friendships or relationships with other characters when not for the purpose of unfair advantage by teaming up together for little IC reason.

Rule 2 Precedents.

3. Do not say in character (IC) things in the out of character (OOC) chat channel.

Do not say OOC things in IC either. There is an exception for OOC in IC where terms like 'clickdrag X to Y, or look for the tab' is used to help a player.

Rule 3 Precedents.

4. Lone antagonists can do whatever they want.

Short of metagaming/comms, bug/exploit abuse, erotic/creepy stuff, OOC in IC or IC in OOC, and spawn-camping arrivals. Team antagonists can do whatever they want as per lone antagonists, as long as it doesn’t harm their team. Non-antagonists can do whatever they want to antagonists as per lone antagonists, but non-antagonists are not allowed to pre-emptively search for, hinder or otherwise seek conflict with antagonists without reasonable prior cause. Non-antags acting like an antag can be treated as an antag.

Rule 4 Precedents.
Order of antagonist priority.

5. Players in a head of staff, AI/Silicon role, or a team conversion role require a minimum amount of effort; generally considered to be not logging out at or near roundstart.

Notify admins if you cannot play these roles and must leave near round start and make an attempt to inform other players IC as well for head of staff or AI roles. Abuse of a job position, particularly Rule 1 breaking abuse, is not allowed.

Rule 5 Precedents.

6. In-game administration rulings are final.

Incidences of admin abuse, negligence or disputed rulings can be taken to the forums. If an admin says something was 'looked into, handled, resolved' etc, regarding an issue, it is unlikely an admin will provide any further information. Admins are under no obligation to reveal IC information. Deliberately lying or misrepresenting facts in adminhelps will be dealt with harshly.

Rule 6 Precedents.

7. If you regularly come close to breaking the rules without actually breaking them, it will be treated as the rules being broken.

Repeated instances of the same rules being broken may be met with harsher consequences. Baiting people into situations where you can report them to admins will be dealt with harshly.

8. Erotic/creepy stuff is not allowed.

No form of erotic roleplay is allowed on the servers, including things that could be construed as sexual by unwilling participants.

9. Players need to be the age of 18 or above.

This rule is for the benefit of and is meant to protect people who shouldn't be playing here due to the nature of the SS13 community. Your age won't be hunted down, but if you admit it to us in admin PMs, or other places within the /tg/Station13 community (the official Discord server, forums, OOC chat, etc.), you're getting banned.

10. Losing is part of the game.

Your character will frequently die, sometimes without even a possibility of avoiding it. Events will often be out of your control. No matter how good or prepared you are, sometimes you just lose.

11. Bigotry is not allowed.

Intentionally seeking to demean others due to their actual or perceived race, sex, gender, orientation or the like is not tolerated.

It is not our goal to create or enforce a list of banned words and instead our goal to eject bigotry from the community. Enforcement will be less PC based and more common sense based with that goal in mind.

The above rule applies to ALL OOC bigotry, even when expressed in IC. There is no racism in 2565, just species-ism, There is no homophobia, just xenophiliapobia, etc.

Admins are encouraged to use rule 1 to deal with instances where """IC""" bigotry is excessive or designed as a mask for ooc bigotry.

Precedents & exceptions: Examples and exceptions to the main rules.

Read for detailed clarification on each main rule. Players are subject to precedents but depending on how much of a dick they were, they can be either advised of the precedent to being banned for it.

Rule 0 Precedents.

  1. Rule 0 should only be invoked by admins when it is in the best interests of the server.
  2. Admins have intervened before and will do so again in situations where a player regardless of antag status has repeatedly delayed round-end by recalling the shuttle when most other players are dead or want to leave.
  3. Admins may mirror bans from other servers at their discretion.
  4. Admins may ban accounts linked to the use of proxies, CID randomizers, DLL use, or other similar things, at their discretion.
  5. Admins may ask players in possession of multiple alt accounts to choose one to play on and ban the other accounts.

Rule 1 Precedents.

  1. Random murders are not acceptable nor is the killing of other players for poor or little reasoning such as ‘My character is insane’. Each unjustified kill is normally met with one 24 ban.
  2. Spamming any channel is not allowed, this goes for radio spam, AI vox announcement spam, paper at camera spam and other forms of spam. Non-antagonists doing so may not defend themselves and may suffer from IC or OOC consequences. Antagonists can to a certain extent, moreso with reading things like WGW over the radio, but may be told by admins to stop if it becomes excessive. Spamming can result from in-game admin intervention ending in you dying, to admin warnings, to bans for excessive or repeated spamming.
  3. Rules still apply until the emergency escape shuttle has reached Centcom and the round-end antagonist report has appeared. When the shuttle has reached Centcom, players are free to act as per lone antagonists, detailed in Rule 4. Non-antagonist grief upon the shuttle, from spamming flashbangs for no reason to spraying space lube, can be met with instant 5 (five) minute bans or more.
  4. Unprovoked grief (occasionally known as greytiding), repeated cases of minor unprovoked grief, and unprovoked grief targeted towards specific players or groups (i.e. metagrudging) fall under rule 1. Admins may follow up on grief with allowing the affected parties to ignore normal escalation policy or measures such as warnings or bans.
  5. Players who attempt to break into the captain's office, head of personnel's office, or the bridge at or near roundstart for no legitimate reason put themselves at risk for being legitimately killed by the captain, heads of staff, or security.
  6. You may defend your workplace from trespassers who damage or steal property within that space with significantly greater force than elsewhere. If someone is severely disruptive and returns after ejected, this opens them up to "fun" of the creative workplace death variety.
  7. Raiding and griefing on servers other than /tg/ may result in bans.
  8. Starting a fight in OOC/Dead chat and/or harassing someone across multiple rounds after being informed to stop by an admin may end in a server ban. Conflicts are something that happen, but going out of your way to repeatedly do this will not be tolerated.
  9. Regularly starting a round just to see if you are an antagonist (antag rolling) then exiting it (via any means) is not allowed. This also covers any attempts to maximize antagonist probability.

Rule 1 Related Rulings

Mass identity duplication Changing many people into one person via genetics/other methods as a nonantagonist. It can happen every once in a while, just don't do it every single round. Armhulenn
Deleting security records as a nonantag Don't do it every round. Don't use a sec/head position to do it. Don't use it to metagrudge. Ausops
Validity when killing pets If you perform an action which has zero benefit to you other than making others upset (like killing Ian) I will ban you if you adminhelp when someone kills you. KorPhaeron
Cutting down christmas trees/general asshole behavior for no reason If you perform an action which has zero benefit to you other than making others upset (like chopping down the Christmas trees while they’re enabled) I will ban you if you adminhelp when someone kills you. Nervere

Rule 2 Precedents.

  1. Metacomms, the use of methods of communication outside of SS13 IC channels, is a very serious rule violation and may be met with permanent bans for all related accounts. If players are sharing the same IP or know each other in real life or the like, inform the admins first, otherwise it may look suspicious. Players are allowed to introduce new players that they know to the game but all communication and explanations should be done in game if possible. Admins can also help in these situations if requested.
  2. Similar to how characters are allowed to know everything about in-game mechanics or antagonists under rule 2, characters are allowed to have persistent knowledge/relationships/friendships with the caveat that knowledge of a character being an antagonist from a previous round is not used.
  3. Character friendships should not be exploitative in nature or be used to gain an unfair advantage. Having an IC friendship with another player does not, for example, justify giving them all-access each round.
  4. Atmos techs are not allowed to edit atmos at roundstart so that the AI cannot use it for malicious purposes. While this might not make sense IC, it's a necessary OOC precedent for some game mechanics to work. Atmos techs are allowed if they have any reasonable suspicion of the AI being rogue.

Rule 3 Precedents.

  1. Excessively OOC names fall under rule 3. Make a minimum effort to have your name fit in a setting involving a wacky space station in the future. A firstname lastname minimum is required for humans and felinids; other species may instead choose to use the default names assigned to them, such as those given through random names, or otherwise any name that is species-appropriate. Honorifics and nicknames are allowed as long as only one additive is used at a time, i.e "James Williams Jr." or "James "One-Eye" Williams". Admins may get involved if your name is dumb and can approve or disallow names at their discretion while in-game.
    1. Excessively OOC is defined as names which are intentionally hard to read/spell, references to in-game mechanics or OOC terminology, and any form of nonsensical/bad-faith name (ex. Adolf Hitler, FAGGOT PUNCHER, Poop Boy, xXrobustspaceman420Xx etc).
    2. Clowns, mimes, silicons, wizards, and nuke ops have significantly more leeway in choosing their names, but try to be reasonable.
  2. References to the current round, even if vague; is still considered being IC in OOC.
  3. Due to their tendency to reveal a lot of information from the current round, streaming is not permitted on our servers, with the exception of special events pre-designated by admins.
  4. Using netspeak terms like "ur", "wtf", "lmao" etc. IC is considered OOC in IC, as are emoticons like ":)".

IC/OOC Related Rulings

Referencing the gamemode ICly It's OOC in IC if you say something similar to "It's revs" but it's okay if you say "There is a revolution." Basically make it sound like you're not referencing the fact that you're in a round. PKPenguin321
Pile on ick ock Pile on ick ock is defined as a bunch of people teasing someone for IC in OOCing. It's okay until it crosses the line into being spam. Admins can mute OOC/individual players if it gets to that point. Ausops
IC reactions to OOC in IC It's okay as long as you're not crossing the line into OOC in IC. Ausops

Rule 4 Precedents.

  1. Non-antagonists are allowed to assist antagonists given sufficient IC reasoning but assisting an antagonist doesn't mean you get to act like one . If in doubt, ask an admin if a particular action is okay. Depending on the level of assistance, sufficient IC reasoning could be simply treating everyone who goes into medbay regardless of them being a murderer or not, all the way to being threatened under pain of death by an antagonist to do something.
  2. The relationship between xeno queen and xeno is treated the same as malf AI and borg, and are considered team antagonists for the purpose of main rule 4. Xenos should prioritize following the directions of their queen where possible.

Antagonist Directive Priorities

In situations where you wind up with multiple simultaneous antagonist assignments (i.e. a Revolutionary and a Traitor), your team goals, objectives, and directives should take precedence. Furthermore, if someone had to go out of their way to convert you to their team, their goals, objectives, and directives become the priority. Refer to the following flowchart:
Brainwashing/construct orders/Silicon Laws -> Cult -> Revs -> Blood Brother -> Wizard Apprentice/Abductor Teams/Other niche antags -> Nuke Ops -> Traitors

Antagonist Rulings

Vampire Policy Vampires are not antagonists just by being a vampire. KorPhaeron
Are miners using the gluttony syringe antags? Yes, they can act as a morph. KorPhaeron
Solo antagonists and metagrudging Solo antagonists can metagrudge as long as they are not rolling for it specifically to do so, and killing someone who killed you in a previous life as a ghost role antag is bad. Ausops
Trying to get converted to team antags It's bannable, don't do it. PKPenguin321
Families Betrayal/Grief If you choose to betray your family, the actual betrayal can only happen once you've joined another family. This avoids the issue of having team antags killing each other and justifying it as betrayal. Families are expected to operate similarly to revs in regards to the more widespread damage they cause, so blowing up the SM for no reason is likely not going to be alright because it could kill some of your own family members or interfere with their work, if however you bomb a rival family's headquarters that is probably alright. Coconutwarrior97
Wand of Polymorph and Antag Status Polymorphing yourself, or being willingly polymorphed, does not grant antag status. You are only an antagonist if you are unwillingly polymorphed. (This is a topic that has come up many times but never actually be codified) MortoSasye
Obsessed Antag Status Obsessed are not full antags and should generally stick to their objectives. Coconutwarrior97
Abductors and Mindcontrolling Abductor brainwashing cannot be used for murderbone. Coconutwarrior97
Dynamic: Solo Antags willingly joining Team Antags [ Solo antagonists are restricted from willingly joining Team Antags

Rule 5 Precedents.

  1. Minimum levels of effort for heads of staff, silicon roles, and team antagonist generally include not logging out/going AFK at or near round start due to the importance of those roles within the round for progression. Constant logging out or going AFK may be given warnings by admins, and may progress to jobbans.
  2. Ghosting out, going AFK, suiciding, or logging off when converted to a team antagonist position can result in warnings from an admin; extending to bans for repeated behaviour from an individual. This also extends to when Command/Security mindshield implanting an individual to their side in said modes. At most within team antagonist, it is expected players to not maliciously harm their team's progress and assist if they are able to the best of their abilities.
  3. Let an admin know if you cannot or do not want to play any of the above mentioned roles. Admins will attempt to transfer the role to someone else. Obviously, if an admin does so for a player, the player must not use knowledge of that antagonist position existing.
  4. Abuse of position; as in being deliberately incompetent or malicious in their position is not allowed. Deliberate incompetence or malice can result in warnings or bans, depending on severity. Example would be a chemist constantly abusing the position to make space lube and lubing hallways, they may be warned and then jobbanned if further abuse happens.

Rule 6 Precedents.

  1. Incidents of admin abuse or negligence should be reported along with a date and time, along with details to pinpoint the incident in the logs, to any full admin via IRC or forum PM or posted on the admin complaints sub-forum located at or taken to the #supportbus IRC channel on the Rizon network. Incidents of poorly conducted admin events may also be taken to in their respective feedback threads, for less serious complaints.
  2. Lying in adminhelps, misrepresenting facts deliberately, or logging off when an admin has asked a question may result in permabans. Admins will not automatically place bans for players logging off however, and will generally wait a while in case real life situations caused a player to disconnect or go AFK.

Adminshopping Admin shopping is defined as going to different admins until you get a favorable ruling. It's highly frowned upon, don't do it. Feemjmeem/Agreed with by other headmins
Admin intervention without anyone ahelping It's allowed. Ausops
Killing nonhostile admin spawned entities Against the rules, don't do it. PKPenguin321