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This is page for in-depth description of marine-related mechanics.

'''Also see: [[TGMC:Xenomorph Mechanics]]'''
== Gun Damage ==
Nearly all Guns fire projectiles, and the damage of these projectiles are equal to:
<code>Damage = Ammo Damage [damage] * Gun Damage Multiplier [damage_mult] - Tiles Traveled*Gun Damage Falloff [damage_falloff_mult]</code>
Where <code>Gun Damage Multiplier [damage_mult]</code> is usually 1, and can be seen in weapon codex. For example, the Combat Shotgun has a 0.7 damage_mult meaning it deals 70% of the damage that it's ammo usually does . Damage falloff also can be seen there, and is usually 0.5 per tile.
Each weapon also has Armor Penetration, also known as AP, which lets a bullet ignore a flat amount of a Xenomorph's armor.
<code>Actual Damage = Damage*1-(Xenomorph's Armor [soft_armor]*(1-Sunder Stacks [sunder]*0.01) - Armor Penetration [penetration])</code>
Sunder, shown previously, is a Debuff applied by most projectiles which lowers a Xenomorphs armor. Every ammo has a [sunder] amount which determines how many stacks of Sunder it applies on hit:
Lets give this a test.
Let's say you have a Rifle with a .9 Damage Multiplier, .5 Damage falloff, and a Max effective range of 15 tiles that fires Bullets with 25 Base damage, 5 Armor Penetration, and 2 Sundering.
Let's also say you're shooting at a Xenomorph with 60 Bullet armor that is 20 tiles away.
This shows how much damage each shot will do:
<code> = {25 * .9 - 5*.5}*{60*(1-(Shot's Hit*2)*.01) - 5} </code>
== Health ==
=== Limbs ===
{| class="wikitable"
* Each limb has fixed and separate healthpool and breakpoint. After breakpoint is reached, attacks on limb can break it.
* After limb HP reaches 0, it can be dismembered with probability% <code>P = brute_attack_damage * 2</code>.
* After 20 damage is done to a limb, ''with 5% chance'', half of any further damage goes to internal organs as additional damage.
* After 30 damage on a limb, any attack with <code>damage > 15</code> can cause IB with probability% <code>P = brute_attack_damage * 0.5</code>
* After each attack, a "wound" is created or widened.
** Each wound regenerates by 0.1 per tick on avg
** Treated (bandages, oil, ATK, ABK) wound regen by 0.4 per tick on avg
** Regen only works for wounds which have less than 50 dmg, and if you are not in crit
= Projectiles =
Check very cool video here:
= Turrets =
To make a turret out of any weapon, you need to use Build-A-Sentry kit (ctrl+click), which goes to scope slot of a weapon. Most weapons can be turrets, but NOT every weapon will actually shoot. Launchers or any bolted weapons won't, but will still notify about the enemy. Also, despite the fact that turrets aim through friendlies, it doesn't give them IFF (aim), so best used with IFF weapons. Bought in cargo.

Revision as of 14:07, 24 July 2023