Exploration Drones
Exploration drones is a system which allows various sites explorations to be performed by Cargo. Drones are controlled and launched from a special room usually near or in Cargo.
Sites contain interesting loot and information about worlds history.
First you need to find a place for drone to land, this is done through scanner arrays that can be build.
After scanner array is build you need to select for which types of sites are you scanning, and also ability to scan every site deeply on amount of enemies and opportunities.
Certain sites require scanners to be in certain places to be scanned. Those scanning usually required as one of the science experiments.
Drones and Launching

After locating the site, equip the drone with tools appropriate for the site, or you can go blind and have extra space for loot as tools and loot take up same space. Any loot that will be found when drone is full - will be lost forever.
To launch the drone you need a fuel tank that can be created in the atmospherics crystallizer. Better fuel makes drone faster at its actions.
Load fuel into the drone launcher when you're ready - and launch the drone!
On-site Adventures

When on site the computers screen will report what's drone is encountering in the form of a text.