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The SS13 Common Core

What This Is

The SS13 Common Core is a community initiative to crowdsource lore for interested players to take advantage of and incorporate into how they approach the universe of /tg/station's SS13 (hereafter simply referred to as SS13). The idea is to create a curated list of organizations, events, and facts about the universe that players can choose to abide and reference in-game, without the need to obsessively document how every element of the universe works, or seek acceptance from the entire playerbase. If you enjoy the project and the idea behind it, feel free to engage with it and contribute! If you're not interested in it or disagree with the idea of codifying lore, carry on as you did before.

What we are interested in

  • Organizations that fit into the CC Universe (Juked Micronics is an electronics manufacturing corporation that helps supply Nanotrasen's Space Stations with circuitry...)
  • Descriptions of events that crewmembers of SS13 may have been affected by or be aware of (By 2557, the Syndicate had even managed to sneak an agent into Nanotrasen's regional Central Command facility. The agent was caught and detained within a week, but the resulting restructuring and purges among the upper echelons of NT opened up many opportunities for new faces with less political baggage to rise...)

What This Is Not

This is not an exhaustive effort to catalog the universe of SS13 in great detail, as with Baystation. Rather, it is a collection of ideas and starting points for you to use IC with other players to generate interesting conversations and events. It is also not defined in the code and thus truly "canonical", as Goonstation has done. Unless someone separately decides to submit code referencing info from this project and the separate /tg/station code maintenance team approves it, this is all essentially a shared headcanon/collective fever dream.

What we are not interested in

There are also a few topics that will likely be intentionally left vague for various reasons, including:

  • The nature of death/cloning outside SS13 (including whether Centcom has backups of the crew, and how often SS13 is destroyed)
  • Addressing the fact that spacemen often jump between professions

The Setting

Basic Description

The year is 2559. The universe is in flux, as giant megacorporations escalate from covert treachery and assassinations to outright skirmishing, government organizations desperately try to reign in and project power over said corporations as they expand to the farthest reaches of space, and fantastic and fascinating scientific advancements are constantly being made then destroyed. But by standing too far back and looking at the big picture, it's easy to miss out on the most compelling parts of life in the 26th century. These are the stories of the people, pets, silicons, and everyone in between and outside of these spectrums, and other actors involved with Nanotrasen and their ventures.

Aw shit

Space Station 13 as a destination has reached near-mythical proportions among the adventurous types since its initial launch in 2553. It began, along with a series of similar stations, as a small, highly classified and secretive plasma research facility far in the depths of the peripheral edges of civilized space. Access to it was kept incredibly hush-hush, and while staffing standards weren't great due to a distinct lack of qualified personnel wishing to disappear for undisclosed periods of time to go to a research station no one knew the location of to study topics unknown, Nanotrasen managed to keep the facility afloat more-or-less. There were a good number of security incidents, and life aboard the station was dangerous and fraught with threats from enemy agents to dark magicks and more, and the entire station has been detonated or disappeared more than a handful of times only to be rebuilt by hand, but the minerals and knowledge coming back more than made up for the considerable expenses.

Over time, however, as former members of these stations snuck away from Nanotrasen's grip back towards the civilized galaxy through a variety of means (escape pods, hijacked shuttles, smuggling themselves out on supply and personnel shuttles, etc), Nanotrasen executives began to panic. Anxious to share the horrors and abuses they suffered at the hands of Nanotrasen's carelessness and greed, former crewmembers began publishing exposés and speaking out about the nature of life with Nanotrasen on the periphery. Despite early success with wetworks attempts at silencing the outspoken individuals, by 2556, there was enough testimony and corroborating material to finally force TerraGov, the premier galactic government, to begin a hesitant inquisition into NT. The stories of crewmembers from Space Station 13 gained the most attention and became the face of the growing scandal.

Basic Setting Tenets

The following is a collection of basic things to keep in mind with the CC Universe

  • The mood of CC falls somewhere between grimdark and slapstick. Taken literally, the gameplay of SS13 presents an incredibly depressing an unhinged world where you'll see half a dozen murders before your lunch break, so some of that has to be abstracted out and balanced out with levity. On the other hand, get too detached and honk-happy, and you wind up making a mindless meme-fest that also misses out on many of the strengths of SS13. So it's somewhere down the middle: there is seemingly no end to the number of bad people doing bad things to each other on SS13, but there's also moments of kindness and cooperation that give people a reason to continue living and not just skip to the end by spacing themselves out of depression. And sometimes people slip on banana peels during those tragic moments. C'est la vie.
  • The setting is not grim-stupid. SS13 is not one big social experiment to see what happens if you send a bunch of mental rejects into a nonsensical metal deathtrap (though there may be many social experiments of a smaller scale running at any given time), and the suits and command staff working behind the scenes to keep SS13 running aren't the kind to just throw crewmember lives into the trash en masse because they feel like it unless the admins think it's REALLY funny (NOT CANON), though it's definitely not in your best interest to draw too much attention to yourself. There's lots of shady, shady stuff going on around the station, but when it comes to the fate of resources with significant value, it should be played more like Burke from Aliens than a temperamental child throwing away an expensive toy without a care in the world. (More on interactions with Centcom specifically later)