Hey, I am working on the cargo drone stuff as well as updating some locations; specifically changing Boxstation to IceboxStation. I hate manually flushing the wiki page after editing anything with tabs.
Want to collaborate? I regularly check on wiki-general on the TG discord, and can also be reached directly on discord at Smellulater#8211
Exploration Drone Essentials
- Construct an Exoscanner
- Use the scanning terminal to scan for places to explore.
- Insert a fuel pellet into the drone launch pad, not the drone itself.
- Using the drone console, attach tools to the drone. Don't attach too many, as you will need to make space for returning any loot!
- Ensure the drone you want to use is properly seated on the launch pad.
- Send out the drone using the drone console. Once it reaches its destination, do some exploring!
- Any discovered loot will be in the inventory of the drone.