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TGMC is a project based on the CM-SS13 codebase.


If you want to learn how to use the mysterious Vali Module, then this is the guide for you.
The Vali Module is currently the most complex and poorly explained Jaeger module in the game, and using it will fundamentally alter the way you fight.
Knowing how to use it and what it does is your first step to Vali-hood.

Where do I even get Vali?

If you don't exactly have the best site, you may not know where to actually get the Vali Module. If you happen to be one of these people, here's a list of how to get a Vali Module:

  • In the GHMME Automated Closet under "JAEGER ARMOR MODULES" with the name "Vali chemical enhancement set". Some closets do NOT have this as an option, if this happens to be yours then try to next option.
  • In the Surplus Armor Equipment Vendor under "Armor Modules" with the name "Vali chemical enhancement module". These are infinite so do not worry about taking them.

Now that you hopefully have your Vali Module in-hand you should now slot it into your Jaeger Module compatible suit. If you don't know how, take the suit off and hold it in-hand first. Then, with your other hand holding the Vali Module, click on the suit.

What exactly does this thing do?

The Vali Module is designed to use the unique Harvester Weapons, a class of Melee weapon that harvests the blood of Xenomorphs, and uses medicine to alter its blade's effects. Using the blood that the Harvester Weapons collect, the Vali Module can rapidly heal the user. At a risk.

But first we've got to go over those buttons that appeared up at the top left before we get into the Main ability!

Configure Vali Chemical Enhancement
Pressing this button will open a Radial menu with several more buttons related to the Vali.

Switch Boost
This button is located inside the Radial menu of the Configure Button. Pressing it swaps between Enhancement Level 1 and 2.

This button is located inside of the Radial menu of the Configure Button. Pressing it will fill any held container with 5u of Virilyth while consuming 5u of Greenblood. When Virilyth reacts with Bicaridine, Kelotane, Dylovene, or Tramadol; It will consume the Virilyth and effectively "Duplicate" the other chem.

Load Up
This button is located inside of the Radial menu of the Configure Button. Pressing it will fill your Vali Module using the held container. This is not the same storage as your Greenblood storage.

This button is located inside of the Radial menu of the Configure Button. Pressing it will display a large list of the Bonus effects reagents have when put in the Vali Module.

Connect Weapon
Pressing this button will Connect your Harvester weapon to your suit. This allows it to harvest Greenblood on hit and prevents you from dropping it.

Power Vali Chemical Enhancement
Pressing this button will enable (and then disabled) the Vali's Chemical Enhancement. The Enhancement itself will be covered later.

User Medical Scan
Pressing this button will open up a Medical Scan UI of your person. It is identical in every way to the Health Analyzer.

NOW, What does it do!

Well, it heals you!

More accurately, when you activate the Vali Chemical Enhancement System it will (Depending on the current Enhancement Level) start to consume 4-10u of Greenblood from it's storage per tick, Inject 30u of your Vali's internal Chem storage, and start healing 6-12 Brute and Burn damage a tick. This will continue until you die, deactivate it, or the Vali Module runs out of Greenblood.

This healing effect is modified if the chemicals injected by your Vali Module exceed a required amount. This boost lasts until Enhancement is disabled.

Increases the Brute regeneration by 10%

Increases the Burn regeneration by 10%

Increases Stamina regeneration by 20%
Increases speed by 0.1

Increases the Brute regeneration by 20%

Increases the Burn regeneration by 20%

Adds .5 Toxin regeneration every tick.

Adds 1 Toxin regeneration every tick
Increases Stamina regeneration by 10%
Will react poorly with Dylovene

Increases Brute regeneration by 100%
Increases Burn regeneration by 100%
Adds 3 Toxin damage every tick
Increases speed by .3

Wait, what the hell is a Harvester?

Well, a Harvester is a class of Melee weapon that is required to use the Vali Module, but is still effective on it's own. Outside of the Vali Module, these weapons can exploit the power of Bicaridine, Kelotane, and Tramadol for unique effects. When a weapon is filled with at least 5u of one of the three chems, you can press Unique_Action to fill the blade and enable one of three bonuses:

  • Bicaridine, when loaded into a Harvester weapon and activated; Lets you heal 12.5 Brute damage on another person (Living OR Dead) after a short delay. When used on yourself it only heals 6 Brute, but it also heals 30 Stamina and is instantaneous.
  • Kelotane, when loaded into a Harvester weapon and activated; The next target hit will be lit on fire with a singular stack of fire, while also lighting anything behind the target with two stacks of fire.
  • Tramadol, when loaded into a Harvester weapon and activated; The next target hit will take 60% more damage as Armor Ignoring damage, and will cause the target to be slowed down for one second.

Besides the Harvester's special chem effects, it is also capable of being connected to the Vali Module (That's the thing this guide is about) to make it incapable of being dropped, and to let it harvest 20u of Greenblood from any Xenomorph it hits.