100% Pure Ephedrine
5u: hydrogen x3, nitrogen
10u: welding fuel, carbon, hydrogen
15u ethanol
(remove 10u)
25u hydrogen
(cool to 140k)
- sugar
(x4 basic)
(heat above 200k)
(x4 acidic while its reacting, do not go under 7 ph)
- Triple acid: Sulphuric, fluorosulphuric, and nitric acid combined together. Does a chunk of brute on impact and toxin damage over time. Load into a dart or syringe for a two-shot instacrit weapon.
- N2O: Basic but really good. Heat to 573k and put in a grenade for the lowest effort highest effect explosion. 15-20u in a dart or syringe should kill anyone and make them a pain in the ass to revive.
- Attach a voice analyser (more controlled, cant use in crit) or health sensor to a grenade set to instant with a multitool to make a dead man's switch
Big Fire Smoke Cloud
- Beaker 1: 50u potassium, 50u sugar
- Beaker 2: 50u phosphorus, 50u CLF3
- Fill a backpack firefighter tank from an atmos locker with 40u CLF3, 40u condensed capsaicin, 120u fluorosulfuric acid to make a wide funny flamethrower\
- Load hypospray with nitric acid to make a powerful and silent melee weapon
- Put on magboots or no-slips and drag behind a slippery item behind you like soap