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Revision as of 22:56, 3 April 2024 by imported>NyoomVoyager (job pages)
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waht da hek

things. stuff, even


job pages


pages i started but need to finish

  • captain
  • CMO
  • synth
  • minimap

pages i edited that are up-to-date



Nyoombox is a sandbox.
Nyoomtalk is a talk page.
Nyoomchive is completed projects.
Nyoompit is another sandbox because I have too many WIPs.

wip bits

thought contagion

//TODO why is this not a proc on the actual limb?? /proc/spread_germs_to_organ(datum/limb/E, mob/living/carbon/human/user) if(!istype(user) || !istype(E)) return

var/applied_germ_ratio = 0 //Gloves if(user.gloves) if(istype(user.gloves, /obj/item/clothing/gloves/latex)) applied_germ_ratio += 0.1 else applied_germ_ratio += 0.2 else applied_germ_ratio += 0.33

//Masks if(user.wear_mask) if(istype(user.wear_mask, /obj/item/clothing/mask/cigarette)) applied_germ_ratio += 1 else if(istype(user.wear_mask, /obj/item/clothing/mask/surgical)) applied_germ_ratio += 0.1 else applied_germ_ratio += 0.2 else applied_germ_ratio += 0.33

//Suits if(user.wear_suit) if(istype(user.wear_suit, /obj/item/clothing/suit/surgical)) applied_germ_ratio += 0.1 else applied_germ_ratio += 0.2 else applied_germ_ratio += 0.33

E.germ_level += user.germ_level * applied_germ_ratio

if(locate(/obj/structure/bed/roller, E.owner.loc)) E.germ_level += 50 else if(locate(/obj/structure/table/, E.owner.loc)) E.germ_level += 100

Germ Theory

Germs contribute to germ level of various limbs and can influence whether a body part becomes infected, and later, necrotic. Germs are ambiently collected on your character and others' simply by existing, but some things can influence whether you gain more germs or not.

More importantly, though, your germ level and other factors will influence how many germs you transfer to patients during surgery, which can cause infections and increase the risk of necrotic tissue. There's no analyzer or scanner in the game that will tell you how many germs are on you, but there's visual cues to indicate how germy you are.

Click your sprite on help intent to examine yourself. At the bottom of the examine box, there'll be a description of how dirty you are.

Germ Level
If you see... You have...
You're free of grime 0-19 germs
You're pristine
You're freshly laundered
You've got some grime on you 20-79 germs
You're a bit dirty
You're not far off filthy 80-150 germs
You're pretty dirty
There's still one or two clean spots left on you
There's a full layer of dirt covering you. Maybe it'll work as camo? >150 germs
You could go for a shower
You've reached a more complete understanding of grime

Surgery Gacha

//Success multiplers! var/multipler = 1 //1 = 100% if(locate(/obj/structure/bed/roller, M.loc)) multipler -= 0.10 else if(locate(/obj/structure/table/, M.loc)) multipler -= 0.20 if(M.stat == CONSCIOUS && !CHECK_BITFIELD(M.species.species_flags, NO_PAIN))//If not on anesthetics or not unconsious, and able to feel pain multipler -= 0.5 switch(M.reagent_pain_modifier) if(PAIN_REDUCTION_HEAVY to PAIN_REDUCTION_MEDIUM) multipler += 0.15 if(PAIN_REDUCTION_VERY_HEAVY to PAIN_REDUCTION_HEAVY) multipler += 0.25 if(-INFINITY to PAIN_REDUCTION_VERY_HEAVY) multipler += 0.45 if(M.shock_stage > 100) //Being near to unconsious is good in this case multipler += 0.25 if(issynth(user)) multipler = 1

ghetto surgery, a venerable pasttime

face repair:

  • STEP 1
    • scalpel = 100%
    • knife = 75%
    • glass shard = 50%
  • STEP 2
    • hemostat = 100,
    • cable_coil = 75,
    • mousetrap = 10,
  • STEP 3

/obj/item/tool/surgery/retractor = 100, /obj/item/tool/crowbar = 55, /obj/item/tool/kitchen/utensil/fork = 75,

  • STEP 4

/obj/item/tool/surgery/cautery = 100, /obj/item/clothing/mask/cigarette = 75, /obj/item/tool/lighter = 50, /obj/item/tool/weldingtool = 25,

synth gear, for synths

Vendor Listing for Chemistry

<tabs> <tab name="Essentials">

</tab> <tab name="Uniforms (Standard Equipment)">

</tab> <tab name="Hats">

</tab> <tab name="Backpack">

  • Syringe
  • Syringe case
  • Beaker
  • Large Beaker
  • Vial
  • Dropper
  • Portable reagent dispenser
  • Portable Bicaridine dispenser
  • Portable Kelotane dispenser
  • Portable Tramadol dispenser
  • Portable Tricordrazine dispenser
  • Portable BTTK-mix dispenser

</tab> <tab name="Webbing">

<tab name="Belt">

<tab name="Pouches">

</tab> <tab name="Mask"> </tab> <tab name="Suits and Armor"> </tab> <tab name="Gloves"> </tab> <tab name="Shoes"> </tab> </tabs>