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TGMC is a project based on the CM-SS13 codebase.

This is page for in-depth description of marine-related mechanics.

Also see: TGMC:Xenomorph Mechanics

Gun Damage

A Gun's damage against a Target is affected by several factors, these being:

  • The Ammo's Damage. This is the amount of base damage a shot does. This is determined by the Ammo and not the Gun.
  • The Gun's Damage Multiplier. This is what the Ammo's Damage is multiplied by to get the damage a shot does from a specific Gun.
    • This is typically 1 on most guns, but on a few guns (Notably the Combat Shotgun) it is lower.
  • The Target's Armor. This is the Target's armor values. This negates a percentage of a shot's damage.
    • Bullet armor affects Bullets, and Laser armor affects Lasers. Duh
  • The Ammo's Armor Penetration. This is a flat amount of the Target's Armor that is fully ignored. This is determined by the Ammo and not the Gun.
    • Ex: If a Target has 45 Bullet armor, and is shot by a Bullet with 25 Armor Penetration, then the Bullet will deal 80% damage (100-(45-25)).
  • The Gun's Damage Falloff. This is the amount of Damage that is lost for every tile the projectile travels before it hits a target.
    • Falloff is calculated before Armor damage reduction is applied.
  • The Target's Sunder Stacks. Each Sunder Stack removes 1% of the Target's Armor, and most Ammo types will apply a certain amount of stacks per shot.
    • This is effectively a 'Debuff', will last until the Sunder is healed, and will affect all further projectiles even from other guns.



Limb HP Breakpoint
Head 100 40
Torso 200 60
Groin 200 60
Arm 125 50
Hand 75 37
Leg 100 50
Foot 75 37
  • Each limb has fixed and separate healthpool and breakpoint. After breakpoint is reached, attacks on limb can break it.
  • After limb HP reaches 0, it can be dismembered with probability% P = brute_attack_damage * 2.
  • After 20 damage is done to a limb, with 5% chance, half of any further damage goes to internal organs as additional damage.
  • After 30 damage on a limb, any attack with damage > 15 can cause IB with probability% P = brute_attack_damage * 0.5
  • After each attack, a "wound" is created or widened.
    • Each wound regenerates by 0.1 per tick on avg
    • Treated (bandages, oil, ATK, ABK) wound regen by 0.4 per tick on avg
    • Regen only works for wounds which have less than 50 dmg, and if you are not in crit


Check very cool video here:



All Command staff and assigned Squad Leaders have access to Orders which can be used to buff nearby troops. Using one causes you to shout out a unique phrase over the radio. After giving an Order, there is a one-minute cooldown period until you can give another one, but cooldowns for Orders and Markers are separate.

Order effects are influenced by your Leadership skill, which increases both the effect and range.

Order Description

Move order

Increases movement speed by 0.1 per Leadership level

Great for retreats and getting to objectives quickly

Hold order

Reduces damage received by 5% per Leadership level

Increases pain resistance, reduces the effects of dizziness and jitteriness

Focus order

Increases accuracy by 10% plus 5% per Leadership level

Makes Aiming instant

Rally marker

Places a directional pointer and a map icon, urging marines to Rally at a given point.

Attack marker

Places a directional pointer and a map icon, urging marines to Attack a given point.

Defend marker

Places a directional pointer and a map icon, urging marines to Defend a given point.

Retreat marker

Places a directional pointer and a map icon, urging marines to Retreat from a given point.


To make a turret out of any weapon, you need to use Build-A-Sentry kit (ctrl+click), which goes to scope slot of a weapon. Most weapons can be turrets, but NOT every weapon will actually shoot. Launchers or any bolted weapons won't, but will still notify about the enemy. Also, despite the fact that turrets aim through friendlies, it doesn't give them IFF (aim), so best used with IFF weapons. Bought in cargo.