Getting Your Pull Accepted
Work in progress...
So you've made a change to the code/sprites and want to make a Pull Request so we can add it to the game.
Before you do this, though, we have some requirements so your code doesn't make SS13's infamous spaghetti code problems even worse. Make sure your code fits these requirements or your pull will not be accepted. You may also want to read through the suggestions section.
Code Style Requirements
1. Your code MUST compile.
This is a given. While we will not close your pull request over this, we will not accept it until it does compile cleanly. The Travis bot will check for this automatically, but you should check before you even commit.
Warnings should also be cleared, but are not a requirement to fix.
2. Variables, functions, and objects must be clearly named.
Pulls adding variables that are nonsensical or overly-abbreviated will not be accepted. Write your code as though you wanted a bunch of drunken idiots to understand it.
var/a var/lol var/derp var/herp proc/lcb(var/p_1,var/p_2)
var/count var/html var/damage_received proc/localCallback(var/caller,var/params_to_pass)
3. Absolute Pathing is Essential
When creating a new atom or proc, please use absolute pathing, which makes it far easier to search for things and breaks up files a bit.
obj item flashlight var on = 0 proc turn_on()
/obj/item/flashlight var/on = 0 /obj/item/flashlight/proc/turn_on() ...
4. Do not automatically add FILE_DIR.
A recurring problem that we encounter is people adding commits that needlessly spam changes to the DME due to having "Automatically add FILE_DIR" set in their project settings. You'll know if you have this problem if you see this in your commit (as seen through github):

PRs that add things to FILE_DIR will be rejected.
To fix this problem:
- Open up DreamMaker
- Build > Preferences for baystation12.dme...
- Uncheck "Automatically set FILE_DIR for sub-directories"
- Check compile.
- Close DreamMaker and commit again.
5. Pull Requests Must Be Atomic
Pull requests must add, remove, or change only ONE feature or related group of features. Do not "bundle" together a bunch of things, as each change may be controversial and hold up everything else. In addition, it's simply neater.
Bugfix-only PRs are exempt from this rule. Everyone loves bugfixes.
6. Follow The Stylesheet.
Changing formatting with \red or other tags is not allowed. You must use span classes, which are defined in interface/
7. Clearly State What Your Pull Request Does, All Of It
Please do NOT withhold information about your pull request from us. This will get your pull request delayed and if it happens too often you're pull request will be closed.
Suppose you fixed bug #1234 and changed the name and description of an item as a gag.
In this PR I fixed bug #1234.
In this PR I fixed bug #1234 and also modified the baton's name and description.