Access: Wherever your job has access to Additional Access: Wherever you can break into or teleport to. Difficulty: HARD Supervisors: Forgotten Gods Duties: Find influences, notice they all have been taken. Sacrifice people and ascend as a vessel of your god Guides: This is the guide. Quote: ADMINS HALP HOW DO I SACRIFICE PEOPLE
"Forgotten, devoured, gutted. Humanity has forgotten the eldritch forces of decay, but the mansus veil has weakened. We will make them taste fear again..."
So you're a heretic? Well, get ready for some magic and battle. Grab those influences, make some sacrifices, and ascend to godhood.
You are a nasty little bookworm in search of truth and power, and you have arrived on a station ripe with opportunities. You can increase your power in two ways: harvest magic energies from the eldritch influences around the station, or by sacrifing any crewmember your dark patrons may hunger for.
You start off with 2 items : Codex Cicatrix
and Living Heart
Codex Cicatrix
Your most important possession. Use this item to research skills, collect influences, draw runes, remove runes.
- To research skills, use the book in your hand. There you go, you can learn any dark abilities you have access to. You start with 1 point, to invest in a path and determine which kind of heretic you will be, but more on that later.
- To collect the influences
around the station, click on them with the book in your hand. The influences are invisible to all but heretics before harvest, but each one you collect becomes visible to everybody. Don't look too hard into them either, they can cause brain damage.
- To draw a transmutation rune click a on a turf (ground tile) with your book to select the center square and start drawing. The rune is 3x3 so remember to have enough space!
- To remove runes click on one with the book while standing on it. (the rune actually resides in the center, but can be interacted with from all 9 tiles the sprite covers).
Living Heart
Your most important organ. Assigns you a target for sacrifice, granting your Codex a charge on ritual completion.
To obtain a target, drop the heart on a rune drawn by Codex Cicatrix. Activate the rune by clicking on it with your empty hand while standing on it, that is, be on one of the rune's nine tiles. You have now received a target. Kill them and bring the body back to the rune. Activate the rune again, and if you did everything right, the body disintegrates and your book obtained a charge.
Important!: For all living heart rituals, make sure the heart is on the rune, and that you are carrying your Codex Cicatrix on your person.
You can create more Living hearts by transmuting a normal heart
, a poppy (
) and a pool of blood.
To transmute items for your rituals, simply place them on the rune, then activate it. In this case, drop a heart and a poppy on the rune, and if no blood is present... produce some.
Mansus Grasp 
Mansus grasp is a modular ability you start with as heretic. Activating the ability empowers your active hand with eldritch energies: by default, it causes a 5 second knockdown, some stamina damage and 10 burn damage to any person you touch with your hand. It will be empowered with more abilities as your knowledge of the ancients increases. 15 seconds cooldown after each use.
There are different aspects of the arcane to which you can devote yourself. While all rituals and spells can be learned, your first and most important choice will decide how your weapon
and grasp
will evolve, and how your final ascension will transform you.
Path of Ash
Nightwatcher's secret
Easiest path. The main abilities of ash are about fire. Ash is also about mobility, crowd control and being a sneaky fucker that can jaunt while handcuffed. Ash abilities are all about that. If you are starting out i strongly recommend taking this path, as it is by far the easiest to be on. It doesn't have the most powerful abilities until the later game, but it is still enjoyable.
Path of Rust
Blacksmith's Tale
Rust is about healing, corruption and brute forcing through all obstacles. Stealth isn't one of your strengths. Rust gives you abilities that can one shot silicons, fry any electronics, destroy any turfs and take down any non-living being. Abilities on this path allow you to heal while on rusted tiles, and you get access to some pretty powerful spells. Second Easiest Path.
Path of Flesh
Principle of Hunger
Hardest Path by far, but the most enjoyable. You get to become &*@#^&@^#&@^# during your ascension. Flesh is about resurrection and summonings. You don't get ANY offensive spells, NO defensive spells. Just summonings and necromancy. Slow to start snowballing but VERY powerful late game. Watch out for stolen bodies.
Your final goal as a heretic is to go down to the last ability of your path and ascend. The ascension will give you powers akin to a wizard. Ash will grant you powers having to do with fire, Rust will grant you brute force and healing abilities, and Flesh will give you the ability to shed your skin into a more powerful form.
Below is a table with all your abilities. You start at the top, selecting your path with your initial point. Selecting one will lock you into that specific path's progression. At certain intervals, shown on the graph in lighter color, you are able to branch out horizontally: you can learn any ability to the left or right of what you know: for example, if you are a rust cultist and want ashen shift, you can learn priest's ritual, and then ashen shift. You can learn all abilities on the three horizontal layers, but only your path's abilities let you go deeper, towards ascension.
Path of Ash
Path of Flesh
Path of Rust
Locksmith's Secret
Principle of Hunger
Blacksmith's Tale
Follow the ashen path. Transmute a knife with a match for an ashen blade.
Follow the flesh path. Transmute a knife and a pool of blood into a flesh blade.
Follow the rust path. Transmute a knife and a trash item into a rusty blade.
Grasp of Ash
Grasp of Flesh
Grasp of Rust
Your mansus grasp now flings opponents away from you.
Your mansus grasp now raises dead players into ghouls, ONCE per player. They look like husks and have 25 HP.
Your mansus grasp now deal 500 damage to inorganic matter. Rusts any surface it's used on, and destroys any surface that is already rusty.
Priest's Ritual
Ashen Shift
Ashen Eyes
Imperfect Ritual
Armorer’s ritual
Leeching Walk
Priest's Ritual
Transmute a tank of water into a flask(50u) of eldritch water. Heals a bit of everything, harms others a bit in everything.
A jaunt spell that makes you immaterial and pass through walls. Very short duration, you will only manage 5-6 tiles in a straight line.
Transmute a shard of glass with eyes organ to produce an amulet of heatvision. You can see better in the dark, and can see living beings through walls.
Transmute a corpse and a poppy into a voiceless death: mute ghouls with 50hp, but no voice. Limit of 2 at a time.
Transmute a table (built) and a gasmask to create a suit of armor. The suit more or less halves damage received.
You slowly heal while standing on rusted tiles.
Transmute a tank of water into a flask(50u) of eldritch water. Heals a bit of everything, harms others a bit in everything.
Mark of Ash
Mark of Flesh
Mark of Rust
Your blade applies ash marks on hit. Touch a marked person with your grasp to deal stamina damage and burning. The burning spreads to other people, becoming a bit stronger each time.
Your blade applies flesh marks on hit. Touch a marked person with your grasp to make them bleed profusely.
Your blade applies rust marks on hit. Touch a marked person with your grasp to deal 0-200 damage to items they are carrying.
Curse of Corrosion
Curse of Blindness
Curse of Paralysis
Raw Ritual
Blood Siphon
Aggressive Spread
Curse of Corrosion
Transmute a knife, a spill of blood, a heart, left and right arm, and an item that the victim touched to curse them for 2 minutes of vomiting and slight organ damage.
Transmute a pair of eyes, a knife and a pool of blood with an object that the victim has touched to curse them with 2 minutes of complete blindness.
Transmute a knife, pool of blood, left and right leg, a hatchet and an item that the victim touched to curse them for 5 minutes of leg paralysis.
Transmute eyes, a left arm, right arm and a pool of blood into a Raw Prophet. Raw prophets have increased seeing range, as well as Xray. But are very fragile and weak.
A touch spell that steals a bit of life from others to heal you.
 Spreads rust to nearby turfs. Destroys already rusted walls.
Transmute a knife, a spill of blood, a heart, left and right arm, and an item that the victim touched to them for 2 minutes of vomiting and slight organ damage.
Fiery Blade
Bleeding Steel
Toxic Blade
Your blade adds firestacks to those you attack.
Your blade causes additional bleeding to those you attacks.
Your blade causes toxic damage to those you attack.
Blood Syphon
Fiery Rebirth
Ashen Ritual
Lonely Ritual
Rusted Ritual
Wave of Rust
Blood Syphon
A ranged spell that gives bleeding wounds to the target and those around them.
Drains nearby alive people that are engulfed in flames. It heals 10 of each damage type per person. If a person is in critical condition it finishes them off.
Transmute a pile of ash, a head and a book to summon an ashman. Ashmen have ashen shift, and a spell that lets them send off a great wave of fire.
Transmute a knife, a flower, a pen and a piece of paper to summon a Stalker. Stalkers can shapeshift into different creatures to blend in, inheriting their stats.
Transmute a vomit pool, a head and a book to summon a Rust Walker. Rust walkers can walk around and shoot waves of rust.
A spell that sends off a harmless projectile which rusts and damages the terrain.
A ranged spell that gives bleeding wounds to the target and those around them.
Ashlord's Rite
Priest’s Final Hymn
Rustbringer’s Oath
 Transmute 3 corpses to ascend and become immune to fire/cold and space. You gain two spells: to surround yourself with fire for a minute, and to send off a massive fire wave like ashmen.
 Transmute 3 corpses to ascend as Lord of the night or summon a terror of the night.
Transmute 3 corpses to ascend. While on rust tiles, your healing is tripled. Rust also spreads from the ritual's rune.
Jobs on /tg/station
Captain, Head of Personnel, Head of Security, Chief Engineer, Research Director, Chief Medical Officer, Quartermaster, Bridge Assistant
Head of Security, Security Officer, Warden, Detective, Veteran Security Advisor, Prisoner
Chief Engineer, Station Engineer, Atmospheric Technician
Research Director, Geneticist, Scientist, Roboticist
Chief Medical Officer, Medical Doctor, Paramedic, Chemist, Coroner
Quartermaster, Cargo Technician, Shaft Miner, Bitrunner, Cargorilla
Head of Personnel, Janitor, Bartender, Cook, Botanist, Clown, Mime, Chaplain, Curator, Assistant, Lawyer, Psychologist
AI, Human AI, Cyborg, Positronic Brain, Drone, Personal AI, Construct, Imaginary Friend, Split Personality, Ghost
Traitor, Malfunctioning AI, Changeling, Nuclear Operative, Blood Cultist, Heretic, Spy, Revolutionary, Wizard, Blob, Abductor, Holoparasite, Xenomorph, Spider, Revenant, Morph, Nightmare, Space Ninja, Slaughter Demon, Pirate, Obsessed, Fugitives, Hunters, Space Dragon, Elite Mobs, Sentient Slime, Regal Rat, Paradox Clone, Voidwalker
CentCom Official, Death Squad Officer, Emergency Response Officer, Chrono Legionnaire, Highlander, Ian, Lavaland or Space Role, CentCom Intern