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TGMC is a project based on the CM-SS13 codebase.



Difficulty: Intermediate
Rank: Hatchling (Starting), Young (10hrs), Mature (25hrs), Elder (70 hrs), Ancient (175 hrs)
Duties: Harrass marines with neurotoxin.
Guides: no separate guides
Quote: "Neurotoxin... [cough] [cough] So deadly... [cough] Choking... [laughter] I'm kidding! When I said deadly neurotoxin, the 'deadly' was in massive sarcasm quotes. I could take a bath in the stuff, put it on cereal, rub it right into my eyes. Honestly, it's not deadly at all. To me. You, on the other hand, are going to find its deadliness a lot less funny."

The Sentinel

Long time ago, the Sentinel's job ensured that captured marines remained in the hive and give birth to larvas. Sentinel's neurotoxin chemically restrainted marines, inhibiting their somatic motor abilties to even move a finger (though marines do flick off sentinel). Maybe the Sentinel was a reincarnated corpsman that had to deal with an uncooperative patient.

When the xenomorphs changed their method of reproduction from capturing to siloing, the Sentinel immediately changes their role in the hive, using their chem trails to hinder marines' push. From the aspiration of a forgotten experiment, the Afflictor, and its descendant, the Defiler, the Sentinel forces marine to remember and use their CBRN training so as to not have to breathe in the neurotoxin it produces.

Playing the Sentinel

The Sentinel's job is a frontline ranged caste that engage marines at a distance. To utilize the Sentinel, you must:

  • Keeping your distance and suppress fire on marines'
  • Denying areas and marines' push via spitting neurotoxin cloud
  • Poke around corners to shoot at marines
  • Coordinate with other xenomorphs to wreck marines
  • Melting flares
Name Description Metabolism Rate Overdose Threshold Critical OD Threshold

Light Neurotoxin
A debilitating nerve toxin. Impedes motor control in high doses. Causes progressive loss of mobility over time, increase pain, and stamina loss after ticks 20 and 45.

Light neurotoxin now builds up to being the same as neurotoxin if not purged from the metabolism.

On overdose, causes 0.5 toxin and oxy damage; critical overdose stops breathing.

0.4 units per tick 30u 60u

As a Sentinel, your Neurotoxic Spit allows you to keep your targets down, though not for very long. If yourself being pursued, you can always use your spit to slow down your pursuers and hopefully lead them away from the nest. You generally shouldn't be outside of the hive as long as there's hosts that need guarding, as you are best suited for the job. When marines push into the hive, try to partner up with a more offensive class to knock down marines. When knocked down, a marine will drop their weapon, giving a brief moment of opportunity for whatever combat caste you've assisted to go in for the kill. Your spit can also be used as a disengagement tool and can give you the chance you need to flee and recover. Remember, the longer you live as a Xeno, the stronger you become, so fleeing is not just tactical, it's smart.

Your Neurotoxic Spit may be weak by itself, but when paired with any of the other melee castes, you can slow down marines, and then have your partner completely put them out of commission. Because of this, the Sentinel can help support combat inside and out of the hive as long as you never walk alone.

Your small size allows you to crawl through vents. Alt Click a vent to begin entering it. If you get a message that the vents are disconnected, a-help, as it's a known issue and the sooner it's fixed the sooner the rest of the hive can benefit. Regardless, you should always be keeping yourself busy with melting tools, barricades, medical tools, supplies, and anything else you think could be used by the enemy. Lamps should be melted to deny marines light, and if you see any APCS, you should slash them until you get a message that sparks fly out. Be careful not to get caught alone, and pay attention to the hivemind so you aren't caught off-guard when the marines land. If you are the first person to see them, you should shout them out over the hivemind, and tell how many, where they are, and where they appear to be headed.

As of late, your neurotoxin spit now leaves a small gas cloud allowing some overtime effects as well. It also gives you the ability to herd marines somewhat by blocking off routes of attack and escape with the neurotoxin clouds.

One last ability you possess is your Corrosive Acid. Though you cant spit it at your foes, you can use it to melt anything of use to the marines. Your acid is generally weak and will take an excruciatingly long time to melt just about anything, but if you see a gun or a flare lying around, you might be prudent to melt it anyways.

Maturity Statistics and Evolution Paths

As a Sentinel, you can evolve into a Spitter. Spitters start out slower, but gain more health, lose neurotoxin spit in exchange for stronger acid spit, an acid slick that can trip up marines, and a scatter shot that can do extreme damage at close range, and their Corrosive Acid becomes stronger, and melts objects much much quicker. Spitters can then evolve into Boilers for long-range sieges, or Praetorians for devastating close-in combat support.

Maturity increases stats as follows.

  • Slash is the melee damage when the xenomorph is in harm intent and slashing marine. In the code, it's melee_damage.
  • Melee, bullet, laser, energy, bomb, bio, rad, fire, and acid are soft armor values, not hard armor, which means that they reduce damage by a percentage rather than a flat value.
  • Spit Strength is the amount of neurotoxin that appears in smoke when using the Neurotoxin Spit type when spitting acid at an enemy.
Age Health Plasma Slash Melee Bullet Laser Energy Bomb Bio Rad Fire Acid Spit Strength
Young 225 300 16 15 15 15 15 0 15 15 15 15 7
250 450 16 20 20 20 20 0 20 20 20 20 8
275 550 17 23 23 23 23 0 23 23 23 23 9
300 600 17 26 26 26 26 0 25 25 26 26 9.5

Sentinel Abilities

Ability Description Plasma Cost Cooldown

Toggle Bump Attacks
Allows you to toggle bump attacks on and off. This allows you to slash any enemy creature by running into them. The red arrow means it's on, you attack when on HARM intent; the green arrow means it's off, you push when on HARM intent. N/A N/A

Used to rest and get up. You heal faster when resting on weeds. N/A 2 seconds

Psy Drain
This ability is used on dead Marines. For every Marine's psyche drained, the Hive will gain between 30 and 90 psychic points, depending on the number of Marines spawned; and 1/8 of a larva. 50 N/A

Corrosive Acid
Expels acid onto an object or wall, destroying it after a while. If used on wall, a hole will appear after some time. Small xenos can climb through, large xenos can break the wall with the hole on it open. CTRL + click to interact with the acid hole.

During the prep phase, all xenomorphs with this ability get strong acid.

[Acid Strength by Caste]
75 if caste has weak acid;

100 for medium and strong acid


Xeno Spit
Spit neurotoxin or acid at a target or tile. While neurotoxin is generally not lethal, it will cause pain and slow marines and can have a big impact while supporting other Xenos or fighting on your own. Your acid spit will do burn damage and can slowly wear down poorly-guarded barricades. 40-100 N/A

Neurotoxin Sting
Channel an injection of neurotoxin into an adjacent target that will temporarily disable them. The channel takes about 3 seconds to administer the full dose, and will be interrupted if the Sentinel or the target moves before it's completed. This is "full" neurotoxin, unlike your spit, so it will purge most medicine along with the weakening effects. 150 12 seconds

Xeno Spit
Spit neurotoxin or acid at a target or tile. While neurotoxin is generally not lethal, it will cause pain and slow marines and can have a big impact while supporting other Xenos or fighting on your own. Your acid spit will do burn damage and can slowly wear down poorly-guarded barricades. 40-100 N/A

Xeno Spit
Spit neurotoxin or acid at a target or tile. While neurotoxin is generally not lethal, it will cause pain and slow marines and can have a big impact while supporting other Xenos or fighting on your own. Your acid spit will do burn damage and can slowly wear down poorly-guarded barricades. 40-100 N/A

Primordial Evolution

Once the hive has enough psychic points, your queen has the option to unlock powerful primordial evolutions for each strain. Primordial evolutions grant additional abilities for the relevant class.
For the Sentinel, this primordial ability is Neurogas Grenade

Ability Description Plasma Cost Cooldown

Neurogas Grenade
Throws a gas emitting grenade at the targetted area. Grenade explodes into a gaseous cloud, similar to a Boiler neurogas cloud. 300 60

Sentinel Tips and Tricks

  • You're ideal for after battle clean up. Melt any guns, knives, lights, flares, and tools you find lying around after the marines have backed off. Don't force the more important xenos to do this.
  • Marines with big guns are bigger targets. Spit at them to wear them down and make it harder for them to chase down kills.
  • Marines can simply pick up most equipment with acid on it and wipe it off, but they'll take a lot of extra damage if they do so.
  • Even outright collapsing from stamina loss doesn't keep a marine down forever; if you rush in at the wrong time you might eat a shotgun blast even from someone you think you've downed.
  • Your speed lets you make an effective ambusher when you partner with a runner. Flank the marines, wear down their speed and stamina, and have the runner drag them off screaming and gurgling in pain.
  • One of the strongest and most surprising partnerships comes from a Sentinel Sentinel pair. Two xenos spitting at one target can build up neurotoxin fast, and both of you combined will do enough damage to take out someone you've crippled.
  • Your neurotoxic spit is utterly useless against combat robots, and against normal marines wearing a Mimir module. Use acid spit instead, or in the latter case, find someone else to spit at, you'll barely even hurt them through the higher resistances.


TerraGov Marines


Command Captain, Field Commander, Staff Officer, Pilot Officer, Transport Officer, Mech Pilot
Vehicle Crew Assault Crewman, Transport Crewman
Engineering and Supply Chief Ship Engineer, Requisitions Officer, Ship Technician
Medical Chief Medical Officer, Medical Doctor, Researcher
Marines Squad Leader, Squad Smartgunner, Squad Engineer, Squad Corpsman, Squad Marine
Civilians Corporate Liaison
Silicon Combat robots, Synthetic, AI


Tier 0 Larva, Minions
Tier 1 Drone, Runner, Defender, Sentinel
Tier 2 Hivelord, Carrier, Hunter, Wraith, Bull, Warrior, Puppeteer, Spitter, Pyrogen
Tier 3 Gorger, Defiler, Widow, Ravager, Warlock, Behemoth, Crusher, Praetorian, Boiler
Tier 4 Shrike, Queen, King, Hivemind
Others Zombie, Emergency Response Teams, Sons of Mars, Survivor