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Revision as of 04:17, 31 December 2024 by imported>ZealousZeke (Adds inverse information to Palladium synthate catalyst and updated the inverse threshold.)
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To see the rest of the reagents available on /tg/station, go to Guide to chemistry


"And that's how I lost my medical license!" Don't be this guy. Make these. Lots of these.

Some medicines have special suffixes to specify which damage types they are meant to treat:

  • Brute = -ibital
  • Burn = -uri
  • Oxy = -mol
  • Tox = iver
  • Organ = -rite

See Guide to Medicine for more information on what to use and when.

Optional catalysts for ALL medicine reactions

Name Formula Reaction conditions Description
Palladium synthate catalyst

Impurity: Chemical Isomers
Inverse: Toxic monomers <25%
Failed: Viscous sludge
pH: 2

3 parts Libital
1 part Phenol
1 part Oil
1 part Welding Fuel

1 part Carbon

1 part Hydrogen

1 part Chlorine

1 part Water

1 part Nitrogen

1 part Oxygen

4 parts Probital
2 parts Acetone
1 part Oil
1 part Welding Fuel

1 part Carbon

1 part Hydrogen

1 part Welding Fuel

1 part Oxygen

1 part Copper

1 part Phosphorus

2 parts Plasma

Required temp: 200K
Overheat temp: 800K
Optimal pH range: 5 to 6
Min purity: 0
H+ producing
Very exothermic
This will cause all medicines reacted in the same beaker to react faster, with it's speed equal to the purity of the catalyst (up to 2x, though it is still limited by it's maximum rate). An impure catalyst can be purposely made to slow down reactions, if desired. At least 10u is required in a beaker for it to have any effect on the reactions contained within. (Results in 2 parts instead of 9)

Core Healing Medicines

These healing drugs may be considered to be cheap or commonly available "core" drugs, used to heal common ailments. Some of them should not be used repeatedly on the same patient, as they may have dangerous side effects. Consider using Tend Wounds surgery if satisfactory medicines aren't available. These are also known as "Category 2 Cobbychems". All these reactions will generally result in a 75% purity product with no intervention. For those returning - a 75% purity reagent will have the same effects as the reagents you're familiar with, which means that 100% pure reagents are 33% more effective.

Name Formula Reaction conditions Treatment for Description Chemical properties

Impurity: Libitoil
Failed: Insolvent medicinal precipitate <20%
pH: 8.2

1 part Phenol
1 part Oil
1 part Welding Fuel

1 part Carbon

1 part Hydrogen

1 part Chlorine

1 part Water

1 part Nitrogen
1 part Oxygen

Min temp: 225K

Overheat: 840K
Optimal pH: 6 to 10
Unstable purity: <20%

Brute Medicine for treating brute damage. Each tick heals 3 base brute (modified by purity) and causes 0.3 liver damage.

Inverse chem:Libitoil below 30% Failed chem: Insolvent medicinal precipitate below 10%

Rate: 0.2u/tick

Unreacted purity: 75%


Inverse: Helgrasp <30%
pH: 8

1 part Carbon

1 part Fluorine
1 part Sugar

Min temp: 250K

Overheat: 550K
Optimal pH: 5 to 9.5
Unstable purity: <55%

Brute Heals a minimum of 3 brute damage per tick and faster the more base damage you have. No side effects if in hard or softcrit.
  • If not in crit: Heals (dmg/20) brute and deals 2 suffocation.
  • If in softcrit: Heals (dmg/13) brute and deals 1 suffocation. 0.0001% chance to make you play a game of rock-paper-scissors against the reaper for your life, potentially dusting you or healing you to full.
  • If in hardcrit: Heals (dmg/10) brute and has no side effects. Same chance of rock-paper-scissors as softcrit.

If you use more than 10u at a time, gain up to 3 Omens per 10u (unfortunate bad-luck incidents) after the helbital has all left your system.

Overdose applies a semi-blinding curse.
Purity adjusts the damage requirements for each of the stages and modifies the brute damage healed.
Inverse chem:Helgrasp below 30%. When purity is below 25%, it will catch fire during the reaction, watch out for the flames!

Rate: 0.2u/tick

Unreacted purity: 75%
OD: 35u


Inverse: Mitogen Metabolism Factor <50%
Failed: Metabolic Inhibition Factor <35%
pH: 5.5

2 parts Acetone
1 part Oil
1 part Welding Fuel

1 part Carbon

1 part Hydrogen

1 part Welding Fuel

1 part Oxygen

1 part Copper
1 part Phosphorus

Min temp: 225K

Overheat: 750K
Optimal pH: 4.5 to 12
Unstable purity: <35%
Weakly Exothermic

Brute Each tick heals 3 base brute (modified by purity up to 4) but also deals (decreasing) stamina damage. If ingested by mouth it also creates a special enzyme in your system (bloodstream) (1.25u per 5u ingested), which turns any food you eat into healing peptides. These peptides heal an additional 3 brute and 1 burn with a 50% chance every tick.

Overdose deals 3 stamina AND:

  • If stamina dmg over 80: Causes drowsiness.
  • If stamina dmg over 100: Removes 100 stamina damage and puts you to sleep for 10 seconds.

Inverse chem: Mitogen Metabolism Factor below 50%
Failed chem: Metabolic Inhibition Factor below 30%
Was originally named Trophazole.

Rate: 0.2u/tick

Unreacted purity: 75%
OD: 20u


Impurity: Aivime
Failed: Insolvent medicinal precipitate <25%
pH: 4

1 part Ammonia
3 parts Hydrogen
1 part Nitrogen

2 parts Hydrogen
1 part Sulfuric Acid

Min temp: 50K

Overheat: 315K
Optimal pH: 4.8 to 9
Unstable purity: <25%
Moderately endothermic

Burn Medicine for treating burn damage. Each tick heals 2 base burn (modified by purity) and causes 0.25 eye damage.

Impure chem: Aivime
Failed chem: Insolvent medicinal precipitate below 25%

Rate: 0.2u/tick

Unreacted purity: 75%


Impurity: Lentslurri
Failed: Ichiyuri <25%
pH: 4.7

1 part Ammonia
3 parts Hydrogen
1 part Nitrogen

1 part Silver
1 part Sulfur
1 part Oxygen
1 part Chlorine

Min temp: 200K

Overheat: 500K
Optimal pH: 6 to 11
Unstable purity: <25%

Burn Each tick heals 3.75 base burn (modified by purity up to 5) and deals 0.4 stomach damage.

Impure chem: Lenslurri
Failed chem: Ichiyuri below 25%

Rate: 0.2u/tick

Unreacted purity: 75%


Inverse: Herignis <30%
Failed: Insolvent medicinal precipitate <15%
pH: 8.9

3 parts Cryostylane
1 part Ice

1 part Stable Plasma

1 part Nitrogen

1 part Lye
1 part Sodium

1 part Hydrogen

1 part Oxygen

1 part Bromine
Temperature below 47K

Cold reaction

Min temp: 47K
Overheat: 5K
Optimal pH: 6 to 10
Unstable purity: <15%
Weakly endothermic

Burn Heals burn damage and can cool you to unsafe levels. If applied with vapor such as with a spray bottle it also removes some firestacks (extinguishes you).
  • If burn is over 50: Heals 3 base burn (modified by purity up to 4)
  • If burn is under 50: Heals 2.25 base burn (modified by purity up to 3)

Overdose cools you down even more. Was originally named Rhigoxane.
Inverse chem: Herignis below 30% - inverse chem is insolvent and will precipitate out during reaction.
Failed chem: Insolvent medicinal precipitate below 15%

Rate: 0.2u/tick

Unreacted purity: 75%
OD: 25u


Impurity: Chemical Isomers
Inverse: Toxic monomers <25%
Failed: Viscous sludge <10%
pH: 7

1 part Sodium Chloride
1 part Sodium
1 part Chlorine

1 part Carbon
1 part Sulfuric Acid
5 units Iron (catalyst)

Min temp: 100K

Overheat: 900K
Optimal pH: 5 to 10
Unstable purity: <10%
Weakly Exothermic

Brute and Burn Heals a small amount of brute and burn each cycle. The maximum healing you can get is 0.5 per cycle, and this decreases by 0.1 for every 10 combined brute and burn you have. At 50 or more combined damage, it heals nothing. Overdose deals 0.2 liver and toxin damage. Rate: 0.2u/tick

Unreacted purity: 100%
OD: 50u


Failed: Insolvent medicinal precipitate <30%
pH: 7.2

1 part Libital
1 part Phenol
1 part Oil
1 part Welding Fuel

1 part Carbon

1 part Hydrogen

1 part Chlorine

1 part Water

1 part Nitrogen

1 part Oxygen

1 part Blood
1 part Carbon

Min temp: 250K

Overheat: 325K
Optimal pH: 5.5 to 9.5
Unstable purity: <30%
Weakly Exothermic

Brute, burn Instantly heals 1.25 brute and burn damage per unit of the chemical applied, but also instantly deals toxin damage equal to 50 to 75% (based on purity, 56% when unreacted) of brute and burn damage healed. Can be used to prepare corpses for defibrillation (needs under 180 brute and burn).
Touch and vapor application only. If a husked corpse has at least 100u and under 50 burn damage it will be unhusked.

Failed chem: Insolvent medicinal precipitate below 30%

Rate: 0.2u/tick

Unreacted purity: 75%


Inverse: Monover <35%
pH: 9.2

1 part Sodium Chloride
1 part Sodium
1 part Chlorine

1 part Ash
1 part Oil
1 part Welding Fuel

1 part Carbon

1 part Hydrogen

Temperature 480K

Temperature 380K

Min temp: 380K

Overheat: 410K
Optimal pH: 5 to 9.5
Unstable purity: <10%
Weakly endothermic

Mildly H+ producing

Toxin A chem purger that purges chems from bloodstream (3u per tick) and heals toxin damage faster the more unique medicines there are in the body (0.5 per med, max 1.5, modified by purity). Also causes 0.5 lung damage each tick. Having 3+ unique meds (2+multiver) will make it not purge medicines. If your Multiver is pure, the medicinal requirement is reduced by 1 (i.e. muliver + 1 medicine). Having Anacea in the body will prevent multiver from purging anything.

Inverse chem: Monover below 30% - will precipitate out during a reaction and can catch fire if too hot.

Rate: 0.2u/tick

Unreacted purity: 75%


Inverse: Technetium 99 <45%
pH: 3.7

1 part Aluminium

1 part Nitrogen
1 part Potassium

Cold reaction

Min temp: 320K
Overheat: 99999K
Optimal pH: 5 to 8
Unstable purity: <20%
Strongly endothermic
H+ producing

Radiation and Toxin A medicine that shifts functionality based on temperature. For each 5 toxin damage healed, causes 1 heart damage. 5 rads equals 1 toxin damage healed for the purpose of this calculation.
  • Temperatures between 125K and 1000K heal between 0 and 5 toxin damage per tick (modified by purity). The temperature bonus is capped at 1000K.
  • Temperatures below 150K have a chance to heal between 15.4 and 34.1 toxin damage per tick (modified by purity) only to irradiated patients, with more healing at colder temperatures. The chance scales from 0% at 150K to 100% at 50K, and is rolled once when the medicine enters your system, meaning if the roll fails, all of the seiver in your system will also be nonfunctional. Ultra-cold seiver has a chance to get an additional 20% healing bonus, scaling from 0% at 15K to 100% at 5K.
Rate: 0.2u/tick

Unreacted purity: 75%


Impurity: Syrinifergus
Failed: Insolvent medicinal precipitate <30%
pH: 8.6

2 parts Nitrous Oxide
2 parts Ammonia
3 parts Hydrogen
1 part Nitrogen

2 parts Oxygen
1 part Nitrogen

Temperature 525K

1 part Toxin
Hacked NanoMed vendors, Emagged Chem Dispenser

1 part Fluorine
1 part Sulfur

Min temp: 250K

Overheat: 99999K
Optimal pH: 6.5 to 9
Unstable purity: <30%
Weakly endothermic


tl;dr: Put 20% of this and 80% water into a beaker and inject it with an IV-drip, and it will heal toxin damage and purge reagents from bloodstream pretty fast.

Impure reagent: Syrinifergus
Failed chem: Insolvent medicinal precipitate below 30%

Click expand for long description.

Rate: 0.3u/tick

Unreacted purity: 75%
OD: 6u


Inverse: Super Melatonin <25%
Failed: Insolvent medicinal precipitate <20%
pH: 5.6

2 parts Acetone
1 part Oil
1 part Welding Fuel

1 part Carbon

1 part Hydrogen

1 part Welding Fuel

1 part Oxygen

3 parts Nitrogen
1 unit Sulfuric Acid (catalyst)
1 unit Oxygen (catalyst)

Min temp: 100K

Overheat: 720K
Optimal pH: 5 to 7.1
Unstable purity: <20%
Weakly endothermic

Suffocation Emergency oxygen deprivation medication that causes fatigue and can make you fall asleep. Heals 4.5 base suffocation (modified by purity up to 6) and deals 2 stamina damage per tick. Causes drowsiness after 15 seconds, and then every 45 seconds. If it was in your system longer than 20 cycles, you will fall asleep for 10 seconds when it's out.

Inverse chem: Super Melatonin below 25%
Failed chem: Insolvent medicinal precipitate below 20%

Rate: 0.2u/tick

Unreacted purity: 75%


Inverse: Coveroli <40%
Failed: Insolvent medicinal precipitate <40%
pH: 5.6

1 part Oil
1 part Welding Fuel

1 part Carbon

1 part Hydrogen

1 part Fluorine
1 part Hydrogen
Oxygen - speed boost

Min temp: 370K

Overheat: 570K
Optimal pH: 3.045 to 8.5
Unstable purity: <40%
Weakly Exothermic

Suffocation Quickly converts suffocation damage into toxin damage, with a 5:1 ratio. Each tick heals 2.5 base suffocation damage (modified by purity) multiplied by the number of ticks the chemical has been in your system, and deals toxin damage equal to 0.2 of base suffocation healing. Will always deal at least 0.1 toxin damage, even without suffocation healed. Overdose causes toxin damage as if you always healed max suffocation, and quickly purges the chem.

Inverse chem: Coveroli below 40%
Failed chem: Insolvent medicinal precipitate below 40%

Rate: 0.2u/tick

Unreacted purity: 75%
OD: 35u

Superior Healing Medicines

These healing drugs are harder to make than the core healing medicines, however they often heal faster and with fewer side effects (if any).

Name Recipe Reaction conditions Treatment for Description Metabolism Rate Overdose Threshold
Salicylic Acid

Impurity: Chemical Isomers
Inverse: Benzoic Acid <30%
Failed: Viscous sludge <15%
pH: 2.1

1 part Phenol
1 part Oil
1 part Welding Fuel

1 part Carbon

1 part Hydrogen

1 part Chlorine

1 part Water

1 part Sodium
1 part Carbon
1 part Oxygen
1 part Sulfuric Acid

Min react temp: 100K
Overheat temp: 900K
Optimal pH range: 5 to 10
Min purity: 0.25
Mildly exothermic
Mildly H+ consuming
Brute If you have more than 25 brute damage, heals 4 brute. If you have equal to or less than 25 brute damage, heals 0.5. Overdosing will deal more brute damage. 0.2 units per tick 25 Units

Impurity: Chemical Isomers
Inverse: Oxymetholone <25%
Failed: Viscous sludge <15%
pH: 10.7

3 parts Carbon
1 part Phenol
1 part Oil
1 part Welding Fuel

1 part Carbon

1 part Hydrogen

1 part Chlorine

1 part Water

1 part Hydrogen
1 part Oxygen

Min react temp: 100K
Overheat temp: 900K
Optimal pH range: 5 to 10
Min purity: 0.25
Mildly exothermic
Mildly H+ consuming
Burn If you have more than 25 burn damage, heals 4 burn. If you have equal to or less than 25 burn damage, heals 0.5. Overdosing will deal more burn damage. 0.2 units per tick 25 Units

Impurity: Chemical Isomers
Inverse: Bamethan <25%
Failed: Viscous sludge <15%
pH: 2

1 part Salicylic Acid
1 part Phenol
1 part Oil
1 part Welding Fuel

1 part Carbon

1 part Hydrogen

1 part Chlorine

1 part Water

1 part Sodium
1 part Carbon
1 part Oxygen

1 part Sulfuric Acid

1 part Ammonia
3 parts Hydrogen
1 part Nitrogen

1 part Aluminium
1 part Bromine
1 part Lithium

Min react temp: 100K
Overheat temp: 900K
Optimal pH range: 5 to 10
Min purity: 0.25
Mildly exothermic
Mildly H+ consuming
Suffocation Quickly heals oxygen damage at a rate of 3 per tick while slowing down suffocation. Great for stabilizing critical patients! 0.1 units per tick N/A
Regenerative Jelly

Impurity: Chemical Isomers
Failed: Viscous sludge <15%
pH: 7

1 part Omnizine
Grown from Ambrosia Deus, and found in hot donkpockets, chef made lollipops (Not cyborg dispensed,) and a few other chef meals.

1 part Slime Jelly
Must be mixed in a Glowshroom
3 parts Oil
1 part Welding Fuel

1 part Carbon

1 part Hydrogen

1 part Tinea Luxor
Mushroom Stem (Embershroom)

2 parts Radium

or grind an unused slime extract
Min react temp: 100K
Overheat temp: 900K
Optimal pH range: 5 to 10
Min purity: 0.25
Mildly exothermic
Mildly H+ consuming
All four basic types Heals 1.5 of each of the four basic damage types without the risk of overdose or damaging jellypeople. 0.4 units per tick N/A
Pentetic Acid

Impurity: Chemical Isomers
Inverse: Pendetide <40%
Failed: Viscous sludge <15%
pH: 1

1 part Cyanide
1 part Oil
1 part Welding Fuel

1 part Carbon

1 part Hydrogen

1 part Ammonia
3 parts Hydrogen
1 part Nitrogen

1 part Oxygen

Temperature 380K

1 part Formaldehyde
1 part Ethanol

1 part Oxygen
1 part Silver

Temperature 420K

1 part Ammonia
3 parts Hydrogen
1 part Nitrogen

1 part Sodium Chloride
1 part Sodium
1 part Chlorine

1 part Welding Fuel

Min react temp: 100K
Overheat temp: 900K
Optimal pH range: 5 to 10
Min purity: 0.25
Mildly exothermic
Mildly H+ consuming
Radiation, toxin Heals 2 toxin damage per tick while purging 2u of other chemicals from the body. Prevents taking damage from radiation. 0.2 units per tick N/A

Impurity: Chemical Isomers
Inverse: Hyoscyamine <35%
Failed: Viscous sludge <15%
pH: 12

1 part Acetone
1 part Oil
1 part Welding Fuel

1 part Carbon

1 part Hydrogen

1 part Welding Fuel

1 part Oxygen

1 part Diethylamine
1 part Ammonia
3 parts Hydrogen
1 part Nitrogen

1 part Ethanol

1 part Phenol
1 part Oil
1 part Welding Fuel

1 part Carbon

1 part Hydrogen

1 part Chlorine

1 part Water

1 part Ethanol
1 part Sulfuric Acid

Min react temp: 100K
Overheat temp: 900K
Optimal pH range: 5 to 10
Min purity: 0.25
Mildly exothermic
Mildly H+ consuming
Crit, all basic types If patient's health is critical it will heal brute/burn/toxin (2 / tick) and oxyloss (5 / tick) damage, as well as stop any further oxyloss. It also causes jitteriness and dizziness, which will shake the screen. Good for quickly getting critical patients back on their feet, but bad for combat because of the screenshake.
If overdosed it will deal toxin damage and cause extra jitteriness and dizziness.
0.1 units per tick 35 Units

Impurity: Chemical Isomers

Failed: Viscous sludge <15%

pH: 1.5

1 part Mercury

1 part Chlorine
Temperature 374K

Min react temp: 374K

Overheat temp: 900K Optimal pH range: 5 to 10

Min purity: 0.25 Mildly exothermic Mildly H+ consuming

Purge Quickly purges the bloodstream of reagents (3u per tick). If your health is 100, toxin damage is dealt until your health is 0. Toxin damage will heal when you health is lower than 0.

If overdosed 2.5 extra toxin damage will be dealt and will purge itself at a rate of 2u per tick.

0.4 units per tick 20 Units
Ammoniated Mercury

Impurity: Chemical Isomers
Inverse: Ammoniated Sludge <50%
Failed: Viscous sludge <15%
pH: 7

1 part Calomel
1 part Mercury

1 part Chlorine

Temperature 374K

2 part Ammonia
3 parts Hydrogen
1 part Nitrogen
Min react temp: 100K

Overheat temp: 900K Optimal pH range: 5 to 10

Min purity: 0.25 Mildly exothermic Mildly H+ consuming

Purge Quickly purges the bloodstream of toxins (5u per tick). If you have no brute/burn loss you will heal 3 toxin damage per tick. For every 15 brute damage and 30 fire damage 1 toxin damage will be dealt. Purges itself 1u per tick when there are no toxins present.

If overdosed 3 extra toxin damage will be dealt.

0.04 units per tick 10 Units

Impurity: Chemical Isomers
Failed: Viscous sludge <15%
pH: 11

1 part Acetone
1 part Oil
1 part Welding Fuel

1 part Carbon

1 part Hydrogen

1 part Welding Fuel

1 part Oxygen

1 part Unstable Mutagen
1 part Chlorine

1 part Phosphorus

1 part Radium

1 part Stable Plasma

Min react temp: 100K
Overheat temp: 900K
Optimal pH range: 5 to 10
Min purity: 0.25
Mildly exothermic
Mildly H+ consuming
All four basic types and cellular Required for the proper function of cryogenics. It heals all types of damage swiftly, but only when the body temperature is below 0C (273.15 K) AND if the target is sleeping or unconscious. It heals suffocation 3x as fast as most other damage types. Is more effective the colder the person is. If used in unupgraded cryo tubes every cycle will typically heal above 6 suffocation, 2 brute, 2 burn, 2 toxin and 2 cellular damage. Can heal wounds. Works on slimepeople, despite being cold. 0.4 units per tick N/A

Impurity: Chemical Isomers
Failed: Viscous sludge <15%
pH: 12

1 part Cryoxadone
1 part Acetone
1 part Oil
1 part Welding Fuel

1 part Carbon

1 part Hydrogen

1 part Welding Fuel

1 part Oxygen

1 part Unstable Mutagen
1 part Chlorine

1 part Phosphorus

1 part Radium

1 part Stable Plasma

1 part Slime Jelly
Must be mixed in a Glowshroom
3 parts Oil
1 part Welding Fuel

1 part Carbon

1 part Hydrogen

1 part Tinea Luxor
Mushroom Stem (Embershroom)

2 parts Radium

or grind an unused slime extract
Min react temp: 100K
Overheat temp: 900K
Optimal pH range: 5 to 10
Min purity: 0.25
Mildly exothermic
Mildly H+ consuming
All four basic types and cellular Inverse Cryoxadone that heals faster the hotter the patient is. For max efficiency you need to be over 460°K and on fire. In optimal conditions every cycle will heal 15 burn before the damage taken from being on fire, which is usually faster than the fire hurts you (unless too hot). It will then also heal 10 brute, 10 toxin, 20 oxyloss and 10 cellular. Can heal wounds. Works on slimepeople. 0.4 units per tick N/A

Impurity: Chemical Isomers
Failed: Viscous sludge <15%
pH: 13

1 part Cryoxadone
1 part Acetone
1 part Oil
1 part Welding Fuel

1 part Carbon

1 part Hydrogen

1 part Welding Fuel

1 part Oxygen

1 part Unstable Mutagen
1 part Chlorine

1 part Phosphorus

1 part Radium

1 part Stable Plasma

1 part Sodium
5 units Plasma (catalyst)

Min react temp: 100K
Overheat temp: 900K
Optimal pH range: 5 to 10
Min purity: 0.25
Mildly exothermic
Mildly H+ consuming
Cellular Quickly heals (cellular) damage, but only when in a cold environment. The colder the faster heal. Heals about 5 cellular per tick if used in unupgraded cryo tubes. 0.6 units per tick N/A

Impurity: Chemical Isomers
Inverse: Inreziniver <25%
Failed: Viscous sludge <15%
pH: 12.2

1 part Carpotoxin
Space Carp, Koibeans, Emagged Chem Dispenser

1 part Cryptobiolin
1 part Oxygen

1 part Potassium

1 part Sugar

1 part Copper

Min react temp: 100K
Overheat temp: 900K
Optimal pH range: 5 to 10
Min purity: 0.25
Mildly exothermic
Mildly H+ consuming
Cellular Instantly heals all cellular damage while also healing 1 brute and burn damage per tick. If a husked corpse is treated with at least 5u and has under 50 burn damage it will be unhusked. If overdosed deals 1 toxin damage per tick and makes you dizzy and jittery. Very good for treating cellular damage on the spot. 0.4 units per tick 30 Units

Unique Healing Medicines

These healing drugs perform niche functions that help against less common ailments.

Name Formula Reaction conditions Treatment for Description Chemical properties
Mutadone 1 part Acetone
1 part Oil
1 part Welding Fuel

1 part Carbon

1 part Hydrogen

1 part Welding Fuel

1 part Oxygen

1 part Unstable Mutagen
1 part Chlorine

1 part Phosphorus

1 part Radium

1 part Bromine

Min react temp: 100K
Overheat temp: 900K
Optimal pH range: 5 to 10
Min purity: 0.25
Mildly exothermic
Mildly H+ consuming
Mutations Instantly removes your genetic mutations. Hulks hate it! 0.4 units per tick

Impurity: Mannitoil
Inverse: Toxic Monomers <45%
Failed: Insolvent Medicinal Precipitate <40%
pH: 10.4

1 part Hydrogen

1 part Water
1 part Sugar

Min temp: 50K

Overheat: 650K
Optimal pH: 5 to 7.5
Unstable purity: <40%
H+ consuming

Brain Heals 2 brain damage per tick. Does not heal traumas. Can be poured directly on brains to heal 2 damage per unit (minimum 10 units). Healing scales with purity. Will also increase your eyesight in the dark depending on purity.

Overdose will increase your brain power, granting you E n l i g h t e n m e n t!

Rate: 0.4u/tick

Unreacted purity: 100%
OD: 15u


Impurity: Neruwhine
Inverse: Neruwhine <50%
Failed: Insolvent medicinal precipitate <40%
pH: 7

1 part Acetone
1 part Oil
1 part Welding Fuel

1 part Carbon

1 part Hydrogen

1 part Welding Fuel

1 part Oxygen

1 part Mannitol
1 part Hydrogen

1 part Water

1 part Sugar

1 part Oxygen

Min temp: 100K

Overheat: 700K
Optimal pH: 6.8 to 10
Unstable purity: <40%
H+ producing

Minor brain traumas Reacts with neural tissue, helping reform damaged connections. Chance every tick to cure basic traumas. More severe traumas usually require surgery. Quickly purges Neurotoxin. When added to a patient, it will remember their brain damage - if their brain damage is below that value when added it will restore it back to what it was on consumption. When used on the dead will heal a corpse's brain slowly (patient must be dead and have a brain!). Healing scales with purity. Rate: 0.4u/tick

Unreacted purity: 75%
Works on the dead

Potassium Iodide

pH: 12.4

1 part Potassium

1 part Iodine

Min react temp: 100K
Overheat temp: 900K
Optimal pH range: 5 to 10
Min purity: 0.25
Mildly exothermic
Mildly H+ consuming
Radiation Prevents damage from radiation, and heals 1 toxin damage each tick if you're irradiated. 0.8 units per tick
Saline-Glucose Solution 2 parts Saltwater
1 part Sodium Chloride
1 part Sodium
1 part Chlorine

1 part Water

1 part Sugar

Min react temp: 100K
Overheat temp: 900K
Optimal pH range: 5 to 10
Min purity: 0.25
Mildly exothermic
Mildly H+ consuming
Brute, burn, blood loss Has a 33% chance per metabolism cycle to heal 0.5 brute and burn damage. Can be used as a temporary substitute for blood if hooked up via IV drip. If overdosed, it will have a 33% chance to deal brute and burn damage and a small chance to become 1u salt or sugar each metabolism cycle. 0.2 units per tick

OD: 60u


Impurity: Chemical Isomers
Inverse: Corazargh <40%
Failed: Insolvent medicinal precipitate <30%
pH: 12

1 part Diethylamine
1 part Ammonia
3 parts Hydrogen
1 part Nitrogen

1 part Ethanol

1 part Oil
1 part Welding Fuel

1 part Carbon

1 part Hydrogen

1 part Hydrogen
1 part Sugar

Min temp: 200K

Overheat: 500K
Optimal pH: 7 to 9
Unstable purity: <30%
Weakly endothermic
H+ consuming

Stun Reduces stun times by typically around 30% (depends), increases run speed by 50%, regenerates 1 stamina per tick and causes up to 15% chance to drop held items, based on purity following: 10% * (1.5 - purity). Pure ephedrine has 5% chance to drop held items. Also prevents the knockdown from stunbatons (including stunprods ).

If overdosed it will deal toxin damage with an up to roughly 3% chance to set in progress heart failure, based on purity, down to roughly 2% at 100% purity. If addicted it will deal toxin damage, cause breathing problems, cause increasingly frequent seizures and long term jitteriness.

Rate: 0.2u/tick

Unreacted purity: 75%
OD: 30u
Weak stimulant (4 points)

Diphenhydramine 1 part Diethylamine
1 part Ammonia
3 parts Hydrogen
1 part Nitrogen

1 part Ethanol

1 part Oil
1 part Welding Fuel

1 part Carbon

1 part Hydrogen

1 part Bromine
1 part Carbon
1 part Ethanol

Min react temp: 100K
Overheat temp: 900K
Optimal pH range: 5 to 10
Min purity: 0.25
Mildly exothermic
Mildly H+ consuming
Histamine Overdose Purges bloodstream of lethal Histamine and reduces jitteriness while causing minor drowsiness. (Results in 4 units instead of 5) 0.2 units per tick

Inverse: Oculater <45%
Failed: Insolvent medicinal precipitate <30%
pH: 10

1 part Multiver
1 part Sodium Chloride
1 part Sodium
1 part Chlorine

1 part Ash
1 part Oil
1 part Welding Fuel

1 part Carbon

1 part Hydrogen

Temperature 480K

Temperature 380K

1 part Carbon
1 part Hydrogen

Min temp: 200K

Overheat: 600K
Optimal pH: 4.8 to 8.5
Unstable purity: <30%
Weakly Exothermic
H+ consuming

Eye Quickly heals eye damage and has 20% chance per tick to revert blindness. Does not work against genetic blindness, which needs Mutadone. For blindness caused by brain damage you will need surgery or other means. Improves your ability to see in the dark based off purity while it's in your system. Rate: 0.1u/tick

Unreacted purity: 75%


Impurity: Tinacusiate
Inverse: Tinacusiate <30%
Failed: Insolvent medicinal precipitate <25%
pH: 2

1 part Multiver
1 part Sodium Chloride
1 part Sodium
1 part Chlorine

1 part Ash
1 part Oil
1 part Welding Fuel

1 part Carbon

1 part Hydrogen

Temperature 480K

Temperature 380K

1 part Carbon
1 part Water

Min temp: 300K

Overheat: 500K
Optimal pH: 5 to 10
Unstable purity: <25%
Weakly Exothermic
H+ consuming

Ear Rapidly repairs damage to the patient's ears to cure deafness, assuming the source of said deafness isn't from genetic mutations, chronic deafness, or a total deficit of ears. Lets you hear whispers from a distance if it's 100% pure. (Results in 2 units instead of 3) Rate: 0.4u/tick

Unreacted purity: 75%

Epinephrine 1 part Acetone
1 part Oil
1 part Welding Fuel

1 part Carbon

1 part Hydrogen

1 part Welding Fuel

1 part Oxygen

1 part Diethylamine
1 part Ammonia
3 parts Hydrogen
1 part Nitrogen

1 part Ethanol

1 part Phenol
1 part Oil
1 part Welding Fuel

1 part Carbon

1 part Hydrogen

1 part Chlorine

1 part Water

1 part Chlorine
1 part Hydrogen
1 part Oxygen

Min react temp: 100K
Overheat temp: 900K
Optimal pH range: 5 to 10
Min purity: 0.25
Mildly exothermic
Mildly H+ consuming
Crit Prevents oxygen damage from crit state. If the patient is in crit it heals 0.5 oxyloss, toxins, brute, and burn. 20% chance each tick to reduce stun times a bit. Gives a minor stamina regeneration buff. Stops the formation of Histamine during allergic reactions.
If overdosed it will randomly deal light toxin and stamina damage, and some suffocation.
0.1 units per tick

OD: 30 Units


Impurity: Chemical Isomers
Inverse: Prohol <35%
Failed: Insolvent medicinal precipitate <15%
pH: 4

1 part Multiver
1 part Sodium Chloride
1 part Sodium
1 part Chlorine

1 part Ash
1 part Oil
1 part Welding Fuel

1 part Carbon

1 part Hydrogen

Temperature 480K

Temperature 380K

1 part Copper
1 part Ethanol

Min temp: 1K

Overheat: 550K
Optimal pH: 3.5 to 8.5
Unstable purity: <15%
H+ producing

Alcohol Purges 6-8u alcoholic drinks from someone's bloodstream each tick (depending on purity), as well as eliminating drunkenness, drowsiness, slurring, dizziness and confusion. Heals 0.2 toxin per tick. Rate: 0.4u/tick

Unreacted purity: 75%

Insulin Found in NanoMed Plus N/A Sugar Dependency Increases sugar depletion. 0.2 units per tick
Strange Reagent 1 part Unstable Mutagen
1 part Chlorine

1 part Phosphorus

1 part Radium

1 part Omnizine
Grown from Ambrosia Deus, and found in hot donkpockets, chef made lollipops (Not cyborg dispensed,) and a few other chef meals.

1 part Holy Water

Min react temp: 100K
Overheat temp: 900K
Optimal pH range: 5 to 10
Min purity: 0.25
Mildly exothermic
Mildly H+ consuming
Death A miracle drug that can bring a dead body back to life. Only works on ingestion. Amount needed increases depending on how much brute+burn damage the body has (at most 10u at 200 damage). Extra amounts will partly heal organ damage and blood levels on successful revive. The drug doesn't work on corpses with over 200 brute+burn damage or husks.
In living people each tick randomly deals 0-2.5 brute and burn damage. Can revive simplemobs as well by splashing it on them.
0.5 units per tick
Synaptizine 1 part Sugar

1 part Lithium
1 part Water

Min react temp: 100K
Overheat temp: 900K
Optimal pH range: 5 to 10
Min purity: 0.25
Mildly exothermic
Mildly H+ consuming
Hallucination Decrease Reduces stun times by typically around 30% (depends). Helps drowsiness and hallucinations go away much faster. Also purges Mindbreaker Toxin at 5u per tick. 30% chance per tick to cause 1 toxin damage. 0.4 units per tick
Spaceacillin 1 part Epinephrine
1 part Acetone
1 part Oil
1 part Welding Fuel

1 part Carbon

1 part Hydrogen

1 part Welding Fuel

1 part Oxygen

1 part Diethylamine
1 part Ammonia
3 parts Hydrogen
1 part Nitrogen

1 part Ethanol

1 part Phenol
1 part Oil
1 part Welding Fuel

1 part Carbon

1 part Hydrogen

1 part Chlorine

1 part Water

1 part Chlorine
1 part Hydrogen

1 part Oxygen

1 part Cryptobiolin
1 part Oxygen

1 part Potassium

1 part Sugar
Min react temp: 100K
Overheat temp: 900K
Optimal pH range: 5 to 10
Min purity: 0.25
Mildly exothermic
Mildly H+ consuming
Infections An all-purpose antiviral agent. Prevents you from spreading any virus if you are infected. Has a high chance to block infection from disease and zombie attacks. Will slow disease progression and alien larva growth if already infected. Metabolises very slowly. 0.04 units per tick
Miner's Salve 1 part Oil
1 part Welding Fuel

1 part Carbon

1 part Hydrogen

1 part Iron
1 part Water
5 parts Plasma
5 parts Iron
1 part Sugar
(Grind a twinkie, a sheet of metal, and a sheet of plasma)
(Results in 15 parts instead of 11)

Min react temp: 100K
Overheat temp: 900K
Optimal pH range: 5 to 10
Min purity: 0.25
Mildly exothermic
Mildly H+ consuming
Improvised Patch Healing Chem Helps treat severe burn wounds and heals 0.25 brute and burn per tick, but prevents you from telling how injured you are. Causes stomach cramps if not applied via touch/patch, which reduces nutrition by 5. Gives 20 painkiller bonus, which is used when treated with bone gel. If applied with touch/patch it increases surgery speed by 10%.
1u heals roughly 1.5 burn+brute.
0.16 units per tick
Modafinil 1 part Acetone
1 part Oil
1 part Welding Fuel

1 part Carbon

1 part Hydrogen

1 part Welding Fuel

1 part Oxygen

1 part Diethylamine
1 part Ammonia
3 parts Hydrogen
1 part Nitrogen

1 part Ethanol

1 part Phenol
1 part Oil
1 part Welding Fuel

1 part Carbon

1 part Hydrogen

1 part Chlorine

1 part Water

1 part Ammonia
3 parts Hydrogen
1 part Nitrogen

1 part Sulfuric Acid
1 unit Bromine (catalyst)

Min react temp: 100K
Overheat temp: 900K
Optimal pH range: 5 to 10
Min purity: 0.25
Mildly exothermic
Mildly H+ consuming
Sleep Slowly-metabolizing medicine. Heals dizziness, drowsiness, sleep (but not unconsciousness) and heats you up if frozen, similarly to Coffee Latte. Reduces stun times slightly.

If overdosed causes jitteriness, stuttering, dizziness (later), 50% chance to choke. The metabolism rate is slowed down. After 41 cycles 20% chance to stun you. Cycle 82 puts you into endless sleep while constantly dealing 1.5 stamina and oxygen damage.

No chance for addiction but very finicky OD.

0.02-0.08 units per tick

OD: Random, initially 20 but goes up or down 0.1 each tick.

Morphine 2 parts Carbon

2 parts Hydrogen
1 part Ethanol
1 part Oxygen
Temperature 480K

Min react temp: 480K
Overheat temp: 900K
Optimal pH range: 5 to 10
Min purity: 0.25
Mildly exothermic
Mildly H+ consuming
Damage slowdown Allows you to run at full speed even when hurt, even from stamina damage, but does not remove slowdown from wearing a Modsuit. You'll get drowsy after 12 cycles, and fall asleep if it's in your system for 24 cycles. You will not wake up until it's out of your system. Gives 20 painkiller bonus, which is used when treated with bone gel.

If overdosed or addicted it will cause jitteriness, dizziness and force the victim to drop items in their hands. If addicted it will also eventually deal 1, 2 and later 3 toxin damage per tick. Can be ordered from Cargo, be grown at Botany or be found in a NanoMed Plus. (Results in 2 parts instead of 6)

0.2 units per tick

OD: 30 Units
Opiate(10 points)

Haloperidol 1 part Oil
1 part Welding Fuel

1 part Carbon

1 part Hydrogen

1 part Potassium Iodide
1 part Potassium
1 part Iodine

1 part Aluminium
1 part Chlorine
1 part Fluorine

Min react temp: 100K
Overheat temp: 900K
Optimal pH range: 5 to 10
Min purity: 0.25
Mildly exothermic
Mildly H+ consuming
Anti-Drug and Light Sedative Helps fight against the effects of some drugs while purging them. Reduces jitteriness and hallucinations. However each tick also causes drowsiness, 2.5 stamina damage and 20% chance for 1 brain damage (up to 50). 0.16 units per tick
Leporazine 1 part Copper

1 part Silicon
5 units Plasma (catalyst)

Min react temp: 100K
Overheat temp: 900K
Optimal pH range: 5 to 10
Min purity: 0.25
Mildly exothermic
Mildly H+ consuming
Body temperature This keeps a patient's body temperature stable. 0.4 units per tick
Higadrite 2 parts Phenol
1 part Oil
1 part Welding Fuel

1 part Carbon

1 part Hydrogen

1 part Chlorine

1 part Water

1 part Lithium

Min react temp: 100K
Overheat temp: 900K
Optimal pH range: 5 to 10
Min purity: 0.25
Mildly exothermic
Mildly H+ consuming
Liver failure Protects from toxin damage caused by liver failure. 0.4 units per tick
Psicodine 2 parts Mannitol
1 part Hydrogen

1 part Water

1 part Sugar

1 part Impedrezene
1 part Mercury

1 part Oxygen

1 part Sugar

2 parts Water

Min react temp: 100K
Overheat temp: 900K
Optimal pH range: 5 to 10
Min purity: 0.25
Mildly exothermic
Mildly H+ consuming
Phobias and Mood Suppresses phobias and raises sanity to neutral. Also reduces jitteriness, dizziness, confusion and disgust. If overdosed it causes hallucinations and 1 toxin damage per tick. 0.1 units per tick

OD: 30 units

Energized Jelly 1 part Teslium
1 part Gunpowder
1 part Multiver
1 part Sodium Chloride
1 part Sodium
1 part Chlorine

1 part Ash
1 part Oil
1 part Welding Fuel

1 part Carbon

1 part Hydrogen

Temperature 480K

Temperature 380K

1 part Saltpetre
3 parts Oxygen

1 part Potassium

1 part Nitrogen

1 part Sulfur

1 part Silver
1 part Stable Plasma

Temperature 400K

1 part Slime Jelly
Must be mixed in a Glowshroom
3 parts Oil
1 part Welding Fuel

1 part Carbon

1 part Hydrogen

1 part Tinea Luxor
Mushroom Stem (Embershroom)

2 parts Radium

or grind an unused slime extract
Min react temp: 100K
Overheat temp: 900K
Optimal pH range: 5 to 10
Min purity: 0.25
Mildly exothermic
Mildly H+ consuming
Stun Reduces stun times by around 60% (depends) for jellypeople, while also speeding up Luminescent's cooldowns. Non-jelly lifeforms will just get shocked. 0.4 units per tick

Inverse: Nooartrium <25%
pH: 12.7

1 part Pentaerythritol
1 part Acetaldehyde
1 part Acetone
1 part Oil
1 part Welding Fuel

1 part Carbon

1 part Hydrogen

1 part Welding Fuel

1 part Oxygen

1 part Formaldehyde
1 part Ethanol

1 part Oxygen
1 part Silver

Temperature 420K

1 part Water

Temperature 450K

3 parts Formaldehyde
1 part Ethanol

1 part Oxygen
1 part Silver

Temperature 420K

1 part Lye
1 part Sodium

1 part Hydrogen

1 part Oxygen

1 part Nitric Acid
1 part Fluorosulfuric Acid
1 part Fluorine

1 part Hydrogen
1 part Potassium
1 part Sulfuric Acid

Temperature 380K

1 part Hydrogen Peroxide
1 part Chlorine

1 part Oxygen

1 part Water

1 part Nitrogen

Temperature 480K

1 part Acetone
1 part Oil
1 part Welding Fuel

1 part Carbon

1 part Hydrogen

1 part Welding Fuel

1 part Oxygen

1 part Wittel
Extract from a Geyser with a liquid pump.

Min temp: 255K

Overheat: 450K
Optimal pH: 5 to 9

Heart, crit An explosive compound used to stabilize heart conditions. If you are not in crit it stabilizes your heart. If health is under crit threshold it prevents crit, heals you 2 tox/brute/burn, 6 oxy and damages heart 0.1 per unit. If you reach -60 health the penthrite is purged and you get a heart attack. Causes slow stomach damage. Overdose causes instant heart attack. Explodes when mixed with equal amounts Epinephrine (strenghtdiv 5) OR Atropine (strenghtdiv 5, modifier 5) (Results in 3 units instead of 4)

Purity will adjusts the threshold requirements (above 75% lowered requirements, below 75% higher requirements).
Inverse reagent: Nooatrium below 25%
Reaction will boom like a heart if overheated.

Rate: 0.2u/tick

OD: 50u

Sanguirite Found in epipens N/A Bleeding A coagulant used to help bleeding wounds clot faster. Passively reduces bleeding by 30% while in the bloodstream. Only helps clot whichever wound is currently bleeding the most. Overdose can cause blood to clot in the veins, causing 15% chance of suffocation per tick with possible minor lung and heart damage. 0.1 units per tick

OD: 20 units

Seraka Extract Found in small quantities in Seraka mushrooms N/A Bleeding A powerful coagulant used to help clot bleeding wounds faster. Clots faster than any other chem and passively reduces bleeding by 40% while in the bloodstream. Only helps clot the currently worst wound. Overdose can cause blood to clot in the veins, causing 15% chance of suffocation per tick with possible minor lung and heart damage. 0.1 units per tick

OD: 10 units

Pulped Banana Peel Grind or juice banana peels N/A Bleeding A coagulant used to help bleeding wounds clot faster. Exact same effects as Sanguirite except slightly weaker clot coefficiency. Overdose can cause blood to clot in the veins, causing 15% chance of suffocation per tick with possible minor lung and heart damage. 0.4 units per tick

OD: 20 units

Determination Receive a wound. Moderate: 1

Severe: 2.5

Critical: 5

Losing a limb: 7.5

N/A Wounds Determination is added to your system when you're wounded and helps deal with the effects. Reduces bloodloss by 15%, limping by 75%, heals each wounded limb by .25 and heals stamina by the same amount, cures Adrenal Crisis caused by purging Kronkaine, and gives a +10 painkiller bonus. When it clears out of your system, you instantly take 3 stamina damage for each moderate wound, 6 for each severe, and 9 for each critical. 0.3 units per tick

Caps at 10


pH: 10.6

1 part Oil
1 part Welding Fuel

1 part Carbon

1 part Hydrogen

1 part Nitrogen
1 part Oxygen
1 unit Ethanol (catalyst)

Min react temp: 100K

Overheat temp: 900K
Optimal pH range: 0 to 11
Min purity: 0.1

Nausea Reduces disgust, but makes you drowsy and deals small amounts of stamina damage. 0.2 units per tick

Non-craftable Medicines

These healing drugs are used in some situations, but are otherwise uncraftable.

Name How to get Treatment for Description Metabolism Rate Overdose Threshold Addiction Points
Changeling Adrenaline Changelings Stun Makes you immune to sleep and damage slowdown. Reduces stun times by typically around 30% (depends) and regenerates 10 stamina per tick. Can make you dizzy and jittery.
If overdosed it will deal 1 toxin damage per tick. A changeling using the Adrenaline Sacs ability will inject 4u of this.
0.4 units per tick 30 Units N/A
Changeling Haste Changelings Speed Increases your speed to the maximum possible in most cases. A changeling using the Adrenaline Sacs ability will inject 2u of this. Deals 2 toxin damage per tick. 1 unit per tick N/A N/A
Omnizine Grown from Ambrosia Deus, and found in hot donkpockets, chef made lollipops (Not cyborg dispensed,) and a few other chef meals. Brute, burn, toxin and suffocation Heals 0.5 of each damage type per tick. If overdosed it will deal 1 damage of each type per tick. 0.1 units per tick 30 Units N/A
Protozine Extract from a Geyser with a liquid pump. Brute, burn, toxin and suffocation Heals 0.2 of each damage type per tick. If overdosed it will deal 1 damage of each type per tick. A weaker omnizine, but can be used in Strange Reagent crafting. 0.1 units per tick 30 Units N/A
Godblood Healing Fountain in Lavaland injects 20u of Godblood on use, Strange Seeds. Brute, burn, toxin and suffocation This is Omnizine with 5 times higher overdose threshold. Just like Omnizine, heals 0.5 of each damage type per tick. If overdosed it will deal 1 damage of each type per tick, but that's not really a concern. 0.1 units per tick 150 Units N/A
Honey Beekeeping Brute, burn, toxin and suffocation 55% chance to heal 1 of each damage type per tick. Metabolizes very quickly and adds 3u sugar to your system. 1 unit per tick N/A N/A
Earthsblood Grown from Ambrosia Gaia All damage types The first 25 cycles, each tick heals 1 brute, 1 burn, 0.5 suffocation, 0.5 toxin, 0.1 cellular and 0.5 stamina while dealing 1 brain damage (up to max 150). Cycle 26 and onwards, each tick heals 5 brute, 5 burn, 3 suffocation, 3 toxin, 1 cellular and 3 stamina while dealing 2 brain damage (up to max 150) and giving you jitteriness and drugginess (your character might say some special messages as well!). You will be unable to directly hurt anyone via most means while it's in your body (this effect is similar to that of Pax). Overdosing causes hallucinations, deals no damage before cycle 26, a net of 1 toxin damage per tick from cycles 26 to 100 and a net of 3 toxin damage per tick after cycle 100. Overdosing also gives you the severe traumatic non-violence brain trauma (brain surgery level). The trauma does not go away until cured. 0.4 units per tick (static) 25 Units hallucinogens(14 points)
Silibinin Grow Galaxythistle Liver damage Each tick heals 2 liver damage. 0.6 units per tick N/A N/A
Polypyrylium Oligomers Grow Spaceman's Trumpet Plant Lung damage A purple mixture of short polyelectrolyte chains not easily synthesized in the laboratory. Each tick heals 0.25 lung damage and 0.35 brute. Stops bleeding (over time). Will color hair and beard purple from touch or vapor. Overdose deals 0.25 lung damage. 0.1 units per tick 50 Units N/A
Mitogen Metabolism Factor Eating Probital Brute If this enzyme exists as a catalyst in your body (at least 0.5u), any food you eat turns into healing peptides, which heal brute and some burn. If overdosed the metabolism changes to 0.8 units per tick and makes you vomit with a chance of 13% every second the medicine is in a body. 0.025 units per tick 10 Units N/A
Musiver Injecting Syriniver Toxin Heals 1.5 toxin per tick while purging 0.2u reagents and dealing 0.1 liver damage (1/8 as much as liver damage as Syriniver). If overdosed causes muscle weakness, high liver damage and disgust. 0.1 units per tick 25u N/A
Muscle Stimulant Strange seeds Slowdown Makes you ignore slowdowns from being hurt. 0.4 units per tick N/A N/A
Cordiolis Hepatico Strange seeds, Abductor's operating table injects this too Heart and liver failure Removes the need for heart and liver. 0.4 units per tick N/A N/A
Stimulants Syndicate uplink Stun Increases movement speed a lot. Reduces stun times by around 90% or less (depends). Recovers 5 stamina per tick. Will heal 1 of each damage type if health is between 0 and 50. If overdosed has 33% chance per tick to deal 2.5 stamina damage, 1 toxin damage and cause loss of breath. Also prevents the knockdown from stunbatons (including stunprods ). Can be bought with syndicate uplink. 0.2 units per tick 60 Units Stimulant(4 points)
Restorative Nanites Syndicate medical cyborgs All damage types Each tick heals 5 brute/burn/toxin, 15 suffocation, 15 brain and 3 cellular. If overdosed this very quickly purges itself and causes random vomiting. Only available to Syndicate medical cyborgs. 0.4 units per tick 30 Units N/A
Synaphydramine Viruses Drowsiness, Hallucinations, Histamine Reduces drowsiness, caps and reduces the frequency of hallucinations, quickly purges Mindbreaker Toxin and Histamine from the body. Automatically generated by a virus with Mind Restoration as a symptom. 0.4 units per tick N/A N/A
Adminordrazine Admin Intervention Everything When injected into a person, it heals everything, and by everything, I mean EVERYTHING. When used on a handcuffed individual, it even used to break them out of cuffs. When used on a hydroponics tray, it cures all ailments and has a high chance of triggering a mutation. 0.5 units per tick N/A N/A

Removed Medicines

These healing meds used to exist, but have since been removed or renamed for one reason or another. Some servers still use these, but /tg/ does not, and the recipes for them will not work on /tg/.

Name How to get Treatment for Description Metabolism Rate Overdose Threshold Addiction Threshold
Bicaridine Was completely removed from /tg/ July 2019.
1 part Carbon

1 part Oxygen
1 part Sugar

Brute Heals brute damage at a rate of 2 units per tick. If overdosed deals 2 brute damage per tick. 0.4 units per tick 30u N/A
Kelotane Was completely removed from /tg/ July 2019.
1 part Carbon

1 part Silicon

Burn Heals burn damage at a rate of 2 units per tick. If overdosed deals 2 burn damage per tick. 0.4 units per tick 30u N/A
Anti-Toxin Was completely removed from /tg/ July 2019.
1 part Nitrogen

1 part Silicon
1 part Potassium

Toxin Heals 2 toxin damage and removes 1u toxin reagents per tick. If overdosed deals 2 toxin damage per tick. 0.4 units per tick 30u N/A
Tricordrazine Was completely removed from /tg/ July 2019.
1 part Anti-Toxin
1 part Nitrogen

1 part Silicon

1 part Potassium

1 part Bicaridine
1 part Carbon

1 part Oxygen

1 part Sugar

1 part Kelotane
1 part Carbon
1 part Silicon
All types Has 80% chance to heal 1 each of the four basic damage types per tick. If overdosed deals an average of 1.2 damage of every type per tick. 0.4 units per tick 30u N/A
Dexalin Was completely removed from /tg/ Aug 2019.
Medical cyborg hypospray and other sources
Suffocation Heals 2 oxygen damage per tick. If overdosed deals 2 oxygen damage per tick. Used by medibots. 0.4 units per tick 30 Units N/A
Charcoal Was replaced with Multiver Aug 2019.
1 part Sodium Chloride
1 part Sodium
1 part Chlorine

1 part Ash
1 part Oil
1 part Welding Fuel

1 part Carbon

1 part Hydrogen

Temperature 480K

Temperature 380K

Toxin Heals toxin damage at a rate of 2 per tick, while also removing 1u of any other chemicals. Only works when ingested. 0.2 units per tick N/A N/A
Silver Sulfadiazine Was replaced with Aiuri Aug 2019.
1 part Ammonia
3 parts Hydrogen
1 part Nitrogen

1 part Silver
1 part Sulfur
1 part Oxygen
1 part Chlorine

Burn On touch, instantly heals 1 burn damage per unit, then heals 2 burn per tick over time while it stays in the system. Basic anti-burn healing drug.
On ingestion also deals minor toxin damage.
1u heals roughly 6 burn damage. Deals minor burn and toxin damage when overdosed.
0.4 units per tick 45u N/A
Styptic Powder Was replaced with Libital Aug 2019.
1 part Aluminium

1 part Hydrogen
1 part Oxygen
1 part Sulphuric Acid

Brute On touch, instantly heals 1 brute damage per unit, then heals 2 brute per tick over time while it stays in the system. Basic anti-brute healing drug.
On ingestion also deals minor toxin damage.
1u heals roughly 6 brute damage. Deals minor brute and toxin damage when overdosed.
0.4 units per tick 45u N/A
Perfluorodecalin Was renamed Convermol Aug 2019.
1 part Oil
1 part Welding Fuel

1 part Carbon

1 part Hydrogen

1 part Fluorine
1 part Hydrogen
Temperature 370K

Suffocation Quickly converts suffocation damage into toxin damage, with a 5:2 ratio. Each tick will heal suffocation damage equal to 2.5 times current cycle. This means you will take 2 toxin damage for every 5 suffocation damage healed. You will always take at least 0.2 toxin damage per tick, even if you don't heal any suffocation. If overdosed each tick will deal toxin damage equal to 1 times current cycle, regardless of suffocation damage healed. 0.1 units per tick 35 Units N/A
Sanguibital Was replaced with Helbital Sept 2019.
1 part Carbon

1 part Fluorine
1 part Sugar

Brute One of the first "Cobbychems". Only existed on /tg/ for a short while. Removed by Cobby because it wasn't ever used (except as a poison) and the entire gimmick made it undesirable. Heals brute if you have lower than full blood levels, scaling with missing blood volume. Will heal up to 5(10?) brute per tick if very low on blood. Dilates blood streams, increasing the amount of blood lost by 2 per tick. Overdosing doubles the blood lost from this chem. 0.2 units per tick 35 Units N/A
Ichiyuri Was replaced with Lenturi Oct 2019.
1 part Ammonia
3 parts Hydrogen
1 part Nitrogen

1 part Silver
1 part Sulfur
1 part Oxygen
1 part Chlorine

Burn One of the first "Cobbychems". Removed by MacBlaze1 with Cobby approval because it was never used and simply wasn't fun to be on. Used to treat serious burns. Prolonged exposure can cause burns to itch. Heals 2 burn per tick, and randomly makes you scratch yourself every few seconds, causing 1-7 brute and bleeding. The itch will happen more often the longer it's been in your system. 0.2 units per tick N/A N/A
Fiziver Was replaced with Seiver Oct 2019.
1 part Aluminium

1 part Nitrogen
1 part Potassium

Toxin One of the first "Cobbychems". Removed by Cobby because Fiziver didn't see much use and I grew to dislike the overall damage mods. An antitoxin that heals toxin damage but temporarily physically weakens the user, adding a damage modifier making them take extra brute, burn, suffocation and stamina damage. The damage modifier increases the longer it's been in the body (capped to triple damage). Toxin damage healed is 0.3 points per tick multiplied with the damage modifier (so up to 0.6). Overdosing has a 50% chance each tick to deal 0.2 brute and burn damage, which will be amplified by the damage multiplier in effect. 0.1 units per tick 11 Units N/A
Corazone Name changed to Higadrite Nov 2019.
2 parts Phenol
1 part Oil
1 part Welding Fuel

1 part Carbon

1 part Hydrogen

1 part Chlorine

1 part Water

1 part Lithium

Liver Nov 2019 it was changed to only work on livers. Since Corazone is Spanish for "heart" it had its name changed to Higadrite (higado = liver). Protects from liver failure. 0.4 units per tick N/A N/A
Lavaland Extract Was removed in June, 2020. Brute, burn Survival medipens used to come with 2u of this. Very quickly heals damaged bodyparts. If overdosed it will deal heal about 2 brute/burn but deal 3 toxin damage per tick. Has very low overdose threshold. 0.4 units per tick 3 Units N/A