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Super noob to editing wiki's, but a big fan of SS13 and the CM game mode, and a lifelong Alien/Predator universe fan. Artist, writer, and sci-fi nerd of the highest caliber.

This page is a part of the TGMC wiki.

TGMC is a project based on the CM-SS13 codebase.

Step 1: How to be a Xenomorph

First, open your character preferences and find the Xenomorph option under Occupation Choices:
Now save, ready up, and you have a chance to spawn in as a Xeno larva at round start (or the Queen if you chose Yes to the Queen option, but don't do that until you've gotten some experience.)

If you didn't get a slot on the Xenomorph team, or if the round has already started, you can attempt to join later in the round as:

  • burrowed larvae - burrowed larva are unused larva that have SSD'd and can be spawned into
  • living alien - can take over a living alien if one is available (has been SSD for long enough.)

Or set your Toggle Special Roles to 'Xenomorph' in the game under the Preferences tab. This will allow you to spawn/respawn in an ongoing game if a larva becomes available, even if you previously played as a marine and died or entered cryostasis.

Step 2: Oh God, I'm a Worm! Now What?

You spawn in as a newborn Larva near your Queen. Stay in a safe location—Larva are weak and have no attack, but are also fast and agile. You can freely move across window panes and squeeze under unbolted and un-welded doors by clicking on the door.

Take this time while you grow to familiarize yourself with the Xenomorph HUD and the Info/Text panels on the right. This guide will only cover what's different about the Xenomorph HUD from the marine and standard SS13 HUD. If you're totally unfamiliar with the SS13 interface, you'll definitely want to read some starter guides and may want to play a few rounds on a standard SS13 game mode server before jumping in here.)

The Xenomorph HUD


Stats Tab

  • Operation Time - How long the current round has been going in hours and minutes. Note that the operation always starts at 12:00, so 12:05 means the round has been going for five minutes.
  • Current Map - The current map being played.
  • Evolution progress - Once this number reaches the current maximum, you may be able to evolve into a new caste of higher-tier Xenomorph. These slots are limited, so evolving may not be possible, or you may not want to evolve due to your own preference or the needs of the hive.
  • Upgrade progress - Once this number reaches the current maximum, your Xenomorph will upgrade to the next growth level. This is different from evolving into a new caste and simply improves the stats of your current caste, usually health, plasma, and damage for example. The growth levels in order are young, mature, elder, and ancient.
  • Plasma - Shows your current level of plasma, used for abilities.
  • Slashing of hosts is currently - This is an important rule to follow that the Queen can set to PERMITTED (ALLOWED), LIMITED (RESTRICTED-LESS DAMAGE), or FORBIDDEN. This rule usually reflects the hive's numbers and the state of the round. If the Xenomorphs are handily winning with lots of available larva, it will usually be set to PERMITTED allowing you to kill hosts instead of try to capture them.

Alien Tab

  • Crawl through vent - clicking this will make your Xenomorph enter the nearest vent within one tile space. It takes five seconds, and only small types of Xenomorph can enter vents. To leave a vent, simply move to the end of a vent or pipe network and you will see a message that your Xenomorph is climbing out of the vent. This also takes a few seconds. Be careful that you don't accidentally exit a vent in a dangerous area.
  • Evolve - How you evolve to another tier of Xenomorph when your evolution progress number is at maximum.
  • Hive Status - Shows the number, type, location, and names (number designations) of all living Xenomorphs as well as larva and burrowed larva. It's important to pay attention to this to cooperate best with your hive.
  • Toggle Middle/Shift Clicking - this is important and will change how your selected abilities activate. Shift-clicking means the ability activates when you hold shift and click on the target tile. Middle-mouse means you middle-mouse click on the target tile. You may want to make sure this is set to your preference after evolving to a new tier of Xenomorph.
  • Toggle Xeno Status HUD - Turns the Xeno HUD overlay on the sprites in the game area on or off, showing each Xeno's health and plasma levels.


Hivemind is the chat that all Xenomorphs can see, usable with :a. You will occasionally get messages directly from the Queen as well as the results of her telepathic scan showing the number of living organisms present in the round.

Step 3: Time to Evolve

Stay alive and safe until your evolution progress reaches 100. You can evolve into a tier 1 even if the Queen is not on her ovipositor (which normally halts evolution progress.) Ask your Queen and check the hive status if the hive needs you to evolve into something specific. If not, choose a tier 1 role, or if you have a desired role of a higher tier, choose towards that evolution path.

Tier 1 Xenomorph Overview

Xenomorph Evolution Diagram

Read the Xenomorph Castes page for more information on each type of Xenomorph.

Roleplaying Guidelines

This is a MRP (medium role-play) server and we are not solely dedicated to Aliens lore. That said, the Xenomorphs themselves have some RP requirements. According to lore, they are a hive-mind that show considerable (and ultimately unknown) levels of intelligence. They are extra-terrestrial Parasitoids with a reproductive strategy centered around a queen as well as other morphological abilities depending on the circumstance.

  • Playing a Xenomorph, you must understand your role and work together as a hive.
  • Some roles have more autonomy than others, but a direct command from the queen should always be obeyed.
  • As stated, Xenomorphs have an as-yet unknown level of intelligence. This not only allows for complex tactics to be used, but can lead to some fun RP opportunities if the situation permits.
  • Refer to the rules if you have any other questions.

Step 4: Combat

Play Your Role!

Through play experience and reading this wiki, you'll learn the different hive castes and roles. Each role is a critical part of a victorious hive and it's important you understand your role, try and play it to the best of your ability, and cooperate. Teamwork is always the backbone of any victory! Here are some basics to get you started:


Specialists: Runner, Hunter, Warrior, Ravager
Secondary Defender, Crusher, Praetorian

All aliens can melee, but some have special strengths in this area. This type of fighting requires good accuracy with the mouse, positioning with your keyboard, and a constant situational awareness so you don't get caught and killed. Most melee-focused aliens are glass cannons, and it's always smart to play them as such. It's also important you heed the Queen's orders of whether killing hosts is permitted or not. The important aspects of melee are slashing (clicking on your target with harm/1 intent selected while adjacent,) tackling (using a pounce ability or the tackle/2 intent,) and dragging (using the grab/3 intent or ctrl+clicking on a target.) You can also tackle or slash while you drag by switching hands and clicking on your captive.

The art of click-fu in the SS13 game engine is a complex topic all on it's own, but the best way to learn is to play, practice, and ask questions.


Specialists: Sentinel, Spitter, Boiler, Praetorian, Queen
Secondary Carrier

Ranged attacks for the Xenomorphs include neurotoxic spit, acid spit, and acid spray. These attacks are somewhat simpler than melee in you simply shift/middle-click on your target unit or tile to fire your ranged ability. Neurotoxin produces stun-like effects which can build up over time to cause an overdose and down a marine, while acid causes immediate burns and is more dangerous with a potential to kill. As a ranged Xenomorph, you are very important to support and assist your melee classes, act as constant harassment and damage, and in the case of the boiler, controlling key areas and breaking sieges.
Note - The Carrier is technically a ranged class since its main ability is throwing facehuggers (and it should be played with similar care) but its position and engagement are often different. The carrier has a unique playstyle of its own that takes time to learn.


Specialists: Drone, Hivelord
Secondary Sentinel, Carrier, Crusher, Defiler

The Drone and Hivelord are the primary support roles, meaning they construct and maintain the hive, eggs, hosts, and fortifications, tunnels, or other defenses at forward positions. Secondary supports can assist with these roles or provide special abilities to the Xenomorph team, such as the Crusher's ram and Defiler's smokescreen. These roles may not provide the constant stimulation of combat, but they're absolutely vital, offering unique gameplay and rewarding creativity.