Guide to cytology
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Gelatinous Cube says: "*blorble*" |
Getting started
In order to grow a creature, the first thing we need to do is collect a sample of cells, a reagent mixture to grow the creature in and a special growing vat.
Hunting for cells
The first and most straightforward way of doing this is using your biopsy tool on a creature, if it is able to be cultivated, a green light on the tool will indicate you have collected a viable cell sample. The drawback of this is of course you have to obtain a living or dead specimen of the creature you want to create.
The second and perhaps more exiting method is using your sterile swabs to swab objects for cell samples. A successful swab will yield often yield a mixture of cell lines from different organisms
Thanks to the excellent janitorial staff aboard the station, most objects are quite clean and thus unfit for this purpose. Fortunately enough, the grimy, cold and dank maintenance shafts provide the perfect environment to hunt for biological samples.
Try swabbing anything that looks gross, there is a good chance such objects are covered in precious biofilm, a thin coat of microorganisms as well as cells from various earth and space creatures.
When you swab a piece of maintenance filth and a splotch of biofilm collects on the swab, you know you have done it right, because this means you have a mixed cell sample, ready for cultivation in the lab.
Devising a culture medium
Once you have collected a sample, deposit it into a petri-dish.
Now we need figure out what kind of cells we have, and how to grow them. To do just this our lab is equipped with a microscope.
When a dish is inserted into the microscope, it tells us what kind of cells we have and three lists of reagents for each cell type.
The first contains the required reagents, we need all these reagents for the specimen to grow at all, it takes at least 10u of these to grow the specimen to completion, more if other cells compete for the same reagent.
The second contains the the complementary reagents each of these helps the cell line grow, but are not strictly necessary, but you might want to add some of these if you have mixture of cells to ensure other cell lines does not outgrow your target cell lines.
The third contains the suppressive reagents, these chemicals inhibit growth, or even kill off, this type of cells. You want to avoid contaminating your growing broth with reagents that suppress your target cell line, but they are very useful for suppressing undesired cell lines when growing a creature from a mixed sample.
Once you collect the reagents needed to grow your specimen we can move on to the next stage.
Growing your specimen
Use your scientific plumbing device to create a growing vat, this is a plumbing connectable machine which you can fill with your cultivation broth. Once you have filled the vat with your medium, simply take your petri-dish and pour in some of your cell sample into the vat. If the nutritional requirements of any of the cell lines are met, the cultivation medium should start to bubble.
After some time, if you got your cultivation medium right, your target organism should emerge from the growing vat. If you screwed up, you might receive the wrong type of creature, a bloody mess or nothing at all!
What is the point of all this?
Currently, this mechanic serves as a way to create powerful creatures to treat with a sentience potion and a source of exotic meats. In the future, this technology could be used to create feed animals for other creatures, chimaeras or useful items.