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{{Autowiki/TechwebEntry|name=Cybernetic Implants|description=Electronic implants that improve humans.|prerequisites={{Autowiki/TechwebEntryPrerequisite|name=Advanced Biotechnology}}{{Autowiki/TechwebEntryPrerequisite|name=Data Theory}}|designs={{Autowiki/TechwebEntryDesign|name=Breathing Tube Implant|description=This simple implant adds an internals connector to your back, allowing you to use internals without a mask and protecting you from being choked.}}{{Autowiki/TechwebEntryDesign|name=Diagnostic HUD Implant|description=These cybernetic eyes will display a diagnostic HUD over everything you see. Wiggle eyes to control.}}{{Autowiki/TechwebEntryDesign|name=Medical HUD Implant|description=These cybernetic eyes will display a medical HUD over everything you see. Wiggle eyes to control.}}{{Autowiki/TechwebEntryDesign|name=Nutriment Pump Implant|description=This implant with synthesize and pump into your bloodstream a small amount of nutriment when you are starving.}}{{Autowiki/TechwebEntryDesign|name=Security HUD Implant|description=These cybernetic eyes will display a security HUD over everything you see. Wiggle eyes to control.}}}}
{{Autowiki/TechwebEntry|name=Cybernetic Implants|description=Electronic implants that improve humans.|prerequisites={{Autowiki/TechwebEntryPrerequisite|name=Advanced Biotechnology}}{{Autowiki/TechwebEntryPrerequisite|name=Data Theory}}|designs={{Autowiki/TechwebEntryDesign|name=Breathing Tube Implant|description=This simple implant adds an internals connector to your back, allowing you to use internals without a mask and protecting you from being choked.}}{{Autowiki/TechwebEntryDesign|name=Diagnostic HUD Implant|description=These cybernetic eyes will display a diagnostic HUD over everything you see. Wiggle eyes to control.}}{{Autowiki/TechwebEntryDesign|name=Medical HUD Implant|description=These cybernetic eyes will display a medical HUD over everything you see. Wiggle eyes to control.}}{{Autowiki/TechwebEntryDesign|name=Nutriment Pump Implant|description=This implant with synthesize and pump into your bloodstream a small amount of nutriment when you are starving.}}{{Autowiki/TechwebEntryDesign|name=Security HUD Implant|description=These cybernetic eyes will display a security HUD over everything you see. Wiggle eyes to control.}}}}

{{Autowiki/TechwebEntry|name=Cyborg Upgrades: Engineering & Mining|description=Engineering and Mining upgrades for cyborgs.|prerequisites={{Autowiki/TechwebEntryPrerequisite|name=Advanced Engineering}}{{Autowiki/TechwebEntryPrerequisite|name=Mining Technology}}|designs={{Autowiki/TechwebEntryDesign|name=Circuit Manipulator|description=An engineering cyborg upgrade allowing for manipulation of circuit boards.}}{{Autowiki/TechwebEntryDesign|name=Diamond Drill|description=A diamond drill replacement for the mining model's standard drill.}}{{Autowiki/TechwebEntryDesign|name=Ore Satchel of Holding|description=A satchel of holding replacement for mining cyborg's ore satchel module.}}{{Autowiki/TechwebEntryDesign|name=Lavaproof Tracks|description=An upgrade kit to apply specialized coolant systems and insulation layers to a mining cyborg's chassis, enabling them to withstand exposure to molten rock and liquid plasma.}}{{Autowiki/TechwebEntryDesign|name=Rapid Part Exchange Device|description=A rapid part exchange device for the engineering cyborg.}}{{Autowiki/TechwebEntryDesign|name=Kinetic Accelerator Mining AoE Mod|description=A modification kit for Kinetic Accelerators which causes it to fire AoE blasts that destroy rock.}}}}
{{Autowiki/TechwebEntry|name=Cyborg Upgrades: Engineering & Mining|description=Engineering and Mining upgrades for cyborgs.|prerequisites={{Autowiki/TechwebEntryPrerequisite|name=Advanced Engineering}}{{Autowiki/TechwebEntryPrerequisite|name=Mining Technology}}|designs={{Autowiki/TechwebEntryDesign|name=Circuit Manipulator|description=An engineering cyborg upgrade allowing for manipulation of circuit boards.}}{{Autowiki/TechwebEntryDesign|name=Diamond Drill|description=A diamond drill replacement for the mining model's standard drill.}}{{Autowiki/TechwebEntryDesign|name=Ore Satchel of Holding|description=A satchel of holding replacement for mining cyborg's ore satchel module.}}{{Autowiki/TechwebEntryDesign|name=Lavaproof Tracks|description=An upgrade kit to apply specialized coolant systems and insulation layers to a mining cyborg's chassis, enabling them to withstand exposure to molten rock and liquid plasma.}}{{Autowiki/TechwebEntryDesign|name=Rapid Part Exchange Device|description=A rapid part exchange device for the engineering cyborg.}}{{Autowiki/TechwebEntryDesign|name=Kinetic Accelerator Mining AoE Mod|description=A modification kit for Kinetic Accelerators which causes it to fire AoE blasts that destroy rock.}}{{Autowiki/TechwebEntryDesign|name=Cyborg inducer|description=An integrated inducer that can charge a device's internal cell from power provided by the cyborg.}}}}

{{Autowiki/TechwebEntry|name=Engineering Anomalock Modular Suits|description=Advanced modules for modular suits, using anomaly cores to become even better engineers.|prerequisites={{Autowiki/TechwebEntryPrerequisite|name=Advanced Engineering Modular Suits}}{{Autowiki/TechwebEntryPrerequisite|name=Anomalock Modular Suits}}|designs={{Autowiki/TechwebEntryDesign|name=Kinesis Module|description=A modular plug-in to the forearm, this module was presumed lost for many years, despite the suits it used to be mounted on still seeing some circulation. This piece of technology allows the user to generate precise anti-gravity fields, letting them move objects as small as a titanium rod to as large as industrial machinery. Oddly enough, it doesn't seem to work on living creatures. It uses 3 complexity.}}}}
{{Autowiki/TechwebEntry|name=Engineering Anomalock Modular Suits|description=Advanced modules for modular suits, using anomaly cores to become even better engineers.|prerequisites={{Autowiki/TechwebEntryPrerequisite|name=Advanced Engineering Modular Suits}}{{Autowiki/TechwebEntryPrerequisite|name=Anomalock Modular Suits}}|designs={{Autowiki/TechwebEntryDesign|name=Kinesis Module|description=A modular plug-in to the forearm, this module was presumed lost for many years, despite the suits it used to be mounted on still seeing some circulation. This piece of technology allows the user to generate precise anti-gravity fields, letting them move objects as small as a titanium rod to as large as industrial machinery. Oddly enough, it doesn't seem to work on living creatures. It uses 3 complexity.}}}}

Revision as of 04:10, 23 November 2023

This page is automated by Autowiki. Do NOT edit it manually.

Basic Exosuit Equipment

Various tools fit for basic mech units


  • Mining Drill: Equipment for engineering and combat exosuits. This is the drill that'll pierce the heavens!
  • Extinguisher: Equipment for engineering exosuits. A rapid-firing high capacity fire extinguisher.
  • Mining Scanner: Equipment for working exosuits. It will automatically check surrounding rock for useful minerals.

Basic Integrated Circuits

Research on how to fully exploit the power of integrated circuits


  • Circuit Multitool: A circuit multitool to mark entities and load them into.
  • Access Checker Component: Performs a basic comparison between two lists of strings, with additional functions that help in using it to check access on IDs.
  • Arithmetic Component: General arithmetic component with arithmetic capabilities.
  • Associative List Pick Component: A component that lets a user pick 1 element from an associative list. Returns the selected element.
  • Associative List Remove: Removes a key from an associative list variable.
  • Associative List Set: Sets a string key on an associative list to a specific value.
  • Binary Conversion Component: Splits a decimal number into an array of binary digits, or bits, represented as 1 or 0 and often used in boolean or binary operations like AND, OR and XOR.
  • Clock Component: A component that repeatedly fires.
  • Comparison Component: A component that compares two objects.
  • Concatenation Component: A component that combines strings.
  • Concatenate List Component: A component that joins up a list with a separator into a single string.
  • Decimal Conversion Component: Merges an array of binary digits, or bits, represented as 1 or 0 and often used in boolean or binary operations, into a decimal number.
  • Delay Component: A component that delays a signal by a specified duration. Timer gets reset when triggered again.
  • Direction Component: A component that returns the direction of itself and an entity.
  • Element Find: Checks if an element is in a list and returns the index it is as if it is. Index is set to 0 on failure.
  • Filter List Component: A component that loops through each element in a list and filters them.
  • For Each Component: A component that loops through each element in a list.
  • Format List Component: A component that formats lists, replacing %n in the format string with corresponding nth list item.
  • Format Associative List Component: A component that formats associative lists, replacing %key in the format string with corresponding list[key] item.
  • Get Column Component: Gets the column of a table and returns it as a regular list.
  • GPS Component: A component that returns the xyz co-ordinates of itself.
  • Health Component: A component that returns the health of an organism.
  • Voice Activator Component: A component that listens for messages. Requires a shell.
  • ID Access Reader Component: A component that reads the access on an ID.
  • ID Getter Component: A component that returns the first available ID card on an organism.
  • ID Info Reader Component: A component that reads the name, job, and age on an ID.
  • Index Component: A component that returns the value of a list at a given index.
  • Index Associative List Component: A component that is commonly used to access a row from a table. Accesses data from a key, value list.
  • Index Table Component: Gets the row of a table as an associative list using the index inputted. Will return no value if the index is invalid or a proper table is not returned.
  • Laser Pointer Component: A component that shines a high powered light at a target.
  • Length Component: A component that returns the length of its input.
  • Light Component: A component that emits a light of a specific brightness and colour. Requires a shell.
  • List Add: Adds an element to a list variable.
  • Associative List Literal: A component that returns an associative list consisting of the inputs.
  • List Clear: Clears a list variable.
  • List Literal Component: A component that creates a list from whatever input you give it.
  • List Pick Component: A component that lets a user pick 1 element from a list. Returns the selected element.
  • List Remove: Removes an element from a list variable.
  • Logic Component: A component with 'and' and 'or' capabilities.
  • Material Scanner: Outputs the material composition of the inputted entity.
  • MMI Component: A component that allows MMI to enter shells to send output signals.
  • Module Component: A component that has other components within it, acting like a function. Use it in your hand to control the amount of input and output ports it has, as well as being able to access the integrated circuit contained inside.
  • Multiplexer Component: Copies the input chosen by "Input Selector" to the output.
  • Not Component: A component that inverts its input.
  • NTNet Receiver: Receives data packages through NTNet. If Encryption Key is set then only signals with the same Encryption Key will be received.
  • NTNet Transmitter: Sends a data package through NTNet. If Encryption Key is set then transmitted data will be only picked up by receivers with the same Encryption Key.
  • Proximity Pinpointer Component: A component that returns the xyz co-ordinates of its entity input, as long as its in view.
  • Pressure Sensor Component: Outputs the current pressure of the tile
  • Radio Component: A component that can listen and send frequencies. If set to private, the component will only receive signals from other components attached to circuitboards with the same owner id.
  • Random Component: A component that returns random values.
  • Reagents Scanner: Outputs the reagents found inside the inputted entity.
  • Router Component: Copies the input chosen by "Input Selector" to the output chosen by "Output Selector".
  • Select Query Component: A component used with USB cables that can perform select queries on a list based on the column name selected. The values are then compared with the comparison input.
  • Self Component: A component that returns the current shell.
  • Set Variable Trigger: A component that sets a variable globally on the circuit. This one requires input signals and also provides an output signal
  • Sound Emitter Component: A component that emits a sound when it receives an input. The frequency is a multiplier which determines the speed at which the sound is played
  • Get Species Component: A component that returns the species of its input.
  • Speech Component: A component that sends a message. Requires a shell.
  • Speech Component: A component that sends a message. Requires a shell.
  • Split Component: Splits a string by the separator, turning it into a list
  • String Contains Component: Checks if a string contains a word/letter
  • Temperature Sensor Component: Outputs the current temperature of the tile
  • Textcase Component: A component that makes its input uppercase or lowercase.
  • Timepiece Component: A component that outputs the current station time. The text output port is used for time formats while the numerical output port is used for units of time.
  • To Number: A component that converts its input (a string) to a number. If there's text in the input, it'll only consider it if it starts with a number. It will take that number and ignore the rest.
  • To String Component: A component that converts its input to text.
  • Trigonometry Component: General trigonometry component with main and inverse trigonometry functions.
  • Typecast Component: A component that casts a value to a type if it matches or outputs null.
  • Typecheck Component: A component that checks the type of its input.
  • View Sensor Component: Outputs a list with all movable objects in it's view. Requires a shell. Max range of 5 tiles.
  • Compact Remote Shell: A handheld shell with one big button.
  • Component Printer Board: The circuit board for a component printer
  • Integrated Circuit: The foundation of all circuits. All Circuitry go onto this.
  • Module Duplicator Board: The circuit board for a module duplicator
  • USB Cable: A cable that allows certain shells to connect to nearby computers and machines.

Basic Medical Equipment

Basic medical tools and equipment.


Basic Modular Suits

Specialized back mounted power suits with various different modules.


  • MOD Boots: 'Nakamura Engineering' designed boots for a Modular Suit.
  • MOD Chestplate: A 'Nakamura Engineering' designed chestplate for a Modular Suit.
  • MOD Gauntlets: 'Nakamura Engineering' designed gauntlets for a Modular Suit.
  • MOD Helmet: A 'Nakamura Engineering' designed helmet for a Modular Suit.
  • MOD Paint Kit: A paint kit for Modular Suits.
  • MOD Shell: A 'Nakamura Engineering' designed shell for a Modular Suit.
  • MOD External Plating: External plating for a MODsuit. A civilian class suit by Nakamura Engineering, doesn't offer much other than slightly quicker movement.
  • Storage Module: What amounts to a series of integrated storage compartments and specialized pockets installed across the surface of the suit, useful for storing various bits, and or bobs. It uses 3 complexity.
  • Welding Protection Module: A module installed into the visor of the suit, this projects a polarized, holographic overlay in front of the user's eyes. It's rated high enough for immunity against extremities such as spot and arc welding, solar eclipses, and handheld flashlights. It uses 1 complexity.
  • Eating Apparatus Module: A favorite by Miners, this modification to the helmet utilizes a nanotechnology barrier infront of the mouth to allow eating and drinking while retaining protection and atmosphere. However, it won't free you from masks, lets pepper spray pass through and it will do nothing to improve the taste of a goliath steak. It uses 1 complexity.
  • Flashlight Module: A simple pair of configurable flashlights installed on the left and right sides of the helmet, useful for providing light in a variety of ranges and colors. Some survivalists prefer the color green for their illumination, for reasons unknown. It uses 1 complexity.
  • Longfall Module: Useful for protecting both the suit and the wearer, utilizing commonplace systems to convert the possible damage from a fall into kinetic charge, as well as internal gyroscopes to ensure the user's safe falling. Useful for mining, monorail tracks, or even skydiving! It uses 1 complexity.
  • Thermal Regulator Module: Advanced climate control, using an inner body glove interwoven with thousands of tiny, flexible cooling lines. This circulates coolant at various user-controlled temperatures, ensuring they're comfortable; even if they're some that like it hot. It uses 1 complexity.
  • Plasma Stabilizer Module: This system essentially forms an atmosphere of its own, within the suit, efficiently and quickly preventing oxygen from causing the user's head to burst into flame. This allows plasmamen to safely remove their helmet, allowing for easier equipping of any MODsuit-related equipment, or otherwise. The purple glass of the visor seems to be constructed for nostalgic purposes. It uses 1 complexity.
  • Glove Translator Module: A module that adds motion sensors into the suit's gloves, which works in tandem with a short-range subspace transmitter, letting the audibly impaired use sign language over comms. It uses 1 complexity.

Basic Research Technology

NT default research technologies.


Basic Tools

Basic mechanical, electronic, surgical and botanical tools.


  • Airlock Painter: An advanced autopainter preprogrammed with several paintjobs for airlocks. Use it on an airlock during or after construction to change the paintjob.
  • Gas Analyzer: A hand-held environmental scanner which reports current gas levels.
  • Boxcutter: A tool for cutting boxes, or throats.
  • Cable Coil: A coil of insulated power cable.
  • Cable Coil: A coil of insulated power cable.
  • Pocket Crowbar: A small crowbar. This handy tool is useful for lots of things, such as prying floor tiles or opening unpowered doors.
  • Cultivator: It's used for removing weeds or scratching your back.
  • Decal Painter: An airlock painter, reprogramed to use a different style of paint in order to apply decals for floor tiles as well, in addition to repainting doors. Decals break when the floor tiles are removed.
  • Hatchet: A very sharp axe blade upon a short fibremetal handle. It has a long history of chopping things, but now it is used for chopping wood.
  • Mop: The world of janitalia wouldn't be complete without a mop.
  • Multitool: Used for pulsing wires to test which to cut. Not recommended by doctors.
  • Trashbag: It's a bag for trash, you put garbage in it.
  • Pipe Painter: Used for coloring pipes, unsurprisingly.
  • Plant Analyzer: A scanner used to evaluate a plant's various areas of growth, and genetic traits. Comes with a growth scanning mode and a chemical scanning mode.
  • Plunger: It's a plunger for plunging.
  • Push Broom: This is my BROOMSTICK! It can be used manually or braced with two hands to sweep items as you move. It has a telescopic handle for compact storage.
  • Rapid Wiring Device: A device used to rapidly lay cable & pick up stray cable pieces laying around.
  • Electric Razor: The latest and greatest power razor born from the science of shaving.
  • Screwdriver: You can be totally screwy with this.
  • Secateurs: It's a tool for cutting grafts off plants or changing podperson looks.
  • Shovel: A large tool for digging and moving dirt.
  • Spade: A small tool for digging and moving dirt.
  • Spraycan: A metallic container containing tasty paint.
  • Tile Sprayer: An airlock painter, reprogramed to use a different style of paint in order to spray colors on floor tiles as well, in addition to repainting doors. Decals break when the floor tiles are removed.
  • T-Ray Scanner: A terahertz-ray emitter and scanner used to detect underfloor objects such as cables and pipes.
  • Welding Helmet: A head-mounted face cover designed to protect the wearer completely from space-arc eye.
  • Welding Tool: A standard edition welder provided by Nanotrasen.
  • Wirebrush: A tool to remove rust from walls.
  • Wirecutters: This cuts wires.
  • Wrench: A wrench with common uses. Can be found in your hand.
  • Pickaxe:

Cyborg Construction

Sapient robots with preloaded tool modules and programmable laws.


  • Cyborg Torso: A heavily reinforced case containing cyborg logic boards, with space for a standard power cell.
  • Cyborg Head: A standard reinforced braincase, with spine-plugged neural socket and sensor gimbals.
  • Cyborg Left Arm: A skeletal limb wrapped in pseudomuscles, with a low-conductivity case.
  • Cyborg Left Leg: A skeletal limb wrapped in pseudomuscles, with a low-conductivity case.
  • Cyborg Right Arm: A skeletal limb wrapped in pseudomuscles, with a low-conductivity case.
  • Cyborg Right Leg: A skeletal limb wrapped in pseudomuscles, with a low-conductivity case.
  • Cyborg Endoskeleton: A complex metal backbone with standard limb sockets and pseudomuscle anchors.
  • Rename Board: Used to rename a cyborg.
  • Emergency Reboot Board: A reusable firmware reset tool that can force a reboot of a disabled-but-repaired cyborg, bringing it back online.
  • Cyborg Upload Board: Allows for the construction of circuit boards used to build a Cyborg Upload Console.
  • Cyborg Recharger Board: The circuit board for a Cyborg Recharger.
  • Robotics Control Console Board: Allows for the construction of circuit boards used to build a Robotics Control console.
  • Flash: When a problem arises, SCIENCE is the solution.

Man Machine Interface

A slightly Frankensteinian device that allows human brains to interface natively with software APIs.


Mechanical Exosuits

Mechanized exosuits that are several magnitudes stronger and more powerful than the average human.


Advanced Artificial Intelligence

State of the art lawsets to be used for AI research.



Advanced Beam Weaponry

Various advanced beam weapons



Advanced Bots Research

Grants access to a special launchpad designed for bots.



Advanced Electromagnetic Theory

Determining whether reversing the polarity will actually help in a given situation.



Advanced Exosuit Equipment

Tools for high level mech suits


  • RCD Module: An exosuit-mounted Rapid Construction Device.


Advanced Exosuits

For when you just aren't Gundam enough.



Advanced Modular Suits

More advanced modules, to improve modular suits.


  • Diagnostic Visor Module: A heads-up display installed into the visor of the suit. This uses a series of advanced sensors to access data from advanced machinery, exosuits, and other devices, allowing the user to visualize current power levels and integrity of such. They say these also let you see behind you. It uses 1 complexity.
  • Internal GPS Module: This module uses common Nanotrasen technology to calculate the user's position anywhere in space, down to the exact coordinates. This information is fed to a central database viewable from the device itself, though using it to help people is up to you. It uses 1 complexity.
  • Reagent Scanner Module: A module based off research-oriented Nanotrasen HUDs, this is capable of scanning the contents of containers and projecting the information in an easy-to-read format on the wearer's display. It cannot detect flavors, so that's up to you. It uses 1 complexity.
  • Crate Clamp Module: A series of actuators installed into both arms of the suit, boasting a lifting capacity of almost a ton. However, this design has been locked by Nanotrasen to be primarily utilized for lifting various crates. A lot of people would say that loading cargo is a dull job, but you could not disagree more. It uses 3 complexity.
  • Drill Module: An integrated drill, typically extending over the user's hand. While useful for drilling through rock, your drill is surely the one that both pierces and creates the heavens. It uses 1 complexity.
  • Ore Bag Module: An integrated ore storage system installed into the suit, this utilizes precise electromagnets and storage compartments to automatically collect and deposit ore. It's recommended by Nakamura Engineering to actually deposit that ore at local refineries. It uses 1 complexity.
  • MODlink Scryer: A neck-worn piece of gear that can call with another MODlink-compatible device.


Advanced Plasma Research

Research on how to fully exploit the power of plasma.


  • 217-D Heavy Plasma Cutter: A device that shoots resonant plasma bursts at extreme velocity. The blasts are capable of crushing rock and demolishing solid obstacles.


Advanced Power Manipulation

How to get more zap.



Advanced Robotics Research

Advanced synthetic neural networks and synaptic pathways allows for extraordinary leaps in cybernetic intelligence and interfacing.


  • Advanced Left Arm: An advanced cybernetic arm, capable of greater feats of strength and durability.
  • Advanced Right Arm: An advanced cybernetic arm, capable of greater feats of strength and durability.
  • Advanced Left Leg: An advanced cybernetic leg, capable of greater feats of strength and durability.
  • Advanced Right Leg: An advanced cybernetic leg, capable of greater feats of strength and durability.
  • Positronic Brain: The latest in Artificial Intelligences.


Advanced Sanitation Technology

Clean things better, faster, stronger, and harder!


  • Advanced Mop: An upgraded mop with a large internal capacity for holding water or other cleaning chemicals.
  • Bear Trap: A trap used to catch space bears and other legged creatures.
  • Trashbag of Holding: An advanced trash bag with bluespace properties; capable of holding a plethora of garbage.
  • Floor Buffer Upgrade: A floor buffer that can be attached to vehicular janicarts.
  • Vacuum Upgrade: A vacuum that can be attached to vehicular janicarts.
  • Custodial Holobarrier Projector: A holograpic projector used to project hard light wet floor barriers.
  • Bluespace Light Replacer: A device to automatically replace lights at a distance. Refill with working light bulbs.
  • Paint Remover: Removes stains from the floor, and not much else.
  • Spray Bottle: A spray bottle, with an unscrewable top.


Advanced Surgery

When simple medicine doesn't cut it.


  • Tend Wounds (Brute) Upgrade: An upgraded version of the original surgery.
  • Tend Wounds (Burn) Upgrade: An upgraded version of the original surgery.
  • Tend Wounds (Physical): A surgical procedure that repairs both bruises and burns. Repair efficiency is not as high as the individual surgeries but it is faster.
  • Lobotomy: An invasive surgical procedure which guarantees removal of almost all brain traumas, but might cause another permanent trauma in return.
  • Wing Reconstruction: An experimental surgical procedure that reconstructs the damaged wings of moth people. Requires Synthflesh.


Arcade Games

For the slackers on the station.



Artificial Intelligence

AI unit research.



Basic Bluespace Theory

Basic studies into the mysterious alternate dimension known as bluespace.



Basic Plasma Research

Research into the mysterious and dangerous substance, plasma.


  • Plasma Generator: An exosuit module that generates power using solid plasma as fuel.


Basic Robotics Research

Programmable machines that make our lives lazier.



Basic Security Equipment

Standard equipment used by security.


  • Energy Bola: A specialized hard-light bola designed to ensnare fleeing criminals and aid in arrests.
  • Evidence Bag: An empty evidence bag.
  • Pepper Spray: Manufactured by UhangInc, used to blind and down an opponent quickly. Printed pepper sprays do not contain reagents.
  • Seclite: A robust flashlight used by security.
  • Zipties: Plastic, disposable zipties that can be used to restrain temporarily but are destroyed after use.
  • N-Spect Scanner: Central Command-issued inspection device. Performs inspections according to Nanotrasen protocols when activated, then prints an encrypted report regarding the maintenance of the station. Definitely not giving you cancer.


Beam Weaponry

Various basic beam weapons



Biological Processing

From slimes to kitchens.



Bitrunning Technology

Bluespace technology has led to the development of quantum-scale computing, which unlocks the means to materialize atomic structures while executing advanced programs.



Bluespace Travel

Application of Bluespace for static teleportation technology.



Brain-Computer Interfaces

Grants access to biocompatable shell designs and components.



Clown Technology




Computer Consoles

Computers and how they work.


  • Supply Console Board: Allows for the construction of circuit boards used to build a Supply Console.
  • Supply Request Console Board: Allows for the construction of circuit boards used to build a Supply Request Console.
  • Communications Board: Allows for the construction of circuit boards used to build a communications console.
  • Bank Machine Board: Allows for the construction of circuit boards used to build a Bank Machine.
  • Crew Monitoring Computer Board: Allows for the construction of circuit boards used to build a Crew monitoring computer.
  • Identification Card: A card used to provide ID and determine access across the station. Has an integrated digital display and advanced microchips.
  • Library Console Board: Allows for the construction of circuit boards used to build a new library console.
  • Outpost Status Display Board: Allows for the construction of circuit boards used to build an outpost status display console.
  • Research Monitor Board: Allows for the construction of circuit boards used to build research camera computers.
  • Security Camera Board: Allows for the construction of circuit boards used to build security camera computers.


Computer Data Disks

Data disks used for storing modular computer stuff.



Computerized Recordkeeping

Organized record databases and how they're used.



Cybernetic Organs

We have the technology to rebuild him.



Cyborg Upgrades: Medical

Medical upgrades for cyborgs.


  • Secondary Beaker Storage: A supplementary beaker storage apparatus for medical cyborgs.
  • Defibrillator: An upgrade to the Medical model, installing a built-in defibrillator, for on the scene revival.
  • Expanded Hypospray Synthesiser: An upgrade to the Medical model's hypospray, allowing it to treat a wider range of conditions and problems.
  • Piercing Hypospray: An upgrade to a cyborg's hypospray, allowing it to pierce armor and thick material.
  • Crew Pinpointer: A crew pinpointer module for the medical cyborg. Permits remote access to the crew monitor.
  • Surgical Processor: An upgrade to the Medical model, installing a processor capable of scanning surgery disks and carrying out procedures


Cyborg Upgrades: Service

Service upgrades for cyborgs.


  • Rolling Table Dock: An upgrade to the service model cyborg, to help provide mobile service.
  • Condiment Synthesizer: An upgrade to the service model cyborg, allowing it to produce solid condiments.
  • Kitchen Toolset: An upgrade to the service model cyborg, to help process foods.
  • Service Apparatus: An upgrade to the service model cyborg, to help handle foods and paper.
  • Drink Apparatus: A supplementary drinking glass storage apparatus for service cyborgs.
  • Service Cookbook: An upgrade to the service model cyborg, that lets them create more foods.


Cyborg Upgrades: Utility

Utility upgrades for cyborgs.



Data Theory

Big Data, in space!



Electromagnetic Theory

Study into usage of frequencies in the electromagnetic spectrum.



Exosuit Diamond Drill

A diamond drill fit for a large exosuit



Exosuit Module (Localized Wormhole Generator)

An advanced piece of mech weaponry



Exosuit Module (SOB-3 Clusterbang Launcher)

An advanced piece of mech weaponry



Exosuit Module (Teleporter Module)

An advanced piece of mech Equipment


  • Teleporter Module: An exosuit module that allows exosuits to teleport to any position in view.


Exosuit Weapon ("Ultra AC 2" LMG)

An advanced piece of mech weaponry



Exosuit Weapon (BRM-6 Missile Rack)

An advanced piece of mech weaponry



Exosuit Weapon (CH-DS "Peacemaker" Mounted Disabler)

A basic piece of mech weaponry



Exosuit Weapon (CH-LC "Solaris" Laser Cannon)

An advanced piece of mech weaponry



Exosuit Weapon (CH-PS "Immolator" Laser)

A basic piece of mech weaponry



Exosuit Weapon (FNX-99 "Hades" Carbine)

An advanced piece of mech weaponry



Exosuit Weapon (LBX AC 10 "Scattershot")

An advanced piece of mech weaponry



Exosuit Weapon (SGL-6 Grenade Launcher)

An advanced piece of mech weaponry




Clarke exosuit designs



EXOSUIT: Odysseus

Odysseus exosuit designs



Exotic Ammunition

They won't know what hit em.



Experimental Surgery

When evolution isn't fast enough.


  • Cortex Folding: A surgical procedure which modifies the cerebral cortex into a complex fold, giving space to non-standard neural patterns.
  • Cortex Imprint: A surgical procedure which modifies the cerebral cortex into a redundant neural pattern, making the brain able to bypass damage caused by minor brain traumas.
  • Tend Wounds (Physical) Upgrade: An upgraded version of the original surgery.
  • Ligament Hook: A surgical procedure which reshapes the connections between torso and limbs, making it so limbs can be attached manually if severed. However this weakens the connection, making them easier to detach as well.
  • Ligament Reinforcement: A surgical procedure which adds a protective tissue and bone cage around the connections between the torso and limbs, preventing dismemberment. However, the nerve connections as a result are more easily interrupted, making it easier to disable limbs with damage.
  • Vein Muscle Membrane: A surgical procedure which adds a muscled membrane to blood vessels, allowing them to pump blood without a heart.
  • Nerve Grounding: A surgical procedure which makes the patient's nerves act as grounding rods, protecting them from electrical shocks.
  • Nerve Splicing: A surgical procedure which splices the patient's nerves, making them more resistant to stuns.
  • Pacification: A surgical procedure which permanently inhibits the aggression center of the brain, making the patient unwilling to cause direct harm.
  • Vein Threading: A surgical procedure which severely reduces the amount of blood lost in case of injury.
  • Viral Bonding: A surgical procedure that forces a symbiotic relationship between a virus and its host. The patient must be dosed with spaceacillin, virus food, and formaldehyde.


Experimental Tools

Highly advanced tools.



Exploration Drone Research

Technology for exploring far away locations.



Explosive & Pyrotechnical Weaponry

If the light stuff just won't do it.



Genetic Engineering

We have the technology to change him.



Improved Wound-Tending Surgery

Who would have known being more gentle with a hemostat decreases patient pain?



Industrial Engineering

A refresher course on modern engineering technology.



Medical Exosuit Equipment

Tools for high level mech suits


  • Exosuit Medical (Medical Beamgun): Equipment for medical exosuits. A mounted medical nanite projector which will treat patients with a focused beam.
  • Mounted Sleeper: Equipment for medical exosuits. A mounted sleeper that stabilizes patients and can inject reagents in the exosuit's reserves.
  • Exosuit Medical (Syringe Gun): Equipment for medical exosuits. A chem synthesizer with syringe gun. Reagents inside are held in stasis, so no reactions will occur.


Quantum Electromagnetic Technology

Even better electromagnetic technology.



Rapid Device Upgrade Designs

Unlocks new designs that improve rapid devices.



Subdermal Implants

Electronic implants buried beneath the skin.



Tram Technology

Technology for linear induction transportation systems.



Weapon Development Technology

Our researchers have found new ways to weaponize just about everything now.


  • Test-Range Firing Pin: This safety firing pin allows firearms to be operated within proximity to a firing range.
  • Telescopic Riot Shield: An advanced riot shield made of lightweight materials that collapses for easy storage.
  • Scatter Laser Shotgun Shell (Lethal): A high-tech shotgun shell which houses an internal capacitor and laser focusing crystal inside of a shell casing. Able to be fired from conventional ballistic shotguns with minimal rifling degradation. Also leaves most targets covered in grotesque burns.


Xeno-organ Biology

Plasmaman, Ethereals, Lizardpeople... What makes our non-human crewmembers tick?



Advanced Biotechnology

Advanced Biotechnology


  • Autopsy Scanner: Used in surgery to extract information from a cadaver. Can also scan the health of cadavers like an advanced health analyzer!
  • Crew Pinpointer: Allows tracking of someone's location if their suit sensors are turned to tracking beacon.
  • Compact Defibrillator: A compact defibrillator that can be worn on a belt.
  • Organ Harvester Board: The circuit board for an organ harvester.
  • Advanced Health Analyzer: A hand-held body scanner able to distinguish vital signs of the subject with high accuracy.
  • PENLITE Holobarrier Projector: PENLITE holobarriers, a device that halts individuals with malicious diseases.
  • Limb Grower Board: The circuit board for a limb grower.
  • Metamaterial Beaker: A large beaker. Can hold up to 180 units.
  • Chemical Analyzer: An electrode attached to a small circuit box that will display details of a solution. Can be toggled to provide a description of each of the reagents. The screen currently displays nothing.
  • Piercing Syringe: A diamond-tipped syringe that pierces armor when launched at high velocity. It can hold up to 10 units.
  • Plasmaman Jumpsuit Refill: A refill pack for the auto-extinguisher on Plasma-man suits.
  • Smoke Machine Board: The circuit board for a smoke machine.


Biological Technology

What makes us tick.



Botanical Engineering

Botanical tools



Fishing Technology

Cutting edge fishing advancements.


  • Advanced Fishing Rod: A fishing rod with an embedded generator dispensing an infinite supply of fishing baits.
  • Gyro-Stabilized Hook: An advanced fishing hook that gives the user a tighter control on the fish when reeling in.
  • Fish Analyzer: An analyzer used to monitor fish's status and traits with.


Advanced Bluespace Storage

With the use of bluespace we can create even more advanced storage devices than we could have ever done


  • Inert Bag of Holding: A block of metal ready to be transformed into a bag of holding with a bluespace anomaly core.


Advanced Engineering

Pushing the boundaries of physics, one chainsaw-fist at a time.



Advanced Engineering Modular Suits

Advanced Engineering suits, for advanced powered engineers.


  • MOD Atmospheric Plating: External plating for a MODsuit. An atmospheric-resistant suit by Nakamura Engineering, offering extreme heat resistance compared to the engineer suit.
  • Ion Jetpack Module: A series of electric thrusters installed across the suit, this is a module highly anticipated by trainee Engineers. Rather than using gasses for combustion thrust, these jets are capable of accelerating ions using charge from the suit's charge. Some say this isn't Nakamura Engineering's first foray into jet-enabled suits. It uses 3 complexity.
  • Radiation Protection Module: A module utilizing polymers and reflective shielding to protect the user against ionizing radiation; a common danger in space. This comes with software to notify the wearer that they're even in a radioactive area, giving a voice to an otherwise silent killer. It uses 2 complexity.
  • EMP Shield Module: A field inhibitor installed into the suit, protecting it against feedback such as electromagnetic pulses that would otherwise damage the electronic systems of the suit or it's modules. However, it will take from the suit's power to do so. It uses 1 complexity.
  • Expanded Storage Module: Reverse engineered by Nakamura Engineering from Donk Corporation designs, this system of hidden compartments is entirely within the suit, distributing items and weight evenly to ensure a comfortable experience for the user; whether smuggling, or simply hauling. It uses 3 complexity.


Advanced Medical Modular Suits

Advanced medical suits for quicker rescue purposes.


  • Defibrillator Module: A module built into the gauntlets of the suit; commonly known as the 'Healing Hands' by medical professionals. The user places their palms above the patient. Onboard computers in the suit calculate the necessary voltage, and a modded targeting computer determines the best position for the user to push. Twenty five pounds of force are applied to the patient's skin. Shocks travel from the suit's gloves and counter-shock the heart, and the wearer returns to Medical a hero. Don't you even think about using it as a weapon; regulations on manufacture and software locks expressly forbid it. It uses 2 complexity.
  • Thread Ripper Module: A custom-built module integrated with the suit's wrist. The thread ripper is built from recent technology dating back to the start of 2562, after an attempt by a well-known Nanotrasen researcher to expand on the rapid-tailoring technology found in Autodrobes. Rather than being capable of creating any fabric pattern under the suns, the thread ripper is capable of rapid disassembly of them. Anything from kevlar-weave, to leather, to durathread can be quickly pulled open to the wearer's specification and sewn back together, a development commonly utilized by Medical workers to obtain easy access for surgery, defibrillation, or injection of chemicals to ease patients into not worrying about their brand-name fashion being marred. It uses 2 complexity.
  • Surgical Processor Module: A module using an onboard surgical computer which can be connected to other computers to download and perform advanced surgeries on the go. It uses 2 complexity.
  • Status Readout Module: A once-common module, this technology unfortunately went out of fashion in the safer regions of space; and found new life in the research networks of the Periphery. This particular unit hooks into the suit's spine, capable of capturing and displaying all possible biometric data of the wearer; sleep, nutrition, fitness, fingerprints, and even useful information such as their overall health and wellness. The vitals monitor also comes with a speaker, loud enough to alert anyone nearby that someone has, in fact, died. It uses 1 complexity.


Advanced RCD Designs Upgrade

Unlocks new RCD designs.


  • Advanced RCD silo link upgrade: Upgrades the RCD to be able to pull materials from the ore silo. The RCD must be linked to the silo using a multitool before it will function.


Advanced Shell Research

Grants access to more complicated shell designs.


  • Assembly Shell: An assembly shell that can be attached to wires and other assemblies.
  • Bot Shell: An immobile shell that can store more components. Has a USB port to be able to connect to computers and machines.
  • MOD Action Component: Represents an action the user can take when wearing the MODsuit.
  • Controller Shell: A handheld shell with several buttons.
  • Dispenser Shell: A dispenser shell that can dispense items.
  • Airlock Shell: A door shell that cannot be moved around when assembled.
  • Gun Shell: A handheld shell that can fire projectiles to output entities.
  • Keyboard Shell: A handheld shell that allows the user to input a string
  • MOD Module Shell: A module shell that allows a circuit to be inserted into, and interface with, a MODsuit.
  • Money Bot Shell: An immobile shell that is similar to a regular bot shell, but accepts monetary inputs and can also dispense money.
  • Scanner Gate Shell: A scanner gate shell that performs mid-depth scans on people when they pass through it.
  • Scanner Shell: A handheld scanner shell that can scan entities.


Advanced Weapon Development Technology

Our weapons are breaking the rules of reality by now.


  • Mindshield Firing Pin: This is a security firing pin which only authorizes users who are mindshield-implanted.


Alien Biological Tools

Advanced biological tools.


  • Alien Cautery: An advanced cautery obtained through Abductor technology.
  • Alien Drill: An advanced drill obtained through Abductor technology.
  • Alien Hemostat: An advanced hemostat obtained through Abductor technology.
  • Alien Retractor: An advanced retractor obtained through Abductor technology.
  • Alien Circular Saw: An advanced surgical saw obtained through Abductor technology.
  • Alien Scalpel: An advanced scalpel obtained through Abductor technology.


Alien Engineering

Alien engineering tools


  • Alien Crowbar: An advanced crowbar obtained through Abductor technology.
  • Alien Multitool: An advanced multitool obtained through Abductor technology.
  • Alien Screwdriver: An advanced screwdriver obtained through Abductor technology.
  • Alien Welding Tool: An advanced welding tool obtained through Abductor technology.
  • Alien Wirecutters: Advanced wirecutters obtained through Abductor technology.
  • Alien Wrench: An advanced wrench obtained through Abductor technology.


Alien Surgery

Abductors did nothing wrong.


  • Brainwashing: A surgical procedure which directly implants a directive into the patient's brain, making it their absolute priority. It can be cleared using a mindshield implant.
  • Tend Wounds (Physical) Upgrade: A surgical procedure that repairs both bruises and burns faster than their individual counterparts. It is more effective than both the individual surgeries.
  • Necrotic Revival: An experimental surgical procedure that stimulates the growth of a Romerol tumor inside the patient's brain. Requires zombie powder or rezadone.


Alien Technology

Things used by the greys.


  • Alien Alloy: A sheet of reverse-engineered alien alloy.


Anomalock Modular Suits

Modules for modular suits that require anomaly cores to function.


  • Anti-Gravity Module: A module that uses a gravitational core to make the user completely weightless. It uses 3 complexity.
  • Teleporter Module: A module that uses a bluespace core to let the user transport their particles elsewhere. It uses 3 complexity.


Anomalous Morphology

Use poorly understood energies to change your body.


  • Polymorphic Field Inverter: This device can scan and store DNA from other life forms, and use it to transform its wearer. It requires a Bioscrambler Anomaly Core in order to function.


Anomaly Research

Unlock the potential of the mysterious anomalies that appear on station.


  • Anomaly Neutralizer: An advanced tool capable of instantly neutralizing anomalies, designed to capture the fleeting aberrations created by the engine.
  • Reactive Armour Shell: An experimental suit of armour capable of utilizing an implanted anomaly core to protect the user.


Applied Bluespace Research

Using bluespace to make things faster and better.


  • Bluespace Beaker: A bluespace beaker, powered by experimental bluespace technology and Element Cuban combined with the Compound Pete. Can hold up to 300 units.
  • Bluespace Syringe: An advanced syringe that can hold 60 units of chemicals
  • Bluespace Coffeepot: The most advanced coffeepot the eggheads could cook up: sleek design; graduated lines; connection to a pocket dimension for coffee containment; yep, it's got it all. Contains 8 standard cups.
  • Bluespace RPED: Powered by bluespace technology, this RPED variant can upgrade buildings from a distance, without needing to remove the panel first.
  • Mining Satchel of Holding: A mining satchel that can hold an infinite amount of ores.
  • Ore Silo Board: The circuit board for an ore silo.
  • Phasic Scanning Module: A stock part used in the construction of various devices.
  • Chemical Recipient Board: The circuit board for a Chemical Recipient.
  • Advanced Roasting Stick: A roasting stick for cooking sausages in exotic ovens.


Bluespace Power Technology

Even more powerful.. power!



Cryostasis Technology

Smart freezing of objects to preserve them!



Cybernetic Implants

Electronic implants that improve humans.


  • Breathing Tube Implant: This simple implant adds an internals connector to your back, allowing you to use internals without a mask and protecting you from being choked.
  • Diagnostic HUD Implant: These cybernetic eyes will display a diagnostic HUD over everything you see. Wiggle eyes to control.
  • Medical HUD Implant: These cybernetic eyes will display a medical HUD over everything you see. Wiggle eyes to control.
  • Nutriment Pump Implant: This implant with synthesize and pump into your bloodstream a small amount of nutriment when you are starving.
  • Security HUD Implant: These cybernetic eyes will display a security HUD over everything you see. Wiggle eyes to control.


Cyborg Upgrades: Engineering & Mining

Engineering and Mining upgrades for cyborgs.


  • Circuit Manipulator: An engineering cyborg upgrade allowing for manipulation of circuit boards.
  • Diamond Drill: A diamond drill replacement for the mining model's standard drill.
  • Ore Satchel of Holding: A satchel of holding replacement for mining cyborg's ore satchel module.
  • Lavaproof Tracks: An upgrade kit to apply specialized coolant systems and insulation layers to a mining cyborg's chassis, enabling them to withstand exposure to molten rock and liquid plasma.
  • Rapid Part Exchange Device: A rapid part exchange device for the engineering cyborg.
  • Kinetic Accelerator Mining AoE Mod: A modification kit for Kinetic Accelerators which causes it to fire AoE blasts that destroy rock.
  • Cyborg inducer: An integrated inducer that can charge a device's internal cell from power provided by the cyborg.


Engineering Anomalock Modular Suits

Advanced modules for modular suits, using anomaly cores to become even better engineers.


  • Kinesis Module: A modular plug-in to the forearm, this module was presumed lost for many years, despite the suits it used to be mounted on still seeing some circulation. This piece of technology allows the user to generate precise anti-gravity fields, letting them move objects as small as a titanium rod to as large as industrial machinery. Oddly enough, it doesn't seem to work on living creatures. It uses 3 complexity.


Engineering Modular Suits

Engineering suits, for powered engineers.


  • MOD Engineering Plating: External plating for a MODsuit. An engineer-fit suit with heat and shock resistance. Nakamura Engineering's classic.
  • Meson Visor Module: A heads-up display installed into the visor of the suit. This module is based off well-loved meson scanner technology, used by construction workers and miners across the galaxy to see basic structural and terrain layouts through walls, regardless of lighting conditions. They say these also let you see behind you. It uses 1 complexity.
  • T-Ray Scanner Module: A module installed into the visor of the suit, allowing the user to use a pulse of terahertz radiation to essentially echolocate things beneath the floor, mostly cables and pipes. A staple of atmospherics work, and counter-smuggling work. It uses 1 complexity.
  • Magnetic Stabilizator Module: These are powerful electromagnets fitted into the suit's boots, allowing users both excellent traction no matter the condition indoors, and to essentially hitch a ride on the exterior of a hull. However, these basic models do not feature computerized systems to automatically toggle them on and off, so numerous users report a certain stickiness to their steps. It uses 2 complexity.
  • Emergency Tether Module: A custom-built grappling-hook powered by a winch capable of hauling the user. While some older models of cargo-oriented grapples have capacities of a few tons, these are only capable of working in zero-gravity environments, a blessing to some Engineers. It uses 2 complexity.
  • Constructor Module: This module entirely occupies the wearer's forearm, notably causing conflict with advanced arm servos meant to carry crewmembers. However, it functions as an extremely advanced construction hologram scanner, as well as containing the latest engineering schematics combined with inbuilt memory to help the user build walls. It uses 2 complexity.
  • Resin Mister Module: An atmospheric resin mister, able to fix up areas quickly. It uses 2 complexity.


Entertainment Modular Suits

Powered suits for protection against low-humor environments.


  • MOD Cosmohonk Plating: External plating for a MODsuit. A suit by Honk Ltd. Protects against low humor environments. Most of the tech went to lower the power cost.
  • Bike Horn Module: A shoulder-mounted piece of heavy sonic artillery, this module uses the finest femto-manipulator technology to precisely deliver an almost lethal squeeze to... a bike horn, producing a significantly memorable sound. It uses 1 complexity.
  • Microwave Beam Module: An oddly domestic device, this module is installed into the user's palm, hooking up with culinary scanners located in the helmet to blast food with precise microwave radiation, allowing them to cook food from a distance, with the greatest of ease. Not recommended for use against grapes. It uses 1 complexity.
  • Waddle Module: Some of the most primitive technology in use by Honk Co. This module works off an automatic intention system, utilizing its' sensitivity to the pilot's often-limited brainwaves to directly read their next step, affecting the boots they're installed in. Employing a twin-linked gravitonic drive to create miniaturized etheric blasts of space-time beneath the user's feet, this enables them to... to waddle around, bouncing to and fro with a pep in their step. It uses 1 complexity.


Exosuit Weapon (MKI Tesla Cannon)

An advanced piece of mech weaponry



Exosuit Weapon (MKIV Ion Heavy Cannon)

An advanced piece of mech weaponry




Paddy exosuit designs


  • Ripley MK-I to Paddy Conversion Kit: A hardpoint modification kit for an Autonomous Power Loader Unit "Ripley" MK-I exosuit, to convert it to the Paddy lightweight security design. This kit cannot be removed, once applied.
  • Hydraulic Claw: A modified hydraulic clamp, for use exclusively with the Paddy exosuit. Non-lethally apprehends suspects.



Durand exosuit designs




Gygax exosuit designs



High Efficiency Parts

Finely-tooled manufacturing techniques allowing for picometer-perfect precision levels.


  • Pico Servo: A stock part used in the construction of various devices.
  • Super Matter Bin: A stock part used in the construction of various devices.


Integrated HUDs

The usefulness of computerized records, projected straight onto your eyepiece!


  • Diagnostic HUD: A HUD used to analyze and determine faults within robotic machinery.
  • Health Scanner HUD: A heads-up display that scans the humans in view and provides accurate data about their health status.
  • Science Goggles: Goggles fitted with a portable analyzer capable of determining the research worth of an item or components of a machine.
  • Security HUD: A heads-up display that scans the humans in view and provides accurate data about their ID status.


Medical Modular Suits

Medical suits for quick rescue purposes.


  • MOD Medical Plating: External plating for a MODsuit. A lightweight suit by DeForest Medical Corporation, allows for easier movement.
  • Medical Visor Module: A heads-up display installed into the visor of the suit. This cross-references suit sensor data with a modern biological scanning suite, allowing the user to visualize the current health of organic lifeforms, as well as access data such as patient files in a convenient readout. They say these also let you see behind you. It uses 1 complexity.
  • Health Analyzer Module: A module installed into the glove of the suit. This is a high-tech biological scanning suite, allowing the user indepth information on the vitals and injuries of others even at a distance, all with the flick of the wrist. Data is displayed in a convenient package on HUD in the helmet, but it's up to you to do something with it. It uses 1 complexity.
  • Quick Carry Module: A suite of advanced servos, redirecting power from the suit's arms to help carry the wounded; or simply for fun. However, Nanotrasen has locked the module's ability to assist in hand-to-hand combat. It uses 1 complexity.
  • Injector Module: A module installed into the wrist of the suit, this functions as a high-capacity syringe, with a tip fine enough to locate the emergency injection ports on any suit of armor, penetrating it with ease. Even yours. It uses 1 complexity.
  • Organ Thrower Module: A device recovered from a crashed Interdyne Pharmaceuticals vessel, this module has been unearthed for better or for worse. It's an arm-mounted device utilizing technology similar to modern-day part replacers, capable of storing and inserting organs into open patients. It's recommended by the DeForest Medical Corporation to not inform patients it has been used. It uses 2 complexity.
  • DNA Lock Module: A module which engages with the various locks and seals tied to the suit's systems, enabling it to only be worn by someone corresponding with the user's exact DNA profile; however, this incredibly sensitive module is shorted out by EMPs. Luckily, cloning has been outlawed. It uses 1 complexity.
  • Patient Transport Module: A module built into the forearm of the suit. Countless waves of mostly-lost mining teams being sent to Indecipheries and other hazardous locations have taught the DeForest Medical Company many lessons. Physical bodybags are difficult to store, hard to deploy, and even worse to keep intact in tough scenarios. Enter the hardlight transport bag. Summonable with merely a gesture, weightless, and immunized against any extreme scenario the wearer could think of, this bag is perfectly designed for transport of any body in any environment, any time. It uses 2 complexity.


Mining Technology

Better than Efficiency V.



Movable Shell Research

Grants access to movable shells.


  • Pathfinder: When triggered, the next step to the target's location as an entity. This can be used with the direction component and the drone shell to make it move on its own. The Id Card input port is for considering ID access when pathing, it does not give the shell actual access.
  • Pull Component: A component that can force the shell to pull entities. Only works for drone shells.
  • Drone Shell: A shell with the ability to move itself around.


Neural Programming

Study into networks of processing units that mimic our brains.



One-point Bluespace-gravitational Manipulator

Fancy wording for gravity gun.



Radioactive Weaponry

Weapons using radioactive technology.



Security Modular Suits

Security suits for space crime handling.


  • MOD Security Plating: External plating for a MODsuit. An Apadyne Technologies security suit, offering quicker speed at the cost of carrying capacity.
  • Security Visor Module: A heads-up display installed into the visor of the suit. This module is a heavily-retrofitted targeting system, plugged into various criminal databases to be able to view arrest records, command simple security-oriented robots, and generally know who to shoot. They say these also let you see behind you. It uses 1 complexity.
  • Cloak Module: A complete retrofitting of the suit, this is a form of visual concealment tech employing esoteric technology to bend light around the user, as well as mimetic materials to make the surface of the suit match the surroundings based off sensor data. For some reason, this tech is rarely seen. It uses 4 complexity.
  • Magnetic Harness Module: Based off old TerraGov harness kits, this magnetic harness automatically attaches dropped guns back to the wearer. It uses 2 complexity.
  • Pathfinder Module: This module, brought to you by Nakamura Engineering, has two components. The first component is a series of thrusters and a computerized location subroutine installed into the very control unit of the suit, allowing it flight at highway speeds using the suit's access locks to navigate through the station, and to be able to locate the second part of the system; a pathfinding implant installed into the base of the user's spine, broadcasting their location to the suit and allowing them to recall it to their person at any time. The implant is stored in the module and needs to be injected in a human to function. Nakamura Engineering swears up and down there's airbrakes. It uses 1 complexity.
  • Holster Module: Based off typical storage compartments, this system allows the suit to holster a standard firearm across its surface and allow for extremely quick retrieval. While some users prefer the chest, others the forearm for quick deployment, some law enforcement prefer the holster to extend from the thigh. It uses 2 complexity.
  • Active Sonar Module: Ancient tech from the 20th century, this module uses sonic waves to detect living creatures within the user's radius. Its basic function slowly scans around the user for any bio-signatures, however it can be overclocked to scan everywhere at once.Its loud ping is much harder to hide in an indoor station than in the outdoor operations it was designed for. It uses 2 complexity.
  • Projectile Dampener Module: Using technology from peaceborgs, this module weakens all projectiles in nearby range. It uses 3 complexity.
  • Criminal Capture Module: The private security that had orders to take in people dead were quite happy with their space-proofed suit, but for those who wanted to bring back whomever their targets were still breathing needed a way to "share" the space-proofing. And thus: criminal capture! Creates a hardlight prisoner transport bag around the apprehended that has breathable atmospheric conditions. It uses 2 complexity.


Server Technology Research

Grants access to a server shell that has a very high capacity for components.


  • Server Shell: A very large shell that cannot be moved around. Stores the most components.


Telecommunications Technology

Subspace transmission technology for near-instant communications devices.



Unregulated Bluespace Research

Bluespace technology using unstable or unbalanced procedures, prone to damaging the fabric of bluespace. Outlawed by galactic conventions.


  • Desynchronizer: A device that can desynchronize the user from spacetime.


Upgraded Cybernetic Organs

We have the technology to upgrade him.



Exosuit Heavy Armor Research

Recreating heavy armor with new rapid fabrication techniques.



Advanced Cybernetic Implants

Upgraded and more powerful cybernetic implants.


  • Nutriment Pump Implant PLUS: This implant with synthesize and pump into your bloodstream a small amount of nutriment when you are hungry.
  • Reviver Implant: This implant will attempt to revive you if you lose consciousness. For the faint of heart!
  • Surgical Arm Implant: A set of surgical tools hidden behind a concealed panel on the user's arm.
  • Toolset Arm Implant: A stripped-down version of engineering cyborg toolset, designed to be installed on subject's arm.


Advanced Mining Technology

Efficiency Level 127



Electric Weapons

Weapons using electric technology




Phazon exosuit designs



EXOSUIT: Savannah-Ivanov

Savannah-Ivanov exosuit designs



Illegal Technology

Dangerous research used to create dangerous objects.



Miniaturized Bluespace Research

Extreme reduction in space required for bluespace engines, leading to portable bluespace technology.


  • Bluespace Matter Bin: A stock part used in the construction of various devices.
  • Bluespace Body Bag: A bluespace body bag, powered by experimental bluespace technology. It can hold loads of bodies and the largest of creatures.
  • Medical Bed (Emergency): A portable, foldable version of the medical bed. Perfect for paramedics or whenever you have mass casualties!
  • Femto Servo: A stock part used in the construction of various devices.
  • Quantum Keycard: Allows for the construction of a quantum keycard.
  • Quantum Spin Inverter: An experimental device that is able to swap the locations of two entities by switching their particles' spin values. Must be linked to another device to function.
  • Triphasic Scanning Module: A stock part used in the construction of various devices.
  • Bluespace Wormhole Projector: A projector that emits high density quantum-coupled bluespace beams. Requires a bluespace anomaly core to function.


Night Vision Technology

Allows seeing in the dark without actual light!



Combat Cybernetic Implants

Military grade combat implants to improve performance.


  • Anti-Drop Implant: This cybernetic brain implant will allow you to force your hand muscles to contract, preventing item dropping. Twitch ear to toggle.
  • CNS Rebooter Implant: This implant will automatically give you back control over your central nervous system, reducing downtime when stunned.
  • Thermal Eyes: These cybernetic eyes will give you Thermal vision. Vertical slit pupil included.
  • Thrusters Set Implant: This implant will allow you to use gas from environment or your internals for propulsion in zero-gravity areas.
  • X-ray Eyes: These cybernetic eyes will give you X-ray vision. Blinking is futile.
  • Moth Thermal Eyes: These cybernetic eyes will give you Thermal vision. Vertical slit pupil included.
  • Moth X-ray Eyes: These cybernetic eyes will give you X-ray vision. Blinking is futile.
