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Revision as of 13:52, 5 April 2017 by imported>Imblyings
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Main Rules

  1. Admins can do what they want as long as it is in the best interest of the server. They are fully accountable for the consequences of invoking this rule.
  2. Grey McKilleveryone the traitor has murdered his way through most of a lowpop station and continues to recall the shuttle several times, just so he can kill everyone off despite only have a steal plasma objective. The admins see this and spawn ERTs to kill Grey, since admins may prioritize keeping players ingame over one persons desire to depopulate the server.
    A player uses a ghost role in a lavaland ruin to move to an alien ruin to try and introduce xenos to the round. Admins notice this and delete the xeno-infected ghost role mob. There are several factors at play here but the driving justification behind this is that admins have the discretion to shape a round like this (or avoid a round from being shaped by xenos spawned from a ghost role).
    Consider factors like server pop, amount of shuttle recalls etc when spawning ERTs but also do not be overly swayed by salt from ghosts when clicking buttons. A gradual increase in response may be appropriate- a centcom inspector to act surprised that the station is nearly all dead, then a small ERT team to check things out, then a larger ERT team etc.
  3. Don't be a dick. We are all here to have a good time. Going out of your way to dick over other players for little IC reason will get you removed.
  4. Players do not have access to the information we have. They can only act on what they know and sometimes, it may be justified from what they know, even if we have information that changes the situation. Be aware, the lack of information a player has can be complicated further by a player’s personal bias. What may seem like dick behaviour may in fact be justified from one players point of view.
  5. Shit happens. Let it go, move on, hop onto another server (we have two!), play another game, go outside for some fresh air.
  6. Start shit get hit. If you start dicking over players, accept the reaction you fish for with humility and grace.
  7. An assistant breaks into medbay but gets arrested for it. The CMO follows the assistant to the brig and gives him 50cc of cyanide for his troubles. The CMO is warned because hostilities have ended and the assistant has already had his comeuppance by being arrested.
    Honk Mcwasteofoxygen starts slipping the mime in the hopline. The mime has had enough, breaks his bottle over the clowns head and nearly crits the clown, but the clown slips the mime and crits him. The clown started it but since the clown drags the mime to medbay to fix his silent buddy up and doesn't have a history of starting fights, the clown is a-ok. Be careful, making a habit of starting fights to crit people and then heal them will get you banned.