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TGMC is a project based on the CM-SS13 codebase.
Standard Marine Weapons
M43 Sunfury Lasgun
It shoots bad guys. Big owie, don't get hit by it. Lasers hurt.
Has two modes available, Normal and Overcharge, which can be swapped with Unique-Action.
Normal fires normal power shots, while Overcharge has higher damage, AP, slower firerate, and consumes more ammo.
M37A2 Pump Shotgun
A pump action shotgun. Effective mostly at close range, though this is changed with ammo types.
Needs a shell pumped into the chamber using Unique-Action, default Spacebar, upon a fresh load and after each shot.
Holds eight shells in reserve, and one shell in the chamber.
Buckshot Shells
Close range ammunition, capable of shredding unarmoured/lightly armoured opponents. Close range, low AP, high damage. Stuns/staggers T1/T2.
Slug Shells
Long range ammunition, used for stunning and staggering enemies. Medium range, medium AP, medium damage. Stuns/staggers T1/T2.
Flechette Shells
Metal shards used for punching through armour. Close range, high AP, medium damage. Cannot stun/stagger.
Incendiary Slug Shells
Akin to normal slug shells, but sets enemies on fire. Medium range, medium AP, medium damage. Cannot stun/stagger.
File:Your gun here!.png
Your gun name here!
Pew pew. Pew pew pew. Pew pew.
File:Your gun here!.png
Your gun name here!
Pew pew. Pew pew pew. Pew pew.
Specialist Weapons
Non Standard Weapons
Defensive Equipment
Shotgun Shell Pouch
A pouch used to hold shotgun shells. Has four slots.
Has two drawing methods, click to open, and draw last stored upon click.
Defaults to click to open, you can right click on it and change the drawing method.
What it can store:
Buckshot shells
Slug Shells
Flechette Shells
Incendiary Shells
Magazine Pouch
A pouch used to hold magazines. Has two slots.
Has two drawing methods, click to open, and draw last stored upon click.
Defaults to click to open, you can right click on it and change the drawing method.
What it can store:
Shells or handfuls of bullets
M41A MK2 Magazines
M39 Magazines
M42C Magazines
Sunfury Lasgun Cells
M4A3 Magazines
M44 Speedloaders
Flare Pouch
A pouch used to flares. Has five slots.
Has two drawing methods, click to open, and draw last stored upon click.
Defaults to click to open, you can right click on it and change the drawing method.
What it can store:
Flare Grenades
Manual Flares
First Aid Pouch
A pouch used to hold first aid supplies. Has five slots.
Has two drawing methods, click to open, and draw last stored upon click.
Defaults to click to open, you can right click on it and change the drawing method.
What it can store:
Tramadol Injectors
Tricordazine Injectors
Medical Splints
Tool Pouch
A pouch used to hold tools. Has five slots.
Has two drawing methods, click to open, and draw last stored upon click.
Defaults to click to open, you can right click on it and change the drawing method.
What it can store:
Entrenching Tools
Cable Coil
Multi Tool
Mini Extinguishers
Construction Pouch
A pouch used to hold construction materials. Has three slots.
Has two drawing methods, click to open, and draw last stored upon click.
Defaults to click to open, you can right click on it and change the drawing method.
What it can store:
Stacks of Material
Entrenching Tools
Empty Sandbags
Cable Coil
Metal Rods
Barbed Wire
Pistol Magazine Pouch
A pouch used to hold pistol magazines. Has three slots.
Has two drawing methods, click to open, and draw last stored upon click.
Defaults to click to open, you can right click on it and change the drawing method.
What it can store:
M4A3 Magazines
M44 Speedloaders
Sidearm Pouch
A pouch used to sidearms. Has one slot.
Has two drawing methods, click to open, and draw last stored upon click.
Defaults to click to open, you can right click on it and change the drawing method.
What it can store:
Any Revolvers
Any Pistols
Explosive Pouch
A pouch used to hold explosive materials. Has four slots.
Has two drawing methods, click to open, and draw last stored upon click.
Defaults to click to open, you can right click on it and change the drawing method.
What it can store:
Any RPG Rockets
Any Grenades
Claymore Boxes
<tab name="Rail Attachments">
Magnetic Harness
A rail attachment that makes your gun snap back to your suit storage if you drop it. Makes you less accurate. Other stats. Wee.
Red Dot Sight
A rail attachment that makes your shots more accurate. Other stats. Wee.
Quick Fire Assembly
Reduces the delay on single fire shots, reduces your burst count by one, and reduces your accuracy. Other stats. Wee.
<tab name="Barrel Attachments">
A barrel attachment that makes shots quieter, and reduces damage. Also other stats. Wee.
Extended Barrel
A barrel attachment that makes shots more accurate, and reduces damage. Other stats. Wee.
Recoil Compensator
A barrel attachment that makes recoil less of a problem, apparently. Other stats. Wee.
<tab name="Underbarrel Attachments">
Laser Sight
Underbarrel attachment that makes your gun better for certain things. Other stats, wee.
Vertical Grip
Underbarrel grip that makes your bursts more accurate. Other stats. Wee.
Angled Grip
Underbarrel grip that allows you to wield faster. Other stats. Wee.
<tab name="Stock Attachments">
<tab name="Standard Weapons">
M4A3 Service Pistol
Standard issue sidearm of the TerraGov Marine Corps. Uses 9mm pistol rounds.
M4A3 Magazine |
Holds 9 rounds.
M4A3 Armor Piercing Magazine |
Holds 9 rounds. Has better armor penetration, but lower overall damage.
M4A3 Hollow Point |
Holds 9 rounds. Has lower overall penetration but better damage.
M4A3 extended magazine |
Holds 24 rounds.
M4A3 Incendiary Magazine |
Holds 9 rounds. Will set ablaze any and all targets hit with this round.
M44 Combat Revolver
A bulky revolver, occasionally carried by assault troops and officers in the Marine Corps, as well civilian law enforcement. Uses .44 Magnum rounds.
M44 magnum speed loader |
Holds 7 rounds.
M44 marksman speed loader |
Holds 7 rounds. Has better armor penetration with no damage fall off but lower overall damage.
M44 PW-MX speed loader |
Holds 7 rounds. Has lesser damage than the standard M44 Speed loader but gives a weakened stun and knock-back effect.
M39 Submachine Gun
Armat Battlefield Systems M39 submachinegun. A light firearm capable of effective one-handed use that is ideal for close to medium range engagements. Uses 10x20mm rounds in a high capacity magazine.
M39 magazine |
Holds 60 rounds.
M39 AP magazine |
Holds 60 rounds. Has better armor penetration, but lower overall damage.
M39 extended magazine |
Holds 90 rounds.
M41A1 pulse rifle
The standard issue rifle of the TerraGov Marine Corps. Commonly carried by most combat personnel. Uses 10x24mm caseless ammunition.
M41A1 magazine |
Holds 40 rounds.
M41A1 AP magazine |
Holds 40 rounds. Has better armor penetration, but lower overall damage.
M41A1 extended magazine |
Holds 60 rounds.
M41A1 incendiary magazine |
Holds 40 rounds. Will set ablaze any and all targets hit with this round.
M43 Sunfury Lasgun MK1
An accurate, recoilless laser based battle rifle with an integrated charge selector. Ideal for longer range engagements. Uses power cells.
M43 high density battery |
Power rating of 1000.
M43 high capacity battery |
Power rating of 1600.
M37A2 pump shotgun.
An Armat Battlefield Systems classic design, the M37A2 combines close-range firepower with long term reliability. Requires a pump, which is a Unique Action.
Slug Shells |
Single Slug Projectile. Effective in ranged combat. Armor Piercing. Less damage. Stuns and knocks back humanoid mobs for about 1 second out to 5 tiles. Holds 25 shells.
Buckshot Shells |
Fires multiple small projectiles. Deals massive damage, knocks back and stuns humanoid mobs for a random duration out to 2 tiles. Fires in a 15-degree radius. Holds 25 shells.
Incendiary Slug Shells |
Single Slug Projectile. Will set ablaze any targets it hits. Rare, only found in certain planetside armories and in the Surplus Ammo Crate. Holds 25 shells.
Flechette Shells |
Single Slug Projectile. Will cause pain to any human targets it hits, used for non-lethal takedowns. Only found in the brig armory. Holds 25 shells.
Bean Bag Shells |
Fires multiple shrapnel projectiles. Projectiles fan out in a cone 5 tiles in width out to a distance of 7 tiles. Consequently deals massive damage out to ~2 tiles, heavy to moderate damage out to ~3-5 tiles, and light damage at ~7 tiles. Doesn't stun or knock back. Holds 25 shells.
<tab name="Armor">
Regular Armor
Regular armour, with all round stats and drawbacks.
Has a shoulder lamp and a suit storage for guns
Has two internal slots for storing items.
Suit Storage:
Any Gun
Emergency Oxygen Tank
The Bible
G8 Storage Pouch
M4A3 Belt
M44 Belt
Armor Storage
Any tiny item
Any small item
M41A MK2 Magazines
M39 Magazines
M42C Magazines
Sunfury Lasgun Cells
Heavy Armor
Protects more than other armor types, but slows you down.
Has a shoulder lamp and a suit storage for guns
Has two internal slots for storing items.
Suit Storage:
Any Gun
Emergency Oxygen Tank
The Bible
G8 Storage Pouch
M4A3 Belt
M44 Belt
Armor Storage
Any tiny item
Any small item
M41A MK2 Magazines
M39 Magazines
M42C Magazines
Sunfury Lasgun Cells
Light Armor
Grants you extra mobility at the cost of less protection.
Has a shoulder lamp and a suit storage for guns
Has two internal slots for storing items.
Suit Storage:
Any Gun
Emergency Oxygen Tank
The Bible
G8 Storage Pouch
M4A3 Belt
M44 Belt
Armor Storage
Any tiny item
Any small item
M41A MK2 Magazines
M39 Magazines
M42C Magazines
Sunfury Lasgun Cells
Ballistic Armor
Provides better protection against bullets and explosions, with less against melee..
Has a shoulder lamp and a suit storage for guns
Has two internal slots for storing items.
Suit Storage:
Any Gun
Emergency Oxygen Tank
The Bible
G8 Storage Pouch
M4A3 Belt
M44 Belt
Armor Storage
Any tiny item
Any small item
M41A MK2 Magazines
M39 Magazines
M42C Magazines
Sunfury Lasgun Cells
Integrated Storage
Similar to regular armour, besides increased storage capacity and slowdown.
Has a shoulder lamp and a suit storage for guns
Has a storage area which can hold several items, akin to a bag.
Suit Storage:
Any Gun
Emergency Oxygen Tank
The Bible
G8 Storage Pouch
M4A3 Belt
M44 Belt
Armor Storage
Any tiny item
Any small item
M41A MK2 Magazines
M39 Magazines
M42C Magazines
Sunfury Lasgun Cells
Edge Melee Armor
Provides better protection against cuts and slashes, but provides little against bullets and explosions.
Has a shoulder lamp and a suit storage for guns
Has two internal slots for storing items.
Suit Storage:
Any Gun
Emergency Oxygen Tank
The Bible
G8 Storage Pouch
M4A3 Belt
M44 Belt
Armor Storage
Any tiny item
Any small item
M41A MK2 Magazines
M39 Magazines
M42C Magazines
Sunfury Lasgun Cells
<tab name="Backpacks">
<tab name="Webbing">
Extra pouches that you can clip to your uniform.
Only one thing may be clipped to your uniform
Has three slots for storing items.
Any tiny item
Any small item
M41A MK2 Magazines
M39 Magazines
M42C Magazines
Sunfury Lasgun Cells
Black Webbing
Extra pouches that you can clip to your uniform.
Only one thing may be clipped to your uniform
Has five slots for storing tiny or small items.
Any tiny item
Any small item
Shoulder Holster
Pistol Holster that you can clip to your uniform.
Only one thing may be clipped to your uniform
Capable of storing one pistol in it.
<tab name="Belts">
Ammo Load Rig
A belt for your uniform, intended for holding magazines.
You can right click it to change the drawing mode.
Has five slots for storing items.
Combat Knife
Shells or handfuls of bullets
Any kind of flare/flare nade
M41A MK2 Magazines
M39 Magazines
M42C Magazines
Sunfury Lasgun Cells
M4A3 Magazines
M44 Speedloaders
Any grenade
Shotgun Shell Belt
A belt used to hold up to 50 shotgun shells, two boxes worth.
Has two drawing methods, click to open, and draw last stored upon click.
Defaults to click to open, you can right click on it and change the drawing method.
What it can store:
Buckshot shells
Slug Shells
Flechette Shells
Incendiary Shells
M4A3 Belt Holster
Pistol Holster that goes on your belt.
Has five slots, and draws pistols on click.
Capable of storing only one pistol in it.
Any Pistol, not revolvers.
Any Pistol Magazines
M44 Belt Holster
Revolver Holster that goes on your belt.
Has five slots, and draws revolvers on click.
Capable of storing only one revolver in it.
M44 Revolvers
M44 Speedloaders
Knife Rig
A knife rig that goes on your belt
Can switch drawing modes by right clicking.
Capable of storing six throwing knives within.
M11 Throwing Knives.
<tab name="Pouches">
Shotgun Shell Pouch
A pouch used to hold shotgun shells. Has four slots.
Has two drawing methods, click to open, and draw last stored upon click.
Defaults to click to open, you can right click on it and change the drawing method.
What it can store:
Buckshot shells
Slug Shells
Flechette Shells
Incendiary Shells
Magazine Pouch
A pouch used to hold magazines. Has two slots.
Has two drawing methods, click to open, and draw last stored upon click.
Defaults to click to open, you can right click on it and change the drawing method.
What it can store:
Shells or handfuls of bullets
M41A MK2 Magazines
M39 Magazines
M42C Magazines
Sunfury Lasgun Cells
M4A3 Magazines
M44 Speedloaders
Flare Pouch
A pouch used to flares. Has five slots.
Has two drawing methods, click to open, and draw last stored upon click.
Defaults to click to open, you can right click on it and change the drawing method.
What it can store:
Flare Grenades
Manual Flares
First Aid Pouch
A pouch used to hold construction materials. Has five slots.
Has two drawing methods, click to open, and draw last stored upon click.
Defaults to click to open, you can right click on it and change the drawing method.
What it can store:
Tramadol Injectors
Tricordazine Injectors
Medical Splints
Tool Pouch
A pouch used to hold tools. Has five slots.
Has two drawing methods, click to open, and draw last stored upon click.
Defaults to click to open, you can right click on it and change the drawing method.
What it can store:
Entrenching Tools
Cable Coil
Multi Tool
Mini Extinguishers
Construction Pouch
A pouch used to hold construction materials. Has three slots.
Has two drawing methods, click to open, and draw last stored upon click.
Defaults to click to open, you can right click on it and change the drawing method.
What it can store:
Stacks of Material
Entrenching Tools
Empty Sandbags
Cable Coil
Metal Rods
Barbed Wire
Pistol Magazine Pouch
A pouch used to hold pistol magazines. Has three slots.
Has two drawing methods, click to open, and draw last stored upon click.
Defaults to click to open, you can right click on it and change the drawing method.
What it can store:
M4A3 Magazines
M44 Speedloaders
Sidearm Pouch
A pouch used to sidearms. Has one slot.
Has two drawing methods, click to open, and draw last stored upon click.
Defaults to click to open, you can right click on it and change the drawing method.
What it can store:
Any Revolvers
Any Pistols
Explosive Pouch
A pouch used to hold explosive materials. Has four slots.
Has two drawing methods, click to open, and draw last stored upon click.
Defaults to click to open, you can right click on it and change the drawing method.
What it can store:
Any RPG Rockets
Any Grenades
Claymore Boxes
<tab name="Masks">
TGMC Gas Mask
A gas mask that restricts your vision, but filters out harmful gasses.
A coif that protects you from extreme cold conditions.
Heats or cools down air as you breath it, protecting you from extreme conditions.
<tab name="Attachments">
A barrel attachment that makes shots quieter, and reduces damage. Also other stats. Wee.
Extended Barrel
A barrel attachment that makes shots more accurate, and reduces damage. Other stats. Wee.
Recoil Compensator
A barrel attachment that makes recoil less of a problem, apparently. Other stats. Wee.
Magnetic Harness
A rail attachment that makes your gun snap back to your suit storage if you drop it. Makes you less accurate. Other stats. Wee.
Red Dot Sight
A rail attachment that makes your shots more accurate. Other stats. Wee.
Quick Fire Assembly
Reduces the delay on single fire shots, reduces your burst count by one, and reduces your accuracy. Other stats. Wee.
Laser Sight
Underbarrel attachment that makes your gun better for certain things. Other stats, wee.
Vertical Grip
Underbarrel grip that makes your bursts more accurate. Other stats. Wee.
Angled Grip
Underbarrel grip that allows you to wield faster. Other stats. Wee.
M41A Skeleton Stock
A stock. Other stats, wee.
M37A2 Stock
A stock. Other stats, wee.
M39 Stock
A stock. Other stats, wee.