Station traits
Station traits are small modifiers that can be randomly selected at roundstart. None, one, or more can be selected, with the chosen traits being detailed by the status report which is printed out by the communications consoles with the declaration of Code Blue (or the declaration of a green-shift).

Station Traits
- Lucky winner (Chance of occurrence: Extremely Low): "Your station has won the grand prize of the annual station charity event. Free snacks will be delivered to the bar every now and then." Centcom will drop-pod beer and pizza into bar continuously throughout the shift, dropping once every six to twelve minutes.
- Galactic grant (Chance of occurrence: Medium): "Your station has been selected for a special grant. Some extra funds has been made available to your cargo department." The starting cargo budget is increased by between 2000 to 5000 credits.
- Premium internals boxes (Chance of occurrence: High): "The internals boxes for your crew have been filled with bonus equipment." The emergency box that all crew members start with now also contains a portable radio and a flare.
- Luxury Escape Pods (Chance of occurrence: Medium): "Due to good performance, we've provided your station with luxury escape pods." Instead of the two-seater escape pod, these have three seats!
- Bountiful bounties (Chance of occurrence: Medium): "It seems collectors in this system are extra keen to on bounties, and will pay more to see their completion." All bounties pay 20% more than they typically would.
- Strong supply lines (Chance of occurrence: Medium): "Prices are Low in this system, BUY BUY BUY!" Crates ordered via cargo are 20% cheaper. Mutually exclusive with the distant supply lines trait.
- Free scarves (Chance of occurrence: Medium): "The station is definitely not under attack by neck grappling aliens masquerading as wool. Definitely not." All crew members start with a colorful scarf on their neck slot.
- Filled up maintenance (Chance of occurrence: Medium): "Our workers accidentally forgot more of their personal belongings in the maintenance areas." Maintenance spawns with more loot for assistants to sift through. Mutually exclusive with the cleaned up maintenance trait.
- Quick shuttle (Chance of occurrence: Medium): "Due to proximity to our supply station, the cargo shuttle will have a quicker flight time to your cargo department." The time that it takes for the cargo shuttle to head to Centcom and back is halved. Mutually exclusive with the sLow shuttle trait.
- Advanced medibots (Chance of occurrence: Medium): "Your station's medibots have received a hardware upgrade, enabling expanded healing capabilities." Medibots now come as the advanced medkit variant with better healing capability.
- Deathrattled department (Chance of occurrence: Extremely Low): "All members of [department_name] have received an implant to notify each other if one of them dies. This should help improve job-safety!" All members of a randomly selected department start with a non-deactivatable deathrattle implant inside of them, which remotely transmits, even if telecommunications is down, a message to all other personnel with a deathrattle implant inside of them, a message notifying the fact that a holder of an implant has died, as well as their location. Very useful. It is worth noting that multiple deathrattled departments, albeit unlikely, can occur, as each deathrattled department is its own trait. If you want to get rid of the implant, you'll have to go through surgery. Mutually exclusive with the deathrattled station trait.
- Deathrattled station (Chance of occurrence: Extremely Low): "All members of the station have received an implant to notify each other if one of them dies. This should help improve job-safety!" See above, but applied to the entire station. Mutually exclusive with the deathrattled department traits.
- Wallets! (Chance of occurrence: High) "It has become temporarily fashionable to use a wallet, so everyone on the station has been issued one." The crew are given wallets in which to store their ID and space cash in. In addition, their wallet might contain a surprise item, ranging from cigarette packages to fake nuclear authentication disks.
- Cybernetic Revolution (Chance of occurrence: Extremely Low): All crewmembers get a cybernetic organ or implant, depending on their job. Additionally, this makes EMP items more expensive for Traitors, but allows them to purchase Autosurgeons.
- Shuttle Firesale (Chance of occurrence: Low): "The Nanotrasen Emergency Dispatch team is celebrating a record number of shuttle calls in the recent quarter. Some of your emergency shuttle options have been discounted!" Some shuttle purchases are cheaper.
- Bright Day (Chance of occurence: Medium): "The stars shine bright and the clouds are scarcer than usual. It's a bright day here on the Ice Moon's surface." The surface of Icebox's Ice Moon will be bright enough to see clearly.
- Bananium shipment (Chance of occurrence: Medium): "Rumors has it that the cLown planet has been sending support packages to cLowns in this system." The cLown starts with five sheets of bananium.
- Unnatural atmosphere (Chance of occurrence: Medium): "System's local planet has irregular atmospherical properties." Lavaland is much more likely to spawn with plasma, BZ, miasma, or water vapor within its atmosphere.
- Unique AI (Chance of occurrence: Medium): "For experimental purposes, this station AI might show divergence from default lawset. Do not meddle with this experiment." The station AI, rather than starting with the standard Asimov lawset, receives another, different core lawset (excluding SyndOS, Tyrant, Antimov, and Purge).
- Ian's adventure (Chance of occurrence: Medium): "Ian has gone exploring somewhere in the station." Ian, rather than spawning with the Head of Personnel's office roundstart, instead spawns in a different, random location on station.
- PDA glitch (Chance of occurrence: Very High): "Something seems to be wrong with the PDAs issued to you all this shift. Nothing too bad though." The crew's PDA beeps differently. For example, the captain's PDA might honk instead of ping.
- Announcer intern (Chance of occurrence: Extremely Low): "Please be nice to him." A Centcom intern has taken over announcements. He might accidentally miss the war ops declaration, but don't be too harsh on him. Mutually exclusive with the Medbot announcer trait.
- Announcement "system" (Chance of occurrence: Extremely Low): "Our announcement system is under scheduled maintanance at the moment. Thankfully, we have a backup." A medbot has taken over the job of station announcements. What could go wrong? Mutually exclusive with the intern announcer trait.
- Carp infestation (Chance of occurrence: Medium): "Dangerous fauna is present in the area of this station." Carp random events start earlier and are more frequent.
- Distant supply lines (Chance of occurrence: Low): "Due to the distance to our normal supply lines, cargo orders are more expensive." Crates ordered via cargo are 20% more expensive. Mutually exclusive with the strong supply lines trait.
- Late arrivals (Chance of occurrence: Very Low): "Sorry for that, we didn't expect to fly into that vomiting goose while bringing you to your new station." At roundstart, instead of the crew spawning in at their departments, they all start at arrivals, and have to head towards their workplaces. If a traitor has quick hands, who knows what chaos could ensue... Mutually exclusive with the drive-by landing and hangover traits.
- Drive-by landing (Chance of occurrence: Very Low): "Sorry for that, we missed your station by a few miles, so we just launched you towards your station in pods. Hope you don't mind!" At roundstart, instead of the crew spawning in at their departments, they arrive to the station via drop-pods, which aren't targeted very accurately, and are directed at random parts of the station. Pain in the ass for the AI to handle. Mutually exclusive with the late arrivals and hangover traits.
- Hangover (Chance of occurrence: Very Low): "Ohh....Man....That mandatory office party from last shift...God that was awesome..I woke up in some random toilet 3 sectors away..." At roundstart, instead of the crew spawning in at their departments, they spawn in at random locations scattered throughout the station, whilst also being hungover. Not fun for the AI, nor for the crew. As a consolation, however, the crew might spawn with funny hats! Mutually exclusive with the late arrivals and drive-by landing traits.
- Blackout (Chance of occurrence: Low): "Station lights seem to be damaged, be safe when starting your shift today." The station starts with lights bLown out, distributed throughout the entirety of the station. This differentiates it to an electrical storm, which only bLows out lights in a particular area.
- Cleaned out maintenance (Chance of occurrence: Medium): "Our workers cleaned out most of the junk in the maintenance areas." Maintenance spawns with less loot for assistants to sift through. Mutually exclusive with the filled up maintenance trait.
- Overflow bureaucracy mistake (Chance of occurrence: Medium): "It seems for some reason we put out the wrong job-listing for the overfLow role this shift...I hope you like [chosen_job]s." The job cap for a certain job, with the exception of AI and Cyborgs,0 is removed, with an unlimited amount of people being able to join as that role. The HOP cannot reset the job cap. Might lead to some prison break antics.
- Slow shuttle (Chance of occurrence: Medium): "Due to distance to our supply station, the cargo shuttle will have a sLower flight time to your cargo department." The time that it takes for the cargo shuttle to head to Centcom and back is increased by 50%. Mutually exclusive with the quick shuttle trait.
- Bot language matrix malfunction (Chance of occurrence: Low): "Your station's friendly bots have had their language matrix fried due to an event, resulting in some strange and unfamiliar speech patterns." All of the station's bots may now speak in new, unfamiliar, and exotic languages. You might want to call on the curator to translate.
Trait Jobs
Those are station traits which add a special job to the station.
Trait jobs are usually much more gimmicky then normal jobs as they weren't meant to be played round-to-round basis.
- Cargorilla (Chance of occurrence: Extremely Low) "Sign up to become the Cargo Gorilla, a peaceful shepherd of boxes." Spawns a Cargorilla in the Cargo, basically just a gorilla dressed in a Cargo Technician uniform performing its duties. Cargorilla is pacifist so they can't harm anyone. Note that the fact of this trait triggering is hidden in the report, did you spot the gorilla?
- Bridge Assistant (Chance of occurrence: Very Low) "We have installed a Bridge Assistant on your station." Spawns a Bridge Assistant at Bridge with their main duty being protecting the Bridge, their hands are weak so they can't use any items requiring 2 arms. Also spawns a coffee machine at Bridge.
- Veteran Security Advisor (Chance of occurrence: Very Low) "Veteran Security Advisor has been assigned to your station to help with Security matters." Spawns a Veteran Security Advisor at the Brig, their objective is to advise HoS and Captain while also teaching Officers. Only people with at least 100 Security hours can become one. Advisor gets a holster with M1911 pistol, but is always paraplegic and gets a unique PTSD Brain Trauma.
- Human AI (Chance of occurrence: Extremely Low) "Our recent technological advancements in machine Artificial Intelligence has proven futile. In the meantime, we're sending an Intern to help out." Spawns a Human AI at the AI Satellite, and removes any AI core or AI related technology and boards from the station. They have tools to get access to machines and cameras, but cannot leave the Satellite. They have laws that they must follow, but they can bend or go against them in order to not be killed. All cyborgs will have a Law Zero to obey the Human AI.