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Mood reflects how happy your character is in Space Station 13, and changes dynamically based on things that happen to or around you that would realistically impact it. Mood has significant effects on gameplay; if you're very happy, you will be less hungry and performs actions faster; however, if you're depressed, you might have trouble focusing, perform actions more slowly, and even walk at a shuffle.


A mood event is called a moodlet. In simple terms, your overall mood is directly related to the moodlets you have. Each moodlet has a modifier and a time; modifiers are the amount of mood that the event will add or remove, and it will do these for as long as its time has not expired. For instance, if a moodlet has a modifier of +1 for 3 minutes, you will have that slight boost to your mood for three minutes, but once this time has ended, you will not.

Many actions and factors play into different moodlets, from something as simple as petting a corgi to something more complex like how filthy your surroundings are. As a rule of thumb, taking care of yourself and treating your body well will make you happier, while neglecting needs such as hunger and cleanliness will make you sad.

Three traits also modify moods in some way. Jolly and Depressed will make you randomly happier or sadder with no prompting, and Apathetic will reduce all mood impacts by 20%.

Mood Thresholds

There are eight different mood thresholds that allow you to see your general morale state as an icon on your HUD:

Icon Name Threshold
Depressed <=-20
Very Sad -20 to -15
Sad -15 to -10
Down -10 to -3
Neutral -3 to 2
Content 2 to 6
Happy 6 to 10
Very Happy 10 to 15
Ecstatic >=15

Mood Effects

Mood has notable effects on your character:

  • Very sad characters will move more slowly.
  • The screen will become progressively more blurred as you become more sad, to represent inability to focus.
  • Action speeds vary with mood, up to a maximum of -25% speed for the severely depressed and +10% speed for the very happy.
  • Hunger rate is proportional to mood. Depression will spurn you to eat more, while contentedness will make you eat less.