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Revision as of 18:14, 21 October 2013 by imported>Deantwo (Construction: Thought this was a good idea, but couldn't think of any more then these two.)
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Grenades are made of three things: Chemicals, trigger assemblies, and a crunchy candy coating (usually made of metal). When you arm them, the trigger sits there, waiting patiently for an excuse to go off, until finally the grenade primes, the chemicals mix, and whatever happens, happens.


  1. Obtain a grenade casing (regular or large), one to two chembottles or beakers full of your payload, an igniter, and a trigger assembly (timer, proximity sensor, mousetrap, remote signaler, or infrared beam).
    • You can create a slime core grenade by substituting a slime core for one of the bottles, but only when using a large grenade casing obtained from R&D. Be sure you have another bottle with the necessary reagent, or the slime core won't do anything!
  2. Use a screwdriver to ready the igniter and trigger for assembly. When they are "can be attached", use one on the other to create the grenade assembly.
  3. Attach the grenade assembly to the grenade and insert the bottles. There will be no getting them back out, be sure you're happy with it.
  4. Screwdriver the grenade one more time to finish construction

For a list of possible chemical reactions, see the Guide to chemistry. Note that some reactions go off immediately when mixed, and must be separated into two bottles. Also note that slime cores are volatile, and when used in grenades, some reagents may be lost.

Obtaining the Materials

  • Standard grenade casings can be made by using a metal sheet.
  • Large grenade casings are made by R&D after some research.
  • Igniters can be found in chemistry, R&D, and in some vending machines.
  • Most triggers can be found in chemistry, R&D, and in some vending machines.
  • Autolathes can produce igniters, timers, signalers, and infrared emitters.
  • Slime cores can only be obtained through Xenobiology.
  • The chemicals necessary for the most interesting grenades can only be produced in Chemistry.

Legal Payload Ideas

Illegal Payload Ideas


The grenade will be called different things depending on the trigger:

  • Grenade - Timer: Goes off after a certain time has elapsed
  • Contact Mine - Mousetrap: Goes off when stepped on
  • Proximity Mine - Proximity Sensor: Goes off when something moves adjacent (there is an arming period)
  • Remote Mine - Signaler: Goes off when it receives the correct code via radio
  • Tripwire Mine - Infrared Emitter: When triggered, a laser beam (either invisible or red) will extend out in the direction the grenade is facing (it can be rotated before use). If that beam is disturbed, the grenade will go off.

Everything except the Contact Mine has options you can set with a multitool once the grenade is completed. This lets you set the time on a grenade, set infrared lasers to visible, alter the signaler frequency, etc.

When the grenade goes off, the chemical beakers inside will mix their contents. If the mixture causes an effect (smoke, an explosion, etc), it will happen at this time; otherwise, the resultant chemicals will be spread over everything in range. A grenade filled with Space Lube, for instance, will coat every nearby floor surface with slippery goop; a grenade filled with Mindbreaker Toxin will cause everyone unlucky enough to be in range to trip fucking balls.


If you use a multitool on a grenade, you will have access to the trigger assembly. Most will cause a dialog box to pop up with options, which will allow you to disarm a live grenade (or, potentially, set off an unarmed grenade).