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TGMC is a project based on the CM-SS13 codebase.
So everything's fucked, the xenos are on their way to the ship, everyone's screaming 11 different things on comms, and more than half the marine force is either dead or dying. Who ya gonna call? Why, the Emergency Response Teams, of course! ERTs can be called by launching a distress beacon from the Communications Console in the CIC(can only be done after Alamo hijack and if the marine to xeno ratio is below a certain threshold). 1 minute after the button is pressed, the beacon will be launched, and a notification will be sent to all ghosts in the round allowing them to rejoin the game as an ERT member! But don't be too hasty in pressing the button! The responders might not always be friendly...
The Teams
There are currently four alignments of ERT: TGMC aligned, ICC aligned, Xenomorphs, and Hostile Unknowns. NT PMC, Spec-Ops, and the Freelancers are all aligned with TerraGov and will assist them through any means possible. The Sons of Mars, Independent Colonial Confederation Armed Forces, and Colonial Liberation Force are all aligned with eachother in a shaky alliance against TerraGov. The Sectoids are an unknown hostile enemy who will attack Xenomorphs or Humans of any faction on sight.
PLAYERS IN OPPOSING FACTIONS SHOULD NOT BE WORKING WITH EACHOTHER NO MATTER WHAT! Taking a break from shooting at eachother to deal with a xenomorph mauling you both is fine, reviving someone from the other team or making friendly conversation is not!.
ERT weaponry
For a list containing the statistics of every ERT primary weapon by faction, consult the ERT section of the marine equipment page.
TGMC Aligned ERT
These factions are responding to the emergency beacon launched from the ships in hopes of coming to the aid of the panicked marines. Marines and these ERT members should NOT engage in hostilities. What kind of help these ERT provide is up to the leader of the squad. As these ERT are all TGMC aligned, they should not engage with hostilities with eachother, however should be hostile to ICC aligned ERT.
NanoTrasen Private Military Contractors
NT Private Military Contractors
Alignment: TGMC Marine Rules of Engagement: Do not fire upon
Mercenaries under Nanotrasen's payroll, the PMCs have one primary objective: Get the CL to safety! Of course, they can still stick behind and try to save the ship from the mutual threat that is the xeno menace, but that's a secondary concern. The PMCs, being very well funded, are armed with elite M412E pulse rifles loaded with armor piercing ammunition. They have dedicated snipers wielding the powerful M42C antitank sniper rifle, a weapon so powerful non-snipers are knocked off their feet by its recoil! They also bring along smartgunners wielding a variant of the SG-29 smartmachinegun. Xenos beware!
Primary Weapon
![](/tgwiki2/images/a/a6/PMCSL.png) |
Solo the entire hive with your amazing gun, end up dying to a combat drone.
AP PR-412E Battle Rifle + UGL
![](/tgwiki2/images/1/16/PMCGunner2.png) |
PMC Gunner Desc
Smart Gunner
SG-29 Smart Machine Gun
![](/tgwiki2/images/6/6a/PMCSniper.png) |
PMC Sniper Desc
SR-42 Anti-Tank Sniper Rifle
![](/tgwiki2/images/3/35/PMCStandard.png) |
PMC Standard Desc
AP SMG-25B2 Submachinegun
Freelancer Mercenaries
Freelancer Mercenaries
Alignment: TGMC Marine Rules of Engagement: Do not fire upon
Smelling of sake, noodles, and strawberry strudels, These arms-for-hire will do anything to make a quick buck and satisfy their alcohol addiction. With the starting capital of a large warehouse full of equipment belonging to the now defunct United Nations Peacekeepers, They built up an informal mercenary enterprise that will do just about anything for you... for a price.
This now includes saving your ass from an attack by the xenomorph threat and whatever other hostile ERT's may be on board because somehow an overfunded military platoon got hijacked by a bunch of bugs. Make sure to guarantee them a payment or work out some kind of deal with them in order to get them to fight harder
Primary Weapon
![](/tgwiki2/images/8/8e/Freelancer-Leader.png) |
The leader of a ragtag group of mercenaries, clear out the ship with your superior firepower and unorthodox tactics, make sure to keep the captain safe in order to secure your squads payment.
M16A4 Assault Rifle + Masterkey
AR-11 Combat Rifle
AR-55 OICW Assault Rifle
![](/tgwiki2/images/0/02/Freelancer-Veteran2.png) |
The grenadier of the group, make sure to remove all xenomorph other hostile threats on the ship while also trying not to blow your fingers off or catch your team on fire.
ALF-51B Kauser Machinecarbine
PR-412L1 Heavy Pulse Rifle
AR-55 OICW Assault Rifle
![](/tgwiki2/images/0/0b/Freelancer-Medic.png) |
The medic of your squad, your job is to reattach the grenadiers fingers along with keeping both your squad, and the rest of the onboard crew alive.
FAMAS assault rifle
![](/tgwiki2/images/4/45/Freelancer-Standard.png) |
The grunts of the freelancers, your job is to operate as a living meatshield while gunning down the xenomorph threat. Raid the bar for more booze and ask every marine on board for a tip after gunning down the queen.
M16A4 Assault Rifle + Masterkey
M16A4 Assault Rifle + UGL
AR-55 OICW Assault Rifle
Special Response Force
Local System Special Forces
Alignment: TGMC Marine Rules of Engagement: Do not fire upon
Spec ops Desc
Primary Weapon
![](/tgwiki2/images/2/27/SpecOpsSL.png) |
Spec Ops Leader Desc
M16A4 Assault Rifle + Masterkey
![](/tgwiki2/images/b/b1/SpecOpsBreacher.png) |
Spec Ops Breacher Desc
AP SMG-25 Submachinegun
+ TL-172 defensive shield
![](/tgwiki2/images/6/6a/SpecOpsDrone.png) |
Spec Ops Drone op desc
AP SMG-25 Submachinegun
+ UV-L Iguana
![](/tgwiki2/images/a/a6/SpecOpsStandard.png) |
Spec Ops standard desc
AP SMG-25 Submachinegun
ICC Aligned ERT
These factions are responding to the emergency beacon launched from the ships in hopes of capitalizing on the weakened marines. Marines and these ERT members should engage in hostilities on sight. As these ERT are all TGMC aligned, they should not engage with hostilities with eachother, however should be hostile to TGMC aligned ERT.
Sons of Mars
Sons of Mars
Alignment: ICC Marine Rules of Engagement: Shoot on sight
Colonists that fled from Mars due to lore reasons, the SoM are the TGMC's primary human enemies. They have a knack for engineering, putting together surprisingly sturdy armor from what would otherwise be considered scrap. They primarily wield surplus weapons and older designs taken with them during their exodus of Mars, such as the AK47 and the M16A4 assault rifles. If you see these guys as a marine, expect them to shoot at you, and be ready to shoot back if they do. Though temporary armistices during extraordinary times of mutual duress are not unheard of.
Primary Weapon
![](/tgwiki2/images/b/b8/SOMSL.png) |
The leader of your group of overzealous zealots, make the TGMC pay for something they did to your ancestors or something... wait do you even remember... wait does anyone remember?
V-31 assault rifle
VX-32 Charger
VX-33 Caliver
VX-33 Caliver + Powerpack
![](/tgwiki2/images/1/14/SOMSpec.png) |
Even mentioning the Geneva Conventions is grounds for execution on New Cydonia, make the Sons of Mars proud with your cruel irradiating weaponry.
War Criminal
VX-42 Culverin + Powerpack
Sawn-off Shotgun
V-71 rocket launcher
V-62 incinerator
V-51B assault shotgun
![](/tgwiki2/images/0/0a/SOMvet.png) |
SOM Vet desc
VX-32 Charger
VX-33 Caliver
VX-33 Caliver + Powerpack
VX-42 Culverin + Powerpack
Sawn-off Shotgun
![](/tgwiki2/images/9/92/SOMMedic.png) |
Your squad tends to catch themselves on fire more often than anything they're fighting. Mix this in with heavy amounts of huffing nerve agents and you've got yourself a busy mission ahead of you.
V-31 Assault Rifle
V-21 Submachinegun
V-51 Combat Shotgun
![](/tgwiki2/images/9/98/SOMStandard.png) |
Your life for the cause! You're pretty sure its a good cause... maybe?
V-31 Assault Rifle
V-21 Submachinegun
V-51 Combat Shotgun
VX-32 Charger
Colonial Liberation Front
Colonial Liberation Front
Alignment: ICC Marine Rules of Engagement: Shoot on sight
Fighting for freedom across TerraGov colonies (these are the real protagonists)
Primary Weapon
![](/tgwiki2/images/d/dd/CLFSL.png) |
Must be hard being a leader in an organizations where the whole idea is bringing horizontal organization to everything
M16A4 Assault Rifle + UGL
MPi-KM Assault Rifle + UGL
V-31 Assault Rifle
Type 71 Pulse Rifle + Flamer
LMG-D Light Machinegun
![](/tgwiki2/images/0/03/CLFSpec.png) |
Most your weapons are made to blast through 20 inches of metal of the occupying TerraGov's Armored Personnel Carrier Chassis, but they'll work just fine on anything that is on ship too
Heavy Weapons Specialist
Degtyaryov 'RP' machine gun"
PTR-41/1785 Anti-Mech Gun
![](/tgwiki2/images/7/7f/CLFMedic2.png) |
You're pretty lucky that most CLF members die by having their head removed or else you'd probably have a lot of work.
SMG-2 Submachinegun
CZ-81 Submachinegun
SH-12 Paladin Pump Shotgun
![](/tgwiki2/images/7/78/CLFStandard.gif) |
We all know that youre going to activate your suicide vest early and take out your teammates instead of a single enemy. Make anyone who believes in your sorely disappointed!
Meat Shields/Suicide Bombers
SMG-2 Submachinegun
Sawn-off Shotgun
CZ-81 Submachinegun
MPi-KM Assault Rifle
V10 Pump Shotgun
CAU C1 Garand Rifle
V-21 Submachinegun
Tactical Explosive Vest
Independent Colonial Confederation Armed Forces
Independent Colonial Confederation Armed Forces
Alignment: ICC Marine Rules of Engagement: Shoot on sight
ICCAF desc
Primary Weapon
![](/tgwiki2/images/e/e7/ICCSL.png) |
ICCAF Leader desc
L-4034 Trenchgun
ML-12 Confrontation Rifle
![](/tgwiki2/images/9/9d/ICCGuard.png) |
ICCCN Guard Desc
ML-120 Coilgun
MP-IRL Rocket Launcher
ML-41 Auto-Shotgun
![](/tgwiki2/images/5/50/ICCMedic.png) |
ICCAF Medic Desc
PL-38 machinepistol
L-11 Sharpshooter Rifle
![](/tgwiki2/images/1/1f/ICCStandard.png) |
ICCAF Standard desc
MPi-KM Assault Rifle
L-40 PDW
L-15 Battlecarbine
L-88 Assault Carbine
Hostile Unknown ERT
Alignment: Unknown Hostiles Marine Rules of Engagement: Shoot on sight
Primary Weapon
![](/tgwiki2/images/b/b4/SectoidSL.png) |
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![](/tgwiki2/images/a/a1/SectoidGrunt.png) |
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Admin-spawn only
USL, Elite USL, CLF, Imperial Guard, Death Squad, pizza, skeletons, colonist, xenomorph
TGMC Roles
TerraGov Marines
Captain, Field Commander, Staff Officer, Pilot Officer, Transport Officer, Mech Pilot
Vehicle Crew
Assault Crewman, Transport Crewman
Engineering and Supply
Chief Ship Engineer, Requisitions Officer, Ship Technician
Chief Medical Officer, Medical Doctor, Researcher
Squad Leader, Squad Smartgunner, Squad Engineer, Squad Corpsman, Squad Marine
Corporate Liaison
Combat robots, Synthetic, AI
Tier 0
Larva, Minions
Tier 1
Drone, Runner, Defender, Sentinel
Tier 2
Hivelord, Carrier, Hunter, Wraith, Bull, Warrior, Puppeteer, Spitter, Pyrogen
Tier 3
Gorger, Defiler, Widow, Ravager, Warlock, Behemoth, Crusher, Praetorian, Boiler
Tier 4
Shrike, Queen, King, Hivemind
Zombie, Emergency Response Teams, Sons of Mars, Survivor