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This page is a part of the TGMC wiki.
TGMC is a project based on the CM-SS13 codebase. |
Starting out, you might not understand some of the things people scream over the radio/in OOC chat. Here's a list of some of the commonly used phrases that some new players frequently ask about, and their explanations!
Contents • A • B • C • D • E • F • G • H • I • J • K • L • M • • N • O • P • Q • R • S • T • U • V • W • X • Y • Z
<tabs style="width:70%"> <tab name="A">
- Admin
- Also known as Admemes
- Players who have been graced with powers beyond mortal comprehension, their purpose is to ensure everyone has a fun and enjoyable round and to help problem solve bugs or assist players with IC conflict resolution.
- Ahelp
- The verb used under "OCC" tab to send a direct message to a special message that Administrator staff can view. Use of this verb is for OOC context or if you have a complaint about something. Typically you will receive a nice "BWOINK" sound once an Admin has messaged you back along with a link in the chat to send them a reply.
- Alamo
- Also known as dropship, Ayyylmao
- The tan transport dropship Marines take at the start of each op to get to the FOB
- AC
- Also known as tanker
- Assault Crewman, the person who drives the Tank
- Alpha
- The Squad Alpha, notable by their Red icon backgrounds.
- AP
- Armor Penetration, a property of projectiles, explained in Marine Mechanics
</tab> <tab name="B">
- Bean(s)
- Also known as beanos
- Xenomorphs
- Bic
- Shorthand for Bicaridine, a reagent which slowly heals your brute damage
- Bino(s)
- Also known as tacbinos, tacs
- Binoculars, usually to refer to Tactical Binoculars specifically
- Bravo
- The Squad Bravo, notable by their Yellow icon backgrounds.
- A basic mix of healing chemicals available to all Marines.
- Consists of Bicaridine, Tramadol, Tricordizine, and Kelotane.
</tab> <tab name="C">
- Cap
- Also known as Condom, Fun Police, All Access Man
- The Captain Commander of the operation and effectively your boss' boss alongside the FC.
- Also known as Pilot Officer, Good Hits man
- Close Air Support. Don't get hit by it!
- Cade(s)
- Also known as Barricades
- Refers to various structures that can be constructed to make defensive barricades, or Cades for short. These are invaluable in areas Marines wish to defend such as FOB, Nuclear Disk Printers, Nuclear Bomb, or Mining Wells
- Campaign
- The Gamemode, Campaign
- Also known as the lesser RO
- Chief Ship Engineer Designated ship mega-dweebs.
- Charlie
- The Squad Charlie, notable by their Pink/Purple background color.
- Also known as the Bridge
- Combat Information Center. Where command lives. One of two popular last stand locations.
- CL
- Also known as WHY DID YOU ORDER 500 CIGARETTES!!
- Corporate Liaison. Yuppie scum belonging to Nanotrasen.
- Cluster
- Cluster Explosive, makes a lot of little smaller explosions around a large area. Stand back!
- Crash
- The Gamemode, Crash
- Also known as King/Queen of Surgery
- Chief Medical Officer. Just a doctor with control issues status.
- CP
- The Gamemode, Combat Patrol
- Condor
- Also known as Space A-10, BRRRRRRRRTTTT
- Dedicated CAS plane flown by the Pilot Officer
- Cycle
- Also known as SEND IT!
- A process in which the alamo travels via autopilot from the ship and the FOB.
</tab> <tab name="D">
- DB
- DB is short for Double Barrel; refers to the either the Double Barrel break action Marines can get from weapon vendors or the ZX Double Barrel burst shotgun.
- Delta
- May refer to one of two options:
- 1. The Squad, Delta Squad. notable by their Blue background icons.
- 2. The Self Destruction Sequence or Delta Alert of the Ship
- Dorms
- May refer to one of two options:
- 1. Dormitories, the section on some planetside maps that was used as a primary residence building for the now deceased staff
- 2. Hypersleep Dorms, the section of the ship you first wake up in when you first spawn as a Marine, you can go back to sleep if you want...
</tab> <tab name="E">
- Engi
- May refer to one of two options:
- 1. The Squad Engineer
- 2. The location where generators usually are. (Engineering Department, Shipside or Planetside)
- Emergency Response Team; The guys that come when you call them via distress signal when things go FUBAR. Might not be friendly.
- Evac
- Evacuation. For cowards.
</tab> <tab name="F">
- FC
- The Field Commander. That headless guy you're supposed to be following.
- FF
- Friendly Fire. Aka when you shoot your teammates on “accident”. Don't do this.
- Forward Operating Base. Where the Alamo lands and where marines hold their ground.
- Abbreviation for Fucked Up Beyond All Repair. Usually used when things are bleak.
</tab> <tab name="G">
</tab> <tab name="H">
- HC
- Shorthand for TGMC High Command. TGMC's counterpart to Nanotrasen's Centcom. IC reference for admins.
- HE
- Short hand for High Explosive. This stuff goes BOOM!
</tab> <tab name="I">
- IA
- ImiAlky. Chemical mix of Imidazoline and Alkysine, which heals eye and brain damage.
- IC
- Short for In-Character, refers to actions and decisions made by the character you are playing as in the current round.
- Incendiary, This stuff burns!
- Isotonic. This is full of the reagent Saline-Glucose, which helps with blood regeneration.
</tab> <tab name="J">
- Jetpack
- The Backpack Jetpack item, allows a marine to charge forward several tiles at the press of a button. Has a limited number of uses.
</tab> <tab name="K">
- Kelo
- Shorthand for Kelotane, a basic burn reagent that heals your burn damage.
</tab> <tab name="L">
- Local Out Of Character. Can be done by pressing L. Like OOC, but local, obviously.
- LZ
- Landing Zone. Where the Alamo lands. Typically there are 2 of these and include which LZ number after it (LZ1 or LZ2)
</tab> <tab name="M">
- MeraDerm
- Chemical mix of better healing meds that heals brute and burn damage quickly.
- MD
- Medical Doctor. The doctors that stay shipside and pull out all that machine gun shrapnel you have. Also preform abortions and praise the tube
- Marine OOC Chat, for talking Out of Character with fellow marines only.
</tab> <tab name="N">
- NT
- Nanotrasen. The fuckups that caused all this mess.
</tab> <tab name="O">
- OB
- Orbital Bombardment. Don't get hit by it!
- Shorthand for Out of Character, refers to chat between other players without any relation to current round events, Use of this chat should be limited to just what is needed and not for any In Character purposes (IE Do not go into OCC chat and say "I died")
</tab> <tab name="P">
- PB
- Point Blank. The act of shooting something on the tile next to you which also causes you to melee it. Can also just mean close range.
- PR
- Pull Request. This is effectively a patch or game code change that is up for request or testing merge to see if it will fit with the flow of the game. PRs maybe Open, Closed, Merged, Test Merged, or Under Review and are viewable on the Github.
- Pray
- The Pray Verb, under the IC Tab. This is effectively the same as using an AHelp but this one is specifically meant to send a message to the
AdminsGods about something your IC character wants or wishes to, well, Pray to the gods for. Much like the AHelp Verb overuse of this may result in your ability to use it being revoked. Just try not to spam it or you might be smited for annoying the Gods. - PMC
- Private Military Contractor. Friendly ERT faction. Paid by Nanotrasen.
- PO
- Pilot Officer. The dipshit that flew to the wrong LZ.
- Pods
- Drop Pods. For quick redeployment or playing at being an ODST. Or suicide.
- Prae
- Praetorian Caste. Spits at you, menacingly.
- Pyro
- Pyrogen Caste. Casts Fireball at you.
</tab> <tab name="Q">
- QC
- Quick-Clot. Stops internal bleeding. Its advanced version, Quick-Clot Plus, will remove one Internal Bleed at the cost of some toxins.
</tab> <tab name="R">
- Rav
- Ravager Caste. Big scary xeno with swords for fingies.
- Razorburn
- Razorburn Grenades, which spills out a foam that creates razorwire.
- Req
- Requisitions. Where you get the good schtuff.
- RO
- Requisitions Officer. The guy that gives you the good schtuff.
- Rouny
- OOC joke. May be said as marine, though not excessively. Occasionally an admin will spawn one in as an actual playable xenomorph.
- RR
- Can refer to 2 things:
- 1. Russian Red, a healing chem
- 2. Recoilless Rifle
</tab> <tab name="S">
- Sent
- Sentinel Caste. Spits at you.
- SD
- Self Destruct. Where to go if you need the ship to go boom. One of two popular last stand locations.
- SG
- Smartgunner. The guy that's supposed to be behind you, but isn't for some reason.
- SL
- Squad Leaders aka the boss of marines. Also doubles as a walking compass.
- SO
- Staff Officer. The guy screaming over comms telling you what to do.
- Sons of Mars. Hostile faction. Shoot at when fired upon.
- Sudden Sleep Disorder. Catch-all IC term for being unable to play, such as when AFK or when disconnected.
- ST
- Ship Technician. The bored shipside guys in blue.
</tab> <tab name="T">
- Tad
- The Tadpole. The dark grey mini-dropship used by those with suicidal tendencies or genius level intellect. Or both. Sometimes a last stand location.
- Tangle/Tanglefoot/T-foot
- Plasma drain stuff that limits xeno abilities. Comes in many forms and deployment methods like Grenades, Heavy Weapons, Orbital Bombardment Cannon, or even certain specialized firearms may have a form of Tangle Foot.
- Tube
- Cyro Tube, a device which freezes you and injects with a ton of really potent healing chems that can regenerate pretty much all damage.
</tab> <tab name="U"> </tab> <tab name="V"> </tab> <tab name="W"> </tab> <tab name="X"> </tab> <tab name="Y"> </tab> <tab name="Z"> </tab> </tabs>
- Unga: Catch-all term to refer to marines or their mentality, usually refers to their recklessness specifically.
- WP: White Phosphorus. Usually refers to White Phosphorus Grenades, which are better incendiary grenades. Perfect for warcrimes!
- Xeno(s): The enemy. Shoot on sight.
- XRT: Xeno Response Team. Hostile ERT faction. Consists of extra xenos, because fuck you that's why.
- XOOC: Xeno OOC Chat, for talking Out of Character with fellow xenos only.