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Revision as of 04:53, 27 December 2018 by imported>Factoryman942 (h's)
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Name Effects
Suppressor Increases hit chance by 5% when wielded.
Reduces recoil by 1.
Reduces scatter by 5%.

Reduces damage by 5%.
Increases damage falloff by 5%.
Bayonet Increases melee damage by 20.

Reduces hit chance by 5%.
Increases size by 1.
Extended Barrel Increases hit chance by 20% when wielded.
Reduces scatter by 5% when wielded.

Reduces damage by 5%.
Increases size by 1.
Barrel Charger Increases damage by 30%.

Increases fire delay by 3 ticks.
Decreases hit chance by 30% when wielded.
Decreases hitchance by 40% when not wielded.
Recoil Compensator Reduces scatter by 20%.
Reduces recoil by 2.

Reduces damage by 5%.
Name Effects
Red-dot Sight Increases hit chance by 20% when wielded.
Increases hit chance by 5% when not wielded.
Reduces hit chance penalty for moving while firing by 10%.
Reduces scatter penalty for moving while firing by 5%.
Rail Flashlight When activated and gun is held, creates a light source brighter than the lamps on armour.
Quickfire Adapter Reduces fire delay by 1 tick.

Reduces accuracy by 20% while wielded.
Reduces accuracy by 30% while not wielded.
Increases scatter by 5% while wielded.
Increases scatter by 20% while not wielded.
Reduces rounds fired in burst mode by 1.
Magnetic Harness When weapon is dropped, it will automatically return to the user's armour slot.
Rail Scope Allows a long zoom if activated while weapon is wielded.
Increases hit chance by 40% while scoped.

Movement speed penalty while scoped.
Increases wield delay by 6 ticks.
Increases hit chance penalty for moving while firing by 20%.
Increases scatter penalty for moving while firing by 10%.
Reduces hit chance by 5% while not wielded.
Mini Rail Scope Allows a shorter-ranged zoom if activated while weapon is wielded.
Increases hit chance by 10% while scoped.

Increases wield delay by 4 ticks.
Increases burst fire delay by 3 ticks.
Increases hit chance penalty for moving while firing by 20%.
Increases scatter penalty for moving while firing by 10%.
Reduces hit chance by 5% while not wielded.
Name Effects
M37 Wooden Stock Increases hit chance by 10% while wielded.
Reduces recoil by 2 while wielded.
Reduces scatter by 20% while wielded.
Increases melee damage by 5.

Increases hit chance penalty for moving while firing by 10%.
Increases scatter penalty for moving while firing by 5%.
Increases wield delay by 4 ticks.
Increases size by 2.
Mk221 Tactical Stock Increases hit chance by 5% while wielded.
Reduces recoil by 2 while wielded.
Reduces scatter by 20% while wielded.
Increases melee damage by 5.

Increases hit chance penalty for moving while firing by 10%.
Increases scatter penalty for moving while firing by 5%.
Increases wield delay by 2 ticks.
Increases size by 2.
M41A Skeleton Stock Increases hit chance by 5% while wielded.
Reduces recoil by 2 while wielded.
Reduces scatter by 20% while wielded.
Increases melee damage by 5.

Increases hit chance penalty for moving while firing by 10%.
Increases scatter penalty for moving while firing by 5%.
Increases wield delay by 6 ticks.
Increases size by 2.
Submachinegun Stock Increases hit chance by 10% while wielded.
Reduces recoil by 2 while wielded.
Reduces scatter by 20% while wielded.
Increases melee damage by 5.

Increases hit chance penalty for moving while firing by 10%.
Increases scatter penalty for moving while firing by 5%.
Increases wield delay by 2 ticks.
Increases size by 1.
M44 Magnum Sharpshooter Stock Increases hit chance by 10% while wielded.
Increases hit chance by 5% while not wielded.
Reduces recoil by 2 while wielded.
Reduces recoil by 1 while not wielde.
Reduces scatter by 20% while wielded.
Reduces scatter by 5% while not wielded.

Increases hit chance penalty for moving while firing by 10%.
Increases scatter penalty for moving while firing by 5%.
Increases wield delay by 2 ticks.
Increases size by 2.
Reduces melee damage by 5.
Name Effects
Underslung Grenade Launcher Activate to switch to firing grenades.
Launcher holds 2 grenades.
Grenade launcher has a firing delay of 21 ticks.
Mini Flamethrower Activate to switch to flamethrower.
Holds 20 units of standard fuel.
Has a maximum range of 4 tiles.
Has a firing delay of 35 ticks.
Masterkey Shotgun Activate to switch to shotgun.
Holds 3 buckshot shells.
Has a firing delay of 18 ticks. Deals lower damage than a normal shotgun loaded with buckshot.
Vertical Grip Increases hit chance by 5% while wielded.
Reduces scatter by 5% while wielded.
Reduces recoil by 1 while wielded.
Reduces burst scatter penalty.

Increases hit chance penalty for moving while firing by 10%.
Increases scatter penalty for moving while firing by 5%.
Reduces hit chance by 5% while not wielded.
Increases scatter by 5% while not wielded.
Increases wield delay by 4 ticks.
Angled Grip Increases hit chance by 5% while wielded.
Reduces scatter by 5% while wielded.
Reduces recoil by 1 while wielded.
Reduces wield delay by 4 ticks.

Reduces hit chance by 5% while not wielded.
Increases scatter by 5% while not wielded.
Gyroscopic Stabilizer Reduces burst scatter by 10%.
Reduces hit chance penalty for moving while firing by 30%.
Reduces scatter penalty for moving while firing by 15%.
Reduces scatter by 10% while not wielded.
Increases hit chance by 5% while not wielded. Reduces recoil by 1 while not wielded.
Laser Sight Increases hit chance while wielded by 5%.
Increases hit chance while not wielded by 20%.
Reduces hit chance penalty for moving while firing by 10%.
Reduces scatter penalty for moving while firing by 5%.
Bipod Can be deployed while adjacent to a window frame, or on a barricade.
Increases hit chance by 30% while deployed.
Reduces recoil by 1 while deployed.
Reduces scatter by 20% while deployed.
Reduces burst scatter while deployed.
Each bullet has a 30% chance to do 10% more damage while deployed.

Increases size by 1.
Increases wield delay by 6 ticks, and a further 4 ticks while deployed.
Reduces melee damage by 10.
Causes slowdown while deployed.
Burst Fire Assembly Increases burst fire shots by 2.
Weapons that otherwise couldn't can now use burst fire.

Reduces hit chance by 20% while wielded.
Reduces hit chance by 30% while not wielded.
Increases scatter by 10% while wielded.
Increases scatter by 20% while not wielded.