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This page is a part of the TGMC wiki.
TGMC is a project based on the CM-SS13 codebase. |
Main Rules - read these if nothing else
- Enforcement of these rules is at the discretion of admins.
- Admins are fully accountable for any consequences should they invoke this rule. Admins are also allowed to intervene in rounds when it is in the best interest of the playerbase.
- Don't be a dick.
- We're all here to have a good time, supposedly. Going out of your way to seriously negatively impact or end the round for someone with little IC justification is against the rules. See RP standards and escalation for specifics.
- Do not use information gained outside of in character means.
- I.e.. metagaming. This especially refers to communication between players outside of the game via things like Discord, known as metacomms. Characters are otherwise allowed to know everything about ingame mechanics or antagonists, as well as keep persistent friendships or relationships with other characters when not for the purpose of unfair advantage by teaming up together for little IC reason.
- Keep a modicum of RP and separation between character and player. The server is intended to be MRP.
- The game is divided into factions. Cooperation is expected between members of the same faction and those outside of it are considered valid targets.
- Current factions are:
- Marines, Civilians, NanoTrasen's Private Military Contractors (PMCs), Freelancers, Survivors.
- Xenomorphs.
- Union of Progressive Peoples (UPP)
- Colonial Liberation Front (CLF)
- Players in authority or limited roles require a minimum amount of effort.
- If you cannot play these roles and must leave use the cryo machine if human or just find a secure location and ghost as xeno, to free up the job slot, and make an attempt to inform other players ICly. Abuse of a job position, particularly Rule 1 breaking abuse, is not allowed.
- In-game administration rulings are final.
- Incidences of admin abuse, negligence or disputed rulings can be taken to the forums. If an admin says something was 'looked into, handled, resolved' etc, regarding an issue, it is unlikely an admin will provide any further information. Admins are under no obligation to reveal IC information. Deliberately lying or misrepresenting facts in adminhelps will be dealt with harshly.
- If you regularly come close to breaking the rules without actually breaking them, it will be treated as the rules being broken.
- Repeated instances of the same rules being broken may be met with harsher consequences. Baiting people into situations where you can report them to admins will be dealt with harshly.
- Erotic/creepy stuff is not allowed.
- No form of erotic roleplay is allowed on the servers, including things that could be construed as sexual by unwilling participants.
- Players need to be above the age of 18.
- This is due to the adult game content and the local laws of where our server is based.
- Losing is part of the game.
- Your character will frequently die, sometimes without even a possibility of avoiding it. Events will often be out of your control. No matter how good or prepared you are, sometimes you just lose.
RP standards and escalation
The game mode is based in factions versus factions, as opposed to antagonist paranoia. Players in non-essential roles are not expected to be making a big effort towards helping their team, but they should never hamper it. Shenanigans must be kept harmless. If they end up with harm of same-team members, making their job severely more difficult or annoying (such as stealing essential gear), or depleting resources in ways that actually affect the team, then they have crossed the line.
Legitimate conflicts do happen from time to time, however. This can mean a disagreement or even a brawl. The key to determining if they are valid or not is whether they are RP-fitting. If an action would realistically cause you to be executed, permanently imprisoned, or dishonorably discharged at best, then it’s probably not fitting in the context. Try to err on the side of caution and follow the chain of command when in doubt. Report it to the admins if your superior is being completely unreasonable.
Examples of non-fitting behavior: intent to kill a fellow marine (using guns, melee weapons or to keep attacking them after they’ve been downed), attacking a superior officer, starting a brawl in a combat zone, RPing to be mentally unstable or otherwise unfit for work or duty.
A murder or execution that does not happen through the proper legal procedures or is authorized by High Command is unlikely to be legitimate.
Note: Battlefield executions are not a thing in DMCA.
Security Policy
- Security in DMCA makes use of Space Law until otherwise defined.
- Military Police (MPs) must always use non-lethal methods against same-faction members. If that proves insufficient, withdrawing to a secure location is preferable than using lethals.
- MPs shouldn't commit any crimes that have a victim, nor ignore that type of crime. They should try to come up with a good IC motivation for any laws they break.
- Security should refrain from confiscating items not related to any crimes, especially important role-specific items important for the ongoing operation. If they must, a higher up may request it returned to the department it belonged to (or similar applicable), as long as the perpetrator has no access to it.
Examples and exceptions to the main rules.
Read for detailed clarification on each main rule. Players are subject to precedents but depending on how much of a dick they were, they can be either merely informed of the precedent or simply be banned for it.
Rule 0.
- Rule 0 should only be invoked by admins when it is in the best interests of the server.
- Admins have intervened before and will do so again in situations where a player regardless of antag status has repeatedly delayed round-end by recalling the shuttle when most other players are dead or want to leave.
- Admins may mirror bans from other servers at their discretion.
- Admins may ban accounts linked to the use of proxies, CID randomizers, DLL use, or other similar things, at their discretion.
- Admins may ask players in possession of multiple alt accounts to choose one to play on and ban the other accounts.
Rule 1 Precedents.
- Spamming any channel is not allowed, this goes for radio spam, AI vox announcement spam, paper at camera spam and other forms of spam. # Rules still apply until the round-end report has appeared. When either that has happened or an admin has announced the end of the round, players are free to act as per lone antagonists, detailed in Rule 4, example 1.
- Unprovoked grief (occasionally known as greytiding), repeated cases of minor unprovoked grief, and unprovoked grief targeted towards specific players or groups (i.e. metagrudging) fall under rule 1.
- Raiding and griefing on servers other than /tg/ may result in bans.
Rule 2 Precedents.
- Metacomms, the use of methods of communication outside of SS13 IC channels, is a very serious rule violation and may be met with permanent bans for all related accounts. If players are sharing the same IP or know each other in real life or the like, inform the admins first, otherwise it may look suspicious. Players are allowed to introduce new players that they know to the game but all communication and explanations should be done in game if possible. Admins can also help in these situations if requested.
- Similar to how characters are allowed to know everything about ingame mechanics or antagonists under rule 2, characters are allowed to have persistent knowledge/relationships/friendships with the caveat that knowledge of a character being an antagonist from a previous round is not used.
- Character friendships should not be exploitative in nature or be used to gain an unfair advantage. Having an IC friendship with another player does not, for example, justify giving them all-access each round.
- Marines are not allowed to remove or weld the ship’s piping before there is a credible threat of hostile xenos on board. This is mostly for balance purposes.
- Xenos are not allowed to camp the LZ at round start. This is mostly for balance purposes.
Rule 3 Precedents.
- Excessively OOC names fall under rule 3. Make a minimum effort to have your name fit in a setting involving a wacky space station in the future. Admins may get involved if your name is dumb and can approve or disallow names at their discretion while ingame.
- References to the current round, even if vague, are IC in OOC.
- Stupid shenanigans which would otherwise be considered LRP can be allowed as long as harmless and is beneficial to the general enjoyment of the players. As long as it's engaging for others, and not toxic, it pretty much flies.
Rule 4 Precedents.
- Lone antagonists can do whatever they want, short of metagaming/comms, bug/exploit abuse, erotic/creepy stuff, OOC in IC or IC in OOC, and spawn-camping arrivals. Lone antagonists are rare to the game mode, restricted to events and explicitly defined.
- Non-antagonists are allowed to assist antagonists given sufficient IC reasoning but assisting an antagonist doesn't mean you get to act like one . If in doubt, ask an admin if a particular action is okay. Depending on the level of assistance, sufficient IC reasoning could be simply treating everyone who goes into medbay regardless of them being a murderer or not, all the way to being threatened under pain of death by an antagonist to do something.
- Survivors, freelancer and similar can change sides to a different human faction if the situation arises, to survive, as long as it makes sense RP-wise.
- You wouldn’t kill a Pizza Guy without tipping, now would you?
- Events may alter or create new factions. Their relationship with the existing ones is defined by the RP or event guidelines.
Rule 5 Precedents.
- Ranks with IC authority have the duty to tend to their own departments and keep them functioning.
Examples: Commanders, Executive Officers and the Synths must guarantee all departments are working fine. SOs must guarantee that the CIC is manned and every squad has an overwatch. Chief Engineers and Maintenance Technicians must keep the ship powered and functional. Chief Medical Officers and Doctors must provide healthcare and surgery. Squad Leaders must actually lead their squads. Xeno queens must lead the hive.
- Xenomorphs are part of a greater hivemind enslaved to the will of the Queen. Xenos should prioritize following the directions of their Queen where possible.
- Limited roles may not suicide unless if infected and nested or in a similarly dire situation. Having lost the tank is no excuse for a tanker to off themselves, for example. Cryo if you no longer want to play and free up the slot.
- Some light memery is fine and dandy, but in excess it can be detrimental to the tone of the game. You may be politely asked to tone it down if it gets too excessive, though it shouldn’t be a problem unless it becomes a recurrent issue.
- Abuse of position; as in being deliberately incompetent or malicious in their position is not allowed. Deliberate incompetence or malice can result in warnings or bans, depending on severity. Example would be a Requisitions Officer or Cargo Tech constantly ordering stuff for themselves and deploying, neglecting the operation.
Rule 6 Precedents.
- Incidents of admin abuse or negligence should be reported along with a date and time, along with details to pinpoint the incident in the logs, to any full admin via Discord or forum PM.
- Incidents of poorly conducted admin events may also be taken to into a feedback thread, for less serious complaints. Try to remain constructive and polite.
- Lying in adminhelps, misrepresenting facts deliberately, or logging off when an admin has asked a question may result in permabans. Admins will not automatically place bans for players logging off however, and will generally wait a while in case real life situations caused a player to disconnect or go afk.
Discord Rules
Rule 1
- Be very nice to each other. If you are being a butt you'll may be kindly showed the way out.
- Doxxing & swatting: doing it, encouraging people to do it, or joking about doing it, will lead to an immediate & permanent game, discord, and forum ban.
Rule 2
- Discord is for discourse to happen. Do not disrupt the ability to hold a conversation. Be it with off-topic remarks, spam, dog piling, or excessive embeds and high height images.
- If a link has a excessively large embed, enclose it between < and > to block the automatic embed.
- Messages with a blank message portion and an embed is not allowed. Embeds enhance the message, not replace it. (This does not apply to attachments)
- Abuse of mentions in such a way as to compromise the effectiveness of notifications by creating false positive fatigue falls into the scope of this rule.
Rule 3
- Keep things tasteful and don't be a creep. Avoid pornography and erotic content.
- NSFW content is not allowed to be embedded or attached, and links to it must be marked as such and enclosed in < > to keep the automatic embed from showing.
Rule 4
- Do not resolve administrative matters over discord pm.
Rule 5
- Don't do anything that would make Discord or nation states mad at us.