Maps on /tg/station
In Use
MetaStation, DeltaStation, IceBoxStation, Tramstation, The North Star, Birdshot, Wawastation, NebulaStation
Outdated, removed, or not in rotation
KiloStation, AsteroidStation, BirdboatStation, BoxStation, PubbyStation, CereStation, Discstation, DonutStation, Dreamstation, EfficiencyStation, MiniStation, OmegaStation, RuntimeStation
Map Rotation
The server currently uses a unique map rotation feature that will swap between maps based on player map preferences, these being located in your character setup page. The game is weighed to use MetaStation as the default station, but will have a varying chance to use another map depending on player preferences, how long the current round has lasted, and player count. Ultimately, the next map will be chosen by a vote that is either initiated by a player, or automatically triggered when the emergency shuttle departs and the round is about to end. Maps with the most amount of votes are chosen, and choices that are tied will be randomly selected.
Information on the current and next selected map is located in the 'Status' tab.
In Rotation Maps
These maps are currently in rotation, and can be selected and played on.
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MetaStation was originally created as an alternative to BoxStation. It was previously the default map on the /tg/ servers Badger and later Basil, and various edited versions have run on NoxStation, /vg/, and Paradise Station.
MetaStation ran on Basil for a long time and was generally well received. It was originally created and maintained by Metacide, though it uses the work of many others, and has been worked on by various other people who have updated and maintained the map over its history. In July 2020, it replaced Box as the default map for /tg/.
- It was geared towards higher populations than BoxStation.
- Key areas are more evenly spread to reduce local overcrowding.
- It feels much more open, attacks in public are harder to get away with.
- It has a large maintenance system covering most of the station, useful for stealthier tactics.
- Feedback is welcome in this thread on the tgstation forums.
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DeltaStation is a map heavily influenced by Meta and Box, with a large centralized bridge area. Intended for higher populations, the map features a more fleshed out and spacious interior lushly decorated and accomodating a large number of potted plants. A large maintenance with a number of useful half-built rooms and areas give antagonists a large variety of spacious areas to make their on station bases and hiding places. It was originally created by Okand37.
- This map is best suited for 50+ players.
- An expansive maintenance is included with this station, largely recognized as a 'second station' with a number of areas, tools, items and machines.
- Feedback is welcomed in this thread on the tgstation forums.
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IceboxStation is a reworking/reimagining of BoxStation, placing the station on an ice planet. The map is unique in that it does not utilize space nor Lavaland, and mining is instead done on two levels below the station, with more danger on the lower levels.
- The layout of the map used to be almost identical to BoxStation, but has seen many major changes to better accommodate the mining sublevels.
- The station's mining layers have different challenges and ruins when compared to Lavaland.
- Due to being on a planet, the exterior atmosphere outside the station is at a safe pressure, however it is much colder- this makes a warm jacket and a breath mask all that is necessary to go outdoors.
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Kilostation is a low to mid-population map designed around dense departments, keeping unused hallway space to a minimum and encouraging player interaction. KiloStation is themed to be a station where destruction, murder and intrigue are commonplace, and has a more run down and abused appearance than most other maps. Rusted walls, boarded up maintenance rooms and areas with cosmetic damage are common. It was created by Okand37.
- Deviation from the MetaStation 'formula' when reasonable is a goal of KiloStation.
- Many low traffic areas such as the bar, chapel and library are in the center of the map rather than the edges, to boost their use and visibility.
- Departments are designed to be compact and have high visibility to encourage engagement.
- The station has a disproportionately large and diverse maintenance area.
- There are hostile mobs and unusual loot in maintenance.
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Tramstation is a unique station layout where departments are segmented into 3 main groups by their typical cooperation, chained together by a large lower maintenance and an upper tram for transit all while sitting inside a large red asteroid. Created by MMMiracles.
- The map is multi-z from the ground up, design and layout taking into consideration the newfound possibilities of an extra level.
- The upper level is light on maintenance while the lower level has most of the tunnels. To compromise, upper floors have several radiation shelters scattered near departments or public halls for shelter.
- The asteroid itself can spawn small amounts of low-tier ore, such as silver, gold, and mostly iron. Very rarely it can also spawn small specks of uranium, plasma, and diamond. No, you can't find gibtonite here.
Not in rotation but still important
These maps either aid in maintaining the game, historically significant, or will be added in the future.
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Runtime Station designed to test new features without having to load a whole new station every time.
- All doors bear no access.
- Has a simple engine room.
- Has two large testing areas.
- Spawns with fully equipped medical/RnD/engineering areas and a rudimentary atmos setup (no scrubbers).
- Roundstart mice spawns and space/lavaland ruins can be disabled in config.
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BoxStation is widely regarded as the "official" map of SS13. It may be confusing at first, but it is actually neatly organized, so that every department gets their own wing. The Command Sector is in a centralized location, holding the Bridge, the Gravity Generator and the AI Upload. Other departments extend out into various wings around the command sector.
- The map has been used consistently on /tg/station since 2010.
- The station is heavily central on the starboard wing -- all the action happens there.
- There are several small crevices to perform distasteful acts.
- Maintenance is designed to provide an outer shell to most of the station.
- Most Locations information on this wiki is sourced from BoxStation.