M43 Sunfury Lasgun
It shoots bad guys. Big owie, don't get hit by it. Lasers hurt.
Has two modes available, Normal and Overcharge, which can be swapped with Unique-Action.
Normal fires normal power shots, while Overcharge has higher damage, AP, slower firerate, and consumes more ammo.
M37A2 Pump Shotgun
A pump action shotgun. Effective mostly at close range, though this is changed with ammo types.
Needs a shell pumped into the chamber using Unique-Action, default Spacebar, upon a fresh load and after each shot.
Holds eight shells in reserve, and one shell in the chamber.
Buckshot Shells
Close range ammunition, capable of shredding unarmoured/lightly armoured opponents. Close range, low AP, high damage. Stuns/staggers T1/T2.
Slug Shells
Long range ammunition, used for stunning and staggering enemies. Medium range, medium AP, medium damage. Stuns/staggers T1/T2.
Flechette Shells
Metal shards used for punching through armour. Close range, high AP, medium damage. Cannot stun/stagger.
Incendiary Slug Shells
Akin to normal slug shells, but sets enemies on fire. Medium range, medium AP, medium damage. Cannot stun/stagger.