Uncommon Non-obvious Job Access sorted by category. Italicized additional access only.
ACCESS_MAINT_TUNNELS HoS, RD, HoP, CE, CMO, Warden, Security, Detective, QM, Cargo Tech, Shaft Miner (Additional), Engi, Atmos Tech, Janitor, Assistant
Summary: Heads, Sec, Cargo, Engineering
ACCESS_WEAPONS (Allowed to have Weapons)
HoS, Warden, Detective, Sec, HoP, Bartender
Summary: Sec, HoP, guy with a gun
HoP, HoS, CE, Engi, Atmos, Sec, Curator
Summary: Hop, Sec, Engi, Gimmick
HoP, HoS, CMO, RD, Warden, Sec, Detective, Doc, Chemist, Genetecist, Virologist, Roboticist, Botanist, Chaplain, Cook, Bartender
Summary: People who need it for deposits or withdrawals. Not sure about Chemist and Virologist, but hey, medical.
Janitor, Bartender, Botanist, Cargo Tech, QM, Roboticist, Scientist, Atmos Tech, Chemist, Cook, Genetecist, Doc, Viro, CMO, Detective, RD, Engi, Warden, CE, HoP, HoS, Miner, SeC
Summary: Sec (why?), Science, Engi, Medical, Cargo, Food Service (Also odd)
Quirk I'd like to add. (Incomplete) Quirk I added, booyah
name = "Uncultured"
desc = "For one reason or another you never learned galactic common."
value = 0
mob_trait = TRAIT_NOCOMMON
gain_text = "You do not understand galactic common."
lose_text = "You suddenly understand galactic common."
var/mob/living/carbon/human/H = quirk_holder
/// Not sure if I'm calling the right filepaths or even using the syntax correctly. Need to test and figure it out.
Construction Access
Construction access pertains to the Vacant Office and Auxiliary Base Construction. Vacant Office B and Construction Area
These spaces are rarely visited and are therefore targets for clandestine individuals. The Curator and Engineering can use these spaces to set up projects.
Auxiliary Base Construction has a specific use in building a room to send to Lavaland. If you're the Curator you can do this to start your adventuring career. Be sure to coordinate with the shaft miners so that your base is placed optimally.
Curator's Beacon is not covered in Job Page
Heroic Beacon "To summon heroes from the past to protect the future."
Indiana Jones w/ Whip
Astronaut w/ Nasa Void Suit
Highlander w/ weak ceremonial claymore (force = 15 block_chance = 30 armour_penetration = 5)