The following page is currently in the process of being created, is undergoing a major structural rework and/or is being moved. The reason for this is: "SL equipment section is outdated, don't trust it."
Squad Leader
Access: Squad Room, Squad Leader Prep Difficulty: Medium Rank: Sergeant (starting), Staff Sergeant (25hrs), GayeryGunnery Sergeant (125hrs) Class: Marines Supervisors:Field Commander, Captain Duties: Maintain Squad Cohesion, execute the orders of Command. Call in supplies and Orbital Bombardments as your squad needs them. Get executed by your underlings. Guides:Guide to Fire Support, Guide to Vehicles Quote:"WAKE THE FUCK UP, PRIVATE! WE HAVE A HIVE WITH XENOMORPHS TO BURN!"
The Squad Leader is the battle-tested sergeant leading their troops on the ground, and the direct link to the higher chain-of-command. You are entrusted with keeping your squad alive and leading them to victory while also relaying orders, reporting information, and providing coordinates for resupply and fire-support (Close Air Support and the Orbital Cannon.
Playing the Squad Leader
As the first link in the chain-of-command and the direct ranking officer for your marines, your primary role is leadership and support, with combat secondary. Remember this, as your presence alone can often keep a squad together and fighting effectively. Leading from the front is heroic and inspiring, but can often get you killed, leaving your marines leaderless and scattered. You must know when to charge and when to give orders, when to fight and when to help out your medic, or hold a position, or use your tac binos to call for a resupply or fire-mission.
You are also a physical beacon to follow and have the ability to give orders that provide direct buffs to your marines, so it's not all just yelling over the radio.
Your most important job is paying attention, and a good Squad Leader will know what's going on and how best to use their leadership abilities and communication to help win the battle. Your marines may not always listen, but sometimes that's out of your hands. Before taking a role as Squad Leader, ensure you have a good grasp of each marine role, the weapons at your squad's disposal, the map, and of course your own abilities.
As command staff, you have access to orders, which can be used to buff nearby troops with helpful effects. These also cause you to broadcast a quote over the radio(provided you have one) so people know when you're calling one out. After giving an order, there is a cooldown period until you can give another one. Give orders using the action buttons on the top-left of the screen.
Move order
Increases movement speed. Great for chasing down or running away from xenos, or if you just want to move around fast in general, like on the ship. ROs love it!
Hold order
Increases pain resistance. Helpful since pain slows down move speed, makes you drop stuff, and overall just sucks to have. Also saves painkiller supplies for when it's needed more.
Focus order
Increases accuracy, which in turn increases total damage output because more shots actually hit the enemy. Also makes them hit friendlies more often, but that's out of your control, mostly.
Vendors, Equipment, and Weapons
The Squad Leader has their own prep room within their squad prep area (hover your mouse over the doors if you can't find it.) Inside are your GHMME Automated Closet and NEXUS Automated Squad Leader Equipment Rack.
This version is used by squad leaders. Default channels are ; for your squad, :v for Command, :u for Requisitions, :s for Fire Support and :h for Common.
TThis version is used by squad leaders. Default channels are ; for your squad, :v for Command, :u for Requisitions, :s for Fire Support and :h for Common.
Designed to mount a variety of modular armor components and support systems. It comes installed with light-plating and a shoulder lamp. Mount armor pieces to it by clicking on the frame with the components. Use Alt-Click to remove any attached items.
This version is used by squad leaders. Default channels are ; for your squad, :v for Command, :u for Requisitions, :s for Fire Support and :h for Common.
Light armor plating designed for self mounting on the upper half of TerraGov combat robotics. It has self-sealing bolts for mounting on robotic owners inside.
Medium armor plating designed for self mounting on the upper half of TerraGov combat robotics. It has self-sealing bolts for mounting on robotic owners inside.
Heavy armor plating designed for self mounting on the upper half of TerraGov combat robotics. It has self-sealing bolts for mounting on robotic owners inside.
Pistol Holster that you can clip to your uniform.
Only one thing may be clipped to your uniform
Capable of storing one pistol in it.
<tab name="Belts">
The M276 is the standard load-bearing equipment of the TGMC. It consists of a modular belt with various clips. This version is the standard variant designed for bulk ammunition-carrying operations.
If Shift+Right-click is enabled, right-click on the belt to obtain the last item stored.
An ammunition belt designed to hold shotgun shells or individual bullets.
If Shift+Right-click is enabled, right-click on the belt to obtain the last item stored.
The M276 is the standard load-bearing equipment of the TGMC. It consists of a modular belt with various clips. This version is specially designed with six four holsters to store throwing knives. Not commonly issued, but kept in service.
If Shift+Right-click is enabled, right-click on the belt to obtain the last item stored.
The T457 is the standard load-bearing equipment of the TGMC. It consists of a modular belt with various clips.
Draws pistol on click. If Shift+Right-click is enabled, right-click on the belt to obtain the last item stored.
The T457 is the standard load-bearing equipment of the TGMC. It consists of a modular belt with various clips.
Draws pistol on click. If Shift+Right-click is enabled, right-click on the belt to obtain the last item stored.
A small, lightweight pouch that can be clipped onto Armat Systems M3 Pattern armor or your belt to provide additional storage for miscellaneous gear or box and drum magazines.
Can store three tiny, small and medium-sized items.
A small, lightweight pouch that can be clipped onto Armat Systems M3 Pattern armor or your belt to provide additional storage for miscellaneous gear or box and drum magazines.
A shoulder worn strap with clamps that can attach to a gun. Should keep you from losing your weapon, hopefully.
<tab name="Pouches">
A pouch used to hold shotgun shells. Has four slots.
Has two drawing methods, click to open, and draw last stored upon click.
Defaults to click to open, you can right click on it and change the drawing method.
A pouch used to hold magazines. Has two slots.
Has two drawing methods, click to open, and draw last stored upon click.
Defaults to click to open, you can right click on it and change the drawing method.
A medium general pouch that goes into your pocket. Holds small and tiny items.
Has two drawing methods, click to open, and draw last stored upon click.
Defaults to click to open, you can right click on it and change the drawing method.
A pouch used to flares. Has five slots.
Has two drawing methods, click to open, and draw last stored upon click.
Defaults to click to open, you can right click on it and change the drawing method.
A pouch used to hold construction materials. Has five slots.
Has two drawing methods, click to open, and draw last stored upon click.
Defaults to click to open, you can right click on it and change the drawing method.
A pouch used to hold pistol magazines. Has three slots.
Has two drawing methods, click to open, and draw last stored upon click.
Defaults to click to open, you can right click on it and change the drawing method.
A pouch used to sidearms. Has one slot.
Has two drawing methods, click to open, and draw last stored upon click.
Defaults to click to open, you can right click on it and change the drawing method.
A pair of binoculars with a laser targeting and rangefinding function. Right click or Activate to look, Ctrl+Click to target something, Alt+Click or Spacebar to change modes, Ctrl+Shift+Click to remotely fire OB (You can only fire remotely AFTER a windup time, represented by a bar over your sprite. Click on LASER to fire.)
A rugged, glorified laser pointer capable of sending a beam into space. Activate and deploy this to call for a supply drop. Your kit comes with two of these beacons.
A device that detects hostile movement. Hostiles appear as red blips. Friendlies with the correct IFF signature appear as green, and their bodies as blue, un-revivable bodies as dark blue. It has a mode selection interface.
A heads-up display that scans the humans in view and provides accurate data about their health status. The projector can be attached to compatable eyewear.
Programmable remotely triggered 'smart' explosive used for demolitions and impromptu booby traps. Can be set to breach or demolition detonation patterns.
A small, but deceptively strong high explosive grenade that has been phasing out the M15 fragmentation grenades. Capable of being loaded in the any grenade launcher, or thrown by hand.
The M240A1 has proven to be one of the most effective weapons at clearing out soft-targets. This is a weapon to be feared and respected as it is quite deadly.
Contains advanced medical treatments. Comes with a health analyzer, a splint, a pair of burn and brute trauma kits, and one pill bottle each of Tramadol, Kelotane and Bicardine.
An active camo tarp carried by TGMC Snipers. When laying underneath the tarp, the sniper is almost indistinguishable from the landscape if utilized correctly. The tarp contains a thermal-dampening weave to hide the wearer's heat signatures, optical camouflage, and smell dampening.