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TGMC is a project based on the CM-SS13 codebase.

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What could this be?

Small Superstitions, they never leave us no matter how far we evolve.

Sailors are no exception. In fact, you could say they’re some of the most superstitious. When all you’ve got between you and a Lonely, deadly void is a thin sheet of steel, you tend to make up a story that protects the mind.

One of these you can see, right now if you so choose, is the mast of the ship. Silly as it sounds for a ship in space, but it does have a mast. It’s thick Oak or Redwood, real wood, never fake. If it were fake the magic wouldn’t be there. It’s our link with earth and every other sailing ship. The constraints of physics and engineering means that it doesn’t support anything except itself, and the spirit of the crew. You can find ours outside of requisitions.

Time and many, many hands have worn it a bit. Ours was even part of a real sailing ship! She was called the HMS Victory. Floated and fought for over a hundred years according to the plaque.


Sons of Mars


Back in the 2100's, Mars was a colony under the Space Authority with a few million people and very ambitious terraforming plans. Unrest from poor treatment and appropriation of resources after the crash of '09 caused rioting on Mars. Because of it's industrial importance the Authority's forces were eventually called in to quell the rapidly escalating situation. Tensions ran high and the revolt was ended with violence and bloody force. The survivors chafed under Authority rule, but made plans in secret with the assistance of other stations. In 2160, nearly the entire planet's population left in a first- generation STL ship, pulling a coup on the newly-formed TerraGov, but also taking the biggest source of opposition to TG outsystem.

One of the Big-3 members, the Sons of Mars are based on Cydonia, a small, partially terraformed world ringed by orbital stations and the occasional cometary impact. The Sons are a major industrial power, due to the very large number of initial colonists, and due to their initial expertise. They're the only member of the ICC that can build a Cyanspace drive and are the primary naval and engineering supplier of the ICC. They're the least friendly with TerraGov out of the Big-3.


  • Their home world is a Martian analogue, currently undergoing terraforming, it's about 2/3 finished, and the atmosphere is now breathable.
  • 8 additional extrasolar colonies, most notable Hesparus (1.2 mil).
  • ~40 million people.
  • Standing army of 200,000.
  • 175 FTL ships, of which 15 are dedicated warships, with 40 more being converted merchantmen.
  • Biggest fleet yards outside Sol system
  • Member of the ICC
  • Army well-trained in engineering techniques
  • Enemy of TerraGov
  • Armor is expensive and lacks certain protections
  • THE go-to target for the TGMC if war breaks out.

Behind the scenes:

  • The Sons of Mars are getting ready to leave the ICC and make a go of it on their own. The ICC really wouldn't like that...
  • The Sons run a guerrilla academy, with some exercises being live-fire deniable raids on TGMC outposts.
  • They're searching for LOST TECHNOLOGY so as to regain the glories of the technologies they once had.
  • The Sons have a working BLUEspace teleporter and drive design, one without all of them pesky downsides.
  • The Sons have began experimenting with viral plagues, in order to drive down the TerraGov population advantage.



Calender starts. All events up to present unaffected.

Earth- 7 bil


US demands reparations from Japanese families responsible for companies that built planes which participated in the strike on Pearl Harbor. Escalations lead to a tactical nuclear device being dropped on Nagasaki leading to Europe denouncing the United States and inviting China and Japan to the EU, creating the Eurasian Union.


A terrorist organization united under the ideal of a radical new religion manages to detonate dirty bombs in 37 major cities in Russia, Europe, Asia, and North America, leading to acute desolation of ecologies in various countries. Billions die from the localized fallout and crop damage.

Earth- 5 bil


Research into metallic hydrogen synthesizes a new fuel, a super-compressed witches brew of organics code-named Plasma. Production is limited during the war, but afterwards is expanded. Still limited by available energy, though. Plasma-powered rockets are capable of reaching both earth orbit and the inner system without special design, and can reach the outer system with mild design work.


First orbital habitat completed, built into a main-belt asteroid dragged into earth orbit by a Plasma drive, the biggest ever built even in the present day! The hollowed out hulk is used as an agricultural station, sending fresh, un-blighted crops down to the starving millions left in China, and a powersat, with steam-driven turbines cranking out as much Plasma as can be charged, while beaming the rest down to the power-starved cities on the East coast of the US. The drive is detached, and sent to fetch another.

Earth- 5 bil Earth orbit- 10k


With 3 Plasma drive assemblies bringing asteroids in at 1 every 4 months, there are over a dozen habitats in orbit, some of which are entirely residential.

Earth-5 bil Earth orbit- 100k


Asteroid moving accident. A half-mile wide chunk grazes Earth's atmosphere, melting everything in a swath along the equator 200 miles wide by 2000 miles long. This "accident", which happens with a rock that was on an APPROVED trajectory, causes public outrage against the disparate current governments, and increases pressure for an international organization that will control space-based activities. Roots of Terra Gov council and the TGMC formed as an advisory body to the UN, named the Space Authority.

Earth- 4 bil Earth orbit- 100k


Main belt asteroids mined out for the most part. Over 200 habitats in Earth orbit, and some in the belt. Focus of mining moves to Jupiter's trojan points. More than 20% of earth's resources come from space. Mars colony established and thriving, settlements on Jovian moons as well.

Earth- 5 bil Earth orbit- 10 mil Belt- 1 mil


Act of terrorism by disgruntled, possibly insane citizen of one of the Earth habs blows out a cylinder wall on the habitat, killing 250,000 of the 300,000 people onboard. What started as a regrettable action in one area turned into a mass disaster as the habitat lost structural integrity, and came apart across the sky, filling sections of earth orbit with house-sized chunks of rubble like something out of Star Wars. Of the remaining, 200+ habitats, over 2/3rds of them were destroyed, with near all of the rest holed, but surviving intact due to good emergency procedures. The Space Authority stepped in during the disaster, using all 8 of its patrol cutters to shoot down as much debris as possible, and confiscating plasma drive assemblies to move habitats into solar orbit away from the debris field. Public opinion of them soars, and they are voted massive budget increases by the Main Belt habs, and given increased authoratative powers to intervene in internal affairs of space-based colonies to prevent something like this from ever happening again.

Earth- 5 bil Earth orbit-100k Belt- 10 mil


Debris cloud in Earth orbit finally falls enough to allow travel to and from the surface. Due to loss of orbital resources, there was mass starvation and disorder, but not many deaths thanks to the Space Authority stepping in to throw one-way mass-driver loads of food from the surviving habitats to the surface. Space Authority hailed as heros by all Earth's population, as well as Main Belt colonies, but grumbling from remaining Earth habitats due to confiscation and shipment of MASSIVE amounts of resources.

Earth- 5 bil Earth orbit- 500k Belt-20 mil Assorted other solar colonies- 1 mil


After behind-the-scenes deals with existing Earth powers, the Space Authority (who control about 40% of Earth's food supply at this point, due to large-scale crop failures planetside) are ratified as the world goverment, complete with name change to TerraGov. This doesn't sit well with the Earth orbit colonies, and a few make plans to move.


Seven of the old Earth orbit stations are converted into generation ships and launched at nearby (unspecified) stars within 10 LY. At .05 to .1 lightspeed, the journeys will take near a century, but they've decided to leave rather to stay and watch TerraGov cement control of the system.

Earth-6 bil Earth orbit- 100k Belt- 40 mil Assorted other solar colonies- 2 mil Colony ships- 400k


Earth has recovered to about 80% of what it was before the war in 2035. There are still a few colonies in Earth orbit, a TON in the belt, and more around Jupiter and Saturn. However, easily accessible metallic resources are near used up in the system, so work begins on interstellar travel. Research into singularity induction begins to bear fruit, allowing the development of the first controlled singularities, which can convert matter into energy at exactly 100% efficiency. Over the next 50 years, 27 more slowships are launched to farther targets, as they are capable of higher speeds (.2-.3 lightspeed).

Earth-6 bil Earth orbit- 200k Belt- 80 mil Assorted other solar colonies- 4 mil Colony ships- 3 mil


War. The Earth stations and lunar bases rebel against TerraGov control and exploitation of their resources. The war ends with the defeat and destruction of all surviving Earth stations and the moonbase, at the cost of mass extinction on earth due to lunar bombardment, and an asteroid impact (some say TerraGov caused it to finally let them elimanate the last thorn in their side in Sol system). Many Belt colonies were burned off, and the only major winners were the Mars colony and Jovian colonies, winners only because they didn't lose. The TGMC is formed during the war, out of necessity, and remains after the war to keep the shattered power base together. Outsystem, colony ships start ariving at their targets.

Earth-10 mil Earth orbit- Extinct Belt- 40 mil Assorted other solar colonies- 20 mil Colony ships- 3 mil


Re-development of the Earth proceedes. Total survivors on the surface numbered about 4 million, left of the 6 billion before the war. Most survivors concentrated in Central America, and fed from orbit. TGCM academy and boot camp established in Jamaica, and all recruits shown the devestation as a way of instilling motivation to NEVER LET THIS HAPPEN AGAIN. Space largely quiet due to lack of additional accessible resources. Earth is a dried-up has-been, never to influence the system again.

Earth-4 mil Earth orbit- Extinct Belt- 80 mil Assorted other solar colonies- 40 mil Extra-solar colonies - 12 mil


Earth makes a discovery revolutionizing the solar system! Okay, not exactly. During the war (2250), a cut-off military and research outpost dies off, like many others. But before it goes, one of the lead researchers decides to try to do something useful with the rest of his life. He feeds in everything known about physics at the time, and activates an evolutionary algorithm to design the fastest mode of transport possible, so that survivors can escape from the hell of the world. After 47 years of optimizing and learning, the computer system spits out a design for a working FTL drive. But it didn't save the process, and the physics behind the drive aren't known. When the plans are recovered by a TGMC salvage party investigating the still-operating reactor, the plans are found and tested, and work! The stars are open!


With the influence of the new engine, dubbed bluespace for the color of everything seen outside the drive interface when active, expeditions are launched to nearby stars to meet up with the new colonies. Unfortunately, TerraGov made a mistake. The first wave of ships had made 3 successful colonies, with 2 failed colonies, and 2 unaccounted for. TerraGov gave them the plans for the Cyanspace drive in the first flush of optimism. But this first wave still hated TerraGov for what they did to their ancestors, and after 6 years, many unified into a loose group, the Independent Colonial Confederation, behind the three strongest members, the colonies on Gilgamesh, on Caelus, and the Sons of Mars, grabbing as many of the second generation wave of colonies as they could. No war is fought, due to the lumbering state, expense, and rarity of singularity- drive ships, but both sides prepare for conflict, with both the TGMC and ICC expanding as fast as they can afford to.

Earth-6 mil Earth orbit- Extinct Belt- 120 mil Assorted other solar colonies- 60 mil Extrasolar colonies- 25 mil


Expansion and skirmishes continue. Contacts with an unknown, non-human party confirmed on multiple occasions via telescopic observations and radar plots, but no communications established.

Earth-8 mil Earth orbit- Extinct Belt- 160 mil Assorted other solar colonies- 80 mil Extrasolar colonies- 50 mil


Breakthrough in artifical crystalline structures by research into phoron allows TerraGov to create Supermatter, a proprietary polymer that stores massive amounts of energy in it's structure. If charged by a singularity generator, it contains enough power to activate a cyanspace drive nearly a dozen times, WITHOUT the weight of the singularity to carry along! This made ships more nimble, cheaper, AND more powerful than before! Both sides begain building as many SM drive ships as possible, and converting existing ones, preparing for war.


Cold war. The TGMC and ICC stare at each other across the light-years. Independents scurry for cover beneath one of the spheres of influence, or try to look as non-threatening as possible. The TGMC has the edge in equipment, military ships, and manpower, but the ICC taken as a group have vastly more colonies, almost the same amount of personnel under arms as the TGMC, and nearly 2/3rds the number of ships, mostly converted freighters. Meanwhile, an unknown force stirs in the darkness beyond known space...

Earth-16 mil Earth orbit- Extinct Belt- 320 mil Assorted other solar colonies- 160 mil Extrasolar colonies- 100 mil


(TGMC PRESENT DAY)- WAR! But not the war everyone expected. The cold war goes hot, briefly. But then outbreaks of a bioweapon not of human origin appear on colonies seperated by light-years! After initial hostilities between the ICC and TGMC, both sides unify under the TGMC banner against this unknown threat. The cause is found to be a previously unknown species, living in a small bubble of colonies nearly 50 light years out. This species saw us, decided we were a threat, and decided to exterminate us using their bio-weapon expertise. The plan failed, and they were met by a combined crusade from all of humanity which took their resource-rich worlds and wiped them out entirely. Expansion into that area afterwards led to the phoron boom of the 2450's, and would reap immense profit for certain companies. Indeed, some say a shadowy council was responsible for the release of the bioweapon to forestall the TGMC/CLF war, and secure an unlimited future for humanity. But that's just hearsay.


(TGSTATION PRESENT DAY)- Phoron rush in full swing on the destroyed worlds. TGMC in advisory role, stepped down from wartime militia due to reduced need, many retired personnel working on research stations...


TerraGov Marines


Command Captain, Field Commander, Staff Officer, Pilot Officer, Transport Officer, Mech Pilot
Vehicle Crew Assault Crewman, Transport Crewman
Engineering and Supply Chief Ship Engineer, Requisitions Officer, Ship Technician
Medical Chief Medical Officer, Medical Doctor, Researcher
Marines Squad Leader, Squad Smartgunner, Squad Engineer, Squad Corpsman, Squad Marine
Civilians Corporate Liaison
Silicon Combat robots, Synthetic, AI


Tier 0 Larva, Minions
Tier 1 Drone, Runner, Defender, Sentinel
Tier 2 Hivelord, Carrier, Hunter, Wraith, Bull, Warrior, Puppeteer, Spitter, Pyrogen
Tier 3 Gorger, Defiler, Widow, Ravager, Warlock, Behemoth, Crusher, Praetorian, Boiler
Tier 4 Shrike, Queen, King, Hivemind
Others Zombie, Emergency Response Teams, Sons of Mars, Survivor