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Pen and crayon commands

[br] - [\br] : Creates a linebreak.

[center] - [\center] : Centers the text.

[h1] - [\h1] : Makes the text a first level heading.

[h2] - [\h2] : Makes the text a second level headin.

[h3] - [\h3] : Makes the text a third level heading.

[b] - [\b] : Makes the text bold.

[i] - [\i] : Makes the text italic.

[u] - [\u] : Makes the text underlined.

[large] - [\large] : Increases the size of the text.

[sign] : Inserts a signature of your name in a foolproof way.

[field] : Inserts an invisible field which lets you start type from there. Useful for forms.

[date] : Inserts today's station date.

[time] : Inserts the current station time.

Pen exclusive commands

[small] - [\small] : Decreases the size of the text.

[list] - [\list] : A list.

[*] : A dot used for lists.

[hr] : Adds a horizontal rule.


Admin Fax to Corporate Liaison
Secure Communication SC-CLTMGC-01a[/center]
[hr][b]Assignment detail[/b]
Vessel: Theseus
Date, Time: [date], [time]
Index: #001
Recipient: Corporate Liason, Theseus.
Subject: [b] Lack of update [/b]

Details of the message



[small][i]This message is intended only for the Corporate Liason aboard the Thesues, 
all other suchs persons should not read, receive a copy, or be exposed to this communication in any form. 
Failing to adhere to this warning will result in liquidation of division under Act 09.B-4. 
By authoring a reply to this transmission, the liason confirms they abide by the regulations as set forth to them.[/i][/small]
Corporate Liaison Fax Template

[b][h2]Nanotrasen Liaison Report[/h2][/b][/center]


[b]Date:[/b] [date]

[b]To:[/b] Nanotrasen Central Command

[b]Subject:[/b] [field]

Dear Centcom,



Yours Truly,


[i]An official Nanotrasen document.[/i]