TGMC:Marine Mechanics

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This is page for in-depth description of marine-related mechanics.

AP and damage

Each weapon deals damage equal to

Dmg = ammo_dmg * weapon_damage_modifier - tiles_travelled*damage_falloff

Where weapon_damage_modifier is usually 0, and can be seen in weapon codex. For example, T-64 has -50% dmg modifier. Damage falloff also can be seen there, usually it is 0.5 per tile. Base weapon damage is heavily based on the ammo it uses.

Each weapon has AP, Armor Piercing. It reduces the armor of xeno in percent:

Effective_armor = Xeno_armor*(1-AP/100)*(1-Sunder/100)

Then resulting damage is:

Effective_dmg = Dmg*(1-Effective_armor)

Note that Sunder of a weapon directly decreases xeno armor until it is healed. Sunder of 2 decreases armor by 2%.

So if your damage is 100, with 10 AP, and you shoot a warrior with 50 bullet armor and 20 Sunder, then his effective armor is

Effective_armor = 50*0.9*0.8 = 36

Effective damage = 100 * 0.64 = 64


Each limb has fixed healthpool, and breakpoint. After breakpoint is reached, attacks on limb can break it. After limb HP reaches 0, it can be dismembered with probability P = brute_attack_damage * 2. After 20 damage is done to a limb, with 5% chance, half of any further damage goes to internal organs as additional damage.

Limb HP Breakpoint
Head 100 40
Torso 200 60
Groin 200 60
Arm 125 50
Hand 75 37
Leg 100 50
Foot 75 37


As command staff, you have access to orders, which can be used to buff nearby troops with helpful effects. These also cause you to broadcast a quote over the radio(provided you have one) so people know when you're calling one out. After giving an order, there is a cooldown period until you can give another one. Give orders using the action buttons on the top-left of the screen.

Command Description

Move order

Increases movement speed. Great for chasing down or running away from xenos, or if you just want to move around fast in general, like on the ship. ROs love it!

Hold order

Increases pain resistance. Helpful since pain slows down move speed, makes you drop stuff, and overall just sucks to have. Also saves painkiller supplies for when it's needed more.

Focus order

Increases accuracy, which in turn increases total damage output because more shots actually hit the enemy. Also makes them hit friendlies more often, but that's out of your control, mostly.


There are 3 types of explosions, which utilize same mechanics

Type Multiplier_Marine Multiplier_Xeno Sunder damage

Explosion staggers, slowdowns and damages ears of marines. For marines, inflicted damage is 90*Multiplier_Marine split equally between brute and burn, affected by armor.

For xeno, damage depends on XENO_BOMB_RESIST, their bomb armor level, which is discrete.

Damage = 100 + Multiplier_Xeno*40 - 10*XENO_BOMB_RESIST

If Bomb_armor is higher than 4, damage is zero. If bomb_armor is less than 1 and EXPLODE_DEVASTATE, gibs the xeno.

Bomb armor levels
XENO_BOMB_RESIST Raw armor required to get Typical xeno with this armor
0 0 Most xeno
1 40 Ravager
2 60 Warrior, Shrike
3 80 Queen, Crusher
4 100 Ancient King


To make a turret out of any weapon, you need to use Build-A-Sentry kit (ctrl+click), which goes to scope slot of a weapon. Most weapons can be turrets, but NOT every weapon will actually shoot. Launchers or any bolted weapons won't, but will still notify about the enemy. Also, despite the fact that turrets aim through friendlies, it doesn't give them IFF (aim), so best used with IFF weapons. Bought in cargo.