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Squad Marine
Access: Squad Room Difficulty: Easy Rank: Private (starting), Private First Class (10 hours), Lance Corporal (100 hours), Section Corporal (300 hours), Master Sergeant (1000 hours) Class: Marines Supervisors:Squad Leader Duties: Stick with your squad, follow your Squad Leader's orders, destroy the enemy! Guides: N/A Quote:"My name is not important. What is important is what I'm going to do. I just fuckin' hate xenomorphs. And the larvas feasting on my friends. My whole life is just hot, burning unga. And I always wanted to die violently. This is the time of vengeance and no res is worth saving. And I will gib as many xenomorphs as I can. It's time for me to kill. And it's time for me to die. My warcrime crusade begins here."
Inspirational FC says: "Welcome to Marine Corps, gentlemen. I will not lie, the chances of your survival are small - some may even turn their guns upon your friends as friendly fire. But you have my word that I will use my medicine to ensure your bodies are returned to the world of the living. This is the greatest reward, more than even killing xenomorphs, for the fate of Terra is your eternal concern! Now, come! Follow me, and strike down the xenomorph that dare rise against us, and allow us to bring victory! I ask not for my own selfish medals, but for the good of Terra!"
(This guide assumes that you have read the Marine Quickstart Guide and wish to know how to be a better Marine.)
The Squad Marine is the grunt, the tip of the spear, the first boots on the ground, kicking in the door. Your objective: follow orders and destroy the enemy without getting yourself or your fellow marines killed in the process. The concept is simple, but executing it successfully is not.
Playing the Marine
The Squad Marine is the lowest rank and, technically, most basic combat role you can do. This doesn't mean, however, that every marine is not critically important to the battle and your actions cannot make or break the operation. The Marine PFC is both simple yet flexible, with enough options for weapons and gear to fill many types of role once you gain some experience, but first you need to understand your most important priorities:
Stay with your squad and listen to your Squad Leader/Acting Squad Leader/whoever the hell is in charge.
Follow orders and help however you can.
Do not shoot or blow up other marines.
Do shoot and blow up the enemy.
Maintain a high level of awareness of yourself, your squad, and how you can position yourself best to fight the enemy.
Don't abandon another marine to die, and never run in the face of the enemy.
Stay alive, but never at the expense of your comrades or the mission.
Understanding Your Squad
It's important to understand the roles of your fellow marines so that you have a better grasp of unit operations, your position in the battle, and what you may be asked to help with. Remember that you are the lowest-ranking marine, but that doesn't make you any less important.
Squad Leader Rank - Staff Sergeant
The leader of your squad and your direct superior in the field, relaying orders from command. Live and die by every word that comes out of their mouth. You can find them by following the beacon on your HUD, and an acting squad leader will typically be appointed if yours is SSD, MIA, or KIA. SL's an also direct close-air support, orbital bombardment, mortars, and request a resupply.
Squad Smartgunner Rank - Corporal
The support lynchpin of your squad, SG's can act as a third in command or second fireteam leader, and their position in the squad is usually somewhere in the center or right behind YOU so they can make best use of their weapon. You need to be in front of these marines, not behind them.
Squad Engineer Rank - Lance Corporal
Your engineers typically build defences and sentry guns, but may accompany you to a forward position to repair objectives and use hacking and explosives for entry and demolition. Listen to their advice, don't block their way when they're trying to build, help them fill sandbags and place barbed wire, and cover them with your life: you'll thank them later when you have to hold the Forward Operating Base (FoB) from an army of rampaging Xenomorphs.
Squad Medic Rank - Corporal
Your medics are concerned with one thing: keeping the squad healed up and alive. Try to lighten their load by running corpses/wounded back to the FoB/the triage area for them and trying not to be too reckless in battle, or they might be too overwhelmed by 12+ marines needing a fix to help you.
Squad Marines Rank - Meatshield
Your comrades-in-arms are the Squad Marines, the churning blood and guts of the Corps. Never move out without them, don't accidentally shoot them in the back, and try to stay out of their line of fire if you like living a long life.
Standard issue marine tactical gloves. It reads: 'knit by Marine Widows Association'.
<tab name="Essential Jaeger Kit">
NOTE: The arm and leg plates all have the same stats. Only the chest plates and helmets have differing armor stats. Examine the exosuit with the pieces attached and click the "relevant information" prompt to view exact statistics.
Designed to mount a variety of modular armor components and support systems. It comes installed with light-plating and a shoulder lamp. Mount armor pieces to it by clicking on the frame with the components. Use a crowbar to remove armor pieces, use a screwdriver to remove armor attachments.
Provides minor protection and encumbrance when attached. This one is marked as a light skirmisher piece, used by those who prefer faster movement speed over protection, such as scouts.
Provides moderate protection and encumbrance when attached. This one is marked as a medium infantry piece, used by frontline troops that need a good balance of mobility and protection.
Provides high protection and encumbrance when attached. This one is marked as a heavy assault piece, with extra padding and plate thickness which provides excellent protection against all manners of dangers.
Provides moderate protection and encumbrance when attached. This one is marked as an EVA armor piece, used for extravehicular operations in the vacuum of space. The gaps in the armor seem to say otherwise, however. NOTE: does not actually provide protection against space.
Provides moderate protection and encumbrance when attached. This one is marked as an EVA armor piece, but the helmet has a skull engraved on it. NOTE: does not actually provide protection against space.
Provides high protection and encumbrance when attached. This one is marked as an EOD armor piece, used by specialized Explosive Ordnance Disposal units to disarm explosives safely. And no, that is not a skirt. NOTE: does not actually provide extra protection against explosive damage.
A backpack item that allows you to carry more things in bulk.
Holds less than a backpack, but can be opened on your back.
Can carry five normal sized items at once.
A backpack item that allows you to carry more things in bulk.
Holds more than a satchel, but cannot be opened while on your back.
Can carry ten normal sized items at once.
A small, lightweight pouch that can be clipped onto armor or your belt to provide additional storage for miscellaneous gear or box and drum magazines. And it is in fact a belt, not a pouch. Don't get confused now.
Can switch drawing modes by right clicking.
Capable of storing various items.
A belt used to hold up to 50 shotgun shells, two boxes worth.
Has two drawing methods, click to open, and draw last stored upon click.
Defaults to click to open, you can right click on it and change the drawing method.
A shoulder worn strap with clamps that can be attached to a gun. Acts as a mag harness, but on your belt. Attaches guns to your back if your suit storage is full. Lacks any form of storage on its own.
A pouch used to hold shotgun shells. Has four slots.
Has two drawing methods, click to open, and draw last stored upon click.
Defaults to click to open, you can right click on it and change the drawing method.
A pouch used to hold magazines. Has two slots.
Has two drawing methods, click to open, and draw last stored upon click.
Defaults to click to open, you can right click on it and change the drawing method.
A pouch used to flares. Has five slots.
Has two drawing methods, click to open, and draw last stored upon click.
Defaults to click to open, you can right click on it and change the drawing method.
A pouch used to hold construction materials. Has five slots.
Has two drawing methods, click to open, and draw last stored upon click.
Defaults to click to open, you can right click on it and change the drawing method.
A pouch used to hold tools. Has five slots.
Has two drawing methods, click to open, and draw last stored upon click.
Defaults to click to open, you can right click on it and change the drawing method.
A pouch used to hold construction materials. Has three slots.
Has two drawing methods, click to open, and draw last stored upon click.
Defaults to click to open, you can right click on it and change the drawing method.
A pouch used to hold pistol magazines. Has three slots.
Has two drawing methods, click to open, and draw last stored upon click.
Defaults to click to open, you can right click on it and change the drawing method.
A pouch used to sidearms. Has one slot.
Has two drawing methods, click to open, and draw last stored upon click.
Defaults to click to open, you can right click on it and change the drawing method.
A pouch used to hold explosive materials. Has four slots.
Has two drawing methods, click to open, and draw last stored upon click.
Defaults to click to open, you can right click on it and change the drawing method.
A small tube with exhaust ports to expel noise and gas.
Does not completely silence a weapon, but does make it much quieter and a little more accurate and stable at the cost of bullet speed.
Exact stats: +10% damage falloff, halves bullet speed Wielded: +10% accuracy,-5% scatter,-2 recoil Unwielded: -5% scatter, -3 recoil
A lengthened barrel allows for lessened scatter, greater accuracy and muzzle velocity due to increased stabilization and shockwave exposure. Makes your weapon longer(obviously), making it unlikely to fit in a holster.
A magnetically attached harness kit that attaches to the rail mount of a weapon. When dropped, the weapon will sling to TGMC armor or your back. Does not slow you down if attached to a weapon and equipped. but why don't you just use a pick up macro? they disabled pickup macros for guns. Use these to keep your gun on you instead.
Fookin' laser soights. A laser sight placed under the barrel. Significantly increases one-handed accuracy and significantly reduces movement penalties to accuracy.
A custom-built improved foregrip for better accuracy, less recoil, and less scatter when wielded especially during burst fire. However, it also slightly increases wield delay and makes unwielded fire more cumbersome. Makes your gun slightly bigger, possibly making it not fit in holsters.
A custom-built improved foregrip for less recoil, and faster wielding time. However, it also increases weapon size, and slightly hinders unwielded firing.
A submachinegun stock distributed in "small" numbers to TGMC forces. Compatible with the T-19, this stock reduces recoil and improves accuracy, but at a reduction to handling and agility. Seemingly a bit more effective in a brawl. Use this if you plan on using the T-19 as your primary weapon.
A non-standard heavy stock for the T-35 Shotgun. Less quick and more cumbersome than the standard issue stakeout, but reduces recoil and improves accuracy. Allegedly makes a pretty good club in a fight too.
Certainly not as specialised as any other storage modules, but definitely able to hold some larger things, like binoculars, maps, magazines, and motion detectors.
Can hold about as much as a tool belt, and sometimes small spools of things like barbed wire, or an entrenching tool. Looks like it might slow you down a bit.
Can hold a substantial variety of medical supplies and apparatus, but cannot hold much more than a medkit could. Looks like it might slow you down a bit.
<tab name="Jaegar Armor Modules">
NOTE: These modules augment your armor, increasing its abilities and resistances. Only one can be attached at a time.
A large amount of additional armor plating designed to fit inside some of the vulnerable portions of the Jaeger Combat Exoskeleton conventional armor patterns. This older version has worse protection. Will definitely impact mobility.
When activated, this system provides resistance to environmental hazards, such as gases and radiological exposure. This older version provides no protection to acid. Best paired with the Mimir Environmental Helmet System. Will impact mobility.