![]() Heretic |
Access: Wherever your job has access to Additional Access: Wherever you can break into or teleport to. Difficulty: VERY HARD Supervisors: Forgotten Gods Duties: Find influences, notice they all have been taken. Sacrifice people and ascend as a vessel of your god. Guides: This is the guide. Quote: ADMINS HALP HOW DO I SACRIFICE PEOPLE |
"Forgotten, devoured, gutted. Humanity has forgotten the eldritch forces of decay, but the mansus veil has weakened. We will make them taste fear again..."
So you're a heretic? Well, get ready for some magic and battle. Grab those influences, make some sacrifices, and ascend to godhood.
The Mansus Veil Weakens
You are a nasty little bookworm in search of truth and power, and you have arrived on a station ripe with opportunities. The ultimate goal of a heretic, aside from completing their objectives, is to gain power points to unlock their abilities.
You can increase your power in two ways: harvesting magic energies from the eldritch influences around the station, or by sacrificing any crew members your dark patrons may hunger for. To aid this task, you start with two items and a spell:
The Codex Cicatrix, used to draw runes, collect influences and research new abilities.
The Living Heart, used to find and sacrifice your targets.
Mansus Grasp, a modular spell that, without upgrades, lets you touch a target to cause knockdown and light burn damage on a 15 second cooldown. As you grow in power, your Grasp will gain additional effects.
All of these are critical to your ascension, so don't lose them, and keep them hidden from security!
Eldritch Influences
Influences are the easy way to gain power points. Whenever there are heretics aboard Space Station 13, influences will randomly spawn across the station at the start of the round. Initially, influences flicker with bursts of energy similar to electricity, have randomized names, and can only be seen by heretics. To harvest an influence, simply hit it with your codex and remain still for a short period. After being harvested, the influence vanish temporally. When it reappears it will lose it's electric-like bursts, gain a yellow glow with a rainbow border originating from the middle, change their name to pierced reality, and become visible to the entire crew. Influences can only be harvested once, so don't waste time trying to collect those that other heretics have already taken!
An already harvested influence. Notice the glow.
Heretical Research
Once you have some power points, it's time to research! Simply use your codex in-hand to open the research menu and spend your points on abilities. The research menu forms a branching tree (see below), and your first selection will be to commit to a path that defines your initial abilities and Final Ascension. You can earn abilities from other paths to a limited degree, but overall your chosen path will heavily influence your playstyle.
Transmutation is the Key
Eventually, you'll need to start using proper magics. By hitting any empty tile with your codex, you'll begin to draw a transmutation rune. These runes are green and take up a 3x3 area, and while they can go under other objects, it's best to keep them clear for transmutation purposes. You can remove runes by hitting them with your codex again, and freely use other heretics' runes. To transmute, simply click the rune with an empty hand while the appropriate object(s) are on top of it, making sure that nothing else is in the way.
The most important use of your rune is sacrificing. To get a sacrifice target, drop your living heart onto a rune and transmute it with nothing else present, making sure your codex is in your inventory. You'll be given a choice between three targets, and can then squeeze your living heart by using it in-hand to get a vague idea of where your chosen target is. Kill them, drag them back to a rune, and transmute their body together with the living heart to messily sacrifice them and earn two power points.
Between influences and sacrifices, you'll eventually unlock more and more abilities; the last ability will be your Final Ascension, which guarantees a greentext and gives you massively powerful benefits or transformations. Once you've ascended, all that's left is to unleash your fury upon the crew! Use all of your powers to slaughter everybody who dares stand up to you, or just bask in your dark glory.
The Heretic Blade
The Heretic Blade will be your first unlocked research. It can be created by transmuting a common knife with a secondary ingredient based on your path, and serves as a powerful melee weapon as well as a one time use escape tool. All paths have their own kind of blade, which only differ in appearance and name without any additional research. As with the Mansus Grasp, your blade will be upgraded by your research over time. Said upgrades will differ depending on the path you choose. If you lose your blade, simply transmute a new one. You can also break your blade to teleport to a safe location in an emergency!
Paths of Decay
There are different aspects of the arcane to which you can devote yourself. While all rituals and spells can be learned, your first and most important choice will decide how your weapon and grasp
will evolve, and how your final ascension will transform you.
Path | Name | Description |
Path of Ash | Nightwatcher's Secret | The Path of Ash revolves around fire, mobility, crowd control and being a slippery fucker that can jaunt while handcuffed. It grants the most forgiving abilities for a new heretic, such as the aforementioned jaunt and a potential mass heal, and is highly recommended for first-timers. It doesn't have the most powerful abilities until the later game, but it is still enjoyable. Ascending gives you the power to burn down the station in a living tornado of flame. |
Path of Flesh | Principle of Hunger | The Path of Flesh focuses on resurrection and summoning player-controlled minions. Heretics on this path gain almost no offensive or defensive abilities and rely heavily on stockpiling corpses, but Flesh offers many fun and powerful tools to those who can make it to the end, making it the hardest path overall for inexperienced heretics. Ascending allows you to shed your human form and become something much greater. |
Path of Void | Glimmer of Winter | The Path of Void focuses on stealth, silence and the freezing cold. The path grants the ability to silence and lower the temperature of targets, opening the window to silent kills immediately with no other items or chemicals required. Void early on gives you full immunity to cold temperatures, a fully invisible armored cloak (with pockets!), and later a targeted blink that damages anything nearby. Void has access to a lot of strong transmuted items but requires smart use to realize their full potential, making the path one of moderate difficulty. Ascending silences those around you and makes you the eye of a deadly blizzard. |
Path of Rust | Blacksmith's Tale | The Path of Rust is about healing, corruption and brute forcing through all obstacles, at the cost of stealth. Rust gives you abilities that can one shot silicons, fry any electronics, destroy any turfs and take down any non-living being, while creating rusted tiles and healing while standing on them. Rust also grants access to some pretty powerful spells, making it a difficulty middle ground. Ascending grants you unparalleled healing and survivability. |
Below is a table with all your abilities. Upon choosing a path, you begin at the top of the tree, moving straight downwards; the first few abilities you unlock are thus based on your path. However, some abilities are located between paths, and can be unlocked by moving sideways once you're adjacent to them. With enough points, you can theoretically unlock all of these 'neutral' abilities, as well as dipping into other paths' abilities, but you can only ever unlock one Mark and one Blade/Steel ability, and you can only unlock the ascension that matches your starting path.
In the below tree, dark colored abilities can only be obtained by starting on the corresponding path, green abilities are "neutral" abilities that you can use to cross paths, and light colored abilities can be earned by any path by first going through the neutral ones.
The Heretic Ability Tree 

Carvings are special runes that can be etched into the floor using the Carving Knife, an item gained from researching the Tier 2 Flesh-Void side path. These carvings act as traps that trigger when a victim steps onto one. You can have up to a maximum of 3 carvings placed at any time, and having carvings placed grants you an ability to destroy all carvings should you ever need to replace them.
Crucible Potions
Crucible Potions (or brews) are unique consumable items that are created from a Mawed Crucible, a structure gained from researching the Tier 2 Void-Rust side path. Each kind of potion grants a special buff to you once used. A crucible can make of to 5 individual potions before needing to be refilled with body parts or organs.
- If you ever lose your Living Heart, you can transmute a new one by combining a normal heart, a poppy (check the chapel!) and a blood splatter.
- If you lose your codex, you can make a new one by transmuting a bible, a pair of eyes, and some human skin. (better hope the chef will let you use the gibber)
- A good idea is to make a second Living Heart/Codex and hide them somewhere you can easily access later. If you manage to lose one of these items, you'll now have a backup set.
- If your transmutations are failing, make sure your codex is on your person!
- Many unlockable transmutations require body parts or whole corpses. You can get these from your victims, as well as by raiding the Morgue, or with the correct access, turning monkeys into catatonic humans.
- Even if you never fight other heretics, you're inherently at odds with them. Each influence can only be harvested once, so the heretic that goes the fastest and grabs the most influences first has to do less killing and sacrificing to reach their ascensions.
- As a heretic, access is more important than ever! The more areas you can easily access, the more influences you'll be able to snag. Getting all access can be a godsend, and knowing how to either hack or talk your way into other departments can help you beat other heretics to the free points.
- Unlike most other solo antagonists, Heretics start weak but grow stronger over time. It would be best not to attract too much attention to yourself until you unlock more powerful spells and equipment.
- Even after ascension, you aren't completely invincible. Don't get too hasty and end up eating a barrage of deadly lasers to the face.
- Drawing new runes requires you to stand still for a very long time. Draw your runes before hand to avoid having to hold on to a body for much longer, and to leave quicker. You might not have time to draw a rune if Security is hot on your tail.
- The Mawed Crucible can be wrenched/unwrenched by using your Codex on it, allowing you to relocate it if needed.
- For the first one or two sacrifices, leaving your blade, heart and book somewhere hidden and killing using other weapons is an option for hiding the fact you're a Heretic early on. Even if you do get caught by security, there wouldn't be any items that immediately tell security that you're a Heretic. That way, you can use your abilities to escape the permabrig if you end up in there.
- Having Aristocrat's Way researched allows you to spacewalk with only a firefighting suit, helmet and a source of oxygen. Useful if your job doesn't have access to actual spacesuits/hardsuits.
- Entropic Plume causes any living mob caught in the plume to randomly strike other nearby mobs, which includes Beepsky and other Securitrons. Use sec's robot pets against them!
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