Paper Markdown
Writing Tools
Pens come in a few different colors, black or blue by default, and some departments will be provided with red pens. Every crew member starts with one in their PDA that can be ejected with ctrl+click.
Crayons work much like pens, except that they are always bold, and lack the list, horizontal rule, and small tags.
Writing is performed by using any writing tool on paper, with any standard writing utensil.
Use the Markdown Cheat Sheet for information on how to write formatting elements. However, not all elements are not available in game.
Description | You type | You get | ||||||
Bold | **Bold Text.** |
Bold text. | ||||||
Italic | *Italics Text.* |
Italics text. | ||||||
Code | `Code Text.` |
Code Text.
| ||||||
Strikethrough | ~~Strikethrough Text.~~ |
S̶t̶r̶i̶k̶e̶t̶h̶r̶o̶u̶g̶h̶ T̶e̶x̶t̶. | ||||||
Centering text | <center>Centered text.</center> |
Centered text.
| ||||||
Horizontal rules | Before line. ___ After line. |
Before line. After line. | ||||||
Signature | %s |
John Smith Only works within fillable fields. | ||||||
Field | [_____________] |
Displays an editable text input field with a size based on the number of underscores. | ||||||
Headers |
# H1 ## H2 ### H3 |
Displays an heading with size based on the number of hashtags. | ||||||
Table | | Title 1 | Title 2 | | ----------- | ----------- | | Text 1 | Text 2 | | Info 1 | Info 2 | |
| ||||||
List | - Item one - Item two - Subitem one |
| ||||||
Numbered List | 1. First item 2. Second item 3. Third item |
| ||||||
Task List | - [x] Obtain a bar of soap - [ ] Slip the Captain - [ ] Evade arrest |
Displays a task list, similar to normal lists but with checkboxes that can be checked off.
Note: The checkboxes cannot be edited after saving |
Forms Ready for Use
Here are some forms you can use to make your life easier:
General Needs
Simple Request Form
For requests of special items, like from the autolathe, it may be a good idea to have a form for people to fill out. The following papercode creates a simple request form:
Sign Below |
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Complex Request Form
For people that you dislike, or maybe anyone who asks for all access.
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Space Suit Sheet
A proper way to apply for a space suit. If you get the HoP's stamp of approval you're less likely to get robusted by security if you have a space suit. Requires editing in your department and a proper reason.
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Weapon Permit
For authorizing Non-Sec Crew members to have a weapon
This form certifies that its holder is permitted to bear a particular weapon.
Assignment: Permitted Weapon: ___ Signed and stamped: |
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Complaint Form
Got a complaint?
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Employee of the Month Form
To perform a survey to determine the employee of the month in your department.
Full Name: |
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Insulated Gloves Sheet
A good way to get insulated gloves: Have you ever felt "oh man I want some insulated gloves". Well there's two ways to do this. You can do it the ron burgandy way and get a welder, weld into tech storage and have sec chasing you up and down. Or you can get HoP's approval and get some from Cargo Bay. If you have a HoP stamp, Cargonia daren't object to your request... and the HoP is probably happy for a reason to exist (generally a HoP will love it if you do your own paperwork). Requires editing in your department and a proper reason.
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Cyborgization Confirmation Form for Robotics
This is to get those pesky assistants to wait five seconds and fill out a form before they turn on you and start fireaxing the windows down trying to get borged.
I also wish to name my model
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After you're done, just add
Operation successful %s |
Head of Personnel Job Application Form
This sheet just extra paperwork for assistants and clowns and such that want a job change. If you don't think they are cut out for it send them to ask the head of the area for their stamp of approval.
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Dungeons & Dragons Sheet
Modifed LLA Dungeon & Dragons sheet to work with our Microlite20 core rules.
Race: Hit Points: Stats: Weapon 1: Items: |
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Inspection Form for Inspecting
Inspection form for departmental inspections, etc.
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For the Chef/Bartender
Simple Menu
Bar - Restaurant
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Hamburger Menu
Bar and Restaurant
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Sandwich Menu
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For the Warden
Crime and Punishment
To remind you why someone is in permabrig (usually I'll only write things down if they're in there 5 minutes or more).
Crimes and name
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Enemy Retirement Contract
This allows you to process your prisoners quicker. As space law goes, only the Captain can execute people. However it says nothing about voluntary execution scenes. This allows a antagonist to either die with dignity or choose how he wants to spend the rest of the round (if I was an antagonist I'd want to be cyborged). This little piece of paper makes things move faster.
I, (write), do hereby acknowledge I am a hostile threat to the station. By so doing freely I enter a contract with Nanotrasen in which I can pick between becoming a cyborg, life in prison or lethal injection
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Enemy Retirement Contract, Detailed
This form gives a detailed and legally binding document for an Enemy of Nanotrasen to fill out in order to receive a limited pardon in exchange for all their traitor gear and their word they wont do it again or else. Basically just gives the option to let them go back to their regular duties with the stipulation that Security will have them implanted incase they ever do decide to return to their life of crime.
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For the Detective
Case Notes
This is a form that lets you name a case, add some suspects and some clues/details about it.
Detective's Case Notes
[_____________________________________________] [_____________________________________________] [_____________________________________________] [_____________________________________________] [_____________________________________________] [_____________________________________________]
[_____________________________________________] [_____________________________________________]
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For medical purposes
Prescription sheet
This form certifies that you have not only permission, but an important reason, to obtain and use certain "pharmaceuticals."
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For Head of Personnel
Additional Access Request From
This form is used for granting additional access.
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All Access Request From
This form is used for "granting" all access (form mostly useless as HoP console cannot give all access anymore).
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Substitute ID Request From
This form is used for requesting new IDs.
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Job Change Request Form
This form is used for requesting a new job.
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For Head of Personnel - Hardcore Edition
Think the standard papers are not authoritarian enough? Noticed other jobs also have stamps, which are pretty useless? We can help you.
Maintenance Access Request Form [MA2a]
This form is used for granting maint access, most common request.
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Safe Areas Access Form [SA1u]
This form is used for granting access to any safe areas.
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Religiously Inclined Access Request Form [RA7c]
This form is used for granting access to chaplains.
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High Risk Access Request Form [HR5a]
This form is used for requesting access to areas with hazardous items.
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Prankage Access Request Form [CL8n]
This form is used for requesting area access with purpose of pranking.
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Space Exploration Rights Request Form [SE4x]
This form is used for requesting a permission to explore space.
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Job Request Form [JR3e]
This form is used for requesting a job, for assistants, golems, prisioners and other jobless folk.
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Job Change Request Form [JC1f]
This form is used for requesting a job change.
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Custom Job Request Form [CJ6w]
This form is used for requesting a custom job.
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Metaphysical Health Assesment Form [MH9s]
This form is used for checking person's health.
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NanoTrasen Medical Association - Psychological Evaluation Form
This form is used for checking person's mental health for submission into Central Command.
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Station Structure and Equipment Report Form
This form is used for reporting a problem with the station.
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