Blood Cult

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The following page is currently in the process of being created, is undergoing a major structural rework and/or is being moved.
The reason for this is: "Robustin's Cult Rework got merged finally. Most info is out of date in some shape or form, and is currently being updated."


Follower of Nar-Sie
Access: Whatever you have
Additional Access: Wherever a teleportation rune is
Difficulty: Medium
Supervisors: Nar-Sie
Duties: Killing everyone and creating a construct army
Guides: This is the guide

The Beginning of a New Era

The Geometer of Blood, Nar-Sie, has sent a number of her followers to Space Station 13. As a cultist, you have an abundance of cult magics at your disposal, something for all situations. You must work with your brethren to summon an avatar of your eldritch goddess!

Several cultists will arrive on the station. When you spawn, you'll find a ritual dagger and 10 runed metal in your bag. The dagger is essential for drawing runes while the runed metal is used to make valuable structures.


Your objective requires you to sacrifice a certain crewmember and summon Nar-Sie.

The general path of action of the cult and those in it:

  1. From a discrete location, contact your allies through your Commune button.
    Warning: When communing with the cult, nearby crew can see and hear you whispering, potentially revealing your cult, be careful!.
    Important: Communication and teamwork is essential! If you fail to read the guide, you will probably fuck up the round for everybody and are not worthy enough for the cult of Nar-Sie and may be antagbanned!
  2. Choose a Cult Master, usually being the most experienced player or the one with the most advantageous access level. More on this later.
  3. Find an area to convert into a base, usually accessible by one or more members of the cult, but well-hidden enough that security or crew won't find it easily.
  4. Setup a teleport rune, so all cultists can access it. Inform the cultists that a teleport rune is ready. If you teleport to the base, try to have a hidden teleport rune to get you back, otherwise you could be stuck!
  5. Setup an empowering rune and then prepare up to 5 blood spells. Stun spells are your bread and butter - but diversifying with spells like EMP, Teleport, Blood Rites, etc. will ensure you're ready for anything.
  6. Convert new members, or sacrifice implanted crew, on the offer rune. Combine the filled soulstones from sacrificed humans to create powerful cult constructs!
  7. Use teamwork, or the spirit rune, to find your sacrifice target. Remember, stun magic won't work if the chaplain has his null rod. Kill the sacrifice target and place them on an offer rune with 3 cultists nearby.
  8. Prepare to summon Nar-Sie. She can only be summoned in a few locations and the crew will fight desperately to stop you! Make sure you have enough cultists and equipment to withstand their assault.
  9. Gather 9 cultists on the final rune to summon Nar-Sie!


REMINDER: One cultist is required to sacrifice a dead body, three for a live one, standing adjacent to the rune.

To please Nar-Sie, you must find and sacrifice your target using an offer rune. Only then you can scribe the Summon Nar'Sie rune.


After you have sacrificed your target, you can summon Nar-Sie. Nar-Sie can only be summoned in one of three rooms randomly chosen at roundstart. Drawing the summon rune takes 45 seconds and creates a weak shield around the caster but alarms the entire station of your location, so prepare to fight. After it's drawn, 9 cultists, constructs, or summoned ghosts must stand on the rune, which can then be invoked to manifest Nar'Sie itself.

The Cult Master and You


The Cult Master is the leader of your cult, the main driving force behind your goal to summon Nar-Sie. The Cult Master has access to a wide variety of abilities to assist the cult in achieving it's goals. Make sure to protect and serve him/her at all costs, as they are the key to the cult success!

So, how does one become the Master?

When the round first starts, an additional button along with your Commune verb will be available. The "Assert Leadership" button will allow you to apply for the Cult Master status. Once a member of the cult asserts their leadership, an announcement will be made to all cultists. After a few seconds, a vote will be called where the cult can vote whether or not they want that person as the Cult Master. If the vote passes, the player will gain the Cult Master's abilities. If you are not the Master, make sure to follow his/her orders, as they are now your superior!

Being The Master of Wrist Cutting

So, you asserted your leadership, and won the vote of the cult. Congratulations on your promotion to Cult Master! I hope you know what you are doing. If you have experience playing as a department head this shouldn't be too different, minus the killing and summoning elder gods part.

To summon Nar-Sie, you are going to need keep organized and grow your numbers as much as possible while remaining hidden. As the Cult Master, your Commune power is enhanced, making all of your messages large and bolded just like when you use a megaphone. This will assist greatly in organizing the cult, as the other cultists will be able to easily see your messages among the common radio rabble.

Here is a quick reference guide on what you should be doing as the Cult master:


Cult Master Powers

As the Cult Master, you have access to a handful of powerful and versatile occult powers to assist you and the rest of the cult. These powers can be accessed from the HUD on the top left. The powers are as follows:

Name Description Cooldown
Final Reckoning A single-use spell that brings the entire cult to the master's location. Usefull for when it's time to summon Nar-Sie and you need the whole cult to help defend and invoke. Please note that this is a one-use ability. One Use
Mark Target Marks a designated player target that you select with your cursor for the cult to be marked as top priority for 90 seconds. Succesfully marking a person sends a message to the entire cult, giving the name and location of the target. Usefull for calling your entire cult to attack a specific target.

After using this ability, it goes on a 120 second cooldown.

120 Seconds
Eldritch Pulse Seize upon a fellow cultist or cult structure and send it through time and space to a nearby location on your screen. A very versatile ability with many potential applications. Teleport a cultist into the armory! Teleport cultists into inaccessible areas! Teleport cultists and structures away from harm! Teleport cultists behind a security raid to flank them! Limitless potential!

After using this ability, it goes on a 15 second cooldown.

15 Seconds

The Ritual Dagger

Your dagger is your most important object and has several functions:

  • You can draw runes with it.
  • Hitting a cultist with it, removes holy water from them.
  • Hitting a non cultist with it, will result in 15 armor-piercing brute damage.
  • Hitting runes with it, removes them.
  • Hitting cult structure with it, will unanchor and anchor them, allowing you to move them around.
  • Hitting a cult wall with it will open/close the wall (like fake walls).

If you're in a position that would usually wander the halls, try to seek out your fellow cultists in person. If not, check in with your brothers using your Commune verb, but do this in private, to prevent people from hearing your whispers. A lot of jobs have access to isolated areas of the station that are great for this, and there's also space. Remember, if you get caught, you endanger the entire cult.

Blood Spells

Blood spells can be created at any time via an action button that appears below your character. However, blood spells created without an empowering rune will take longer, cause significant blood loss, and will cap your spell count at two (empowering runes allow up to 5 spells). Blood spells are limited-use tools that disappear after they're spent, and they're your bread and butter when fighting the crew. Make sure to try and have a stun spell and a teleport spell with you, to escape risky situations.

List of Available Spells

Name Description Talisman
Talisman of Tome Summoning Summons an arcane tome, used to scribe runes and communicate with other cultists.
Talisman of Teleportation A single-use talisman that will teleport a user to a teleport rune, which you can choose from a list.
Talisman of Veiling A multi-use talisman that hides nearby runes. On its second use, will reveal nearby veiled runes.
Talisman of Stunning A talisman that will stun and mute the target for several seconds. To use it, hit someone with the talisman. After the mute runs out, the target's speech will still be extremely distorted, preventing them from revealing anything specific. However, it will still give away the presence of a cult if heard. Arguably the cult's bread & butter
Talisman of Electromagnetic Pulse A talisman that will cause a moderately-sized electromagnetic pulse.
Talisman of Arming A talisman that will equip the invoker or whoever is struck with the talisman with cultist equipment: armored and hooded cult robes, cult shoes and a cult backpack. They will also receive a 30 force cult sword, that cannot be used by non-cultists, and a reinforced bola. If the slots for the armor are occupied the armor will be lost.
Talisman of Horrors A talisman that will cause the victim to hallucinate. Unlike other talismans, it's ranged and does not warn the target.
Talisman of Construction Use this talisman on at least twenty-five metal sheets to create an empty construct shell, or on plasteel to create runed metal. Can convert up to 25 sheets of plasteel per talisman.
Talisman of Shackling Use this talisman on a victim to handcuff them with dark bindings. Can be used four times.


The tome allows you to scribe any of these runes, using Scribe Rune. Simply pick the rune you want, and wait until completion. Scribing a rune deals minor damage, since you need to cut your wrists to get the necessary blood.

Name Description Invokers Required Rune
Offer Instantly converts a normal crewmember on top of it to the cult, healing him for 75% of his brute and burn damage, and spawning an arcane tome. Does not work on mindshield-implanted crew.

If the target is dead, uneligible for conversion or is the required sacrifice target, they'll be sacrificed instead, gibbing them and creating a soulstone that can be used to power a construct.

1 to sacrifice dead targets, 2 to convert, 3 to sacrifice the objective or living targets
Form Wall Using this rune will make it and any nearby Wall Runes prevent passage above them (even to cultists) for up to 90 seconds, at the cost of some damage to the invoker. Can be turned off manually. 1
Blood Boil When invoked, it saps some health from the invokers to send three damaging pulses to anyone who can see the rune, causing 25/50/75 damage split evenly between brute and burn. When the effect is over the rune will briefly set fire to anything over it.

Some species, such as golems, do not have blood, and thus are immune to this rune.

Electromagnetic Disruption This rune causes a large EMP, disabling and damaging machinery and synthetic lifeforms in a large area and consuming the rune. The more people invoke the rune at once, the bigger and stronger the EMP gets, potentially covering most of the station. 1-9
Resurrect Cultist Whenever someone is sacrificed on a Convert rune, they add one (global) charge to this rune. Placing a cultist corpse on the rune and activating it will bring it back to life, expending one charge. 1
Teleport This rune warps everything above it to another teleport rune when used. Creating a teleport rune will allow you to set a tag for it. 1
Summon Cultist This rune allows you to instantly summon any living cultist to the rune, consuming it afterwards. This works across Z-levels, including the escape shuttle. 2
Spirit Sight This rune allows you to temporarily leave your mortal body and become a ghost. This comes with all the benefits of being a ghost: being able to communicate with other ghosts, locating key targets, and so on. You can re-enter your body by using the Re-enter corpse command or HUD button.

However, the body slowly receives damage while you are away from it, and the rune will automatically keep your body anchored to it, preventing others from dragging the body away. Don't stay away too long!

Manifest Spirit This rune allows you to manifest ghosts as semitransparent homunculi, which are effectively weak, humanoid cultists with no self preservation instinct. To sustain these homunculi, you must remain on the rune, and each homunculi you have summoned will deal damage over time. 1
Create Talisman This rune transforms paper into powerful magic talismans. To do so, put a paper on top of the rune, invoke it and choose which one you want to create. After a brief channel, it will convert the paper into the chosen talisman.

See above for possible Talismans and their effects.

Summon Nar-Sie This rune tears apart dimensional barriers, calling forth the Geometer. It needs a free 3x3 space, and to start drawing it the requested target must have been sacrificed. Starting to draw this rune creates a weak forcefield around the caster and alarms the entire station of its location. The caster must be defended for 45 seconds, before it's complete.

After it's drawn, 9 cultists, constructs, or summoned ghosts must stand on the rune, which can then be invoked to manifest Nar'Sie itself.



By using a construction talisman on platsteel, you are able to get runed metal. With it you can build several structures, with unique powers. You can unanchor cult buildings by hitting them with your tome.

Name Description Cost
Altar A bloodstained altar dedicated to Nar-Sie. By using it, you are able to create a Eldritch Whetstone, to sharpen your weapon, a Zealot's Blindfold, which lets you see in he dark or a Flask of Unholy Water, which heals cultists. After using the altar, it needs some time to recharge. 5 runed metal
Forge A forge used in crafting the unholy weapons used by the armies of Nar-Sie. By using it, you are able to create a Shielded Robe, which creates a powerful shield around the user, a Flagellant's Robe, which makes you faster, but at the cost of increased damage or a powerful bastard sword. After using the forge, it needs some time to recharge. 5 runed metal
Pylon A floating crystal that slowly heals those faithful to Nar'Sie. Also slowly turns the surrounding floor into engraved floor. 3 runed metal
Archives A desk covered in arcane manuscripts and tomes in unknown languages. Looking at the text makes your skin crawl. By using it, you are able to create a Supply Talisman, the one a cultist gets at the start of the round, a Veil Shifter, a 2 use random teleporter for medium distance or a Shuttle Curse, which when used, delays the escape shuttle for 2 minutes. You can only use a certain amount of shuttle curses each round. After using the archives, it needs some time to recharge. 2 runed metal
Runed door Only opens for cultists. Useful securing your base, but a dead giveaway that a cult is onboard. 3 runed metal


Robust cultists will likely want to enlist the services of a few constructs. To create a construct, a cultist requires:

  • A filled soul stone, either by sacrificing a human, or capturing a soul manually with a stone from a supply talisman or an artificer.
  • An empty shell, either by using a construction talisman on 25 metal sheets, from an artificer, or from a starting talisman.

When the filled soul stone shard is used on an empty shell, the cultist will be allowed to choose the desired construct to create. Keep in mind these guys are pretty much a dead giveaway that there is cult activity on the station, so try to be covert about it in the beginning.

A complete guide to constructs can be found here. Artificers will poop out new soulstones and shells, wraiths can kill the AI, and juggernauts are great tanks.

Threats to the Cult

Even with access to a large amount of different runes and talismans, there are still several threats to the cult on the station.

Ratvar Scum

The followers of Ratvar want nothing more than do summon their machine god, so it can take revenge on our beloved Nar-Sie. Due to their connection to Ratvar, they or their constructs can not be converted, but they also can´t convert followers of Nar-Sie. As such, Ratvarian magic will be more effective against Nar-Sian cultists. The opposite is also true; much of Nar-Sie's magic is more effective against Ratvar's servants.

Security and the Chaplain

Even the best prepeared cultists will have trouble to defend themselves against the united power of security. Especially if the Chaplain Helps them. The Chaplain is able to turn normal water into Holy Water, which will turn cultist back to normal people, if it stays long enough in their system. The Chaplain is also immune to cult magic and his bible is able to make hidden runes visible.


  • Cultists can know a rune's name and effects by examining it.
  • Your tome is a robust burning weapon.
  • The chaplain is immune to your magic. Don't attempt to use talismans on him, or you will get discovered and beheaded.
  • Keeping a shade in a soulstone with you will allow you to use two-person runes by yourself, by releasing and then recapturing the shade.
  • Cultists often find a use for medibots. Having a single bot with a low threshold, backed up with the odd bruise pack, can allow a tiny number of cultists to summon and arm a vast number of ghostly warriors to their aid. A single bot can juggle multiple people at once, if they are relatively close to each other. Pylons also serve this purpose very well.
  • Engineering staff during cult are top-priority converts, as they can sabotage telecomms for you or provide plasteel.
  • Are you cult? Got talismans? You can store them on a clipboard, and nobody ever checks clipboards, especially if you're QM or another role that spawns with them. Right-click the papers to label them and keep track of their effects, or just examine them.
  • Get some platsteel either from mining, stealing it from robotics, engineering or EVA storage, or deconstructing reinforced walls/tables if you are desperate.
  • Drag paper bins onto you to pick them up. A single paper bin holds 30 papers, and that's 30 potential talismans!
  • Always be ready to summon a cultist in trouble. He will likely not be able to call for help on the cult chat, so keep an eye on normal comms. Even better if you have someone in Spirit Sight to warn you.
  • Spirit Sight is an incredibly powerful exploration tool, and ghosts can give you precious hints.
  • The EMP rune's area of effect scales with invokers, and can hit most of the station if placed in a central enough spot, effectively working as a powersink. Combine this with crowbars for free access everywhere.
  • Are almost all other cultist dead? Get a medibot and create a ghost army with Manifest Spirit and arm them with Talismans of Arming.
  • Manifest Spirit is also useful for getting those missing cultists you need for the Nar'Sie rune.
  • A construct can quickly take down an AI. The best one to do the job is the Wraith, it can jaunt into the core and take down the AI with it's powerful meele attack and the AI can't do shit.
  • Drawing a rune on a cult floor is 50% faster than on a normal floor. (Except the Nar-Sie rune)
  • If the Harvester bring enough people to Nar-Sie you may or may not get a special ending.
  • Don't do stuff next to the CE's Office. Poly might repeat some of your phrases, and dead chat is going to laugh.


Once you've completed the ritual, Nar-Sie will come forth.

Her destructive power is unmatched, transforming the bodies of the unenlightened and twisting the very walls to suit her image.

Few things are capable of challenging Nar-Sie's sheer power.

One of them is Ratvar.

If Nar-Sie and Ratvar encounter one another,

Th̗̮̪̹́ͅe̘n̺ ̤̣͟ơ͙͈̻n̵̘̦l̫̬̀ͅyͅ ̲ò̮̤n̼̻̼̖̭̪͠ͅe̬͚͕̲̻̰ ҉͚̞͙̞̭̼s̡͖h̜̻̞̣̩̟ͅa̴͉͍̯̟͎̠l̳̝̖̫͞ḷ͔̘̞͞ ̯̞̥̱̲͙̕ͅe̛̙m̦̻̗̹̝̹͘e͈r̫g͕͉̠e͢ ̮͎̗̮̭̭̝a̱͍͍ͅl͙̗͔̹̻̗͈i͕͕̣̫̳̞v̗͈͍͝e.̛̟

Jobs on /tg/station

Captain, Head of Personnel, Head of Security, Chief Engineer, Research Director, Chief Medical Officer, Quartermaster, Bridge Assistant

Head of Security, Security Officer, Warden, Detective, Veteran Security Advisor, Prisoner

Chief Engineer, Station Engineer, Atmospheric Technician

Research Director, Geneticist, Scientist, Roboticist

Chief Medical Officer, Medical Doctor, Paramedic, Chemist, Coroner

Quartermaster, Cargo Technician, Shaft Miner, Bitrunner, Cargorilla

Head of Personnel, Janitor, Bartender, Cook, Botanist, Clown, Mime, Chaplain, Curator, Assistant, Lawyer, Psychologist

AI, Human AI, Cyborg, Positronic Brain, Drone, Personal AI, Construct, Imaginary Friend, Split Personality, Ghost
Antagonists Traitor, Malfunctioning AI, Changeling, Nuclear Operative, Blood Cultist, Heretic, Spy, Revolutionary, Wizard, Blob, Abductor, Holoparasite, Xenomorph, Spider, Revenant, Morph, Nightmare, Space Ninja, Slaughter Demon, Pirate, Obsessed, Fugitives, Hunters, Space Dragon, Elite Mobs, Sentient Slime, Regal Rat, Paradox Clone, Voidwalker

CentCom Official, Death Squad Officer, Emergency Response Officer, Chrono Legionnaire, Highlander, Ian, Lavaland or Space Role, CentCom Intern
Game Modes on /tg/station



Nuclear Emergency


Blood Cult



Other Modes